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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 24;

use_ok 'Text::MicroMason';

ok my $m = Text::MicroMason->new( -Filters );

my $res_nofilter = 'Hello <"world">!';

# Test an expression inside a template using logical or.

is $m->execute( text => q(Var is <% $ARGS{foo} || 0 %>) ), "Var is 0";

# Test h encoding flag if we have HTML::Entities
    skip "HTML::Entities is not installed", 4 
        unless HTML::Entities->can('encode');

    my $src_h = q(Hello <% '<"world">' |h %>!);
    my $res_h = 'Hello &lt;&quot;world&quot;&gt;!';

    is $m->execute(text => $src_h), $res_h, "Execute text with HTML::Entity filter";

    # Test h as a default filter
        local $m->{default_filters} = 'h';
        my $src_h2 = q(Hello <% '<"world">' %>!);

        is $m->execute( text => $src_h2), $res_h, "Execute text with HTML::Entity default filter";

        # Explicitly disable the default filters
        my $src_h3 = q(Hello <% '<"world">' | n %>!);
        is $m->execute( text => $src_h3), $res_nofilter, "Execute text with HTML::Entity default turned off";

    my $src_unh = qq(Hello <% '<"world">' |unh %>!);
    my $res_unh = 'Hello &lt;&quot;world&quot;&gt;!';
    is $m->execute( text => $src_unh), $res_unh, "Execute text with stacking h filter";
} # SKIP

# Test default u encoding flag if we have URI::Escape
    skip "URI::Escape is not installed", 8
        unless URI::Escape->can('uri_escape');

    my $res_u = 'Hello %3C%3Fworld%3F%3E!';

    is $m->execute(text => qq(Hello <% "<?world?>" |u %>!)), $res_u,
        "Execute text with URI::Escape filter";

    ok my $res = eval {$m->execute(text => qq(Hello <% "<?world?>"|u %>!))},
        "Execute text with URI::Escape filter and no space";
    is $res, $res_u;

    # Test |u encoding flag in a file
    ok $res = eval {$m->execute(file => 'samples/test-filter.msn', msg => "foo")},
        "Execute text from file with URI::Escape filter and no space";
    is $res, "foo", "Filter execution error: $@";

    # Test u as a default filter
        local $m->{default_filters} = 'u';
        my $src_u2 = qq(Hello <% "<?world?>" %>!);
        is $m->execute( text => $src_u2), $res_u, "Execute text with URI::Escape default filter";

        # Explicitly disable the default filters
        my $src_u3 = qq(Hello <% "<?world?>" | n %>!);
        my $res_u3 = q(Hello <?world?>!);
        is $m->execute( text => $src_u3), "Hello <?world?>!", "Execute text with URI::Escape default turned off";

    # Test stacking and canceling with n
    my $res_hnu = 'Hello %3C%3Fworld%3F%3E!';  
    my $src_hnu = qq(Hello <% "<?world?>" |hnu %>!);
    is $m->execute( text => $src_hnu), $res_hnu, "Execute text with stacking u filter";

# Test custom filters

sub f1 {
    $_ = shift;

sub f2 {
    $_ = shift;

$m->filter_functions( f1 => \&f1 );
$m->filter_functions( f2 => \&f2 );

# Try one custom filter

my $src_custom1 = qq(<% 'hello <"world">' | f1 %>);
my $res_custom1 = qq(happy <"wyrpd">);
is $m->execute( text => $src_custom1), $res_custom1;

# Try two filters in order: they're order dependant, so this will fail
# if they execute in the wrong order.

my $src_custom2 = qq(<% 'hello <"world">' | f1 , f2 %>);
my $res_custom2 = qq(happy <"birthday">);
is $m->execute( text => $src_custom2), $res_custom2;

# Try both filters as defaults
    local $m->{default_filters} = 'f1, f2';
    my $src_custom3 = qq(<% 'hello <"world">' %>);
    is $m->execute( text => $src_custom3), $res_custom2;

    # Override default filters
    my $src_custom4 = qq(<% 'hello <"world">' |n, f1 %>);
    is $m->execute( text => $src_custom4), $res_custom1;

# Try one default filter and one additional filter
    local $m->{default_filters} = 'f1';
    my $src_custom3 = qq(<% 'hello <"world">' %>);
    is $m->execute( text => $src_custom3), $res_custom1;

    my $src_custom4 = qq(<% 'hello <"world">' | f2 %>);
    is $m->execute( text => $src_custom4), $res_custom2;

# Test default_policy => 'override': an inline filter will override the default
    local $m->{default_filters} = 'f1';
    local $m->{default_policy} = 'override';

    # Without an inline filter, the default f1 runs
    my $src_custom3 = qq(<% 'hello <"world">' %>);
    is $m->execute( text => $src_custom3), $res_custom1;

    # Nothing gets translated here because f1 doesn't run and f2 doesn't match
    my $src_custom4 = qq(<% 'hello <"world">' | f2 %>);
    is $m->execute( text => $src_custom4), qq(hello <"world">);

    # f1 doesn't translate "hello" but f2 does translate "wyrpd"
    my $src_custom5 = qq(<% 'hello <"wyrpd">' | f2 %>);
    is $m->execute( text => $src_custom5), qq(hello <"birthday">);