The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package WWW::Scraper::F1;
  $WWW::Scraper::F1::VERSION = '0.007';

use v5.14;
use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings qw(FATAL utf8);
use open qw(:std :utf8);
use charnames qw(:full :short);

use parent qw(Exporter);
use Encode 2.47;
use HTML::TreeBuilder 5.03;
use LWP 6.04;
use DateTime::Format::Natural 1.00;
use DateTime::Format::Duration 1.03;
use Time::Piece 1.20;
use Storable 2.39;

our @EXPORT = qw(get_upcoming_race get_top_championship);

sub get_upcoming_race {
    my $options = shift;
    my $total_info = &get_info( $options->{cache} // "1" , $options->{test});

    my $race_info = $total_info->{'race_info'};
    my $output    = '';
    if ( !defined($race_info) ){
        return undef;

    my $now = $race_info->{'now'};
    my $dt  = $race_info->{'time'};

#convert datetime objects to Time::Piece objects, for actual day calculation (datetime object seem to want to convert 41 days to 1 month and some days)
    my $t1 =
      Time::Piece->strptime( $dt->strftime("%y %m %d %T"), "%y %m %d %T" );
    my $t2 =
      Time::Piece->strptime( $now->strftime("%y %m %d %T"), "%y %m  %d %T" );

    my $diff      = $t1 - $t2;
    my $diff_days = int $diff->days;    #use Time::Piece to calculate days left
    $diff = $dt - $now;

#check if days or hours is 0 to prevent output like this ( 12 days 0 hours) this becomes just (12 days)
    my $until_race_time = sprintf( "%s%s",
        ( $diff_days > 0 )   ? "$diff_days days "       : "",
        ( $diff->hours > 0 ) ? "${\$diff->hours} hours" : "" );
    if ( $now > $dt ) {
        $until_race_time .= " ago";
    $output = {
        'city'      => $race_info->{city},
        'country'   => $race_info->{country},
        'time'      => $dt->strftime("%d/%m/%y %T"),
        'countdown' => $until_race_time,

    return $output;

sub get_top_championship {
    my $options = shift;
    $options->{points} ||= "yes";
    $options->{length} ||= 5;
    $options->{cache}  ||= "1";
    return if $options->{length} < 1;
    my $total_info         = &get_info( $options->{cache}, $options->{test} );
    my $championship_table = $total_info->{'championship_info'};
    if( !defined($championship_table) ){
        return undef;

    my @ra = ();
    for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= $options->{length} ; $i++ ) {
        my $tuple = {
            'pos'    => $i,
            'driver' => $championship_table->[$i]->{'driver'},
            'points' => $championship_table->[$i]->{'points'}
        push @ra, $tuple;
    return \@ra;

sub get_info {
    my $cache      = shift;
    my $testing    = shift;
    my $cache_name = "f1.cache";
    my ( $cache_content, $total_info );
    my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'local' );
    if ( $cache && -e $cache_name && !$testing ) {    #cache file exists
        $cache_content = retrieve($cache_name);

        if ( $now > $cache_content->{'race_info'}->{'time'} ) {
            my $web_content = &build_from_internet();
            return undef if not $web_content;
            $total_info = &extract_info_from_web_content($web_content);
            store $total_info, $cache_name;
        else {
            $total_info = $cache_content;

    else {    #get info from web, extract info and put it in a cacheble hash
        my $web_content = &build_from_internet($testing);
        return undef if not $web_content;
        $total_info = &extract_info_from_web_content($web_content);
        store $total_info, $cache_name;
    $total_info->{'race_info'}->{'now'} = $now;
    return $total_info;

sub build_from_internet {
    my $test = shift || undef;
    my %info = ();
    my ($race_info_content, $championship_content);
    if( $test ){
        $race_info_content = decode_utf8( do_GET($test->{upcoming}) );
        $race_info_content = decode_utf8( do_GET("") );
    if ( !$race_info_content ) {    #get failed (no internet connection)
        print "race_info: Could not fetch form inet and no cache\n";
        $info{'race_content'} = undef;
        $info{'race_content'}         = $race_info_content;

