The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;

use Test::More ;
use CompTestUtils;


our ($UncompressClass);
    # use Test::NoWarnings, if available
    my $extra = 0 ;

    my $st = eval { require Test::NoWarnings ;  import Test::NoWarnings; 1; };
    $extra = 1
        if $st ;

    plan(tests => 666 + $extra) ;

sub myGZreadFile
    my $filename = shift ;
    my $init = shift ;

    my $fil = new $UncompressClass $filename,
                                    -Strict   => 0,
                                    -Append   => 1

    my $data = '';
    $data = $init if defined $init ;
    1 while $fil->read($data) > 0;

    $fil->close ;
    return $data ;

sub run
    my $CompressClass   = identify();
    $UncompressClass = getInverse($CompressClass);
    my $Error           = getErrorRef($CompressClass);
    my $UnError         = getErrorRef($UncompressClass);


        title "Testing $CompressClass Errors";

        # Buffer not writable
        eval qq[\$a = new $CompressClass(\\1) ;] ;
        like $@, mkEvalErr("^$CompressClass: output buffer is read-only") ;
        my($out, $gz);
        my $x ;
        $gz = new $CompressClass(\$x); 

        foreach my $name (qw(read readline getc))
            eval " \$gz->$name() " ;
            like $@, mkEvalErr("^$name Not Available: File opened only for output");

        eval ' $gz->write({})' ;
        like $@, mkEvalErr("^${CompressClass}::write: not a scalar reference");

        eval ' $gz->syswrite("abc", 1, 5)' ;
        like $@, mkEvalErr("^${CompressClass}::write: offset outside string");

        eval ' $gz->syswrite("abc", 1, -4)' ;
        like $@, mkEvalErr("^${CompressClass}::write: offset outside string"), "write outside string";

        title "Testing $UncompressClass Errors";

        my $out = "" ;

        my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

        ok ! -e $name, "  $name does not exist";
        $a = new $UncompressClass "$name" ;
        is $a, undef;

        my $gc ;
        my $guz = new $CompressClass(\$gc); 
        $guz->write("abc") ;

        my $x ;
        my $gz = new $UncompressClass(\$gc); 

        foreach my $name (qw(print printf write))
            eval " \$gz->$name() " ;
            like $@, mkEvalErr("^$name Not Available: File opened only for intput");


        title "Testing $CompressClass and $UncompressClass";

            my ($a, $x, @x) = ("","","") ;

            # Buffer not a scalar reference
            eval qq[\$a = new $CompressClass \\\@x ;] ;
            like $@, mkEvalErr("^$CompressClass: output parameter not a filename, filehandle or scalar ref");
            # Buffer not a scalar reference
            eval qq[\$a = new $UncompressClass \\\@x ;] ;
            like $@, mkEvalErr("^$UncompressClass: input parameter not a filename, filehandle, array ref or scalar ref");
        foreach my $Type ( $CompressClass, $UncompressClass)
            # Check error handling with IO::Compress::Deflate and IO::Uncompress::Inflate

            my ($a, $x, @x) = ("","","") ;

            # Odd number of parameters
            eval qq[\$a = new $Type "abc", -Output ] ;
            like $@, mkEvalErr("^$Type: Expected even number of parameters, got 1");

            # Unknown parameter
            eval qq[\$a = new $Type  "anc", -Fred => 123 ;] ;
            like $@, mkEvalErr("^$Type: unknown key value\\(s\\) Fred");

            # no in or out param
            eval qq[\$a = new $Type ;] ;
            like $@, mkEvalErr("^$Type: Missing (Input|Output) parameter");


            # write a very simple compressed file 
            # and read back 

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $hello = <<EOM ;
hello world
this is a test

              my $x ;
              ok $x = new $CompressClass $name  ;
              is $x->autoflush(1), 0, "autoflush";
              is $x->autoflush(1), 1, "autoflush";
              ok $x->opened(), "opened";

              ok $x->write($hello), "write" ;
              ok $x->flush(), "flush";
              ok $x->close, "close" ;
              ok ! $x->opened(), "! opened";

              my $uncomp;
              ok my $x = new $UncompressClass $name, -Append => 1  ;
              ok $x->opened(), "opened";

              my $len ;
              1 while ($len = $x->read($uncomp)) > 0 ;

              is $len, 0, "read returned 0"
                or diag $$UnError ;

              ok $x->close ;
              is $uncomp, $hello ;
              ok !$x->opened(), "! opened";

