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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# File:         exiftool
# Description:  Extract EXIF information from image files
# Revisions:    Nov. 12/03 - P. Harvey Created
#               (See html/history.html for revision history)
use strict;
require 5.002; 
require Image::ExifTool;

sub ScanDir($$);
sub GetImageInfo($$);
sub PrintTagList(@);
sub LoadPrintFormat($);

    # get exe directory
    my $exeDir = $0;        # get exe directory from command
    # isolate directory specification
    $exeDir =~ s{(.*)/.*}{$1} or $exeDir = '.';
    # add lib directory at start of include path
    unshift @INC, "$exeDir/lib";

my @files;          # list of files and directories to scan
my @tags;           # list of EXIF tags to extract
my $outFormat = 0;  # 0=Canon format, 1=same-line, 2=tag names, 3=values only
my $tabFormat = 0;  # non-zero for tab output format
my $recurse;        # recurse into subdirectories
my @ignore;         # directory names to ignore
my $count = 0;      # count of files scanned
my $countBad = 0;   # count of files with errors
my $countDir = 0;   # count of directories scanned
my $outputExt;      # extension for output file (or undef for no output)
my $listTags;       # flag to list all tags
my $listGroups;     # flag to list all groups
my $forcePrint;     # force printing of tags whose values weren't found
my $htmlOutput = 0; # flag for html-formatted output
my $binaryOutput;   # flag for binary output
my $showGroup;      # number of group to show (may be zero or '')
my $allGroup;       # show group name for all tags
my $multiFile;      # non-zero if we are scanning multiple files
my $showTagID;      # non-zero to show tag ID's
my @printFmt;       # the contents of the print format file
my %options;        # options for Image::ExifTool::ImageInfo()

# main script

my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool; # create ExifTool object
my @exclude;

$exifTool->Options('Duplicates', 0);   # don't save duplicates by default

# parse command-line options
while ($_ = shift) {
    if (s/^-//) {
        /^list$/i and $listTags = 1, next;
        /^group(\d*)$/i and $listGroups = $1, next;
        /^ver$/i and print("ExifTool version $Image::ExifTool::VERSION\n"), exit 0;
        /^all$/i and next;  # igore -all option for a while until I get used to not typing it - PH
        /^a$/i and $exifTool->Options('Duplicates', 1), next;
        /^b$/i and $binaryOutput = 1, next;
        /^d$/  and $exifTool->Options('DateFormat', shift || die "Expecting date format"), next;
        /^D$/  and $showTagID = 'D', next;
        /^e$/i and $exifTool->Options('Composite', 0), next;
        /^f$/i and $forcePrint = 1, next;
        /^g(\d*)$/ and $showGroup = $1, $exifTool->Options('Sort',"Group$1"), next;
        /^G(\d*)$/ and $showGroup = $1, $exifTool->Options('Sort',"Group$1"), $allGroup=1, next;
        /^h$/  and $htmlOutput = 1, next;
        /^H$/  and $showTagID = 'H', next;
        /^i$/i and push(@ignore,shift || die "Expecting directory name"), next;
        /^l$/i and --$outFormat, next;
        /^n$/i and $exifTool->Options('PrintConv', 0), next;
        /^o$/i and $outputExt = shift || die("Expecting output extension"), next;
        /^p$/i and LoadPrintFormat(shift || die "Expecting file name"), next;
        /^r$/i and $recurse = 1, next;
        /^s$/  and ++$outFormat, next;
        /^S$/  and $outFormat+=2, next;
        /^t$/i and $tabFormat = 1, next;
        /^u$/  and $exifTool->Options('Unknown', $exifTool->Options('Unknown')+1), next;
        /^U$/  and $exifTool->Options('Unknown', 2), next;
        /^v$/i and $exifTool->Options('Verbose',$exifTool->Options('Verbose')+1), next;
        /^x$/i and push(@exclude,shift || die "Expecting tag name"), next;
        $_ eq '' and push(@files, '-'), next;  # read STDIN
        push @tags, $_;
    } else {
        push @files, $_;

