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# Copyright (C) 2006 Eric L. Wilhelm

use warnings;
use strict;

=head1 NAME

show_section - dump the get_content results for a node


package bin::show_section;

use lib 'lib';
use dtRdr::Book;
use dtRdr::Plugins;
use dtRdr::Annotation::IO;

local $SIG{__WARN__};

sub main {
  my (@args) = @_;
  my ($uri, $section, $dbg, $noswitch) = @args;
  $dbg ||= 0;
  $noswitch ||= 0;

  (-e $uri) or die;
  $section or die;

  my $book = dtRdr::Book->new_from_uri($uri);
  $book or die;
  my $storage_dir = 'annotations/';
  my $anno_io = dtRdr::Annotation::IO->new(uri => $storage_dir);
  my $toc = $noswitch ? $book->toc->get_by_id($section) : $book->find_toc($section);
  $toc or die "didn't get anything for '$section'";
  if($dbg > 1) { # get the canonical cache
  my $content = ($dbg ?
    $book->get_NC($toc) :
  print $content;

package main;

if($0 eq __FILE__) {

# vi:ts=2:sw=2:et:sta
my $package = 'bin::show_section';