=head1 NAME

App::WWW::CPAN - The implementation of cpanq program


  use App::WWW::CPAN ();


See the documentation of L<cpanq> for the script usage.

This module implements the heart of the F<cpanq>
script, which is a simple interface to run
API methods of L<WWW::CPAN> via the command line.
Currently, this is a work in progress and
offered more like an example code for C<WWW::CPAN>.

The expected arguments for the script are like:

  command single-arg
  command key1=val1 key2=val2

where the supported commands by now are B<search>
and B<meta>. There is also the synonym commands:
B<query> which is the same as B<search> and
B<distmeta> an alias of B<meta>.

  search Foo # translates to WWW::CPAN->search('Foo')
  search query=File::Temp mode=all # WWW::CPAN->search({ query => 'File::Temp', mode => 'all' });

  meta Foo # WWW::CPAN->fetch_distmeta('Foo');
  meta dist=WWW-CPAN version=0.003 # WWW::CPAN->fetch_distmeta({ dist => 'WWW-CPAN', version => '0.003' })

The results are dumped with the help of
L<Data::Dump::Streamer> into STDOUT.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item B<new>

  $app = App::WWW::CPAN->new;

Creates a brand new instance of B<cpanq> program.

=item B<parse_args>

  $args = $app->parse_args(@args);

Turns a list like C<qw( k1=v1 k2=v2 )> into
a hash ref C<< { k1 => 'v1', k2 => 'v2' } >>.
If the first element does not match C</\A [^=]+ = (.*) \z/x>,
it returns this first element.

=item B<do_cmd>

  $out = $args->do_cmd( $method, $args );

Given C<$method> is one of C<'query'> or
C<'fetch_distmeta'>, it evaluates
C<< WWW::CPAN->$method($args) >> and returns
the dumped result.

Returns C<undef> on failure.

=item B<run>


Runs the application with the given command line


=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 BUGS

Please report bugs via CPAN RT L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=WWW-CPAN>
or L<mailto://bugs-WWW-CPAN@rt.cpan.org>.

=head1 AUTHORS

Adriano R. Ferreira, E<lt>ferreira@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 by Adriano R. Ferreira

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.