# handle '-list' command-line option
if ($listTags) {
    # load all TagTables to get all descriptions
    my @tagList = Image::ExifTool::GetAllTags();
    # list all tags alphabetically
    print "Available tags:\n";
    @tagList = Image::ExifTool::GetShortcuts();
    if (@tagList) {
        print "\nCommand-line shortcuts:\n";
    exit 0;

# handle '-group#' command-line option
if (defined $listGroups) {
    $listGroups = 0 unless $listGroups;
    # load all TagTables to get all descriptions
    my @groupList = Image::ExifTool::GetAllGroups($listGroups);
    print "Groups in family $listGroups:\n";
    exit 0;

# print help
unless (@tags or @files) {
    print <<_END_HELP_;
    exiftool - print meta information from image files

    exiftool [OPTIONS] [-TAG or --TAG ...] FILE ...

    Prints information for specified tags from listed files.  -TAG specifies the
    name of a tag to extract, or --TAG to ignore.  FILE may be an image file
    name, a directory name, or - for the standard input. Currently recognized
    file types are JPG, TIFF, GIF, THM, CRW, CR2, MRW, NEF and DNG.

    -list   - list all valid tag names
    -group# - list all tag groups for family #
    -ver    - print version number and exit
    -a      - allow duplicate tag values (otherwise only last value displayed)
    -b      - output requested data in binary format
    -d FMT  - set date/time format (consult strftime manpage for FMT syntax)
    -D|H    - show tag ID number in Decimal or Hexadecimal
    -e      - print existing tags only -- don't calculate composite tags
    -f      - force printing of tags even if their values are not found
    -g[#]   - organize output by tag group (-g0 assumed if # not specified)
    -G[#]   - same as -g but print group name for each tag
    -h      - use HTML formatting for output
    -i DIR  - ignore specified directory names
    -l      - long output (2-line Canon-style output)
    -n      - don't convert values for printing
    -o EXT  - save output to file with EXT extension for each image processed
    -p FILE - print in format specified by file (ignores other format options)
    -r      - recursively scan subdirectories (only useful if "file" is a dir)
    -s      - short format (add up to 3 -s options for even shorter formats)
    -S      - print tag names instead of descriptions (same as two -s options)
    -t      - output tab-delimited list of description/values (database import)
    -u      - extract values of unknown tags (2 to extract from data blocks)
    -U      - also extract unknown from data blocks (same as two -u options)
    -v      - verbose messages (add up to 3 -v options for more verbose)
    -x TAG  - exclude specified tag (may be many -x options) 

    exiftool -g dir/a.jpg
    exiftool -s -ImageSize -ExposureTime b.jpg
    exiftool -canon c.jpg d.jpg
    exiftool -r -o .txt -common pictures
    exiftool -b -ThumbnailImage image.jpg >thumbnail.jpg
    exiftool -b -JpgFromRaw -o _JFR.JPG -r .
    exiftool -b -PreviewImage 118_1834.JPG > preview.jpg
    exit 0;

# can't do anything if no file specified
die "No file specified" unless @files or $listTags;

$multiFile = 1 if @files > 1;
$showGroup = 0 if defined $showGroup and not $showGroup;
@exclude and $exifTool->Options('Exclude'=>\@exclude);

if ($outputExt) {
    # add '.' before output extension if it doesn't contain one already
    $outputExt = ".$outputExt" unless $outputExt =~ /\./;

if ($binaryOutput) {
    $outFormat = 99;    # shortest possible output format
    $exifTool->Options('PrintConv', 0);

# scan through all specified files
my $file;
foreach $file (@files) {
    if (-d $file) {
        $multiFile = 1;
        ScanDir($exifTool, $file);
    } else {
        GetImageInfo($exifTool, $file);

