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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

my $file;
    use Term::ANSIColor;
    use File::HomeDir::Test;
    use File::HomeDir;
    use File::Spec;

    $file = File::Spec->catfile(

    if (-e $file) {
        plan skip_all => 'File .dataprinter should not be in test homedir';
    umask 0022;
    open my $fh, '>', $file
        or plan skip_all => "error opening .dataprinter: $!";

    print {$fh} '{ colored => 1, color => { hash => "red" }, hash_separator => "  +  "}'
        or plan skip_all => "error writing to .dataprinter: $!";

    close $fh;

    # file created and in place, let's load up our
    # module and see if it overrides the default conf
    # with our .dataprinter RC file
    use_ok ('Data::Printer', return_value => 'dump');
    unlink $file or fail('error removing test file');

    # let's see if we can call p() from within the BEGIN block itself.
    # prototypes aren't available in here :(
    my $h = { a => 42 };
    is( p($h), color('reset') . "{$/    "
                . colored('a', 'red')
                . '  +  '
                . colored('42', 'bright_blue')
                . "$/}"
    , 'hash keys are now red'

my %hash = ( key => 'value' );

is( p(%hash), color('reset') . "{$/    "
              . colored('key', 'red')
              . '  +  '
              . q["] . colored('value', 'bright_yellow') . q["]
              . "$/}"
   , 'hash keys are now red'

is( p(%hash, color => { hash => 'blue' }, hash_separator => '  *  ' ), color('reset') . "{$/    "
              . colored('key', 'blue')
              . '  *  '
              . q["] . colored('value', 'bright_yellow') . q["]
              . "$/}"
, 'local configuration overrides our rc file');
