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# vi: ts=4 sw=4 ht=4 et textwidth=76 :


    Associativity     Precedence
    left              terms and list operators (leftward)
    left              ->
    nonassoc          ++ --
    right             **
    right             ! ~ \ and unary + and -
    left              =~ !~
    left              * / % x
    left              + - .
    left              << >>
    nonassoc          named unary operators
    nonassoc          < > <= >= lt gt le ge
    nonassoc          == != <=> eq ne cmp ~~
    left              &
    left              | ^
    left              &&
    left              || //
    nonassoc          ..  ...
    right             ?:
    right             = += -= *= etc.
    left              , =>
    nonassoc          list operators (rightward)
    right             not
    left              and
    left              or xor


=head2 X[Y]

=head2 (X)[Y]

=head3 Description

This is the array/list index operator.  It retrieves the Yth value from X.
If Y is a list then a slice is returned (see L<perldata> for information
about slices).  Indexes are C<0> based (unless C<$[> has been set to a
non-zero value). Negative indexes count backwards from the end of the list
or array.

The index Y is treated as a number, so, it is converted to a number before
it is used use. If it cannot be converted then it is turned into C<0> (and a
warning is thrown if L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my @a = ("a", "b", "c", "d");
    my $x = $a[2];    #$x is now equal to "c"
    my $y = $a[-3];   #$y is now equal to "b"
    my @b = @a[1, 2]; #@b is now ("b", "c")

=head2 X{Y}

=head3 Description

This is the hash index operator.  It retrieves the value associated with the
key Y from X.  If Y is a list of keys then a slice is returned (see
L<perldata> for information about slices).

=head3 Example

    my %h = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
    my $x = $h{c};        #$x is now 3
    my @a = @h{"a", "b"}; #@a is now (1, 2)

=head2 X->[Y]

=head2 X->{Y}

=head2 X->(Y)

=head3 Description

This is the infix dereference operator (AKA The Arrow Operator).  It either
fetches the value associated with Y (C<< X->[Y] >> and C<< X->{Y} >>) from
what X refers to or calls the function X refers to with an argument list of
Y (C<< X->(Y) >>).

=head3 Example

    my @a    = ("a", "b", "c");
    my $aref = \@a;
    my $x    = $aref->[1]; #$x is now "b"

    my %h    = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
    my $href = \%h;
    my $y    = $href->{b}; #$y is now 2

    my $sub = sub {
        my ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) = @_;
        print "$arg1 = $arg2 + $arg3\n";
    $sub->(@a); #prints "a = b + c\n"

=head2 ++X

=head3 Description

This is the prefix auto-increment operator.  It is roughly equivalent to C<X
= X + 1>, but there is a bit of extra magic to it.  If you increment a
variable that is numeric, or that has ever been used in a numeric context,
you get a normal increment.  If, however, the variable has been used in only
string contexts since it was set, and has a value that is not the empty
string and matches the pattern C</^[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*\z/>, the increment is
done as a string, preserving each character within its range, with carry:

    print ++($foo = '99');      # prints '100'
    print ++($foo = 'a0');      # prints 'a1'
    print ++($foo = 'Az');      # prints 'Ba'
    print ++($foo = 'zz');      # prints 'aaa'

C<undef> is always treated as numeric, and in particular is changed to C<0>
before incrementing (so that a post-increment of an undef value will return
C<0> rather than C<undef>).

The incrementing occurs before the use of the value.

=head3 Example

    my $x = 4;
    my $y = ++$x; #$x and $y are now 5

    my $s = "a";
    my $t = ++$s; #$s and $t are now "b"

=head2 X++

=head3 Description

This is the postfix auto-increment operator.  It behaves the same way as the
prefix auto-increment operator C<++X>, including the magic, but the value is
taken before the incrementing is done. So, the after the following code
C<$x> will be C<5> and C<$y> will be 4.  Whereas with the prefix
auto-increment operator, both values would be C<5>.

=head3 Example

    my $x = 4;
    my $y = ++$x; #$x is now 5 and $y is now 4

    my $s = "a";
    my $t = ++$s; #$s is now "b" and $t is now "a"

=head2 --X

=head3 Description

This is the prefix auto-decrement operator.  It is equivalent to 
C<X = X - 1>.  The value returned is reflects the decrementing, so after the
following code runs, C<$x> and C<$y> will be C<4>.