# print summary and exit
if ($countDir or $count + $countBad > 1) {
    printf("%5d directories scanned\n", $countDir) if $countDir;
    printf("%5d image files read\n", $count) if $count>1 or $countDir or $countBad;
    printf("%5d files could not be read\n", $countBad) if $countBad;
    printf("%5d output files created\n", $count-$countBad) if $outputExt;
exit 0;     # all done

# Get image information from EXIF data in file
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) file name
sub GetImageInfo($$)
    my $exifTool = shift;
    my $file = shift;
    # extract EXIF information from this file
    my @foundTags = @tags;
    my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($file, \@foundTags, \%options);

    # check for file error
    if ($info->{Error}) {
        warn $info->{Error},": $file\n";
    # open output file
    my $fp;
    my $outfile;
    if ($outputExt) {
        $outfile = $file;
        $outfile =~ s/\.[^\/]*$//;   # remove extension if it exists
        $outfile .= $outputExt;
        if (-e $outfile) {
            warn "$outfile already exists\n";
        open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile") or die "Error creating $outfile";
        binmode(OUTFILE) if $binaryOutput;
        $fp = \*OUTFILE;
    } else {
        unless ($binaryOutput) {
            if ($htmlOutput) {
                print "<!-- $file -->\n";
            } else {
                print "======== $file\n" if $multiFile;
        $fp = \*STDOUT;

    # print the results for this file
    my $lineCount = 0;
    if (@printFmt) {
        # output using print format file (-p) option
        foreach (@printFmt) {
            my $line = $_;
            while ($line =~ /\$([-a-zA-Z_0-9]+)/) {
                my $tag = $1;
                my $val = $info->{$tag};
                unless (defined $val) {
                    # check for tag name with different case
                    my ($tagCase) = grep /^$tag$/i, @foundTags;
                    $val = $info->{$tagCase} if defined $tagCase;
                    $val = '-' unless defined $val;
                print $fp $`, $val;
                $line = $';
            print $fp $line;
    } else {
        print $fp "<table>\n" if $htmlOutput;
        my $tag;
        my $lastGroup = '';
        foreach $tag (@foundTags) {
            my $group;
            if (defined $showGroup) {
                $group = $exifTool->GetGroup($tag, $showGroup);
                unless ($allGroup) {
                    if ($lastGroup ne $group) {
                        if ($htmlOutput) {
                            my $cols = 1;
                            ++$cols if $outFormat==0 or $outFormat==1;
                            ++$cols if $showTagID;
                            print $fp "<tr><td colspan=$cols bgcolor='#dddddd'>$group</td></tr>\n";
                        } else {
                            print "---- $group ----\n";
                        $lastGroup = $group;
                    undef $group;   # undefine so we don't print it below
            my $val = $info->{$tag};

            my $description = $exifTool->GetDescription($tag);
            if (not defined $val) {
                # ignore tags that weren't found unless necessary
                next if $binaryOutput;
                next unless $forcePrint or $outFormat+$htmlOutput>=3;
                $val = '-';     # forced to print all tag values
            my $id;
            if ($showTagID) {
                $id = $exifTool->GetTagID($tag);
                if ($id =~ /^\d/) {    # only print numeric ID's
                    $id = sprintf("0x%.4x", $id) if $showTagID eq 'H';
                } else {
                    $id = '-';
            if ($binaryOutput) {
                # translate scalar reference to actual binary data
                $val = $$val if ref $val eq 'SCALAR';
                print $fp "$id " if $showTagID;
                print $fp $val;
            if (ref $val eq 'SCALAR') {
                my $msg;
                if ($$val =~ /^Binary data/) {
                    $msg = $$val;
                } else {
                    $msg = 'Binary data ' . length($$val) . ' bytes';
                $val = "($msg, use -b option to extract)";
            # translate unprintable chars in value
            $val =~ tr/\x01-\x1f\x80-\xff/\./;
            $val =~ s/\x00//g;

