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use strict;
use warnings;

## Based on a very early version of Padre...
## The first version that could already save files.
## Copyright:   (c) The Padre development team
## Licence:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself

# see package main at the bottom of the file

package Demo::Editor;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use base 'Wx::App';

sub OnInit {
    my $frame = Demo::Frame->new;
    $frame->Show( 1 );

package Demo::Frame;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use Wx ':everything';
use Wx::Event ':everything';
use Wx::STC     ();

use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
use File::Slurp     qw(read_file write_file);
use File::Basename  qw(basename);

use base 'Wx::Frame';

our $VERSION = '0.01';
my $default_dir = "";
my $editor;
our $nb;
my %nb;
my $search_term = '';

sub new {
    my ($class) = @_;

    my $self = $class->SUPER::new( undef,
                                 'Editor ',
                                 [-1, -1],
                                 [750, 700],
    $nb = Wx::Notebook->new
      ( $self, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,


    return $self;

sub _create_menu_bar {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $bar = Wx::MenuBar->new;
    my $file = Wx::Menu->new;
    $file->Append( wxID_OPEN, "&Open" );
    $file->Append( wxID_SAVE, "&Save" );
    $file->Append( wxID_SAVEAS, "Save &As" );
    $file->Append( wxID_CLOSE, "&Close" );
    $file->Append( wxID_EXIT, "E&xit" );

    my $edit = Wx::Menu->new;
    $edit->Append( wxID_FIND, "&Find" );
    $edit->Append( 998,       "&Setup" );

    my $help = Wx::Menu->new;
    $help->Append( wxID_ABOUT, "&About..." );

    $bar->Append( $file, "&File" );
    $bar->Append( $edit, "&Edit" );
    $bar->Append( $help, "&Help" );

    $self->SetMenuBar( $bar );

    EVT_CLOSE( $self,              \&on_close_window);
    EVT_MENU(  $self, wxID_OPEN,   sub { on_open($self, @_)  } );
    EVT_MENU(  $self, wxID_SAVE,   sub { on_save($self, @_)  } );
    EVT_MENU(  $self, wxID_SAVEAS, sub { on_save_as($self, @_)  } );
    EVT_MENU(  $self, wxID_CLOSE,  sub { on_close($self, @_)  } );
    EVT_MENU(  $self, 998,         sub { on_setup($self, @_) } );
    EVT_MENU(  $self, wxID_FIND,   sub { on_find($self, @_)  } );
    EVT_MENU(  $self, wxID_EXIT,   \&on_exit);
    EVT_MENU(  $self, wxID_ABOUT,  \&on_about );


sub on_exit {
    my ($self) = @_;
    foreach my $id (keys %nb) {
        if (_buffer_changed($id)) {
            Wx::MessageBox( "One of the files is still not saved", "xx", wxOK|wxCENTRE, $self );


sub setup_editor {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;

    my $editor = Demo::Panel->new($nb);

    my $title = "Unsaved Document 1";
    my $content = '';
    if ($file) {
        $content = read_file($file);
        $title   = basename($file);
        $editor->SetText( $content );
    $nb->AddPage($editor, $title, 1);
    $nb{$nb->GetSelection} = {
        filename => $file,
        content  => $content,


sub on_close_window {
    my ( $self, $event ) = @_;

sub on_open {
    my( $self ) = @_;
    #Wx::MessageBox( "Not implemented yet. Should open a file selector", wxOK|wxCENTRE, $self );
    my $dialog = Wx::FileDialog->new( $self, "Open file", $default_dir, "", "*.*", wxFD_OPEN);
    if ($dialog->ShowModal == wxID_CANCEL) {
        #print "Cancel\n";
    my $filename = $dialog->GetFilename;
    #print "OK $filename\n";
    $default_dir = $dialog->GetDirectory;

    my $file = catfile($default_dir, $filename);



sub on_save_as {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $id   = $nb->GetSelection;
    while (1) {
        my $dialog = Wx::FileDialog->new( $self, "Save file as...", $default_dir, "", "*.*", wxFD_SAVE);
        if ($dialog->ShowModal == wxID_CANCEL) {
            #print "Cancel\n";
        my $filename = $dialog->GetFilename;
        #print "OK $filename\n";
        $default_dir = $dialog->GetDirectory;

