The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
$QuoteTransaction => undef
$CloneTicket => undef
$m->callback( CallbackName => "Init", ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
my $Queue = $ARGS{Queue};

my $escape = sub { $m->interp->apply_escapes(shift, 'h') };

my $showrows = sub {
    my @pairs = @_;

    while (@pairs) {
        my $key = shift @pairs;
        my $val = shift @pairs;

        $m->out("<div class=\"entry\"><span class=\"label\">$key</span><div class=\"value\">$val</div></div>");



my $CloneTicketObj;
if ($CloneTicket) {
    $CloneTicketObj = RT::Ticket->new( $session{CurrentUser} );
        or Abort( loc("Ticket could not be loaded") );

    my $clone = {
        Requestors => join( ',', $CloneTicketObj->RequestorAddresses ),
        Cc         => join( ',', $CloneTicketObj->CcAddresses ),
        AdminCc    => join( ',', $CloneTicketObj->AdminCcAddresses ),
        InitialPriority => $CloneTicketObj->Priority,

    $clone->{$_} = $CloneTicketObj->$_()
        for qw/Owner Subject FinalPriority TimeEstimated TimeWorked
        Status TimeLeft/;

    $clone->{$_} = $CloneTicketObj->$_->AsString
        for grep { $CloneTicketObj->$_->Unix }
        map      { $_ . "Obj" } qw/Starts Started Due Resolved/;

    my $members = $CloneTicketObj->Members;
    my ( @members, @members_of, @refers, @refers_by, @depends, @depends_by );
    my $refers = $CloneTicketObj->RefersTo;
    while ( my $refer = $refers->Next ) {
        push @refers, $refer->LocalTarget;
    $clone->{'new-RefersTo'} = join ' ', @refers;

    my $refers_by = $CloneTicketObj->ReferredToBy;
    while ( my $refer_by = $refers_by->Next ) {
        push @refers_by, $refer_by->LocalBase;
    $clone->{'RefersTo-new'} = join ' ', @refers_by;
    if (0) {    # Temporarily disabled
        my $depends = $CloneTicketObj->DependsOn;
        while ( my $depend = $depends->Next ) {
            push @depends, $depend->LocalTarget;
        $clone->{'new-DependsOn'} = join ' ', @depends;

        my $depends_by = $CloneTicketObj->DependedOnBy;
        while ( my $depend_by = $depends_by->Next ) {
            push @depends_by, $depend_by->LocalBase;
        $clone->{'DependsOn-new'} = join ' ', @depends_by;

        while ( my $member = $members->Next ) {
            push @members, $member->LocalBase;
        $clone->{'MemberOf-new'} = join ' ', @members;

        my $members_of = $CloneTicketObj->MemberOf;
        while ( my $member_of = $members_of->Next ) {
            push @members_of, $member_of->LocalTarget;
        $clone->{'new-MemberOf'} = join ' ', @members_of;


    my $cfs = $CloneTicketObj->QueueObj->TicketCustomFields();
    while ( my $cf = $cfs->Next ) {
        my $cf_id     = $cf->id;
        my $cf_values = $CloneTicketObj->CustomFieldValues( $cf->id );
        my @cf_values;
        while ( my $cf_value = $cf_values->Next ) {
            push @cf_values, $cf_value->Content;
        $clone->{"Object-RT::Ticket--CustomField-$cf_id-Value"} = join "\n",

    for ( keys %$clone ) {
        $ARGS{$_} = $clone->{$_} if not defined $ARGS{$_};


my @results;

my $title = loc("Create a ticket");

my $QueueObj = new RT::Queue($session{'CurrentUser'});
$QueueObj->Load($Queue) || Abort(loc("Queue could not be loaded."));

$m->callback( QueueObj => $QueueObj, title => \$title, results => \@results, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );

$QueueObj->Disabled && Abort(loc("Cannot create tickets in a disabled queue."));

my $CFs = $QueueObj->TicketCustomFields();

my $ValidCFs = $m->comp(
    CustomFields => $CFs,
    ARGSRef => \%ARGS

# {{{ deal with deleting uploaded attachments
foreach my $key (keys %ARGS) {
    if ($key =~ m/^DeleteAttach-(.+)$/) {
	delete $session{'Attachments'}{$1};
    $session{'Attachments'} = { %{$session{'Attachments'} || {}} };
# }}}

