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# BioPerl module for Bio::Community::Meta::Beta
# Please direct questions and support issues to <>
# Copyright 2011-2014 Florent Angly <>
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself

=head1 NAME

Bio::Community::Meta::Beta - Beta diversity or distance separating communities


  use Bio::Community::Meta;
  use Bio::Community::Meta::Beta;

  # Beta diversity of two communities
  my $beta = Bio::Community::Meta::Beta->new(
     -metacommunity => Bio::Community::Meta->new(-communities => [$community1, $community2] ),
     -type          => 'euclidean',
  my $value = $beta->get_beta;

  # Beta diversity between all pairs of communities in the given metacommunity
  $beta = Bio::Community::Meta::Beta->new(
     -metacommunity => $meta,
     -type          => 'hellinger',
  my ($average_value, $value_hashref) = $beta->get_all_beta;


Calculate how dissimilar communities are by calculating their beta diversity.
The more different communities are, the larger their beta diversity. Some
beta diversity metrics are a distance measure (in the mathematical sense).
Qualitative (presence/absence) and qualitative measures of beta diversity are
available: see type().

Since the relative abundance of community members is not always proportional to
member counts (see weights() in Bio::Community::Member and use_weights() in
Bio::Community), the beta diversity measured here are always based on relative
abundance (as a fractional number between 0 and 1, not as a percentage), even
for beta diversity metrics that are usually based on number of observations

=head1 AUTHOR

Florent Angly L<>


User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl
modules. Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list, 
L<>, rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many
experienced and reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly 
address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem with code and
data examples if at all possible.

If you have found a bug, please report it on the BioPerl bug tracking system
to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution:


Copyright 2011-2014 by Florent Angly <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.


The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _

=head2 new

 Function: Create a new Bio::Community::Meta::Beta object
 Usage   : my $beta = Bio::Community::Meta::Beta->new(
              -metacommunity => $meta,
              -type          => 'euclidean',
 Args    : -metacommunity : See metacommunity(). This is required!
           -type          : See type().
 Returns : a Bio::Community::Meta::Beta object


package Bio::Community::Meta::Beta;

use Moose;
use MooseX::NonMoose;
use MooseX::StrictConstructor;
use Method::Signatures;
use namespace::autoclean;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use Bio::Community::Meta;

extends 'Bio::Root::Root';

=head2 metacommunity

 Function: Get or set the communities to process, given as a metacommunity.
 Usage   : my $meta = $beta->metacommunity;
 Args    : A Bio::Community::Meta object
 Returns : A Bio::Community::Meta object


has metacommunity => (
   is => 'ro',
   isa => 'Bio::Community::Meta',
   required => 1,
   lazy => 0,
   init_arg => '-metacommunity',

=head2 type

 Function: Get or set the beta diversity metric to calculate.
 Usage   : my $type = $beta->type;
 Args    : String for the desired type of beta diversity.

           Qualitative (presence/absence):
            * jaccard: the Jaccard distance (between 0 and 1), i.e. the
                fraction of non-shared species relative to the overall richness
                of the metacommunity.
            * sorensen: the Sørensen dissimilarity, or Whittaker's species
                turnover (between 0 and 1), i.e. the fraction of non-shared
                species relative to the average richness in the metacommunity.
            * shared: percentage of species shared (between 0 and 100), relative
                to the least rich community. Note: this is the opposite
                of a beta diversity measure since the higher the percent of
                species shared, the smaller the beta diversity.

            * 1-norm: the 1-norm, or Manhattan distance, i.e. the sum of
                 difference in abundance for all species.
            * 2-norm (euclidean): the 2-norm, or euclidean distance.
            * infinity-norm: the infinity-norm, i.e. the maximum difference in
                 abundance over all species.
            * hellinger: like the euclidean distance, but constrained between 0
                and 1.
            * bray-curtis: the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity (or Sørensen
                quantitative index), which varies between 0 and 1.
            * morisita-horn: the Morisita-Horn dissimilarity, which varies
                between 0 and 1. Affected strongly by the abundance of the most
                abundant species, but not by sample size or richness.
            * permuted: a beta diversity measure between 0 and 100, representing
                the percentage of the dominant species in the first community
                with a permuted abundance rank in the second community. As a
                special case, when no species are shared (and the percentage
                permuted is meaningless), undef is returned.
            * maxiphi: a beta diversity measure between 0 and 1, based on the 
                percentage of species shared and the percentage of top species
                permuted (that have had a change in abundance rank).

