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package Hook::AfterRuntime;
use strict;
use warnings;

use B::Hooks::Parser;
use base 'Exporter';

our $VERSION = '0.005';
our @EXPORT = qw/after_runtime/;
our @IDS;

sub get_id {
    my $code = shift;
    push @IDS => $code;
    return $#IDS;

sub run {
    my $id = shift;

sub after_runtime(&) {
    my ( $code ) = @_;
    my $id = get_id( $code );

        "; my \$__ENDRUN" . $HOOK_ID++ . " = Hook::AfterRuntime->new($id);"

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($id) = @_;
    bless( \$id, $class );

    my $self = shift;
    run( $$self );


=head1 NAME

Hook::AfterRuntime - Run code at the end of the compiling scope's runtime.


Useful for creating modules that need a behavior to be added when a module that
uses them completes its runtime. Like L<B::Hooks::EndOfScope> except it
triggers for run-time instead of compile-time.

Example where it might be handy:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Moose;


    # It would be nice not to need this....



    package MooseX::AutoImmute;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Hook::AfterRuntime;

    sub import {
        my $class = shift;
        my $caller = caller;
        eval "package $caller; use Moose; 1" || die $@;
        after_runtime { $caller->make_immutable }



    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use MooseX::AutoImmute;


    # Package is now immutable autamatically

=head1 CAVEATS

It is important to understand how Hook::AfterRuntime works n order to know its
limitations. When you use a module that calls after_runtime() in its import()
method, after_runtime() will inject code directly after your import statement:

    import MooseX::AutoImmute;


    import MooseX::AutoImmute; my $__ENDRUNXXXXXXXX = Hook::AfterRuntime->new($id);

This creates a Hook::AfterRuntime object in the corrunt scope. This object's id
is used to reference the code provided to after_runtime() in
MooseX::AutoImmute()'s import() method. When the object falls out of scope the
DESTROY() method kicks in and calls the referenced code. This occurs at the end
of the file when 'use' is called at the package level.


=over 4

=item Loading in a scope other than package level:

If you use the 'use' directive on a level other than the package level, the
behavior will trigger when the end of the scope is reached. If that is a
subroutine than it will trigger at the end of EVERY call to that subroutine.
B<You really should not import a class using Hook::AfterRuntime outside tha
package level scope.>

    package XXX;

    sub thing {
        # Happens at compile time
        use Object::Using::AfterRuntime;

        # At run time the hook behavior triggers here!

    # hook behavior has not triggered


    # Hook behavior has triggered


=item require, and use class ();

    When require and use class () are used the import method is not called,
    thus the hook is never installed.

=item class->import

    The hook effects the code that is currently compiling. calling
    class->import happens after the compilation phase. You must wrap the
    statement in a BEGIN {} to call import manually. Failure to do this will
    result in the hook triggering in the wrong class, or not at all.



When you write a class that depends on this hook you should insert the
following warning into the docs:

This class uses L<Hook::AfterRuntime>, it B<MUST> be imported at the package
level at compile time. This means 'use MODULE' or 'BEGIN { require MODULE;
MODULE->import() }'. Failure to use one of these correct forms will result in a
missing hook and unpredictable behavior.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item B::Hooks::EndOfScope

Does almost the same thing, except it is triggered after compile-time instead
of run-time.



This module is part of the Fennec project. See L<Fennec> for more details.
Fennec is a project to develop an extendable and powerful testing framework.
Together the tools that make up the Fennec framework provide a potent testing

The tools provided by Fennec are also useful on their own. Sometimes a tool
created for Fennec is useful outside the greator framework. Such tools are
turned into their own projects. This is one such project.

=over 2

=item L<Fennec> - The core framework

The primary Fennec project that ties them all together.


=head1 AUTHORS

Chad Granum L<>


Copyright (C) 2010 Chad Granum

Hook-AfterRuntime is free software; Standard perl licence.

Hook-AfterRuntime is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the license for more details.