            # write a very simple compressed file 
            # and read back 

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $hello = <<EOM ;
hello world
this is a test

              my $x ;
              ok $x = new $CompressClass $name  ;

              is $x->write(''), 0, "Write empty string is ok";
              is $x->write(undef), 0, "Write undef is ok";
              ok $x->write($hello), "Write ok" ;
              ok $x->close, "Close ok" ;

              my $uncomp;
              my $x = new $UncompressClass $name  ;
              ok $x, "creates $UncompressClass $name"  ;

              my $data = '';
              $data .= $uncomp while $x->read($uncomp) > 0 ;

              ok $x->close, "close ok" ;
              is $data, $hello, "expected output" ;

            # write a very simple file with using an IO filehandle
            # and read back 

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $hello = <<EOM ;
hello world
this is a test

              my $fh = new IO::File ">$name" ;
              ok $fh, "opened file $name ok";
              my $x = new $CompressClass $fh  ;
              ok $x, " created $CompressClass $fh"  ;

              is $x->fileno(), fileno($fh), "fileno match" ;
              is $x->write(''), 0, "Write empty string is ok";
              is $x->write(undef), 0, "Write undef is ok";
              ok $x->write($hello), "write ok" ;
              ok $x->flush(), "flush";
              ok $x->close,"close" ;
              $fh->close() ;

            my $uncomp;
              my $x ;
              ok my $fh1 = new IO::File "<$name" ;
              ok $x = new $UncompressClass $fh1, -Append => 1  ;
              ok $x->fileno() == fileno $fh1 ;

              1 while $x->read($uncomp) > 0 ;

              ok $x->close ;

            ok $hello eq $uncomp ;

            # write a very simple file with using a glob filehandle
            # and read back 

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;
            #my $name  = "/tmp/fred";

            my $hello = <<EOM ;
hello world
this is a test

              title "$CompressClass: Input from typeglob filehandle";  
              ok open FH, ">$name" ;
              my $x = new $CompressClass *FH  ;
              ok $x, "  create $CompressClass"  ;

              is $x->fileno(), fileno(*FH), "  fileno" ;
              is $x->write(''), 0, "  Write empty string is ok";
              is $x->write(undef), 0, "  Write undef is ok";
              ok $x->write($hello), "  Write ok" ;
              ok $x->flush(), "  Flush";
              ok $x->close, "  Close" ;
              close FH;

            my $uncomp;
              title "$UncompressClass: Input from typeglob filehandle, append output";  
              my $x ;
              ok open FH, "<$name" ;
              ok $x = new $UncompressClass *FH, -Append => 1, Transparent => 0
                or diag $$UnError ;
              is $x->fileno(), fileno FH, "  fileno ok" ;

              1 while $x->read($uncomp) > 0 ;

              ok $x->close, "  close" ;

            is $uncomp, $hello, "  expected output" ;

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;
            #my $name = "/tmp/fred";

            my $hello = <<EOM ;
hello world
this is a test

              title "Outout to stdout via '-'" ;

              open(SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT");
              my $dummy = fileno SAVEOUT;
              open STDOUT, ">$name" ;
              my $x = new $CompressClass '-'  ;

              open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT");

              ok 1, "  wrote to stdout" ;
            is myGZreadFile($name), $hello, "  wrote OK";

              title "Input from stdin via filename '-'";  

              my $x ;
              my $uncomp ;
              my $stdinFileno = fileno(STDIN);
              # open below doesn't return 1 sometines on XP
                 open(SAVEIN, "<&STDIN");
              ok open(STDIN, "<$name"), "  redirect STDIN";
              my $dummy = fileno SAVEIN;
              $x = new $UncompressClass '-', Append => 1, Transparent => 0
                    or diag $$UnError ;
              ok $x, "  created object" ;
              is $x->fileno(), $stdinFileno, "  fileno ok" ;

              1 while $x->read($uncomp) > 0 ;

              ok $x->close, "  close" ;
                 open(STDIN, "<&SAVEIN");
              is $uncomp, $hello, "  expected output" ;

            # write a compressed file to memory 
            # and read back 

            #my $name = "test.gz" ;
            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $hello = <<EOM ;
hello world
this is a test

            my $buffer ;
              my $x ;
              ok $x = new $CompressClass(\$buffer) ;
              ok ! defined $x->autoflush(1) ;
              ok ! defined $x->autoflush(1) ;
              ok ! defined $x->fileno() ;
              is $x->write(''), 0, "Write empty string is ok";
              is $x->write(undef), 0, "Write undef is ok";
              ok $x->write($hello) ;
              ok $x->flush();
              ok $x->close ;
              writeFile($name, $buffer) ;
              #is anyUncompress(\$buffer), $hello, "  any ok";

