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# File:
# Description:  Read Palm Database files
# Revisions:    2014/05/28 - P. Harvey Created
# References: 1)
#             2)

package Image::ExifTool::Palm;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Image::ExifTool qw(:DataAccess :Utils);

$VERSION = '1.00';

sub ProcessEXTH($$$);

# type/creator ID's for Palm database files
my %palmTypes = (
    '.pdfADBE' => 'Adobe Reader',
    'TEXtREAd' => 'PalmDOC',
    'BVokBDIC' => 'BDicty',
    'DB99DBOS' => 'DB (Database program)',
    'PNRdPPrs' => 'eReader',
    'DataPPrs' => 'eReader',
    'vIMGView' => 'FireViewer (ImageViewer)',
    'PmDBPmDB' => 'HanDBase',
    'InfoINDB' => 'InfoView',
    'ToGoToGo' => 'iSilo',
    'SDocSilX' => 'iSilo 3',
    'JbDbJBas' => 'JFile',
    'JfDbJFil' => 'JFile Pro',
    'DATALSdb' => 'LIST',
    'Mdb1Mdb1' => 'MobileDB',
    'BOOKMOBI' => 'Mobipocket',
    'DataPlkr' => 'Plucker',
    'DataSprd' => 'QuickSheet',
    'SM01SMem' => 'SuperMemo',
    'TEXtTlDc' => 'TealDoc',
    'InfoTlIf' => 'TealInfo',
    'DataTlMl' => 'TealMeal',
    'DataTlPt' => 'TealPaint',
    'dataTDBP' => 'ThinkDB',
    'TdatTide' => 'Tides',
    'ToRaTRPW' => 'TomeRaider',
    'zTXTGPlm' => 'Weasel',
    'BDOCWrdS' => 'WordSmith',

my %dateTimeInfo = (
    # like QuickTime, the time zero should be Jan 1, 1904, but not all software writes this,
    # so assume a time zero of Jan 1, 1970 if the date is before this
    RawConv => q{
        my $offset = (66 * 365 + 17) * 24 * 3600;
        return $val - $offset if $val >= $offset;
        return $val;
    ValueConv => 'ConvertUnixTime($val, 1)', # (UTC written by "EPUB Converter", ref PH)
    PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',

# Palm Database header information
%Image::ExifTool::Palm::Main = (
    GROUPS => { 0 => 'Palm', 1 => 'Palm', 2 => 'Document' },
    PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
    FORMAT => 'int32u',
    NOTES => q{
        Information extracted from Palm database files (PDB and PRC extensions),
        Mobipocket electronic books (MOBI), and Amazon Kindle KF7 and KF8 books (AZW
        and AZW3).
    0 => { Name => 'DatabaseName', Format => 'string[32]' },
    # 8 - int16u: file attributes (not very useful)
    # 8.5 - int16u: version
    9 => {
        Name => 'CreateDate',
        Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
    10 => {
        Name => 'ModifyDate',
        Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
    11 => {
        Name => 'LastBackupDate',
        Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
    12 => 'ModificationNumber',
    15 => {
        Name => 'PalmFileType',
        Format => 'undef[8]',
        PrintConv => \%palmTypes,

# MOBI header tags
%Image::ExifTool::Palm::MOBI = (
    GROUPS => { 0 => 'Palm', 1 => 'MOBI', 2 => 'Document' },
    NOTES => q{
        Information extracted from the MOBI header of Mobipocket and Amazon Kindle
        KF7 and KF8 files.
    PROCESS_PROC => \&Image::ExifTool::ProcessBinaryData,
    FORMAT => 'int32u',
    0 => {
        Name => 'Compression',
        Format => 'int16u',
        PrintConv => {
            1 => 'None',
            2 => 'PalmDOC',
            17480 => 'HUFF/CDIC',
    1  => {
        Name => 'UncompressedTextLength',
        PrintConv => \&Image::ExifTool::ConvertFileSize,
    3 => {
        Name => 'Encryption',
        PrintConv => {
            0 => 'None',
            1 => 'Old Mobipocket',
            2 => 'Mobipocket',
    6 => {
        Name => 'MobiType',
        PrintConv => {
            2 => 'Mobipocket Book',
            3 => 'PalmDoc Book',
            4 => 'Audio',
            232 => 'mobipocket? generated by kindlegen1.2',
            248 => 'KF8: generated by kindlegen2',
            257 => 'News',
            258 => 'News_Feed',
            259 => 'News_Magazine',
            513 => 'PICS',
            514 => 'WORD',
            515 => 'XLS',
            516 => 'PPT',
            517 => 'TEXT',
            518 => 'HTML',
    7 => {
        Name => 'CodePage',
        RawConv => '$$self{CodePage} = $val',
        PrintConv => {
            # just define commonly used code pages
            # (a much more complete list may be found in
            1252 => 'Windows Latin 1 (Western European)',
            65001 => 'Unicode (UTF-8)',
    9 => 'MobiVersion',
    21 => 'BookName',   # this is actually an offset, but replace it with the string later
    26 => 'MinimumVersion',