    my $now = DateTime->now();
    if( $test ){
        $championship_content = decode_utf8( do_GET( $test->{championship } ) );
        $championship_content = decode_utf8( do_GET( "" . $now->year ) );
    if ( !$championship_content ) {    #get failed (no internet connection)
        print "championship: Could not fetch from (no results yet this season?) and no cache\n";
        $info{'championship_content'} = undef;
    $info{'championship_content'} = $championship_content;
    #    open( my $rc_info, "<", $test->{upcoming} ) or die "Could not open $test->{upcoming}: $!";
    #    open( my $chmp_info, "<", $test->{championship} ) or die "Could not open $test->{upcoming}: $!";
    return \%info;

sub extract_info_from_web_content {
    my $web_content = shift;
    my $total_info  = {};
    ################   extract time and place info from web_content
    my $race_info;
    my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;

    if( $web_content->{'race_content'} ){
        #race time extraction
        foreach my $line ( split( '\n', $web_content->{'race_content'} ) ) {
            if ( $line =~ m/grand_prix\[0\]\.sessions/ ) {
                $line =~ m/'Race','(.+)'/;
                my $parser = DateTime::Format::Natural->new( time_zone => 'GMT' );
                my $dt = $parser->parse_datetime( $parser->extract_datetime($1) );
                $dt->set_time_zone( DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' ) );  #convert timezone to local
                $race_info->{time} = $dt;
        $root->parse( $web_content->{'race_content'} );
        $race_info->{country} =
          lc $root->find_by_attribute( "id", "country_name" )->as_trimmed_text();
        $race_info->{city} =
          $root->find_by_attribute( "id", "city_name" )->as_trimmed_text();

        $race_info->{city} =~ s/[\P{alpha}]//;
        $race_info->{city} = ucfirst lc
          $race_info->{city};  #strip the html gunk, by removing all Non-alpha chars

        $total_info->{'race_info'} = $race_info;
        $total_info->{'race_info'} = undef;

    ################   extract championship info from web_content
    if( $web_content->{'championship_content'} ){
        $root->parse( $web_content->{'championship_content'} );

        my $table = $root->look_down(
            "_tag"  => "table",
            "class" => "raceResults"
        my @rows = $table->look_down( "_tag" => "tr" );
        for my $row (@rows) {
            my @columns = $row->look_down( "_tag", "td" );
            if (@columns) {
                $total_info->{'championship_info'}->[ $columns[0]->as_text() ]
                  ->{'driver'} = $columns[1]->as_text();
                $total_info->{'championship_info'}->[ $columns[0]->as_text() ]
                  ->{'points'} = $columns[4]->as_text();
        $total_info->{'championship_info'} = undef;
    return $total_info;

sub do_GET {
    my $browser;
    $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new unless $browser;
    my $resp = $browser->get(@_);
    return ( $resp->content, $resp->status_line, $resp->is_success, $resp )
      if wantarray;
    return unless $resp->is_success;
    return $resp->content;



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

WWW::Scraper::F1 - Use race data seamlessly in perl.

=begin html

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Build status"></a>

=end html


   use WWW::Scraper:F1;

   my $top      = get_top_championship( { length => 5 } );
   my $upcoming = get_upcoming_race();


=head2 get_top_championship()

This functions retrieves the current championship. It returns a reference to an array of hashes. By default it
returns the top 5 drivers like this.

       { name => "Sebastian Vettel" , points => 55 , team => "Red Bull Racing" }
       { name => "Fernando Alonso"  , points => 40 , team => "Ferrari" }

You can specify options via a hash reference C<< get_top_chamionship( {length => 3} ) >>

=head2 get_upcoming_race()

This function returns a reference to a hash. The hash elements contain information about the upcoming race.
The hash looks like this:

     'country'    => 'Canada',
     'city'       => 'Montreal',
     'time'       => '10/06/12 20:00:00',
     'countdown'  => '7 days 21 hours'

You can specify options via a hash refernce, C<< get_upcoming_rac( { cache => 0 } ) >>
Available options:

=over 3

=item cache

Set this to 0, to not use the internal cache mechanism. This will disable reading form the cache file, it will still write the results of the call to it.



This module caches the results fetched from for futher use. Since the actual data only changes after a race, it only needs to fetch it again if the cache is older then the previous race.

=head1 AUTHOR

Freek Kalter



This module is distributed under the same lincense as perl5 itself.