            my $keep = $buffer ;
            my $uncomp;
              my $x ;
              ok $x = new $UncompressClass(\$buffer, Append => 1)  ;

              ok ! defined $x->autoflush(1) ;
              ok ! defined $x->autoflush(1) ;
              ok ! defined $x->fileno() ;
              1 while $x->read($uncomp) > 0  ;

              ok $x->close, "closed" ;

            is $uncomp, $hello, "got expected uncompressed data" ;
            ok $buffer eq $keep, "compressed input not changed" ;

        if ($CompressClass ne 'RawDeflate')
            # write empty file

            my $buffer = '';
              my $x ;
              $x = new $CompressClass(\$buffer);
              ok $x, "new $CompressClass" ;
              ok $x->close, "close ok" ;

            my $keep = $buffer ;
            my $uncomp= '';
              my $x ;
              ok $x = new $UncompressClass(\$buffer, Append => 1)  ;

              1 while $x->read($uncomp) > 0  ;

              ok $x->close ;

            ok $uncomp eq '' ;
            ok $buffer eq $keep ;


            # write a larger file

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $hello = <<EOM ;
hello world
this is a test

            my $input    = '' ;
            my $contents = '' ;

              my $x = new $CompressClass $name  ;
              ok $x, "  created $CompressClass object";

              ok $x->write($hello), "  write ok" ;
              $input .= $hello ;
              ok $x->write("another line"), "  write ok" ;
              $input .= "another line" ;
              # all characters
              foreach (0 .. 255)
                { $contents .= chr int $_ }
              # generate a long random string
              foreach (1 .. 5000)
                { $contents .= chr int rand 256 }

              ok $x->write($contents), "  write ok" ;
              $input .= $contents ;
              ok $x->close, "  close ok" ;

            ok myGZreadFile($name) eq $input ;
            my $x =  readFile($name) ;
            #print "length " . length($x) . " \n";

            # embed a compressed file in another file

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $hello = <<EOM ;
hello world
this is a test

            my $header = "header info\n" ;
            my $trailer = "trailer data\n" ;

              my $fh ;
              ok $fh = new IO::File ">$name" ;
              print $fh $header ;
              my $x ;
              ok $x = new $CompressClass $fh,
                                         -AutoClose => 0   ;

              ok $x->binmode();
              ok $x->write($hello) ;
              ok $x->close ;
              print $fh $trailer ;
              $fh->close() ;

            my ($fil, $uncomp) ;
            my $fh1 ;
            ok $fh1 = new IO::File "<$name" ;
            # skip leading junk
            my $line = <$fh1> ;
            ok $line eq $header ;

            ok my $x = new $UncompressClass $fh1, Append => 1  ;
            ok $x->binmode();
            1 while $x->read($uncomp) > 0 ;

            ok $uncomp eq $hello ;
            my $rest ;
            read($fh1, $rest, 5000);
            is $x->trailingData() . $rest, $trailer ;
            #print "# [".$x->trailingData() . "][$rest]\n" ;


            # embed a compressed file in another buffer

            my $hello = <<EOM ;
hello world
this is a test

            my $trailer = "trailer data" ;

            my $compressed ;

              ok my $x = new $CompressClass(\$compressed);

              ok $x->write($hello) ;
              ok $x->close ;
              $compressed .= $trailer ;

            my $uncomp;
            ok my $x = new $UncompressClass(\$compressed, Append => 1)  ;
            1 while $x->read($uncomp) > 0 ;

            ok $uncomp eq $hello ;
            is $x->trailingData(), $trailer ;


            # Write
            # these tests come almost 100% from IO::String

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $io = $CompressClass->new($name);

            is $io->tell(), 0, " tell returns 0"; ;

            my $heisan = "Heisan\n";
            $io->print($heisan) ;

            ok ! $io->eof(), "  ! eof";

            is $io->tell(), length($heisan), "  tell is " . length($heisan) ;

            $io->print("a", "b", "c");

                local($\) = "\n";
                $io->print("d", "e");
                local($,) = ",";
                $io->print("f", "g", "h");

                local($\) ;
                $io->print("D", "E");
                local($,) = ".";
                $io->print("F", "G", "H");

            my $foo = "1234567890";
            is $io->syswrite($foo, length($foo)), length($foo), "  syswrite ok" ;
            if ( $] < 5.6 )
              { is $io->syswrite($foo, length $foo), length $foo, "  syswrite ok" }
              { is $io->syswrite($foo), length $foo, "  syswrite ok" }
            is $io->syswrite($foo, length($foo)), length $foo, "  syswrite ok";
            is $io->write($foo, length($foo), 5), 5,   " write 5";
            is $io->write("xxx\n", 100, -1), 1, "  write 1";

            for (1..3) {
                $io->printf("i(%d)", $_);
                $io->printf("[%d]\n", $_);

            $io->close ;

            ok $io->eof(), "  eof";

            is myGZreadFile($name), "Heisan\nabcde\nf,g,h\nDEF.G.H" .
                                    ("1234567890" x 3) . "67890\n" .
                                        "myGZreadFile ok";


            # Read
            my $str = <<EOT;
This is an example
of a paragraph

and a single line.