X will be converted to a number before decrementing, and if it cannot be
converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if L<<
C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 5;
    my $y = --$x; #$x and $y are now 4

=head2 X--

=head3 Description

This is the postfix auto-decrement operator.  It is equivalent to 
C<X = X - 1>.  The value returned is the value before decrementing, so after
the following code runs, C<$x> will be 4 and C<$y> will be C<5>.

X will be converted to a number before the operation, and if it cannot be
converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if L<<
C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 5;
    my $y = --$x; #$x and $y are now 4

=head2 X**Y

=head3 Description

This is the exponentiation operator.  It raises X to the Yth power.
Warning: it binds more tightly than unary minus, so C<-2**4> is C<-(2**4)>,
not C<(-2)**4>. 

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2 ** 8; #$x is now 256

=head2 !X

=head3 Description

This is the high-precedence logical negation operator.  It performs logical
negation, i.e., "not".  There is a low-precedence version C<not>.

=head3 Example

    my $m = !5;     #$m is now the empty string ('')
    my $n = !0;     #$n is now 1
    my $o = !'';    #$o is now 1
    my $p = !undef; #$p is now 1

=head2 ~X

=head3 Description

This is the bitwise negation operator (AKA C<1>'s complement operator).  The
width of the result is platform-dependent: C<~0> is C<32> bits wide on a
C<32>-bit platform, but C<64> bits wide on a C<64>-bit platform, so if you
are expecting a certain bit width, remember to use the C<&> operator to mask
off the excess bits.

X will be converted to a number before the operation, and if it cannot be
converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if L<<
C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = ~0x00_00_00_00 #$x is now 0xFF_FF_FF_FF on 32-bit machines

=head3 See also

L<Bitwise String Operators> and L<Integer Arithmetic> in L<perlop>

=head2 \X

=head3 Description

This is the backslash operator (AKA the reference operator).  It creates a
reference to X.  

=head3 Example

    my $s    = 5;
    my $sref = \$s; #$sref is now a reference to $s
    $$sref   = 6;   #$s is now 6

    my @a      = (1, 2, 3);
    my $aref   = \@a; #$aref is now a reference to @a
    $aref->[0] = 5;   #@a is now (5, 2, 3)
    push @$aref, 6;   #@a is now (5, 2, 3, 6)

    my %h      = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
    my $href   = \%h;         #$href is now a reference to %h
    $href->{b} = 5;           #%h is now (a => 1, b => 5, c => 3)
    my @keys   = keys %$href; #@keys is now ("a", "b", "c")

    sub foo {
        return join "|", @_;
    my $coderef = \&foo;
    my $x       = $coderef->(1, 2, 3); #$x is now "1|2|3";
    my $y       = &$coderef(4, 5, 6);  #$y is now "4|5|6";

=head3 See also

L<< X -> Y >> in L<perlopref>, L<perlreftut>, and L<perlref>

=head2 +X

=head3 Description

This is the unary plus operator.  It has no effect whatsoever, even on
strings.  It is useful syntactically for separating a function name from a
parenthesized expression that would otherwise be interpreted as the complete
list of function arguments.

=head3 Example

    print (split ",", "a,b,c,d")[2], "\n";  #syntax error
    print +(split ",", "a,b,c,d")[2], "\n"; #prints "c\n"

=head2 -X

=head3 Description

The unary minus operator performs arithmetic negation if X is numeric.

If is a bareword it returns a string consisting of C<-> and the bareword.

If X is a string that does not start with an alphabetic character then it
returns a string consisting of C<-> followed by the original string.

If X begins with C<-> or C<+> then the first character is converted to the
opposite sign.

In all other cases, X will be converted to a number before the operation,
and if it cannot be converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is
thrown if L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 10;
    $x    = -$x;     #$x is now -10
    $x    = ~$x;     #$x is now 10 again
    my $y = -option; #$y is now "-option"
    my $z = -"foo":  #$z is now "-foo"
    $z = -$z;        #$z is now "+foo"
    $z = -$z;        #$z is now "-foo"
    $z = -"*foo"     #$z is now -0

=head2 X =~ Y

=head3 Description

This is the binding operator.  It applies a regex match (C<m//>),
substitution (C<s///>), or transliteration (C<tr///> or C<y///>) Y against a
string X.  When used in scalar context, the return value generally indicates
the success of the operation.  Behavior in list context depends on the
particular operator.  See L</"Regexp Quote-Like Operators"> for details and
L<perlretut> for examples using these operators.

If Y is an expression rather than a search pattern, substitution, or
transliteration, it is interpreted as a search pattern at run time. Note
that this means that its contents will be interpolated twice, so

  '\\' =~ q'\\';

is not ok, as the regex engine will end up trying to compile the pattern
C<\>, which it will consider a syntax error.