# MOBI extended header tags
%Image::ExifTool::Palm::EXTH = (
    GROUPS => { 0 => 'Palm', 1 => 'MOBI', 2 => 'Document' },
    FORMAT => 'string',
    NOTES => 'Information extracted from the MOBI extended header.',
    PROCESS_PROC => \&ProcessEXTH,
    1 => 'DRMServerID',
    2 => 'DRMCommerceID',
    3 => 'DRM_E-BookBaseID',
    100 => { Name => 'Author', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
    101 => 'Publisher',
    102 => 'Imprint',
    103 => 'Description',
    104 => 'ISBN',
    105 => { Name => 'Subject', List => 1 },
    106 => { 
        Name => 'PublishDate',
        Groups => { 2 => 'Time' },
        ValueConv => q{
            require Image::ExifTool::XMP;
            Image::ExifTool::XMP::ConvertXMPDate($val, 1);
        PrintConv => '$self->ConvertDateTime($val)',
    107 => 'Review',
    108 => 'Contributor',
    109 => { Name => 'Rights', Groups => { 2 => 'Author' } },
    110 => 'SubjectCode',
    111 => 'BookType',
    112 => 'Source',
    113 => 'ASIN',
    114 => 'BookVersion',
    115 => { Name => 'SampleFlag',   Format => 'int32u' },
    116 => { Name => 'StartReading', Format => 'int32u' },
    117 => 'Adult',
    118 => 'RetailPrice',
    119 => 'RetailPriceCurrency',
    # 121 => 'KF8BoundaryOffset',
    125 => { Name => 'ResourceCount', Format => 'int32u' },
    129 => 'KF8CoverURI',
    200 => 'DictionaryShortName',
    # 201 => { Name => 'CoverOffset', Format => 'int32u' },
    # 202 => { Name => 'ThumbOffset', Format => 'int32u' },
    # 203 => 'HasFakeCover',
    204 => {
        Name => 'CreatorSoftware',
        Format => 'int32u',
        PrintConv => {
            1 => 'Mobigen',
            2 => 'Mobipocket',
            200 => 'Kindlegen (Windows)',
            201 => 'Kindlegen (Linux)',
            202 => 'Kindlegen (Mac)',
    205 => { Name => 'CreatorMajorVersion', Format => 'int32u' },
    206 => { Name => 'CreatorMinorVersion', Format => 'int32u' },
    207 => { Name => 'CreatorBuildNumber',  Format => 'int32u' },
    208 => 'Watermark',
    209 => 'Tamper-proofKeys',
    # 300 => 'FontSignature',
    401 => { Name => 'ClippingLimit', Format => 'int8u' },
    402 => 'PublisherLimit',
    404 => {
        Name => 'TextToSpeech',
        Format => 'int8u',
        PrintConv => { 0 => 'Enabled', 1 => 'Disabled' },
    405 => { Name => 'RentalFlag', Format => 'int8u' }, #?
    406 => 'RentalExpirationDate',
    501 => { Name => 'CDEType',    Format => 'int32u' },
    502 => 'LastUpdateTime',
    503 => 'UpdatedTitle',
    504 => 'ASIN2',
    524 => 'Language',
    525 => 'Alignment',
    535 => 'CreatorBuildNumber2',

# Process the MOBI extended header
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) dirInfo ref, 2) tag table ref
# Returns: 1 (EXTH should have already been validated)
sub ProcessEXTH($$$)
    my ($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_;
    my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt};
    my $dataPos = $$dirInfo{DataPos};
    my $enc = $$dirInfo{Encoding} || 'UTF8';
    my $dirLen = length $$dataPt;
    my ($index, $pos);