            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my %opts = () ;
            my $iow = new $CompressClass $name, %opts;
            is $iow->input_line_number, undef; 
            $iow->print($str) ;
            is $iow->input_line_number, undef; 
            $iow->close ;

            my @tmp;
            my $buf;
                my $io = new $UncompressClass $name ;
                is $., 0; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 0; 
                ok ! $io->eof, "eof";
                is $io->tell(), 0, "tell 0" ;
                #my @lines = <$io>;
                my @lines = $io->getlines();
                is @lines, 6
                    or print "# Got " . scalar(@lines) . " lines, expected 6\n" ;
                is $lines[1], "of a paragraph\n" ;
                is join('', @lines), $str ;
                is $., 6; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 6; 
                is $io->tell(), length($str) ;
                ok $io->eof;

                ok ! ( defined($io->getline)  ||
                          (@tmp = $io->getlines) ||
                          defined($io->getline)         ||
                          defined($io->getc)     ||
                          $io->read($buf, 100)   != 0) ;
                local $/;  # slurp mode
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                is $., 0; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 0; 
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my @lines = $io->getlines;
                is $., 1; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 1; 
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 1 && $lines[0] eq $str;
                $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my $line = $io->getline();
                ok $line eq $str;
                ok $io->eof;
                local $/ = "";  # paragraph mode
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                is $., 0; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 0; 
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my @lines = $io->getlines();
                is $., 2; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 2; 
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 2 
                    or print "# Got " . scalar(@lines) . " lines, expected 2\n" ;
                ok $lines[0] eq "This is an example\nof a paragraph\n\n\n"
                    or print "# $lines[0]\n";
                ok $lines[1] eq "and a single line.\n\n";
                # Record mode
                my $reclen = 7 ;
                my $expected_records = int(length($str) / $reclen)
                                        + (length($str) % $reclen ? 1 : 0);
                local $/ = \$reclen;

                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                is $., 0; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 0; 

                ok ! $io->eof;
                my @lines = $io->getlines();
                is $., $expected_records; 
                is $io->input_line_number, $expected_records; 
                ok $io->eof;
                is @lines, $expected_records, 
                    "Got $expected_records records\n" ;
                ok $lines[0] eq substr($str, 0, $reclen)
                    or print "# $lines[0]\n";
                ok $lines[1] eq substr($str, $reclen, $reclen);

                local $/ = "is";
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                my @lines = ();
                my $no = 0;
                my $err = 0;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                while (my $a = $io->getline()) {
                    push(@lines, $a);
                    $err++ if $. != ++$no;
                ok $err == 0 ;
                ok $io->eof;
                is $., 3; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 3; 
                ok @lines == 3 
                    or print "# Got " . scalar(@lines) . " lines, expected 3\n" ;
                ok join("-", @lines) eq
                                 "This- is- an example\n" .
                                "of a paragraph\n\n\n" .
                                "and a single line.\n\n";
            # Test read
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);

                eval { $io->read(1) } ;
                like $@, mkErr("buffer parameter is read-only");

                $buf = "abcd";
                is $io->read($buf, 0), 0, "Requested 0 bytes" ;
                is $buf, "", "Buffer empty";

                is $io->read($buf, 3), 3 ;
                is $buf, "Thi";
                is $io->sysread($buf, 3, 2), 3 ;
                is $buf, "Ths i"
                    or print "# [$buf]\n" ;;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                $buf = "ab" ;
                is $io->read($buf, 3, 4), 3 ;
                is $buf, "ab" . "\x00" x 2 . "s a"
                    or print "# [$buf]\n" ;;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                # read the rest of the file
                $buf = '';
                my $remain = length($str) - 9;
                is $io->read($buf, $remain+1), $remain ;
                is $buf, substr($str, 9);
                ok $io->eof;

                $buf = "hello";
                is $io->read($buf, 10), 0 ;
                is $buf, "", "Buffer empty";
                ok $io->eof;

                ok $io->close();
                $buf = "hello";
                is $io->read($buf, 10), 0 ;
                is $buf, "hello", "Buffer not empty";
                ok $io->eof;

        #        $io->seek(-4, 2);
        #        ok ! $io->eof;
        #        ok read($io, $buf, 20) == 4 ;
        #        ok $buf eq "e.\n\n";
        #        ok read($io, $buf, 20) == 0 ;
        #        ok $buf eq "";
        #        ok ! $io->eof;


            # Read from non-compressed file

            my $str = <<EOT;
This is an example
of a paragraph

and a single line.