            if ($htmlOutput) {
                print $fp "<tr>";
                print $fp "<td>$group</td>" if defined $group;
                print $fp "<td>$id</td>" if $showTagID;
                if ($outFormat <= 0) {
                    print $fp "<td>$description</td><td>$val</td></tr>\n";
                } elsif ($outFormat == 1) {
                    print $fp "<td>$tag</td><td>$val</td></tr>\n";
                } else {
                    # make value html-friendly
                    $val =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
                    $val =~ s/</&lt;/g;
                    $val =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
                    print $fp "<td>$val</td></tr>\n";
            } else {
                if ($tabFormat) {
                    print $fp "$group\t" if defined $group;
                    print $fp "$id\t" if $showTagID;
                    if ($outFormat >= 2) {
                        print $fp "$tag\t$val\n";
                    } else {
                        print $fp "$description\t$val\n";
                } elsif ($outFormat < 0) {    # long format
                    print $fp "[$group] " if defined $group;
                    print $fp "$id " if $showTagID;
                    print $fp "$description\n      $val\n";
                } elsif ($outFormat == 0) {
                    printf $fp "%-15s ","[$group]" if defined $group;
                    if ($showTagID) {
                        my $wid = ($showTagID eq 'D') ? 5 : 6;
                        printf $fp "%${wid}s ", $id;
                    printf $fp "%-32s: %s\n",$description,$val;
                } elsif ($outFormat == 1) {
                    printf $fp "%-12s ", $group if defined $group;
                     if ($showTagID) {
                        my $wid = ($showTagID eq 'D') ? 5 : 6;
                        printf $fp "%${wid}s ", $id;
                   printf $fp "%-32s %s\n",$description,$val;
                } elsif ($outFormat == 2) {
                    print $fp "[$group] " if defined $group;
                    print $fp "$id " if $showTagID;
                    print $fp "$tag: $val\n";
                } else {
                    print $fp "$group " if defined $group;
                    print $fp "$id " if $showTagID;
                    print $fp "$val\n";
        print $fp "</table>\n" if $htmlOutput;
    if ($outfile) {
        $lineCount or unlink $outfile; # don't keep empty output files

# Load print format file
# Inputs: 0) file name
# - saves lines of file to @printFmt list
# - adds tag names to @tag list
sub LoadPrintFormat($)
    my $file = shift || die "Must specify file for -p option";
    open(FMT_FILE, $file) or die "Can't open file: $file\n";
    foreach (<FMT_FILE>) {
        /^#/ and next;  # ignore comments
        push @printFmt, $_;
        push @tags, /\$([-a-zA-Z_0-9]+)/g;
    @tags or die "Print format file doesn't contain any tags names!\n";

# Scan directory for image files
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) directory name
sub ScanDir($$)
    my $exifTool = shift;
    my $dir = shift;
    opendir(DIR_HANDLE, $dir) or die "Error opening directory $dir";
    my @fileList = readdir(DIR_HANDLE);
    my $file;
    foreach $file (@fileList) {
        my $path = "$dir/$file";
        if (-d $path) {
            next if $file =~ /^\./; # ignore dirs starting with "."
            next if grep /^$file$/, @ignore;
            $recurse and ScanDir($exifTool, $path);
        if ($file =~ /\.(jpg|jpeg|thm|gif|tif|tiff|crw|cr2|mrw|nef|dng)$/i) {
            GetImageInfo($exifTool, $path);

# Print list of tags
# Inputs: 0) Reference to hash whose keys are the tags to print
sub PrintTagList(@)
    my $len = 1;
    my $tag;
    print ' ';
    foreach $tag (@_) {
        my $taglen = length($tag);
        if ($len + $taglen > 78) {
            print "\n ";
            $len = 1;
        print " $tag";
        $len += $taglen + 1;
    $len and print "\n";

# end