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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Tie::IxHash;

use MongoDB;

my $conn;
eval {
    my $host = "localhost";
    if (exists $ENV{MONGOD}) {
        $host = $ENV{MONGOD};
    $conn = MongoDB::Connection->new(host => $host, ssl => $ENV{MONGO_SSL});

if ($@) {
    plan skip_all => $@;
else {
    plan tests => 74;

my $db = $conn->get_database('test_database');

my $coll = $db->get_collection('test_collection');

$coll->insert({ foo => 9,  bar => 3, shazbot => 1 });
$coll->insert({ foo => 2,  bar => 5 });
$coll->insert({ foo => -3, bar => 4 });
$coll->insert({ foo => 4,  bar => 9, shazbot => 1 });

my @values;

@values = $coll->query({}, { sort_by => { foo => 1 } })->all;

is(scalar @values, 4);
is ($values[0]->{foo}, -3);
is ($values[1]->{foo}, 2);
is ($values[2]->{foo}, 4);
is ($values[3]->{foo}, 9);

@values = $coll->query({}, { sort_by => { bar => -1 } })->all;

is(scalar @values, 4);
is($values[0]->{bar}, 9);
is($values[1]->{bar}, 5);
is($values[2]->{bar}, 4);
is($values[3]->{bar}, 3);

# criteria
@values = $coll->query({ shazbot => 1 }, { sort_by => { foo => -1 } })->all;
is(scalar @values, 2);
is($values[0]->{foo}, 9);
is($values[1]->{foo}, 4);

# limit
@values = $coll->query({}, { limit => 3, sort_by => { foo => 1 } })->all;
is(scalar @values, 3);
is ($values[0]->{foo}, -3);
is ($values[1]->{foo}, 2);
is ($values[2]->{foo}, 4);

# skip
@values = $coll->query({}, { limit => 3, skip => 1, sort_by => { foo => 1 } })->all;
is(scalar @values, 3);
is ($values[0]->{foo}, 2);
is ($values[1]->{foo}, 4);
is ($values[2]->{foo}, 9);


$coll = $db->get_collection('test_collection');

is($coll->query->next, undef, 'test undef');
is_deeply([$coll->query->all], []);

my $id1 = $coll->insert({x => 1});
my $id2 = $coll->insert({x => 5});

is($coll->count, 2);
my $cursor = $coll->query;
is($cursor->next->{'x'}, 1);
is($cursor->next->{'x'}, 5);
is($cursor->next, undef);

my $cursor2 = $coll->query({x => 5});
is_deeply([$cursor2->all], [{_id => $id2, x => 5}]);

is_deeply([$coll->query->all], [{_id => $id1, x => 1}, {_id => $id2, x => 5}]);

# sort
my $cursor_sort = $coll->query->sort({'x' => -1});
is($cursor_sort->has_next, 1);
is($cursor_sort->next->{'x'}, 5, 'Cursor->sort');
is($cursor_sort->next->{'x'}, 1);

$cursor_sort = $coll->query->sort({'x' => 1});
is($cursor_sort->next->{'x'}, 1);
is($cursor_sort->next->{'x'}, 5);

# sort by tie::ixhash
my $hash = Tie::IxHash->new("x" => -1);
$cursor_sort = $coll->query->sort($hash);
is($cursor_sort->has_next, 1);
is($cursor_sort->next->{'x'}, 5, 'Tie::IxHash cursor->sort');
is($cursor_sort->next->{'x'}, 1);

# snapshot
my $cursor3 = $coll->query->snapshot;
is($cursor3->has_next, 1, 'check has_next');
my $r1 = $cursor3->next;
is($cursor3->has_next, 1, 'if this failed, the database you\'re running is old and snapshot won\'t work');
is(int $cursor3->has_next, 0, 'check has_next is false');

$coll->insert({x => 2});
$coll->insert({x => 3});
$coll->insert({x => 4});
my $paging = $coll->query->skip(1)->limit(2);
is($paging->has_next, 1, 'check skip/limit');
is($paging->has_next, 1);
is(int $paging->has_next, 0);

my $collection = $db->get_collection('test');

my $sn = 0;
while ($sn <= 500) {
  $collection->insert({sn => $sn++});

$cursor = $collection->query;
my $count = 0;
while (my $doc = $cursor->next()) {
is(501, $count);

# reset
$r1 = $cursor->next;
my $r2 = $cursor->next;

is($r1->{'sn'}, $r2->{'sn'}, 'reset');

# explain
my $exp = $cursor->explain;
is($exp->{'n'}, 501, 'explain');
is($exp->{'cursor'}, 'BasicCursor');

$exp = $cursor->limit(20)->explain;
is(20, $exp->{'n'}, 'explain limit');
$exp = $cursor->limit(-20)->explain;
is(20, $exp->{'n'});

my $hinted = $cursor->hint({'x' => 1});
is($hinted, $cursor);


$collection->insert({'num' => 1, 'foo' => 1});

my $aok = 1;
eval {
    $collection->query->hint({'num' => 1})->explain;
    $aok = 0;

ok($@ =~ m/bad hint/);

# MongoDB::Cursor::slave_okay
$MongoDB::Cursor::slave_okay = 1;
$cursor = $collection->query->next;

$MongoDB::Cursor::slave_okay = 0;
$cursor = $collection->query->next;


# count
$coll->batch_insert([{'x' => 1}, {'x' => 1}, {'y' => 1}, {'x' => 1, 'z' => 1}]);

is($coll->query->count, 4, 'count');
is($coll->query({'x' => 1})->count, 3, 'count query');

is($coll->query->limit(1)->count(1), 1, 'count limit');
is($coll->query->skip(1)->count(1), 3, 'count skip');
is($coll->query->limit(1)->skip(1)->count(1), 1, 'count limit & skip');

# cursor opts
# not a functional test, just make sure they don't blow up
    my $cursor = $coll->find();

	$cursor = $cursor->tailable(1);
	is($cursor->_tailable, 1);
	$cursor = $cursor->tailable(0);
	is($cursor->_tailable, 0);

    $cursor = $coll->find()->tailable(1);
    is($cursor->_tailable, 1);
    $cursor = $coll->find()->tailable(0);
    is($cursor->_tailable, 0);
    #test is actual cursor
    $coll->insert({"x" => 1});
    $cursor = $coll->find()->tailable(0);
    my $doc = $cursor->next;
    is($doc->{'x'}, 1);
	$cursor = $coll->find();

    is($cursor->immortal, 1);
    is($cursor->immortal, 0);

    is($cursor->slave_okay, 1);
    is($cursor->slave_okay, 0);

# explain

    $coll->insert({"x" => 1});

    my $cursor = $coll->find;
    my $doc = $cursor->next;
    is($doc->{'x'}, 1);

    my $exp = $cursor->explain;

    # cursor should be reset
    $doc = $cursor->next;
    is($doc->{'x'}, 1);

# info
    my $cursor = $coll->find;
    my $count = $coll->count;

    my $info = $cursor->info;
    is($info->{'num'}, 0);

    $info = $cursor->info;
    is($info->{'at'}, 0);
    is($info->{'num'}, $count);
    is($info->{'start'}, 0);
    is($info->{'cursor_id'}, 0);

    $info = $cursor->info;
    is($info->{'at'}, 1);

# sort_by

    for (my $i=0; $i < 5; $i++) {
        $coll->insert({x => $i});

    my $cursor = $db->test_collection->query({}, { limit => 10, skip => 0, sort_by => {created => 1 }});
    is($cursor->count(), 5);

    if ($db) {