            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            writeFile($name, $str);
            my @tmp;
            my $buf;
                my $io = new $UncompressClass $name, -Transparent => 1 ;
                ok defined $io;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                ok $io->tell() == 0 ;
                my @lines = $io->getlines();
                is @lines, 6; 
                ok $lines[1] eq "of a paragraph\n" ;
                ok join('', @lines) eq $str ;
                is $., 6; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 6; 
                ok $io->tell() == length($str) ;
                ok $io->eof;

                ok ! ( defined($io->getline)  ||
                          (@tmp = $io->getlines) ||
                          defined($io->getline)         ||
                          defined($io->getc)     ||
                          $io->read($buf, 100)   != 0) ;
                local $/;  # slurp mode
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my @lines = $io->getlines;
                is $., 1; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 1; 
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 1 && $lines[0] eq $str;
                $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my $line = $io->getline;
                is $., 1; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 1; 
                ok $line eq $str;
                ok $io->eof;
                local $/ = "";  # paragraph mode
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                ok ! $io->eof;
                my @lines = $io->getlines;
                is $., 2; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 2; 
                ok $io->eof;
                ok @lines == 2 
                    or print "# exected 2 lines, got " . scalar(@lines) . "\n";
                ok $lines[0] eq "This is an example\nof a paragraph\n\n\n"
                    or print "# [$lines[0]]\n" ;
                ok $lines[1] eq "and a single line.\n\n";
                # Record mode
                my $reclen = 7 ;
                my $expected_records = int(length($str) / $reclen)
                                        + (length($str) % $reclen ? 1 : 0);
                local $/ = \$reclen;

                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                is $., 0; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 0; 

                ok ! $io->eof;
                my @lines = $io->getlines();
                is $., $expected_records; 
                is $io->input_line_number, $expected_records; 
                ok $io->eof;
                is @lines, $expected_records, 
                    "Got $expected_records records\n" ;
                ok $lines[0] eq substr($str, 0, $reclen)
                    or print "# $lines[0]\n";
                ok $lines[1] eq substr($str, $reclen, $reclen);

                local $/ = "is";
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                my @lines = ();
                my $no = 0;
                my $err = 0;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                while (my $a = $io->getline) {
                    push(@lines, $a);
                    $err++ if $. != ++$no;
                is $., 3; 
                is $io->input_line_number, 3; 
                ok $err == 0 ;
                ok $io->eof;

                ok @lines == 3 ;
                ok join("-", @lines) eq
                                 "This- is- an example\n" .
                                "of a paragraph\n\n\n" .
                                "and a single line.\n\n";
            # Test Read
                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name);
                $buf = "abcd";
                is $io->read($buf, 0), 0, "Requested 0 bytes" ;
                is $buf, "", "Buffer empty";

                ok $io->read($buf, 3) == 3 ;
                ok $buf eq "Thi";
                ok $io->sysread($buf, 3, 2) == 3 ;
                ok $buf eq "Ths i";
                ok ! $io->eof;
                $buf = "ab" ;
                is $io->read($buf, 3, 4), 3 ;
                is $buf, "ab" . "\x00" x 2 . "s a"
                    or print "# [$buf]\n" ;;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                # read the rest of the file
                $buf = '';
                my $remain = length($str) - 9;
                is $io->read($buf, $remain), $remain ;
                is $buf, substr($str, 9);
                ok $io->eof;

                $buf = "hello";
                is $io->read($buf, 10), 0 ;
                is $buf, "", "Buffer empty";
                ok $io->eof;

                ok $io->close();
                $buf = "hello";
                is $io->read($buf, 10), 0 ;
                is $buf, "hello", "Buffer not empty";
                ok $io->eof;

        #        $io->seek(-4, 2);
        #        ok ! $io->eof;
        #        ok read($io, $buf, 20) == 4 ;
        #        ok $buf eq "e.\n\n";
        #        ok read($io, $buf, 20) == 0 ;
        #        ok $buf eq "";
        #        ok ! $io->eof;


            # Vary the length parameter in a read

            my $str = <<EOT;
This is an example
of a paragraph

and a single line.

