The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

    eval { require DBD::SQLite }
        or plan skip_all => 'DBD::SQLite is required for this test';
    $ENV{TEST_FOORUM} = 1;
    plan tests => 14;

use FindBin;
use File::Spec;
use lib File::Spec->catdir( $FindBin::Bin, '..', 'lib' );
use Foorum::SUtils qw/schema/;
use Foorum::XUtils qw/cache/;
use Foorum::TestUtils qw/rollback_db/;
use Foorum::Utils qw/encodeHTML/;
my $schema = schema();
my $cache  = cache();

my $topic_res = $schema->resultset('Topic');

my $post_on = time();
my $create  = {
    topic_id        => 1,
    forum_id        => 1,
    title           => 'test title',
    closed          => 0,
    author_id       => 1,
    last_updator_id => 1,

# test create topic
$create->{topic_id}         = 5;
$create->{last_update_date} = time() + 2;
$create->{topic_id}         = 3;
$create->{last_update_date} = time() + 5;
my $starred = $schema->resultset('Star')->count(
    {   user_id     => 1,
        object_type => 'topic',
        object_id   => 1,
is( $starred, 1, 'has Star record' );

# test get
my $topic = $topic_res->get(1);
is( $topic->{forum_id},  1,            'get forum_id OK' );
is( $topic->{title},     'test title', 'get title OK' );
is( $topic->{author_id}, 1,            'get author_id OK' );
cmp_ok( $topic->{post_on}, '>=', $post_on, 'topic.post_on >= $post_on' );
cmp_ok( $topic->{post_on}, '<=', time(),   'topic.post_on <= now' );

# test update_topic
$topic_res->update_topic( 1, { title => 'test title2', author_id => 2 } );
$topic = $topic_res->get(1);
is( $topic->{title}, 'test title2', 'get title OK after update_topic' );
is( $topic->{author_id}, 2, 'get author_id OK after update_topic' );

# be Sure forum is there before remove topic
    {   forum_id      => 1,
        forum_code    => 'test1111',
        name          => 'FoorumTest',
        description   => 'desc',
        forum_type    => 'classical',
        policy        => 'public',
        total_members => 1,
        total_topics  => 7,
        total_replies => 1,

# test get_topic_id_list
my @ids = $topic_res->get_topic_id_list(1);
is_deeply( \@ids, [ 3, 5, 1 ], 'get_topic_id_list OK' );

# test remove
    {   operator_id => 2,
        log_text    => 'delete for test',

$starred = $schema->resultset('Star')->count(
    {   user_id     => 1,
        object_type => 'topic',
        object_id   => 1,
is( $starred, 0, 'no Star record after remove' );
$topic = $topic_res->get(1);
is( $topic, undef, 'topic is undef after remove' );
my $log_action = $schema->resultset('LogAction')->search(
    {   action      => 'delete',
        object_type => 'topic',
        object_id   => 1,
isnt( $log_action, undef, 'has LogAction record' );
is( $log_action->user_id, 2, 'operator_id OK' );
is( $log_action->text, 'delete for test', 'LogAction reason OK' );


    # Keep Database the same from original