=head3 Example

    my $x = "foo bar baz";

    #prints "matched\n"
    if ($x =~ /foo/) {
        print "matched\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlop>, L<perlretut>, and L<prelre>

=head2 X !~ Y

=head3 Description

This is the negative binding operator.  It behaves like the C<=~> operator,
but the return is logically negated.

=head3 Example

    #prints "matched\n"
    if ("foo bar baz" !~ /foo/) {
        print "didn't match\n";
    } else {
        print "matched\n";

=head3 See also

L<< C<=~> >>

=head2 X * Y

=head3 Description

This is the multiplication operator.  It returns X multiplied by Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2 * 21; #$x is now 42

=head2 X / Y

=head3 Description

This is the division operator.  It divides X by Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 84/2; #$x is now 42

=head2 X % Y

=head3 Description

This is the modulo operator.  It computes the remainder of X divided by Y.
The remainder is affect by the type of the numbers and whether they are
positive or negative.

Given integer operands X and Y: If Y is positive, then "X % Y" is X minus 
the largest multiple of Y less than or equal to X.  If Y is negative, then
"X % Y" is X minus the smallest multiple of Y that is not less than X (i.e.
the result will be less than or equal to zero).  To illustrate this, here
are the results of modding C<-9> through C<9> with C<4>:

    when X is     -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
    the result is  3  0  1  2  3  0  1  2  3  0  1  2  3  0  1  2  3  0  1

And here is C<-9> through C<9> modded with C<-4>:

    when X is     -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
    the result is -1  0 -3 -2 -1  0 -3 -2 -1  0 -3 -2 -1  0 -3 -2 -1  0 -3 

From this we can see a positive Y constrains X to a range from C<0> to 
C<(Y - 1)> that wraps around and a negative Y constrains X to a range from
C<(Y + 1)> to C<0>.

When Y is a floating point number whose absolute value is in the range of
C<0> to C<(UV_MAX + 1)> (where UV_MAX is the maximum of the unsigned 
integer type) X and Y are truncated to integers.  If the absolute value of
Y is larger than C<(UV_MAX + 1)> then the formula C<(X - I * Y)> (where I
is a certain integer that makes the result have the same sign as Y).  For
example, on 32-bit systems C<4.5 % (2 ** 32 - 1)> is C<4>, but 
C<4.5 % 2 ** 32> is C<4.5>.

Note: when the L<< C<integer> >> pragma is in scope C<%> gives you direct
access to the modulo operator as implemented by your C compiler.  This
operator is not as well defined for negative operands, but it will
execute faster.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $odd = $x % 2; #$odd is 1 when $x is odd and 0 when $x is even

    my $hour = ($hour + 1) % 24; # 23 (11pm) plus 1 hour is 0 (12am). 

=head2 X x Y

=head2 (X) x Y

=head3 Description

This is the repetition operator.  When X is a scalar value it returns
a string made up of X repeated Y times.  When X is a list it returns
a list made up of X repeated Y times.

Y will be converted to a number before the operation, and if it cannot be
converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if L<<
C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = "abc" x 3;  #$x is now the string "abcabcabc"
    my @a = ("abc) x 3; #@a is now ("abc", "abc", "abc")

=head2 X + Y

=head3 Description

This is the addition operator.  It returns the result of X plus Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 40 + 2; #$x is now 42

=head2 X - Y

=head3 Description

This is the subtraction operator.  It returns the result of X minus Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 100 - 58; #$x is now 42

=head2 X << Y

=head3 Description

This is the left bit-shift operator.  It shift bits that make up the integer
X Y places to the left.  If X is not an integer it will be converted into 
one before the operation begins.  

New bits added to the right side are all C<0>.  Overflowing the integer type
on you platform (i.e. creating a number too large to store in your platform's
integer type) results in behavior that is not well defined (i.e. it is 
platform specific).  When Y is negative the results are also not well 
defined.  This is because the left bit-shift operator is implemented by the 
native C compiler's left bit-shift operator (and those operations are not 
defined by ISO C).

Shifting 1 bit to the left is the same as multiplying the number by 2.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    #on 32-bit machines
    my $x = 0xFF_00_FF_00 << 8; #$x is now not well defined

    #on 64-bit machines
    my $y = 0xFF_00_FF_00 << 8; #$y is now 0xFF_00_FF_00_00

    my $z = 6 << 1; #$z is now 12

=head2 X >> Y

=head3 Description

This is the right-bit shift operator.  It shift bits that make up the integer
X Y places to the right.  If X is not an integer it will be converted into 
one before the operation begins.  Bits shifted past the rightmost edge
are lost.  New bits added to the left side are all 0.  Shifting to the right
one bit is the same as an integer division by 2.