            $str = $str x 100 ;

            foreach my $bufsize (1, 3, 512, 4096, length($str)-1, length($str), length($str)+1)
                foreach my $trans (0, 1)
                    foreach my $append (0, 1)
                        title "Read Tests - buf length $bufsize, Transparent $trans, Append $append" ;

                        my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

                        if ($trans) {
                            writeFile($name, $str) ;
                        else {
                            my $iow = new $CompressClass $name;
                            $iow->print($str) ;
                            $iow->close ;

                        my $io = $UncompressClass->new($name, 
                                                       -Append => $append,
                                                       -Transparent  => $trans);
                        my $buf;
                        is $io->tell(), 0;

                        if ($append) {
                            1 while $io->read($buf, $bufsize) > 0;
                        else {
                            my $tmp ;
                            $buf .= $tmp while $io->read($tmp, $bufsize) > 0 ;
                        is length $buf, length $str;
                        ok $buf eq $str ;
                        ok ! $io->error() ;
                        ok $io->eof;

        foreach my $file (0, 1)
            foreach my $trans (0, 1)
                title "seek tests - file $file trans $trans" ;

                my $buffer ;
                my $buff ;
                my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

                my $first = "beginning" ;
                my $last  = "the end" ;

                if ($trans)
                    $buffer = $first . "\x00" x 10 . $last;
                    writeFile($name, $buffer);
                    my $output ;
                    if ($file)
                        $output = $name ;
                        $output = \$buffer;

                    my $iow = new $CompressClass $output ;
                    $iow->print($first) ;
                    ok $iow->seek(5, SEEK_CUR) ;
                    ok $iow->tell() == length($first)+5;
                    ok $iow->seek(0, SEEK_CUR) ;
                    ok $iow->tell() == length($first)+5;
                    ok $iow->seek(length($first)+10, SEEK_SET) ;
                    ok $iow->tell() == length($first)+10;

                    $iow->print($last) ;
                    $iow->close ;

                my $input ;
                if ($file)
                    $input = $name ;
                    $input = \$buffer ;

                ok myGZreadFile($input) eq $first . "\x00" x 10 . $last ;

                my $io = $UncompressClass->new($input, Strict => 1);
                ok $io->seek(length($first), SEEK_CUR) 
                    or diag $$UnError ;
                ok ! $io->eof;
                is $io->tell(), length($first);

                ok $io->read($buff, 5) ;
                is $buff, "\x00" x 5 ;
                is $io->tell(), length($first) + 5;

                ok $io->seek(0, SEEK_CUR) ;
                my $here = $io->tell() ;
                is $here, length($first)+5;

                ok $io->seek($here+5, SEEK_SET) ;
                is $io->tell(), $here+5 ;
                ok $io->read($buff, 100) ;
                ok $buff eq $last ;
                ok $io->eof;

            title "seek error cases" ;

            my $b ;
            my $a = new $CompressClass(\$b)  ;

            ok ! $a->error() ;
            eval { $a->seek(-1, 10) ; };
            like $@, mkErr("^${CompressClass}::seek: unknown value, 10, for whence parameter");

            eval { $a->seek(-1, SEEK_END) ; };
            like $@, mkErr("^${CompressClass}::seek: cannot seek backwards");

            $a->close ;

            my $u = new $UncompressClass(\$b)  ;

            eval { $u->seek(-1, 10) ; };
            like $@, mkErr("^${UncompressClass}::seek: unknown value, 10, for whence parameter");

            eval { $u->seek(-1, SEEK_END) ; };
            like $@, mkErr("^${UncompressClass}::seek: SEEK_END not allowed");

            eval { $u->seek(-1, SEEK_CUR) ; };
            like $@, mkErr("^${UncompressClass}::seek: cannot seek backwards");
        foreach my $fb (qw(filename buffer filehandle))
            foreach my $append (0, 1)
                    title "$CompressClass -- Append $append, Output to $fb" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

                    my $already = 'already';
                    my $buffer = $already;
                    my $output;

                    if ($fb eq 'buffer')
                      { $output = \$buffer }
                    elsif ($fb eq 'filename')
                        $output = $name ;
                        writeFile($name, $buffer);
                    elsif ($fb eq 'filehandle')
                        $output = new IO::File ">$name" ;
                        print $output $buffer;

                    my $a = new $CompressClass($output, Append => $append)  ;
                    ok $a, "  Created $CompressClass";
                    my $string = "appended";
                    $a->close ;

                    my $data ; 
                    if ($fb eq 'buffer')
                        $data = $buffer;
                            if $fb eq 'filehandle';
                        $data = readFile($name);

                    if ($append || $fb eq 'filehandle')
                        is substr($data, 0, length($already)), $already, "  got prefix";
                        substr($data, 0, length($already)) = '';

                    my $uncomp;
                    my $x = new $UncompressClass(\$data, Append => 1)  ;
                    ok $x, "  created $UncompressClass";

                    my $len ;
                    1 while ($len = $x->read($uncomp)) > 0 ;

