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package Lingua::Han::Utils;

use warnings;
use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
use vars qw/$VERSION @EXPORT_OK/;
$VERSION = '0.13';
@EXPORT_OK = qw/Unihan_value csplit cdecode csubstr clength/;

use Encode;
use Encode::Detect::CJK qw(detect);

sub cdecode {
	my $word = shift;
	my $encoding = detect($word);
	$encoding = 'cp936' if $encoding eq 'iso-8859-1'; # hard fix
	$word = decode($encoding, $word);
	return $word;

sub Unihan_value {
	my $word = shift;
	$word = cdecode($word) unless Encode::is_utf8($word);
	my @unihan = map { uc sprintf("%x",$_) } unpack ("U*", $word);
	return wantarray?@unihan:(join('', @unihan));

sub csplit {
	my $word = shift;
	my $encoding = detect($word);
	my @return_words;
	my @code = Unihan_value($word);
	foreach my $code (@code) {
		my $value = pack("U*", hex $code);
		$value = encode($encoding, $value);
		push @return_words, $value if ($value);
	return wantarray?@return_words:(join('', @return_words));

sub csubstr {
	my ($word, $offset, $len) = @_;
	my @words = csplit($word);
	$len = scalar @words - $offset unless ($len);
	@words = splice(@words, $offset, $len);
	return wantarray?@words:(join('', @words));

sub clength {
	my $word = shift;
	my @words = csplit($word);
	return scalar @words;

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Lingua::Han::Utils - The utility tools of Chinese character(HanZi)


    use Lingua::Han::Utils qw/Unihan_value csplit cdecode csubstr clength/;

    # cdecode
    # the same as decode('cp936', $word) in ASCII editing mode
    #         and decode('utf8', $word) in Unicode editing mode
    my $word = cdecode($word);

    # Unihan_value
    # return the first field of Unihan.txt on
    my $word = "我";
    my $unihan = Unihan_value($word); # return '6211'
    my $words = "爱你";
    my @unihan = Unihan_value($word); # return (7231, 4F60)
    my $unihan = Unihan_value($word); # return 72314F60

    # csplit
    # split the Chinese characters into an array
    my $words = "我爱你";
    my @words = csplit($words); # return ("我", "爱", "你")

    # csubstr
    # treat the Chinese characters as one
    # so it's the same as splice(csplit($words), $offset, $length)
    my $words = "我爱你啊";
    my @words = csubstr($words, 1, 2); # return ("爱", "你")
    my @words = csubstr($words, 1); # return ("爱", "你", "啊")
    my $words = csubstr($words, 1, 2); # 爱你

    # clength
    # treat the Chinese character as one
    my $words = "我爱你";
    print clength($words); # 3

=head1 EXPORT

Nothing is exported by default.

=head1 EXPORT_OK

=over 4

=item cdecode

use L<Encode::Guess> to decode the character. It behavers like: decode('cp936', $word) under ASCII editing mode and decode('utf8', $word) under Unicode editing mode.

=item Unihan_value

the first field of Unihan.txt is the Unicode scalar value as U+[x]xxxx, we return the [x]xxxx.

=item csplit

split the Chinese characters into an array, English words can be mixed in.

=item csubstr(WORD, OFFSET, LENGTH)

treat the Chinese character as one word, substr it.

(BE CAFEFUL! it's NOT lvalue, we cann't use csubstr($word, 2, 3) = $REPLACEMENT)

if no LENGTH is specified, substr form OFFSET to END.

=item clength

treat the Chinese character as one word(length 1).



a Chinese version of document can be found @ L<>

=head1 AUTHOR

Fayland Lam, C<< <fayland at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-lingua-han-utils at>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Lingua::Han::Utils

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * Search CPAN




the wonderful L<Encode::Guess>


Copyright 2005 Fayland Lam, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.