# {{{ store the uploaded attachment in session
if ($ARGS{'Attach'}) {			# attachment?
    my $attachment = MakeMIMEEntity(
        AttachmentFieldName => 'Attach'

    my $file_path = Encode::decode_utf8("$ARGS{'Attach'}");
    $session{'Attachments'} = {
        %{$session{'Attachments'} || {}},
	$file_path => $attachment,
# }}}

# delete temporary storage entry to make WebUI clean
unless (keys %{$session{'Attachments'}} and $ARGS{'id'} eq 'new') {
    delete $session{'Attachments'};

my $checks_failure = 0;

my $gnupg_widget = $m->comp('/Elements/GnuPG/SignEncryptWidget:new', Arguments => \%ARGS );
$m->comp( '/Elements/GnuPG/SignEncryptWidget:Process',
    self      => $gnupg_widget,
    QueueObj  => $QueueObj,

if ( !exists $ARGS{'AddMoreAttach'} && ($ARGS{'id'}||'') eq 'new' ) {
    my $status = $m->comp('/Elements/GnuPG/SignEncryptWidget:Check',
        self      => $gnupg_widget,
        Operation => 'Create',
        QueueObj  => $QueueObj,
    $checks_failure = 1 unless $status;

# check email addresses for RT's
    foreach my $field ( qw(Requestors Cc AdminCc) ) {
        my $value = $ARGS{ $field };
        next unless defined $value && length $value;

        my @emails = Email::Address->parse( $value );
        foreach my $email ( grep RT::EmailParser->IsRTAddress($_->address), @emails ) {
            push @results, loc("[_1] is an address RT receives mail at. Adding it as a '[_2]' would create a mail loop", $email->format, loc($field =~ /^(.*?)s?$/) );
            $checks_failure = 1;
            $email = undef;
        $ARGS{ $field } = join ', ', map $_->format, grep defined, @emails;

my $skip_create = 0;
$m->callback( CallbackName => 'BeforeCreate', ARGSRef => \%ARGS, skip_create => \$skip_create, 
              checks_failure => $checks_failure, results => \@results );

if ((!exists $ARGS{'AddMoreAttach'}) and (defined($ARGS{'id'}) and $ARGS{'id'} eq 'new')) { # new ticket?
    if ( $ValidCFs && !$checks_failure && !$skip_create ) {
        $m->comp('show', %ARGS);
        $RT::Logger->crit("After display call; error is $@");
    elsif ( !$ValidCFs ) {
        # Invalid CFs
        while (my $CF = $CFs->Next) {
            my $msg = $m->notes('InvalidField-' . $CF->Id) or next;
            push @results, $CF->Name . ': ' . $msg;

<&| /m/_elements/wrapper, title => $title &>
<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results  &>
<form action="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/m/ticket/create" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="TicketCreate" id="ticket-create">
<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="id" value="new" />
% $m->callback( CallbackName => 'FormStart', QueueObj => $QueueObj, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
% if ($gnupg_widget) {
<& /Elements/GnuPG/SignEncryptWidget:ShowIssues, self => $gnupg_widget &>
% }

<div id="ticket-create-simple">
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => $QueueObj->Name &>

    loc("Subject") => '<input name="Subject" size="30" maxsize="200" value="'.$escape->($ARGS{Subject} || '').'" />');
    <span class="content-label label"><%loc("Describe the issue below")%></span>
        <& /Elements/MessageBox, exists $ARGS{Content}  ? (Default => $ARGS{Content}, IncludeSignature => 0 ) : ( QuoteTransaction => $QuoteTransaction ), Height => 5  &>

<&/Elements/Submit, Label => loc("Create") &>


<div id="ticket-create-basics">
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox &>
   <input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="Queue" value="<%$QueueObj->id %>" />


   # loc('Queue') => $m->scomp( '/Ticket/Elements/ShowQueue', QueueObj => $QueueObj ) ,

    loc('Status') =>

        Name         => "Status",
        Default      => $ARGS{Status} || 'new',
        DefaultValue => 0,
        SkipDeleted  => 1

    loc("Owner") =>

        Name         => "Owner",
        QueueObj     => $QueueObj,
        Default      => $ARGS{Owner} || $RT::Nobody->Id,
        DefaultValue => 0

    loc("Requestors") => $m->scomp(
        Name    => 'Requestors',
        Size    => '40',
        Default => $ARGS{Requestors} || $session{CurrentUser}->EmailAddress

