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#! /usr/bin/env perl

# BioPerl script bc_manage_samples
# Please direct questions and support issues to <>
# Copyright 2011-2014 Florent Angly <>
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself

use strict;
use warnings;
use Method::Signatures;
use Bio::Community;
use Bio::Community::IO;
use Bio::Community::Meta;
use Getopt::Euclid qw(:minimal_keys);
use List::Util qw(min);

=head1 NAME

bc_manage_samples - Include, delete, merge, sort or rename samples


  bc_manage_samples -input_files   communities.generic              \
                    -exclude_names soil1                            \
                    -merge_names   freshwater2 freshwater5          \
                    -merge_names   marine*                          \
                    -output_prefix processed_communities


This script reads files containing biological communities and includes, deletes
merges, sorts or renames the specified communities. See L<Bio::Community> for
more information.



=item -if <input_files>... | -input_files <input_files>...

Input file containing the communities to manipulate. When providing communities
in a format that supports only one community per file (e.g. gaas), you can
provide multiple input files.

=for Euclid:
   input_files.type: readable




=item -op <output_prefix> | -output_prefix <output_prefix>

Path and prefix for the output files. Default: output_prefix.default

=for Euclid:
   output_prefix.type: string
   output_prefix.default: 'bc_manage_samples'

=item -np <name_prefix> | -name_prefix <name_prefix>

Prefix to add to the beginning of all community names. Default: name_prefix.default

=for Euclid:
   name_prefix.type: string
   name_prefix.default: ''

=item -ns <name_suffix> | -name_suffix <name_suffix>

Suffix to add to the end of all community names. Default: name_suffix.default

=for Euclid:
   name_suffix.type: string
   name_suffix.default: ''

=item -in <include_names>... | -include_names <include_names>...

If names of communities are specified, only these communities will be included
in the output file, in the requested order. This is also useful to arrange the
communities in a specific order.

Community names can be specified using wildcards, which means that 'marine*2013'
will match all names starting with 'marine' and finishing with '2013', while
'*gut*' will match all names containing 'gut'.

=for Euclid:
   include_names.type: string

=item -en <exclude_names>... | -exclude_names <exclude_names>...

If names of communities are specified, these communities will be excluded from
the output file. As with <include_names>, wildcards are supported.

=for Euclid:
   exclude_names.type: string

=item -mn <merge_names>... | -merge_names <merge_names>...

Specify the name of the communities to merge. Use this option multiple time if
you need to merge multiple sets of communities. The count of the members of
these communities are added. As with <include_names>, wildcards are supported.

=for Euclid:
   merge_names.type: string

=item -rm <renaming_method> | -renaming_method <renaming_method>

When merging communities, specify a method to generate a name for the merged

* a character that will join the names of the communities to merge, e.g. '+',
  '_', ...

* 'first': use the name of the first community

* 'common': The largest substring common between the names, starting from the left.
            After this, any trailing, non-alphanumerical character is considered
            a separator and removed.

Default: renaming_method.default

=for Euclid:
   renaming_method.type: string
   renaming_method.default: '+'



=head2 Mailing Lists

User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this
and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably
to one of the Bioperl mailing lists.

Your participation is much appreciated.                  - General discussion  - About the mailing lists

=head2 Support 

Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:


rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and 
reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly 
address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem 
with code and data examples if at all possible.

=head2 Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
the bugs and their resolution.  Bug reports can be submitted via the

=head1 AUTHOR - Florent Angly



manage( $ARGV{'input_files'}, $ARGV{'output_prefix'}  , $ARGV{'name_prefix'},
        $ARGV{'name_suffix'}, $ARGV{'include_names'}  , $ARGV{'exclude_names'},
        $ARGV{'merge_names'}, $ARGV{'renaming_method'} );


func manage ($input_files, $output_prefix, $name_prefix, $name_suffix,
   $include_names, $exclude_names, $merge_names, $renaming_method) {

   # Process regular expressions
   my $include_regexps = regexify($include_names) if defined $include_names;
   my $exclude_regexps = regexify($exclude_names) if defined $exclude_names;
   my $merge_regexps = [ map { regexify($_) } @$merge_names ] if defined $merge_names;