                    $x->close ;
                    is $uncomp, $string, '  Got uncompressed data' ;

        foreach my $type (qw(buffer filename filehandle))
            foreach my $good (0, 1)
                title "$UncompressClass -- InputLength, read from $type, good data => $good";

                my $compressed ; 
                my $string = "some data";
                my $appended = "append";

                if ($good)
                    my $c = new $CompressClass(\$compressed);
                    $compressed = $string ;

                my $comp_len = length $compressed;
                $compressed .= $appended;

                my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;
                my $input ;
                writeFile ($name, $compressed);

                if ($type eq 'buffer')
                    $input = \$compressed;
                if ($type eq 'filename')
                    $input = $name;
                elsif ($type eq 'filehandle')
                    my $fh = new IO::File "<$name" ;
                    ok $fh, "opened file $name ok";
                    $input = $fh ;

                my $x = new $UncompressClass($input, 
                                             InputLength => $comp_len,
                                             Transparent => 1)  ;
                ok $x, "  created $UncompressClass";

                my $len ;
                my $output;
                $len = $x->read($output, 100);

                is $len, length($string);
                is $output, $string;

                if ($type eq 'filehandle')
                    my $rest ;
                    $input->read($rest, 1000);
                    is $rest, $appended;

        foreach my $append (0, 1)
            title "$UncompressClass -- Append $append" ;

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

            my $string = "appended";
            my $compressed ; 
            my $c = new $CompressClass(\$compressed);

            my $x = new $UncompressClass(\$compressed, Append => $append)  ;
            ok $x, "  created $UncompressClass";

            my $already = 'already';
            my $output = $already;

            my $len ;
            $len = $x->read($output, 100);
            is $len, length($string);

            $x->close ;

            if ($append)
                is substr($output, 0, length($already)), $already, "  got prefix";
                substr($output, 0, length($already)) = '';
            is $output, $string, '  Got uncompressed data' ;

        foreach my $file (0, 1)
            foreach my $trans (0, 1)
                title "ungetc, File $file, Transparent $trans" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;

                my $string = 'abcdeABCDE';
                my $b ;
                if ($trans)
                    $b = $string ;
                    my $a = new $CompressClass(\$b)  ;
                    $a->close ;

                my $from ;
                if ($file)
                    writeFile($name, $b);
                    $from = $name ;
                    $from = \$b ;

                my $u = $UncompressClass->new($from, Transparent => 1)  ;
                my $first;
                my $buff ;

                # do an ungetc before reading
                $first = $u->getc();
                is $first, 'X';

                $first = $u->getc();
                is $first, substr($string, 0,1);
                $first = $u->getc();
                is $first, substr($string, 0,1);

                is $u->read($buff, 5), 5 ;
                is $buff, substr($string, 0, 5);

                $u->ungetc($buff) ;
                is $u->read($buff, length($string)), length($string) ;
                is $buff, $string;

                is $u->read($buff, 1), 0;
                ok $u->eof() ;

                my $extra = 'extra';
                ok ! $u->eof();
                is $u->read($buff), length($extra) ;
                is $buff, $extra;
                is $u->read($buff, 1), 0;
                ok $u->eof() ;

                # getc returns undef on eof
                is $u->getc(), undef;


            title "write tests - invalid data" ;

            #my $lex = new LexFile my $name1 ;

            #ok ! -e $name1, "  File $name1 does not exist";

            my @data = (
                [ '{ }',         "${CompressClass}::write: input parameter not a filename, filehandle, array ref or scalar ref" ], 
                [ '[ { } ]',     "${CompressClass}::write: input parameter not a filename, filehandle, array ref or scalar ref" ], 
                [ '[ [ { } ] ]', "${CompressClass}::write: input parameter not a filename, filehandle, array ref or scalar ref" ], 
                [ '[ "" ]',      "${CompressClass}::write: input filename is undef or null string" ], 
                [ '[ undef ]',   "${CompressClass}::write: input filename is undef or null string" ], 
                [ '[ \$Answer ]',"${CompressClass}::write: input and output buffer are identical" ], 
                #[ "not readable", 'xx' ], 
                # same filehandle twice, 'xx'
               ) ;

            foreach my $data (@data)
                my ($send, $get) = @$data ;
                title "${CompressClass}::write( $send )";
                eval "\$copy = $send";
                my $x = new $CompressClass(\$Answer);
                ok $x, "  Created $CompressClass object";
                eval { $x->write($copy) } ;
                #like $@, "/^$get/", "  error - $get";
                like $@, "/not a scalar reference /", "  error - not a scalar reference";