 Returns : String for the desired type of beta diversity


has type => (
   is => 'rw',
   isa => 'DistanceType',
   required => 0,
   lazy => 1,
   default => '2-norm',
   init_arg => '-type',

=head2 get_beta

 Function: Calculate the beta diversity between two communities. The input
           metacommunity should contain exactly two communities. The distance is
           calculated based on the relative abundance (in %) of the members (not
           their counts).
 Usage   : my $value = $beta->get_beta;
 Args    : None
 Returns : A number for the beta diversity value


####after new => sub { # prevents inlining
#### or maybe try BUILD
method get_beta () {
   return $self->_get_pairwise_beta($self->metacommunity);

method _get_pairwise_beta ($meta) {
   my $num_comm = $meta->get_communities_count;
   if ($num_comm != 2) {
      # Die because extra communities will affect $meta->get_all_members()
      $self->throw("Cannot calculate pairwise beta diversity because the ".
         "metacommunity contains $num_comm communities. Expected exactly two.");
   my $metric = '_'.$self->type;
   $metric =~ s/-/_/g;
   return $self->$metric($meta);

=head2 get_all_beta

 Function: Similar to get_beta(), but return the beta diversity between all pairs
           of communities in the given metacommunity and also return their
           average beta diversity.
 Usage   : my ($average, $betas) = $beta->get_all_beta;
 Args    : None
 Returns : * A number for the average beta diversity
           * A hashref of hashref with the value of all pairwise beta diversities,
             keyed by the community names. To get the beta diversity of a specific
             pair of communities, do:
                my $value = $betas->{$name1}->{$name2};
                my $value = $betas->{$name2}->{$name1};


method get_all_beta () {
   my $communities = $self->metacommunity->get_all_communities;
   my $num_communities = scalar @$communities;
   my $average = 0;
   my $num_pairs = 0;
   my $betas;
   for my $i (0 .. $num_communities - 1) {
      my $community1 = $communities->[$i];
      my $name1 = $community1->name;
      for my $j ($i + 1 .. $num_communities -1) {
         my $community2 = $communities->[$j];
         my $name2 = $community2->name;
         my $meta = Bio::Community::Meta->new(-communities => [$community1, $community2]);
         my $val = $self->_get_pairwise_beta($meta);
         $average += $val;
         if (exists $betas->{$name1}->{$name2}) {
            $self->throw("There are several communities called '$name2'.");
         } else {
            $betas->{$name1}->{$name2} = $betas->{$name2}->{$name1} = $val;
   $average = ($num_pairs > 0) ? ($average / $num_pairs) : undef;
   return $average, $betas;

method _p_norm ($meta, $power) {
   # Calculate the p-norm. If power is 1, this is the 1-norm. If power is 2,
   # this is the 2-norm (a.k.a. euclidean distance).
   my ($community1, $community2) = @{$meta->get_all_communities};
   my $sumdiff = 0;
   for my $member (@{$meta->get_all_members}) {
      my $abundance1 = $community1->get_rel_ab($member) / 100;
      my $abundance2 = $community2->get_rel_ab($member) / 100;
      $sumdiff += ( abs($abundance1 - $abundance2) )**$power;
   my $val = $sumdiff ** (1/$power);
   return $val;

method _1_norm ($meta) {
   # Calculate the 1-norm
   return $self->_p_norm($meta, 1);

method _2_norm ($meta) {
   # Calculate the 2-norm
   return $self->_p_norm($meta, 2);

# The euclidean distance is the same as the 2-norm
*_euclidean = \&_2_norm;

method _infinity_norm ($meta) {
   # Calculate the infinity-norm.
   my ($community1, $community2) = @{$meta->get_all_communities};
   my $val = 0;
   for my $member (@{$meta->get_all_members}) {
      my $abundance1 = $community1->get_rel_ab($member) / 100;
      my $abundance2 = $community2->get_rel_ab($member) / 100;
      my $diff = abs($abundance1 - $abundance2);
      if ($diff > $val) {
         $val = $diff;
   return $val;

method _hellinger ($meta) {
   # Calculate the Hellinger distance.
   return $self->_p_norm($meta, 2) / sqrt(2);

method _bray_curtis ($meta) {
   # Calculate the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index BC:
   #    BC = 1 - sum( min(r_i, r_j) )
   # where r_i and r_j are the relative abundance (fractional) for species in
   # common between both sites.
   # Can also be written as:
   #    BC = sum( c_i - c_j ) / sum( c_i + c_j )
   # where c_i and c_j are the counts for all observed species.
   my ($community1, $community2) = @{$meta->get_all_communities};
   my $sumdiff = 0;
   for my $member (@{$meta->get_all_members}) {
      my $abundance1 = $community1->get_rel_ab($member) / 100;
      next if $abundance1 == 0;
      my $abundance2 = $community2->get_rel_ab($member) / 100;
      next if $abundance2 == 0;
      $sumdiff += min($abundance1, $abundance2);
   return 1 - $sumdiff;

method _morisita_horn ($meta) {
   # Calculate the Morisita-Horn dissimilarity MH:
   #    MH = 1- Cmh
   # where:
   #    CmH = 1 - 2 sum(ani * bni) / [(da + db)(aN)(bN)]
   #    aN = total # of indiv in site A
   #    ani = # of individuals in ith species in site A
   #    da = sum(ani^2) / aN^2
   my ($community1, $community2) = @{$meta->get_all_communities};
   my ($aN, $bN) = (1, 1);
   my ($sumprod, $da, $db) = (0, 0);
   for my $member (@{$meta->get_all_members}) {
      my $ani = $community1->get_rel_ab($member) / 100;
      my $bni = $community2->get_rel_ab($member) / 100;
      $sumprod += $ani * $bni;
      $da += $ani**2;
      $db += $bni**2;
   #$da /= $aN;
   #$db /= $bN;
   return 1 - 2 * $sumprod / (($da + $db) * $aN * $bN);