When Y is negative the results are not well defined (i.e. platform
specific).  This is because the right bit-shift operator is implemented by
the native C compiler's right bit-shift operator  (and that is not defined
by ISO C).

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 0x00_FF_00_FF >> 8; #$x is now 0x00_00_FF_00
    my $y = 12 >> 1;            #$y is now 6

=head2 X < Y

=head3 Description

This is the numeric less than operator.  It returns a true value if X is
numerically less than Y or a false value if X is greater than or equal to

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    if (4 < 5) {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if (5 < 4) {
        print "this should never be true\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false\n";

=head2 X > Y

=head3 Description

This is the numeric greater than operator.  It returns a true value if X is
numerically greater than Y or a false value if X is less than or equal to

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    if (5 > 4) {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if (4 > 5) {
        print "this should never be true\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false\n";

=head2 X <= Y

=head3 Description

This is the numeric less than or equal to operator.  It returns a true 
value if X is numerically less than or equal to Y or a false value if 
X is greater than to Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    if (4 <= 4) {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if (5 <= 4) {
        print "this should never be true\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false\n";

=head2 X >= Y

=head3 Description

This is the numeric less than or equal to operator.  It returns a true 
value if X is numerically less than or equal to Y or a false value if 
X is greater than to Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    if (4 >= 4) {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if (4 >= 5) {
        print "this should never be true\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false\n";

=head2 X lt Y

=head3 Description

This is the lexical less than operator (also known as the string less than
operator or the stringwise less than operator).  It returns true if X is
less than Y and false if X is greater than or equal to Y.  The order of
various characters is locale dependent.  The default order is determined by
the Unicode ordinal value (since Unicode contains the ASCII set as its first
C<127> characters, this order is the same as the ASCII order).

=head3 Example

    if ("a" lt "b") {
        print "this is true unless the locale is really weird\n";

    if ("z" lt "a") {
        print "this should never be true (unless the local is weird)\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false (unless the local is weird)\n";

=head2 X gt Y

=head3 Description

This is the lexical greater than operator (also known as the string greater
than operator or the stringwise greater than operator).  It returns true if
X is greater than Y and false if X is less than or equal to Y.  The order of
various characters is locale dependent.  The default order is determined by
the Unicode ordinal value (since Unicode contains the ASCII set as its first
C<127> characters, this order is the same as the ASCII order).

=head3 Example

    if ("b" gt "a") {
        print "this is true unless the locale is really weird\n";

    if ("a" gt "z") {
        print "this should never be true (unless the local is weird)\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false (unless the local is weird)\n";

=head2 X le Y

=head3 Description

This is the lexical less than or equal to operator (also known as the string
less than or equal to operator or the stringwise less than or equal to
operator).  It returns true if X is less than or equal to Y and false if X
is greater than Y.  The order of various characters is locale dependent.
The default order is determined by the Unicode ordinal value (since Unicode
contains the ASCII set as its first C<127> characters, this order is the
same as the ASCII order).

=head3 Example

    if ("a" le "a") {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if ("z" le "a") {
        print "this should never be true (unless the local is weird)\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false (unless the local is weird)\n";

=head2 X ge Y

=head3 Description

This is the lexical greater than or equal to operator (also known as the
string greater than or equal to operator or the stringwise greater than or
equal to operator).  It returns true if X is greater than Y and false if X
is less than or equal to Y.  The order of various characters is locale
dependent.  The default order is determined by the Unicode ordinal value
(since Unicode contains the ASCII set as its first C<127> characters, this
order is the same as the ASCII order).

=head3 Example

    if ("a" ge "a") {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if ("a" ge "z") {
        print "this should never be true (unless the local is weird)\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false (unless the local is weird)\n";

=head2 X == Y

=head3 Description

This is the numeric equality operator.  It returns true if X and Y evaluate
as the same number.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

Important note: the numeric equality operator should not be used with
floating point numbers as the error introduced by rounding may cause the
number to not be exactly what you are comparing against.  Always use the
less than and greater than operators with a small delta:

    my $x = 0;
    for (1 .. 10) {
        $x += .1;
    if ($x == 1) {
        print "$x is one\n";
    } else {
        print "oops, darn floating point numbers\n";
    my $delta = 1e-15; #0.000000000000001
    if (
        $x < 1 + $delta and
        $x > 1 - $delta
    ) {
        print "this time it worked\n";

=head3 Example

    if (5 == 5) {
        print "this will be trye unless Perl is broken\n"

=head2 X != Y

=head3 Description

This is the numeric not equals operator.  It returns true if X does not
evaluate to the same numeric value as Y.  