    $et->VerboseDir('EXTH', $$dirInfo{NumEntries}, $dirLen);

    # process the EXTH entries
    for ($index=0, $pos=0; ; ++$index) {
        last if $pos + 8 > $dirLen;
        my $tag = Get32u($dataPt, $pos);
        my $len = Get32u($dataPt, $pos + 4);
        last if $len < 8 or $pos + $len > $dirLen;
        my $key = $et->HandleTag($tagTablePtr, $tag, undef,
            DataPt  => $dataPt,
            DataPos => $dataPos,
            Start   => $pos + 8,
            Size    => $len - 8,
            Index   => $index,
        # recode text if necessary
        $$et{VALUE}{$key} = $et->Decode($$et{VALUE}{$key}, $enc) if $key;
        $pos += $len;
    return 1;

# Extract information from a Palm DB file
# Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) dirInfo reference
# Returns: 1 if this was a recognized PDB file, 0 otherwise
sub ProcessPDB($$)
    my ($et, $dirInfo) = @_;
    my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF};
    my ($buff, $buf2, $size, $enc);
    my $verbose = $et->Options('Verbose');

    # verify this is a valid Palm DB file
    return 0 unless $raf->Read($buff, 86) == 86;
    my $type = $palmTypes{substr($buff, 60, 8)};
    return 0 unless $type;
# Read and process the Palm DB file header
    $et->SetFileType($type eq 'Mobipocket' ? 'MOBI' : 'PDB');

    my $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Palm::Main');
    $et->ProcessDirectory({ DataPt => \$buff }, $tagTablePtr);

    return 1 unless $type eq 'Mobipocket' and Get16u(\$buff, 76);
# Read and process MOBI header (should be the first record)
    my $offset = Get32u(\$buff, 78);    # get offset to first record
    unless ($raf->Seek($offset, 0) and $raf->Read($buff, 274) == 274) {
        $et->Warn('Truncated MOBI header');
        return 1;
    unless (substr($buff, 16, 4) eq 'MOBI') {
        $et->Warn('Invalid MOBI header');
        return 1;
    $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Palm::MOBI');
    $et->ProcessDirectory({ DataPt => \$buff }, $tagTablePtr);

    # get text encoding
    $enc = $Image::ExifTool::charsetName{"cp$$et{CodePage}"} if $$et{CodePage};
    $enc = 'UTF8' unless $enc;

    # extract the BookName string
    my $off = Get32u(\$buff, 84);
    my $len = Get32u(\$buff, 88);

    $raf->Seek($offset+$off, 0) and $raf->Read($buf2, $len) == $len or $buf2 = '<err>';
    $$et{VALUE}{BookName} = $et->Decode($buf2, $enc);
# Process the MOBI extended header if it exists
    # first, check the flag bit to see if the EXTH record should exist
    my $flag = Get32u(\$buff, 128);
    return 1 unless $flag & 0x40;   # check extended header flag

    $len = Get32u(\$buff, 20) + 16; # MOBI header length (including PalmDOC header)

    unless ($raf->Seek($offset+$len, 0) and $raf->Read($buf2, 12) == 12 and
        substr($buf2,0,4) eq 'EXTH' and ($size = Get32u(\$buf2, 4)) > 12)
        $et->Warn('Invalid MOBI extended header');
        return 1;

    # read and process the MOBI extended header
    $size -= 12;
    $raf->Read($buff, $size) == $size or $et->Warn('Truncated MOBI extended header'), return 1;
    my %dirInfo = (
        DataPt     => \$buff,
        DataPos    => $offset + $len + 12,
        NumEntries => Get32u(\$buf2, 8),
        Encoding   => $enc,
    $tagTablePtr = GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Palm::EXTH');
    $et->ProcessDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr);

    return 1;

1;  # end


=head1 NAME

Image::ExifTool::Palm - Read Palm Database files


This module is used by Image::ExifTool


This module contains code to extract metadata from Palm database files (PDB
and PRC extensions), Mobipocket electronic books (MOBI), and Amazon Kindle
KF7 and KF8 books (AZW and AZW3).

=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright 2003-2015, Phil Harvey (phil at

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


=over 4

=item L<>

=item L<>


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Image::ExifTool::TagNames/Palm Tags>,