        my $path = catfile($default_dir, $filename);
        if (-e $path) {
            my $res = Wx::MessageBox("File already exists. Overwrite it?", 3, $self);
            if ($res == 2) {
                $nb{$id}{filename} = $path;
        } else {
            $nb{$id}{filename} = $path;

sub on_save {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $id   = $nb->GetSelection;
    return if not _buffer_changed($id);

    if ($nb{$id}{filename}) {
    } else {

sub _save_buffer {
    my ($self, $id) = @_;

    my $page = $nb->GetPage($id);
    my $content = $page->GetText;
    eval {
        write_file($nb{$id}{filename}, $content);
    $nb{$id}{content} = $content;


sub on_close {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $id   = $nb->GetSelection;
    if (_buffer_changed($id)) {
        Wx::MessageBox( "File changed.", wxOK|wxCENTRE, $self );

sub _buffer_changed {
    my ($id) = @_;

    my $page = $nb->GetPage($id);
    my $content = $page->GetText;
    return $content ne $nb{$id}{content};

sub on_setup {
    my( $self ) = @_;
    Wx::MessageBox( "Not implemented yet.", wxOK|wxCENTRE, $self );

sub on_find {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    my $dialog = Wx::TextEntryDialog->new( $self, "", "Type in search term", $search_term );
    if ($dialog->ShowModal == wxID_CANCEL) {
    $search_term = $dialog->GetValue;
    return if not defined $search_term or $search_term eq '';

    print "$search_term\n";

sub on_about {
    my ( $self ) = @_;

    Wx::MessageBox( "wxPerl editor, (c) 2008 Gabor Szabo\n" .
                    "wxPerl edotr $VERSION, " . wxVERSION_STRING,
                    "About wxPerl editor", wxOK|wxCENTRE, $self );

package Demo::Panel;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

our $VERSION = '0.01';
use Wx::STC;
use base 'Wx::StyledTextCtrl';

use Wx ':everything';
use Wx::Event ':everything';

sub new {
    my( $class, $parent ) = @_;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new( $parent, -1, [-1, -1], [750, 700]); # TODO get the numbers from the frame?

    my $font = Wx::Font->new( 10, wxTELETYPE, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL );

    $self->SetFont( $font );

    $self->StyleSetFont( wxSTC_STYLE_DEFAULT, $font );

    $self->StyleSetForeground(0, Wx::Colour->new(0x00, 0x00, 0x7f));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(1,  Wx::Colour->new(0xff, 0x00, 0x00));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(2,  Wx::Colour->new(0x00, 0x7f, 0x00));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(3,  Wx::Colour->new(0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(4,  Wx::Colour->new(0x00, 0x7f, 0x7f));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(5,  Wx::Colour->new(0x00, 0x00, 0x7f));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(6,  Wx::Colour->new(0xff, 0x7f, 0x00));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(7,  Wx::Colour->new(0x7f, 0x00, 0x7f));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(8,  Wx::Colour->new(0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(9,  Wx::Colour->new(0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(10, Wx::Colour->new(0x00, 0x00, 0x7f));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(11, Wx::Colour->new(0x00, 0x00, 0xff));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(12, Wx::Colour->new(0x7f, 0x00, 0x7f));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(13, Wx::Colour->new(0x40, 0x80, 0xff));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(17, Wx::Colour->new(0xff, 0x00, 0x7f));
    $self->StyleSetForeground(18, Wx::Colour->new(0x7f, 0x7f, 0x00));
    $self->StyleSetBold(12,  1);
    $self->StyleSetSpec( wxSTC_H_TAG, "fore:#0000ff" );

    $self->SetLexer( wxSTC_LEX_PERL );

    $self->SetLayoutDirection( wxLayout_LeftToRight )
      if $self->can( 'SetLayoutDirection' );

    return $self;

package main;

my $app = Demo::Editor->new;