$LEN     = 42;
    $H       = 2;
    $W       = -10;
    $TIMEOUT = 7;

    @ARGV = (
        '-lgth', $LEN,
        'size', "${H}x${W}",
        '--timeout', $TIMEOUT,

    @args = @ARGV;

    chmod 0644, $0;

use Test::More 'no_plan';
use Getopt::Euclid;

sub got_arg {
    my ($key, $val) = @_;
    is $ARGV{$key}, $val, "Got expected value for $key";

# Let's parse an array of arguments instead of @ARGV and repeat the same tests

is keys %ARGV, 8 => 'Right number of args returned';

got_arg -i       => $INFILE;
got_arg -infile  => $INFILE;

got_arg -l       => $LEN;
got_arg -len     => $LEN;
got_arg -length  => $LEN;
got_arg -lgth    => $LEN;

got_arg -o       => $OUTFILE;
got_arg -ofile   => $OUTFILE;
got_arg -out     => $OUTFILE;
got_arg -outfile => $OUTFILE;

got_arg -v       => 1,
got_arg -verbose => 1,

is ref $ARGV{'--timeout'}, 'HASH'     => 'Hash reference returned for timeout';
is $ARGV{'--timeout'}{min}, $TIMEOUT  => 'Got expected value for timeout <min>';
ok !defined $ARGV{'--timeout'}{max}   => 'Got expected value for timeout <max>';

is ref $ARGV{size}, 'HASH'      => 'Hash reference returned for size';
is $ARGV{size}{h}, $H           => 'Got expected value for size <h>';
is $ARGV{size}{w}, $W           => 'Got expected value for size <w>';


=head1 NAME

orchestrate - Convert a file to Melkor's .orc format

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to orchestrate version 1.9.4

=head1 USAGE

    orchestrate  -in source.txt  --out dest.orc  -verbose  -len=24

=head1 OPTIONS


=item  size <h>x<w>

Specify height and width

=item  -l[[en][gth]] <l>

Display length [default: 24 ]

=for Euclid:
    l.type:    int > 0
    l.default: 24

=item -v[erbose]

Print all warnings

=item --timeout [<min>] [<max>]

=for Euclid:
    min.type: int
    max.type: int

=item --version

=item --usage

=item --help

=item --man

Print the usual program information


=begin remainder of documentation here...


=head1 AUTHOR

Damian Conway (

=head1 BUGS

There are undoubtedly serious bugs lurking somewhere in this code.
Bug reports and other feedback are most welcome.


Copyright (c) 2002, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License