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package Padre::Plugin::Catalyst::NewApp;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd               ();
use File::Spec        ();
use Padre::Wx         ();
use Padre::Wx::Dialog ();
use Padre::Util       ('_T');

our $VERSION = '0.09';

sub on_newapp {
	my $main = Padre->ide->wx->main;

	my $has_catalyst_devel = eval 'use Catalyst::Devel; 1;'; ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval)
	unless ($has_catalyst_devel) {
		my $error_str = _T(<<ERR);
To use the Catalyst development tools including and the
generated script/ you need Catalyst::Helper, which is
part of the Catalyst-Devel distribution. Please install this via a
vendor package or by running one of -

  perl -MCPAN -e 'install Catalyst::Devel'
  perl -MCPANPLUS -e 'install Catalyst::Devel'
		return $main->error($error_str);


	my $dialog = dialog($main);

sub get_layout {

	my @layout = (
		[   [ 'Wx::StaticText', undef,        _T('Application Name:') ],
			[ 'Wx::TextCtrl',   '_app_name_', '' ],
		[   [ 'Wx::StaticText', undef, _T('Parent Directory:') ],
			[ 'Wx::DirPickerCtrl', '_directory_', '', _T('Pick parent directory') ],
	require Catalyst;
	if ( $Catalyst::VERSION < 5.80013 ) {
		push @layout,
			[ 'Wx::CheckBox', '_short_', _T('short names'), 0 ],
	push @layout,
		[ 'Wx::Button', '_ok_',     Wx::wxID_OK ],
		[ 'Wx::Button', '_cancel_', Wx::wxID_CANCEL ],

	return \@layout;

sub dialog {
	my $parent = shift;
	my $config = Padre->ide->config;

	my $layout = get_layout();
	my $dialog = Padre::Wx::Dialog->new(
		parent => $parent,
		title  => _T('New Catalyst Application'),
		layout => $layout,
		width  => [ 100, 200 ],
		bottom => 20,

	$dialog->{_widgets_}->{_directory_}->SetPath( $config->module_start_directory );

	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $dialog, $dialog->{_widgets_}->{_ok_},     \&ok_clicked );
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $dialog, $dialog->{_widgets_}->{_cancel_}, \&cancel_clicked );


	return $dialog;

sub cancel_clicked {
	my ( $dialog, $event ) = @_;



sub ok_clicked {
	my ( $dialog, $event ) = @_;

	my $data = $dialog->get_data;

	my $main = Padre->ide->wx->main;

	# TODO improve input validation !
	if ( $data->{'_app_name_'} =~ m{^\s*$|[^\w\:]}o ) {
		Wx::MessageBox( _T('Invalid Application name'), _T('missing field'), Wx::wxOK, $main );
	} elsif ( not $data->{'_directory_'} ) {
		Wx::MessageBox( _T('You need to select a base directory'), _T('missing field'), Wx::wxOK, $main );

	# We should probably call Catalyst::Helper directly
	# (new() and mk_app()) here, as long as we can redirect
	# print statements to $main->output->AppendText().
	# Perhaps if run_command() were to block before continuing,
	# we could use something like:
	#$main->run_command(' ' . $data->{'_app_name_'});

	# Prepare the output window for the output
	$main->output->Remove( 0, $main->output->GetLastPosition );

	my @command = (

		# use catalyst.bat on Windows
		'catalyst' . ( $^O =~ /Win/o ? '' : '.pl' ),
		(   $data->{'_short_'}
			? '-short'
			: ''

	# go to the selected directory
	my $pwd = Cwd::cwd();
	chdir $data->{'_directory_'};

	# run command, then immediately restore directory
	my $output_text = qx(@command);
	chdir $pwd;


	my $ret = Wx::MessageBox(
		sprintf( _T("%s apparently created. Do you want to open it now?"), $data->{_app_name_} ),
		Wx::wxYES_NO | Wx::wxCENTRE,
	if ( $ret == Wx::wxYES ) {
		require Padre::Plugin::Catalyst::Util;
		my $file = Padre::Plugin::Catalyst::Util::find_file_from_output(
		$file = File::Spec->catfile( $data->{'_directory_'}, $file );
		$file = Cwd::realpath($file); # avoid relative paths

			type => 'files',
			name => $file,

# Copyright 2008-2009 The Padre development team as listed in
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.