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package Log::Defer::Viz;

our $VERSION = '0.347';

use common::sense;

use Carp qw/croak/;

sub render_timers {
  my %arg = @_;

  my $width = $arg{width} || 80;
  my $timers = $arg{timers} || croak "need timers";

  ## Support old style timers where they were stored in a hash:

  if (ref $timers eq 'HASH') {
    my $temp_timers = [];

    foreach my $timer_name (keys %$timers) {
      push @$temp_timers, [ $timer_name, @{ $timers->{$timer_name} }, ];

    $timers = $temp_timers;

  my @sorted_timers = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @$timers;
  my @sorted_timers_by_end_time = sort { $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] } @$timers;

  my $output = '';

  ## Scan some information

  my $max_time = 0;
  my $max_namelen = 11;

  foreach my $timer (@sorted_timers) {
    $max_time = $timer->[2] if $timer->[2] > $max_time;
    $max_namelen = length($timer->[0])+1 if length($timer->[0])+1 > $max_namelen;

  ## Bar graph plots

  my $scaling = ($width - $max_namelen - 8) / $max_time;

  foreach my $timer (@sorted_timers) {
    $output .= sprintf("%${max_namelen}s ", $timer->[0]);

    $output .= ' ' x int($timer->[1] * $scaling);

    my $bar_width = int(($timer->[2] - $timer->[1]) * $scaling) - 1;

    if ($bar_width > 0) {
      $output .= '|';
      $output .= '=' x $bar_width;
      $output .= '|';
    } else {
      $output .= 'X';

    $output .= "\n";

  $output .= '_' x $width . "\n";

  ## Time legend

  my $seen = {};

  $output .= 'times in ms ';
  $output .= ' ' x ($max_namelen - 11);
  $output .= _time_bars($max_time, $scaling, [ map { $_->[1] } @sorted_timers ], $seen);

  $output .= ' ' x ($max_namelen + 1);
  $output .= _time_bars($max_time, $scaling, [ map { $_->[2] } @sorted_timers_by_end_time ], $seen);

  return $output;

sub _time_bars {
  my ($max_time, $scaling, $vals, $seen) = @_;

  my $output = '';

  my $last_time;
  my $last_time_str_len = 0;

  foreach my $val (@$vals) {
    next if defined $last_time &&
            (abs($last_time - $val) / $max_time) < 0.05;

    my $sep_len = int($scaling * ($val - ($last_time || 0))) - $last_time_str_len;
    $sep_len = 1 if $sep_len < 1 && defined $last_time;
    $output .= ' ' x $sep_len;

    my $time_str = sprintf("%.1f", $val * 1000);

    if ($seen->{$time_str}) {
      $last_time_str_len = 0;
    } else {
      $output .= $time_str;
      $last_time_str_len = length($time_str);
      $seen->{$time_str} = 1;

    $last_time = $val;

  $output .= "\n";

  return $output



=head1 NAME

Log::Defer::Viz - Visualisation script for Log::Defer data


These are library utilities that are used by the L<log-defer-viz> command line program.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Log::Defer::Viz github repo|>

L<Log::Defer github repo|>

=head1 AUTHOR

Doug Hoyte, C<< <> >>


Copyright 2013-2016 Doug Hoyte.

This module is licensed under the same terms as perl itself.
