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package DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Dad;
$DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Dad::VERSION = '0.002216';
# ABSTRACT: Parent class for DeploymentHandlers

use Moose;
require DBIx::Class::Schema;    # loaded for type constraint
use Carp::Clan '^DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler';
use DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::LogImporter ':log';
use DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Types;

has schema => (
  is       => 'ro',
  required => 1,

has backup_directory => (
  isa => 'Str',
  is  => 'ro',
  predicate  => 'has_backup_directory',

has to_version => (
  is         => 'ro',
  isa        => 'Str',
  lazy_build => 1,

sub _build_to_version { $_[0]->schema_version }

has schema_version => (
  is         => 'ro',
  isa        => 'StrSchemaVersion',
  lazy_build => 1,

sub _build_schema_version { $_[0]->schema->schema_version }

sub install {
  my $self = shift;

  my $version = (shift @_ || {})->{version} || $self->to_version;
  log_info { "installing version $version" };
  croak 'Install not possible as versions table already exists in database'
    if $self->version_storage_is_installed;

  $self->txn_do(sub {
     my $ddl = $self->deploy({ version=> $version });

       version     => $version,
       ddl         => $ddl,

sub upgrade {
  log_info { 'upgrading' };
  my $self = shift;
  my $ran_once = 0;
  $self->txn_do(sub {
     while ( my $version_list = $self->next_version_set ) {
       $ran_once = 1;
       my ($ddl, $upgrade_sql) = @{
         $self->upgrade_single_step({ version_set => $version_list })

         version     => $version_list->[-1],
         ddl         => $ddl,
         upgrade_sql => $upgrade_sql,

  log_warn { 'no need to run upgrade' } unless $ran_once;

sub downgrade {
  log_info { 'downgrading' };
  my $self = shift;
  my $ran_once = 0;
  $self->txn_do(sub {
     while ( my $version_list = $self->previous_version_set ) {
       $ran_once = 1;
       $self->downgrade_single_step({ version_set => $version_list });

       # do we just delete a row here?  I think so but not sure
       $self->delete_database_version({ version => $version_list->[0] });
  log_warn { 'no version to run downgrade' } unless $ran_once;

sub backup {
  my $self = shift;
  log_info { 'backing up' };



# vim: ts=2 sw=2 expandtab



=head1 NAME

DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Dad - Parent class for DeploymentHandlers


=head2 deploy

See L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy/deploy>.

=head2 version_storage_is_installed

See L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersionStorage/version_storage_is_installed>.

=head2 add_database_version

See L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersionStorage/add_database_version>.

=head2 delete_database_version

See L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersionStorage/delete_database_version>.

=head2 next_version_set

See L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersioning/next_version_set>.

=head2 previous_version_set

See L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersioning/previous_version_set>.

=head2 upgrade_single_step

See L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy/upgrade_single_step>.

=head2 downgrade_single_step

See L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy/downgrade_single_step>.

=head2 txn_do

See L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy/txn_do>.


These methods are not actually B<required> as things will probably still work
if you don't implement them, but if you want your subclass to get along with
other subclasses (or more likely, tools made to use another subclass), you
should probably implement these too, even if they are no-ops.

=head2 database_version

see L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersionStorage/database_version>

=head2 prepare_deploy

see L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy/prepare_deploy>

=head2 prepare_resultsource_install

see L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy/prepare_resultsource_install>

=head2 install_resultsource

see L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy/install_resultsource>

=head2 prepare_upgrade

see L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy/prepare_upgrade>

=head2 prepare_downgrade

see L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy/prepare_downgrade>


All of the methods mentioned in L</METHODS THAT ARE REQUIRED IN SUBCLASSES> and
L</ORTHODOX METHODS> can be implemented in any fashion you choose.  In the
spirit of code reuse I have used roles to implement them in my two subclasses,
L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler> and
L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Deprecated>, but you are free to implement
them entirely in a subclass if you so choose to.

For in-depth documentation on how methods are supposed to work, see the roles
L<DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersioning>, and


=head2 schema

The L<DBIx::Class::Schema> (B<required>) that is used to talk to the database
and generate the DDL.

=head2 schema_version

The version that the schema is currently at.  Defaults to
C<< $self->schema->schema_version >>.

=head2 backup_directory

The directory where backups are stored

=head2 to_version

The version (defaults to schema's version) to migrate the database to

=head1 METHODS

=head2 install



 $dh->install({ version => 1 })

Deploys the requested version into the database  Version defaults to
L</schema_version>.  Populates C<version_storage> with C<version> and C<ddl>.

B<Note>: you typically need to call C<< $dh->prepare_deploy >> before you call
this method.

B<Note>: you cannot install on top of an already installed database

=head2 upgrade


Upgrades the database one step at a time till L</next_version_set>
returns C<undef>.  Each upgrade step will add a C<version>, C<ddl>, and
C<upgrade_sql> to the version storage (if C<ddl> and/or C<upgrade_sql> are
returned from L</upgrade_single_step>.

=head2 downgrade


Downgrades the database one step at a time till L</previous_version_set>
returns C<undef>.  Each downgrade step will delete a C<version> from the
version storage.

=head2 backup


Simply calls backup on the C<< $schema->storage >>, passing in
C<< $self->backup_directory >> as an argument.  Please test yourself before
assuming it will work.

=head1 AUTHOR

Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
