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# -*- Mode: Perl -*-
# - Redland Perl RDF Parser module
# Copyright (C) 2000-2005 David Beckett -
# Copyright (C) 2000-2005 University of Bristol -
# This package is Free Software and part of Redland
# It is licensed under the following three licenses as alternatives:
#   1. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) V2.1 or any newer version
#   2. GNU General Public License (GPL) V2 or any newer version
#   3. Apache License, V2.0 or any newer version
# You may not use this file except in compliance with at least one of
# the above three licenses.
# See LICENSE.html or LICENSE.txt at the top of this package for the
# full license terms.

package RDF::Redland::Parser;

use strict;

use RDF::Redland::Stream;


=head1 NAME

RDF::Redland::Parser - Redland RDF Syntax Parsers Class


  use RDF::Redland;

  my $parser=new RDF::Redland::Parser("rdfxml");
  my $parser2=new RDF::Redland::Parser(undef, "application/rdf+xml);

  # Return as an RDF::Redland::Stream
  my $stream=$parser->parse_as_stream($source_uri, $base_uri);
  # Store in an RDF::Redland::Model
  $parser->parse_into_model($source_uri, $base_uri, $model);


This class represents parsers of various syntaxes that can deliver a
RDF model either as a RDF::Redland::Stream of RDF::Redland::Statement objects or
directly into an RDF::Redland::Model object.






=item new [NAME [MIME_TYPE [URI]]]

Create a new RDF::Redland::Parser object for a syntax parser named I<NAME>,
with MIME Type I<MIME_TYPE> and/or URI I<URI>.  Any field can be undef
or omitted; if all are omitted, a parser that provides MIME Type 
application/rdf+xml will be requested.


# (main)
sub new ($;$$$) {
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self  = {};
  my $reduri = undef;

  if(defined $uri) {

  return undef if !$self->{PARSER};

  bless ($self, $class);
  return $self;




sub DESTROY ($) {
  warn "RDF::Redland::Parser DESTROY\n" if $RDF::Redland::Debug;

=head1 METHODS


=item parse_as_stream SOURCE_URI BASE_URI

Parse the syntax at the RDF::Redland::URI I<SOURCE_URI> with optional base
RDF::Redland::URI I<BASE_URI>.  If the base URI is given then the content is
parsed as if it was at the base URI rather than the source URI.

Returns an RDF::Redland::Stream of RDF::Redland::Statement objects or
undef on failure.


sub parse_as_stream ($$$) {
  my $rbase_uri=$base_uri ? $base_uri->{URI} : undef;
  my $stream=&RDF::Redland::CORE::librdf_parser_parse_as_stream($self->{PARSER},$uri->{URI}, $rbase_uri);
  return undef if !$stream;
  return new RDF::Redland::Stream($stream,$self);

=item parse_into_model SOURCE_URI BASE_URI MODEL [HANDLER]

Parse the syntax at the RDF::Redland::URI I<SOURCE_URI> with optional base
RDF::Redland::URI I<BASE_URI> into RDF::Redland::Model I<MODEL>.  If the base URI is
given then the content is parsed as if it was at the base URI rather
than the source URI.

If the optional I<HANDLER> is given, it is a reference to a sub with the signature
  sub handler($$$$$$$$$) {
    my($code, $level, $facility, $message, $line, $column, $byte, $file, $uri)=@_;
that receives errors in parsing.


sub parse_into_model ($$$$;$) {
  if($handler) {
  my $rbase_uri=$base_uri ? $base_uri->{URI} : undef;
  my $rc=&RDF::Redland::CORE::librdf_parser_parse_into_model($self->{PARSER},$uri->{URI},$rbase_uri,$model->{MODEL});
  if($handler) {
  return $rc;

=item parse_string_as_stream STRING BASE_URI

Parse the syntax in I<STRING> with required base
RDF::Redland::URI I<BASE_URI>.

Returns an RDF::Redland::Stream of RDF::Redland::Statement objects or
undef on failure.


sub parse_string_as_stream ($$$) {
  my $rbase_uri=$base_uri ? $base_uri->{URI} : undef;
  my $stream=&RDF::Redland::CORE::librdf_parser_parse_string_as_stream($self->{PARSER},$string, $rbase_uri);
  return undef if !$stream;
  return new RDF::Redland::Stream($stream,$self);

=item parse_string_into_model STRING BASE_URI MODEL [HANDLER]

Parse the syntax in I<STRING> with required base
RDF::Redland::URI I<BASE_URI> into RDF::Redfland::Model I<MODEL>.

If the optional I<HANDLER> is given, it is a reference to a sub with the signature
  sub handler($$$$$$$$$) {
    my($code, $level, $facility, $message, $line, $column, $byte, $file, $uri)=@_;
that receives errors in parsing.


sub parse_string_into_model ($$$$;$) {
  if($handler) {
  my $rbase_uri=$base_uri ? $base_uri->{URI} : undef;
  my $rc=&RDF::Redland::CORE::librdf_parser_parse_string_into_model($self->{PARSER},$string,$rbase_uri,$model->{MODEL});
  if($handler) {
  return $rc;

=item feature URI [VALUE]

Get/set a parser feature.  The feature is named via RDF::Redland::URI
I<URI> and the value is a RDF::Redland::Node.  If I<VALUE> is given,
the feature is set to that value, otherwise the current value is


sub feature ($$;$) {

  warn "RDF::Redland::Parser->feature('$uri', '$value')\n"
    if $RDF::Redland::Debug;
    unless ref $uri;

  if(!defined $value) {
    return $value ? RDF::Redland::Node->_new_from_object($value,1) : undef;

    unless ref $value;

  return &RDF::Redland::CORE::librdf_parser_set_feature($self->{PARSER},


=item namespaces_seen

Get the set of namespace declarations seen during parsing as a
hash of key:prefix string (may be ''), value: RDF::Redland::URI objects.


sub namespaces_seen($) {
  my $self=shift;

  my $count=&RDF::Redland::CORE::librdf_parser_get_namespaces_seen_count($self->{PARSER});
  for (my $offset=0; $offset < $count; $offset++) {
    my $prefix=&RDF::Redland::CORE::librdf_parser_get_namespaces_seen_prefix($self->{PARSER}, $offset);
    $prefix ||= '';
    my $uri=&RDF::Redland::CORE::librdf_parser_get_namespaces_seen_uri($self->{PARSER}, $offset);
    my $ruri=$uri ?  RDF::Redland::URI->_new_from_object($uri) : undef;
  return %namespaces;



=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Dave Beckett -