   # Read input communities, exclude or include as needed
   my $meta = Bio::Community::Meta->new;
   my $format;
   my %included_comms;
   my @included_names;
   for my $input_file (@$input_files) {
      print "Reading file '$input_file'\n";
      my $in = Bio::Community::IO->new( -file => $input_file );
      $format = $in->format;
      while (my $community = $in->next_community) {
         my $name = $community->name;
         my $include = 0;
         if ( $include_regexps ) {
            # Only include specifically requested communities
            if ($name ~~ @{$include_regexps}) {
               $include = 1;
         } else {
            if (not $name ~~ @{$exclude_regexps}) {
               $include = 1;
            } # else it is specifically excluded
         if ($include) {
            if (exists $included_comms{$name}) {
               die "Error: Community name $name is ambiguous because several ".
                  "communities have this same name.\n";
            } else {
               $included_comms{$name} = $community;
               push @included_names, $name;

   if ($include_regexps) {
      # Re-order communities
      my %missings = map {$_ => undef} @$include_names;
      my @names = @included_names;
      my $ordered_meta = Bio::Community::Meta->new;
      for my $i (0 .. scalar @$include_regexps - 1) {
         my $regexp = $include_regexps->[$i];
         my $regname = $include_names->[$i];
         for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @names; $i++) {
            my $name = $names[$i];
            if ($name =~ $regexp) {
               splice @names, $i, 1;
               my $community = $meta->get_community_by_name($name);
               delete $missings{$regname};
      $meta = $ordered_meta;
      # Warn if there are samples that were requested but not seen
      my @missing = keys %missings;
      if (scalar @missing > 0) {
         die "Error: No communities seem to match: ".join(' ',map{"'".$_."'"}@missing)."\n";

   # Merge communities
   if (defined $merge_regexps) {
      for my $i (0 .. scalar @$merge_regexps - 1) {
         my $merge_set = $merge_regexps->[$i];
         my $merge_names = $merge_names->[$i];
         print "Processing ".join(' ', @$merge_names)."\n";
         my $merged_community = Bio::Community->new( );
         my @names;
         for my $name (@included_names) {
            if ($name ~~ @$merge_set) {
               push @names, $name;
               my $community = delete $included_comms{$name} ||
                  die "Error: Could not find requested community, '$name' in the ".
               while ( my $member = $community->next_member ) {
                  my $count = $community->get_count($member);
                  $merged_community->add_member($member, $count);
         my $merged_name = gen_name(\@names, $renaming_method);
         $included_comms{$merged_name} = $merged_community;
      $meta = Bio::Community::Meta->new(-communities => [values %included_comms]);

   # Write output communities
   if ($meta->get_communities_count == 0) {
      warn "Warning: No communities to write\n";
   } else {
      my $multiple_communities = Bio::Community::IO->new(-format=>$format)->multiple_communities;
      my $num = 0;
      my $out;
      my $output_file;
      while (my $community = $meta->next_community) {
         if (not defined $out) {
            if ($multiple_communities) {
               $output_file = $output_prefix.'.'.$format;
            } else {
               $output_file = $output_prefix.'_'.$num.'.'.$format;
            $out = Bio::Community::IO->new(
               -format => $format,
               -file   => '>'.$output_file,
         # Add and prefix and suffix to community name
         $community->name( $name_prefix.$community->name.$name_suffix );
         print "Writing community '".$community->name."' to file '$output_file'\n";
         if (not $multiple_communities) {
            $out = undef;
      if (defined $out) {

   return 1;

func regexify ($strings) {
   # Given strings with wildcards, return the corresponding anchored regexps
   # Example: 'marine.site1*2013' becomes '^marine\.site1.*2013$'
   return [ map {
      my $re = $_;
      $re = quotemeta($re);
      $re =~ s/\\\*/.*/g;
      $re = qr/^$re$/;
   } @$strings ];

func gen_name ($names, $method) {
   # Generate a new name for the communities to merge
   my $name;
   if (length $method == 1) {
      my $separator = $method;
      $name = join($separator, @$names);
   } elsif ($method eq 'first') {
      $name = $names->[0];
   } elsif ($method eq 'common') {
      my $max = min( map {length $_} @$names );
      OFF: for my $offset (0 .. $max-1) {
         my $common;
         for my $comm_name (@$names) {
            my $char = substr $comm_name, $offset, 1;
            if (not defined $common) {
               $common = $char;
               $name  .= $char;
            } else {
               if (not ($char eq $common)) {
                  # Char at this position not in common
                  chop $name;
                  last OFF;
      # Assume any trailing, non-alphanumeric character is a separator to remove
      $name =~ s/[^\w]$//;
      if (length $name == 0) {
         die "Error: Could not find a string common to the given communities: ".
            join(', ', @{$names})."\n";
   } else {
      die "Error: Got an invalid renaming_method, '$method'\n";
   return $name;