    #        @data = (
    #            [ '[ $name1 ]',  "input file '$name1' does not exist" ], 
    #            #[ "not readable", 'xx' ], 
    #            # same filehandle twice, 'xx'
    #           ) ;
    #        foreach my $data (@data)
    #        {
    #            my ($send, $get) = @$data ;
    #            title "${CompressClass}::write( $send )";
    #            my $copy;
    #            eval "\$copy = $send";
    #            my $x = new $CompressClass(\$Answer);
    #            ok $x, "  Created $CompressClass object";
    #            ok ! $x->write($copy), "  write fails"  ;
    #            like $$Error, "/^$get/", "  error - $get";
    #        }


    #    sub deepCopy
    #    {
    #        if (! ref $_[0] || ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR')
    #        {
    #            return $_[0] ;
    #        }
    #        if (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY')
    #        {
    #            my @a ;
    #            for my $x ( @{ $_[0] })
    #            {
    #                push @a, deepCopy($x);
    #            }
    #            return \@a ;
    #        }
    #        croak "bad! $_[0]";
    #    }
    #    sub deepSubst
    #    {
    #        #my $data = shift ;
    #        my $from = $_[1] ;
    #        my $to   = $_[2] ;
    #        if (! ref $_[0])
    #        {
    #            $_[0] = $to 
    #                if $_[0] eq $from ;
    #            return ;    
    #        }
    #        if (ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR')
    #        {
    #            $_[0] = \$to 
    #                if defined ${ $_[0] } && ${ $_[0] } eq $from ;
    #            return ;    
    #        }
    #        if (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY')
    #        {
    #            for my $x ( @{ $_[0] })
    #            {
    #                deepSubst($x, $from, $to);
    #            }
    #            return ;
    #        }
    #        #croak "bad! $_[0]";
    #    }

    #    {
    #        title "More write tests" ;
    #        my $file1 = "file1" ;
    #        my $file2 = "file2" ;
    #        my $file3 = "file3" ;
    #        my $lex = new LexFile $file1, $file2, $file3 ;
    #        writeFile($file1, "F1");
    #        writeFile($file2, "F2");
    #        writeFile($file3, "F3");
    #        my @data = (
    #              [ '""',                                   ""      ],
    #              [ 'undef',                                ""      ],
    #              [ '"abcd"',                               "abcd"  ],
    #              [ '\""',                                   ""     ],
    #              [ '\undef',                                ""     ],
    #              [ '\"abcd"',                               "abcd" ],
    #              [ '[]',                                    ""     ],
    #              [ '[[]]',                                  ""     ],
    #              [ '[[[]]]',                                ""     ],
    #              [ '[\""]',                                 ""     ],
    #              [ '[\undef]',                              ""     ],
    #              [ '[\"abcd"]',                             "abcd" ],
    #              [ '[\"ab", \"cd"]',                        "abcd" ],
    #              [ '[[\"ab"], [\"cd"]]',                    "abcd" ],
    #              [ '$file1',                                $file1 ],
    #              [ '$fh2',                                  "F2"   ],
    #              [ '[$file1, \"abc"]',                      "F1abc"],
    #              [ '[\"a", $file1, \"bc"]',                 "aF1bc"],
    #              [ '[\"a", $fh1, \"bc"]',                   "aF1bc"],
    #              [ '[\"a", $fh1, \"bc", $file2]',           "aF1bcF2"],
    #              [ '[\"a", $fh1, \"bc", $file2, $fh3]',     "aF1bcF2F3"],
    #            ) ;
    #        foreach my $data (@data)
    #        {
    #            my ($send, $get) = @$data ;
    #            my $fh1 = new IO::File "< $file1" ;
    #            my $fh2 = new IO::File "< $file2" ;
    #            my $fh3 = new IO::File "< $file3" ;
    #            title "${CompressClass}::write( $send )";
    #            my $copy;
    #            eval "\$copy = $send";
    #            my $Answer ;
    #            my $x = new $CompressClass(\$Answer);
    #            ok $x, "  Created $CompressClass object";
    #            my $len = length $get;
    #            is $x->write($copy), length($get), "  write $len bytes";
    #            ok $x->close(), "  close ok" ;
    #            is myGZreadFile(\$Answer), $get, "  got expected output" ;
    #            cmp_ok $$Error, '==', 0, "  no error";
    #        }
    #    }

