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#! perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use File::Copy;
use File::Temp;
use Statistics::R;
use File::Spec::Functions;

my ($R, $expected, $bin, $version);

my $file = '';

ok $R = Statistics::R->new();

ok $bin = $R->bin();
ok $bin =~ /\S+/, 'Executable name';

$expected = '';
is $R->run( ), $expected;

ok $bin = $R->bin();
ok $bin =~ /\S+/, 'Executable path';

ok $version = $R->version();
ok $version =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/, 'Version';

diag "R version $version found at $bin\n";

$expected = '';
is $R->run( qq`postscript("$file" , horizontal=FALSE , width=500 , height=500 , pointsize=1)`), $expected, 'Basic';

$expected = '';
is $R->run( q`plot(c(1, 5, 10), type = "l");` ), $expected;

$expected = 
'null device 
          1 ';
is $R->run( q`` ), $expected; # RT bug #66190

ok -e $file; # RT bug #70307
unlink $file;

$expected =
'loop iteration 1
loop iteration 2
loop iteration 3';
is $R->run( q`for (j in 1:3) { cat("loop iteration "); cat(j); cat("\n") }` ), $expected;

$expected = 'Some innocuous message on stderr';
is $R->run( q`write("Some innocuous message on stderr", stderr())` ), $expected, 'IO';

$expected = 'Some innocuous message on stdout';
is $R->run( q`write("Some innocuous message on stdout", stdout())` ), $expected;

$expected = '[1] 123';
is $R->run( qq`x <- 123 \n print(x)` ), $expected, 'Multi-line commands';

$expected = '456';
my $cmd1 = 'x <- 456 ; write.table(x, file="", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)';
is $R->run( $cmd1 ), $expected; # RT bug #70314

my $cmd2 = <<EOF;
a <- 2
b <- 5
c <- a * b
$expected = '[1] "ok"';
is $R->run( $cmd2 ), $expected, 'Heredoc commands';

$expected =
[1] "ok"';
is $R->run( $cmd1, $cmd2 ), $expected, 'Multiple commands';

$expected =
'Some innocuous message on stderr
loop iteration: [1] 1
loop iteration: [1] 2
loop iteration: [1] 3
Some innocuous message on stdout

[1] 123
[1] "ok"';
$file = catfile('t', 'data', 'script.R');
is $R->run_from_file( $file ), $expected, 'Command from file (relative path)';

my $absfile = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 1 )->filename;
copy($file, $absfile) or die "Error: Could not copy file $file to $absfile: $!\n";
is $R->run_from_file( $absfile ), $expected, 'Commands from file (absolute path)';