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

Important note: the numeric equality operator should not be used with
floating point numbers as the error introduced by rounding may cause the
number to not be exactly what you are comparing against.  Always use the
less than and greater than operators with a small delta:

    my $x = 0;
    for (1 .. 10) {
        $x += .1;
    if ($x != 1) {
        print "oops, darn floating point numbers\n";
    my $delta = 1e-15; #0.000000000000001
    if (
        $x > 1 + $delta and
        $x < 1 - $delta
    ) {
        print "wow, your floating point representation is really good\n";
    } else {
        print "this time it worked\n";

=head3 Example

    if (5 != 4) {
        print "this will be true unless Perl is broken\n"

=head2 X <=> Y

=head3 Description

This is the numeric comparison operator.  It returns less than C<0>  if X is
numerically less than Y, C<0> is if X and Y are the same numerically, or
more than C<0> if X is numerically greater than Y.  It is most often seen
combined with the C<sort> function:

    my @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @unsorted;

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<< C<warnings> >> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 4 <=> 5; #x is now negative
    my $y = 5 <=> 5; #y is now 0
    my $z = 6 <=> 5; #z is now positive

=head2 X eq Y

=head3 Description

This is the lexical equality operator (aka the string equality operator or
the stringwise equality operator).  It returns true if X and Y evaluate as
the same string.

=head3 Example

    if ("foo" eq "foo") {
        print "this is true, unless Perl is broken\n";

    if ("foo" eq "bar") {
        print "this is should always be false, unless Perl is broken\n";
    } else {
        print "this is false, unless Perl is broken\n";

=head2 X ne Y

=head3 Description

This is the lexical not equals operator. (aka the string not equals operator
or the stringwise not equals operator).  It returns false if X and Y
evaluate as the same string.

=head3 Example

    if ("foo" ne "bar") {
        print "this is true, unless Perl is broken\n";

    if ("foo" ne "foo") {
        print "this is should always be false, unless Perl is broken\n";
    } else {
        print "this is false, unless Perl is broken\n";

=head2 X cmp Y

=head3 Description

This is the lexical comparison operator (also known as the string comparison
operator or the stringwise comparison operator).  It returns a negative
value if X is lexically less than Y, C<0> is X and Y are lexically the same,
or a positive value if X is lexically larger than Y.  This comparison is
affected by the current locale and the default order is determined by the
Unicode ordinal value (since Unicode contains the ASCII set as its first
C<127> characters, this order is the same as the ASCII order).  It is most
commonly seen used with the C<sort> function:

    my @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @unsorted;

=head3 Example

    my $x = "a" <=> "b"; #$x is now negative
    my $y = "b" <=> "b"; #$x is now 0
    my $z = "c" <=> "b"; #$x is now positive

=head2 X ~~ Y

=head3 Description

This is the smartmatch operator.  In 5.10 and 5.10.1 it has different
behavior.  See L<perlsyn/"Smart matching in detail"> for more detail.

=head3 Example

See L<perlsyn/"Smart matching in detail"> for examples.

=head3 See also

L<perlsyn/"Smart matching in detail">

=head2 X & Y

=head3 Description

This is the bitwise and operator.  It ands together the individual bits of X
and Y.  

=head3 Example

    #In ASCII (and UTF-8)
    #"a"       is 0b0110_0001
    #"b"       is 0b0110_0010
    #"a" & "b" is 0b0110_0000 or "`" 
    my $x = "a" & "b"; #$x is now "`"

    #0x4545          is 0b0000_0100_0000_0101_0000_0100_0000_0101
    #0x00FF          is 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
    #0x4545 & 0x00FF is 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100_0000_0101 or 0x0045
    my $y = 0x4545 & 0x00FF; #$y is now 0x0045

=head3 See also

L<perlop/Integer Arithmetic> and L<perlop/Bitwise String Operators>.

=head2 X | Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X ^ Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X && Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X || Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X // Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X .. Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X ... Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X ? Y : Z

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X = Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X **= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X += Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X -= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X .= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X *= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X /= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X %= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X x= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X &= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X |= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X ^= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X <<= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X >>= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X &&= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X ||= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X //= Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X, Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X => Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 not X

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X and Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X or Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example

=head2 X xor Y

=head3 Description

=head3 Example