method _jaccard ($meta) {
   # Calculate the Jaccard distance dJ:
   #    dJ = 1 - (#spp in common / total richness)
   my ($community1, $community2) = @{$meta->get_all_communities};
   my ($num_shared, $num_total) = (0, 0);
   for my $member (@{$meta->get_all_members}) {
      my $ab1 = $community1->get_rel_ab($member);
      my $ab2 = $community2->get_rel_ab($member);
      if ( ($ab1 > 0) || ($ab2 > 0) ) {
         if ( ($ab1 > 0) && ($ab2 > 0) ) {
   return ($num_total > 0) ? (1 - $num_shared / $num_total) : 1;

method _sorensen ($meta) {
   # Calculate the Sørensen dissimilarity dS:
   #    dS = 1 - (#spp in common / average richness)
   #       = 1 - 2* #spp in common / (richness A + richness B)
   my ($community1, $community2) = @{$meta->get_all_communities};
   my $num_shared = 0;
   for my $member (@{$meta->get_all_members}) {
      if ( ($community1->get_rel_ab($member) > 0) &&
           ($community2->get_rel_ab($member) > 0) ) {
   my $richness_sum = $community1->get_richness + $community2->get_richness;
   return ($richness_sum > 0) ? 1 - (2 * $num_shared / $richness_sum) : 1;

method _shared ($meta) {
   # Percentage of species in common between two communities, relative to the
   # least rich community.
   my ($community1, $community2) = @{$meta->get_all_communities};
   my $num_shared = 0;
   for my $member (@{$meta->get_all_members}) {
      if ( ($community1->get_rel_ab($member) > 0) &&
           ($community2->get_rel_ab($member) > 0) ) {
   return $num_shared / min($community1->get_richness,$community2->get_richness) * 100;

method _permuted ($meta) {
   # Percent of top species with a permuted rank-abundance between 2 communities.
   # The exact number cannot be calculated for certain because the random
   # permutation of x species could generate the same sequence (but it would be
   # extremely unlikely). The best we can do is calculate a minimum bound for
   # the number of species permuted. Do this once for the species of community1
   # once, and then for the members of community2 and return the average of the
   # two.This should be a reasonable approximation of the true percent of
   # species permuted.

   #### should it really be the average or simply relative to the least rich community

   my $min_p1 = $self->_min_permuted($meta);
   my $min_p2 = $self->_min_permuted($meta);
   my $p;
   if ( (defined $min_p1) && defined($min_p2) ) {
      $p = ($min_p1 + $min_p2) / 2;

   return $p;

method _min_permuted ($meta) {
   # Estimate the minimum percent of permuted species in community1. Do this by
   # going through members of community2 in increasing abundance rank order and
   # comparing their position to that of the same member in community1 (if
   # shared). If there are no species shared, return undef.

   my $min_permuted;

   my ($community1, $community2) = @{$meta->get_all_communities};

   my $i = 0;
   my $richness = $community2->get_richness;
   while ($i < $richness) {
      my $member = $community2->get_member_by_rank($i);

      # Skip this member if it is not shared
      next if not $community1->get_rel_ab($member);

      my $j = $community1->get_rank($member);

      # Record the first mapping as the min permuted
      if (not defined $min_permuted) {
         $min_permuted = $j;

      if ($j > $min_permuted) {
         # Member rank in second community conflicts with minimum permutation
         # assumption. Increase minimum permutation.
         $min_permuted = $j;

      # Finish if the permutation limit has been reached without conflicts
      last if $i >= $min_permuted;


   if (defined $min_permuted) {
      if ($min_permuted == 1) {
      $min_permuted = $min_permuted / $community1->get_richness * 100;

   return $min_permuted;

method _maxiphi ($meta) {
   # Given S, the fraction shared, and P, the fraction permuted, calculate the
   # MaxiPhi beta diversity M as:
   #       M = 1 - S*(2-P)/2
   # M ranges from 0 (low beta diversity, similar communities), to 1 (high beta
   # diversity, dissimilar communities). The weight of the percent permuted
   # parameter is proportional to the percent shared. At 0% shared, the fraction
   # permuted has no weight in the index, while at 100% shared, the fraction
   # permuted and fraction shared have the same weight.
   # For example:
   #      for 100 % shared, 0   % permuted -> M = 0
   #      for 100 % shared, 100 % permuted -> M = 0.5
   #      for 0   % shared, 0   % permuted -> M = 1
   #      for 0   % shared, 100 % permuted -> M = 1

   # Calculate the fraction shared
   my $s = $self->_shared($meta) / 100;

   # Calculate the fraction permuted
   my $p = $self->_permuted($meta);
   if (not defined $p) {
      $p = 100; # but any value between 0 and 100 would work as well
   $p /= 100;

   # Calculate the Maxiphi index
   my $m = 1 - $s * (2-$p) / 2;
   return $m;

method _unifrac ($meta, $tree) {
   #### TODO: unifrac

# Many more beta diversity indices to calculate:
#    Unifrac
#    ...