    loc("Cc") =>

        $m->scomp( "/Elements/EmailInput", Name => 'Cc', Size => '40', Default => $ARGS{Cc} )
        . '<span class="comment"><i><font size="-2">'
        . loc(
        "(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of email addresses. These people <strong>will</strong> receive future updates.)"
        . '</font></i></span>',

    loc("Admin Cc") =>

        $m->scomp( "/Elements/EmailInput", Name => 'AdminCc', Size => '40', Default => $ARGS{AdminCc} )
        . '<span class="comment" colspan="2"><i><font size="-2">'
        . loc(
        "(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of administrative email addresses. These people <strong>will</strong> receive future updates.)"
        . '</font></i></span>',


$m->comp("/Ticket/Elements/EditCustomFields", %ARGS, QueueObj => $QueueObj );

$m->comp("/Ticket/Elements/EditTransactionCustomFields", %ARGS, QueueObj => $QueueObj );

% if (exists $session{'Attachments'}) {

<%loc("Attached file") %>

<%loc("Check box to delete")%><br />
% foreach my $attach_name (keys %{$session{'Attachments'}}) {
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="DeleteAttach-<%$attach_name%>" value="1" /><%$attach_name%><br />
% } # end of foreach

% } # end of if

    loc("Attach file") =>

        '<div class="value" colspan="5">
<input type="file" name="Attach" />
<input type="submit" class="button" name="AddMoreAttach" value="' . loc("Add More Files") . '" />'

% if ( $gnupg_widget ) {
%$m->comp("/Elements/GnuPG/SignEncryptWidget", self => $gnupg_widget, QueueObj => $QueueObj )
% }

    <div class="ticket-info-basics">
	  <&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('The Basics'), 
		title_class=> 'inverse',  
		color => "#993333" &>
    loc("Priority") => $m->scomp(
        Name    => "InitialPriority",
        Default => $ARGS{InitialPriority} ? $ARGS{InitialPriority} : $QueueObj->InitialPriority,
    loc("Final Priority") => $m->scomp(
        Name    => "FinalPriority",
        Default => $ARGS{FinalPriority} ? $ARGS{FinalPriority} : $QueueObj->FinalPriority,

    loc("Time Estimated") => '<span class="timefield">'.$m->scomp(
        Name    => 'TimeEstimated',
        Default => $ARGS{TimeEstimated} || '',
        InUnits => $ARGS{'TimeEstimated-TimeUnits'}

    loc("Time Worked") => '<span class="timefield">'.$m->scomp(
        Name    => 'TimeWorked',
        Default => $ARGS{TimeWorked} || '',
        InUnits => $ARGS{'TimeWorked-TimeUnits'}
    ). '</span>',

    loc("Time Left") => '<span class="timefield">'.$m->scomp(
        Name    => 'TimeLeft',
        Default => $ARGS{TimeLeft} || '',
        InUnits => $ARGS{'TimeLeft-TimeUnits'}

<&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Dates"),
		title_class=> 'inverse',  
		 color => "#663366"  &>

    loc("Starts") => $m->scomp( "/Elements/SelectDate", Name => "Starts", Default => ( $ARGS{Starts} || '' )),
    loc("Due")    => $m->scomp( "/Elements/SelectDate", Name => "Due",    Default => ($ARGS{Due}    || '' ))


<&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('Links'), title_class=> 'inverse' &>

<em><%loc("(Enter ticket ids or URLs, separated with spaces)")%></em>

    loc("Depends on")     => '<input size="10" name="new-DependsOn" value="' . $escape->($ARGS{'new-DependsOn'} || '' ). '" />',
    loc("Depended on by") => '<input size="10" name="DependsOn-new" value="' . $escape->($ARGS{'DependsOn-new'} || '' ) . '" />',
    loc("Parents")        => '<input size="10" name="new-MemberOf" value="' . $escape->($ARGS{'new-MemberOf'} || '') . '" />',
    loc("Children")       => '<input size="10" name="MemberOf-new" value="' . $escape->($ARGS{'MemberOf-new'} || '') . '" />',
    loc("Refers to")      => '<input size="10" name="new-RefersTo" value="' . $escape->($ARGS{'new-RefersTo'} || '') . '" />',
    loc("Referred to by") => '<input size="10" name="RefersTo-new" value="' . $escape->($ARGS{'RefersTo-new'} || ''). '" />'


<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc("Create") &>