package HTML::Tabulate;

use 5.005;
use Carp;
use URI::Escape;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities);
use strict;

require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw();
@EXPORT_OK = qw(&render);

$VERSION = '0.45';
my $DEFAULT_TEXT_FORMAT = "<p>%s</p>\n";
    style       => 'down', 
    table       => {},
    title       => { format => "<h2>%s</h2>\n" },
    text        => { format => $DEFAULT_TEXT_FORMAT },
    caption     => { type => 'caption', format => $DEFAULT_TEXT_FORMAT },
    field_attr  => { -defaults => {}, },
my %VALID_ARG = (
    table => 'HASH/SCALAR',
    thead => 'HASH/SCALAR',
    tbody => 'HASH/SCALAR',
    tfoot => 'HASH/SCALAR',
    tr => 'HASH/CODE', 
    thtr => 'HASH',
    th => 'HASH',
    td => 'HASH',
    fields => 'ARRAY',
    fields_add => 'HASH',
    fields_omit => 'ARRAY',
    in_fields => 'ARRAY',
    labels => 'SCALAR/HASH',
    label_links => 'HASH',
    stripe => 'ARRAY/SCALAR/HASH',
    null => 'SCALAR',
    trim => 'SCALAR',
    style => 'SCALAR',
#   limit => 'SCALAR',
#   output => 'SCALAR',
#   first => 'SCALAR',
#   last => 'SCALAR',
    field_attr => 'HASH',
    # xhtml: boolean indicating whether to use xhtml-style tagging
    xhtml => 'SCALAR',
    # title: title/heading to be rendered above table
    title => 'SCALAR/HASH/CODE',
    # text: text to be rendered above table, after title
    text => 'SCALAR/HASH/CODE',
    # caption: text to be rendered below table
    caption => 'SCALAR/HASH/CODE',
    # data_prepend: data rows to be inserted before main dataset
    data_prepend => 'ARRAY',
    # data_append: data rows to be appended to main dataset
    data_append => 'ARRAY',
    # colgroups: array of hashrefs to be inserted as individual colgroups
    colgroups => 'ARRAY',
    # labelgroups: named groupings of labels used to create two-tier headers
    labelgroups => 'HASH',
    # derived: fields not present in the underlying data, to skip unnecessary lookups
    derived => 'ARRAY',
    -defaults => 'HASH',
my %FIELD_ATTR = (
    escape => 'SCALAR',
    value => 'SCALAR/CODE',
    format => 'SCALAR/CODE',
    link => 'SCALAR/CODE',
    label => 'SCALAR/CODE',
    label_format => 'SCALAR/CODE',
    label_link => 'SCALAR/CODE',
    label_escape => 'SCALAR',
    default => 'SCALAR',
    composite => 'ARRAY',
    composite_join => 'SCALAR/CODE',
    derived => 'SCALAR',
my %MINIMISED_ATTR = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
    checked compact declare defer disabled ismap multiple 
    nohref noresize noshade nowrap readonly selected 
my $URI_ESCAPE_CHARS = "^A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*'()?&;:/=";
$TITLE_HEADING_LEVEL = 'h2';   # TODO: deprecated

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Provided for subclassing
sub get_valid_arg
    return wantarray ? %VALID_ARG : \%VALID_ARG;

# Provided for subclassing
sub get_valid_fields
    return wantarray ? %VALID_FIELDS : \%VALID_FIELDS;

# Provided for subclassing
sub get_field_attributes
    return wantarray ? %FIELD_ATTR : \%FIELD_ATTR;

# Check $self->{defn} for invalid arguments or types
sub check_valid
    my ($self, $defn) = @_;

    # Check top-level args
    my %valid = $self->get_valid_arg();
    my (@invalid, @badtype);
    for (sort keys %$defn) {
        if (! exists $valid{$_}) {
            push @invalid, $_;
        my $type = ref $defn->{$_};
        push @badtype, $_ 
            if $type && $type ne 'SCALAR' && $valid{$_} !~ m/$type/;
        push @badtype, $_ 
            if ! $type && $valid{$_} !~ m/SCALAR/;
    croak "[check_valid] invalid argument found: " . join(',',@invalid) 
        if @invalid;
    croak "[check_valid] invalid types for argument: " . join(',',@badtype)
        if @badtype;

    # Check special fields
    %valid = $self->get_valid_fields();
    @invalid = ();
    @badtype = ();
    for (sort grep(/^-/, keys(%{$defn->{field_attr}})) ) {
        if (! exists $valid{$_}) {
            push @invalid, $_;
        my $type = ref $defn->{field_attr}->{$_};
        push @badtype, $_ 
            if $type && $type ne 'SCALAR' && $valid{$_} !~ m/$type/;
        push @badtype, $_ 
            if ! $type && $valid{$_} !~ m/SCALAR/;
    croak "[check_valid] invalid field argument found: " . join(',',@invalid) 
        if @invalid;
    croak "[check_valid] invalid types for field argument: " . join(',',@badtype)
        if @badtype;

    # Check field attributes
    $self->{field_attr} ||= $self->get_field_attributes();
    %valid = %{$self->{field_attr}};
    @badtype = ();
    for my $field (keys %{$defn->{field_attr}}) {
        croak "[check_valid] invalid field argument entry '$field': " . 
                if ref $defn->{field_attr}->{$field} ne 'HASH';
        for (sort keys %{$defn->{field_attr}->{$field}}) {
            next if ! exists $valid{$_};
            next if ! $valid{$_};
            my $type = ref $defn->{field_attr}->{$field}->{$_};
            if (! ref $valid{$_}) {
                push @badtype, $_ 
                    if $type && $type ne 'SCALAR' && $valid{$_} !~ m/$type/;
                push @badtype, $_ 
                    if ! $type && $valid{$_} !~ m/SCALAR/;
            elsif (ref $valid{$_} eq 'ARRAY') {
                if ($type) {
                    push @badtype, $_;
                else {
                    my $val = $defn->{field_attr}->{$field}->{$_};
                    push @badtype, "$_ ($val)" if ! grep /^$val$/, @{$valid{$_}};
            else {
                croak "[check_valid] invalid field attribute entry for '$_': " . 
                    ref $valid{$_};
        croak "[check_valid] invalid type for '$field' field attribute: " . 
            join(',',@badtype) if @badtype;

# Merge $hash1 and $hash2 together, returning the result (or, in void 
#   context, merging into $self->{defn}). Performs a shallow (one-level deep)
#   hash merge unless the field is defined in the @recurse_keys array, in 
#   which case we do a full recursive merge.
sub merge
    my $self = shift;
    my $hash1 = shift || {};
    my $hash2 = shift;
    my $arg = shift;

    croak "[merge] invalid hash1 '$hash1'" if ref $hash1 ne 'HASH';
    croak "[merge] invalid hash2 '$hash2'" if $hash2 && ref $hash2 ne 'HASH';

    my $single_arg = ! $hash2;

    # Use $self->{defn} as $hash1 if only one argument
    if ($single_arg) {
        $hash2 = $hash1;
        $hash1 = $self->{defn};

    # Check hash2 for valid args (except when recursive)
    my $sub = (caller(1))[3] || '';
    $self->check_valid($hash2) unless substr($sub, -7) eq '::merge';

    my $merge = $self->deepcopy($hash1);

    # Add hash2 to $merge 
    my @recurse_keys = qw(field_attr);
    for my $key (keys %$hash2) {
        # If this value is a hashref on both sides, do a shallow hash merge
        #   unless we need to do a proper recursive merge
        if (ref $hash2->{$key} eq 'HASH' && ref $merge->{$key} eq 'HASH') {
            # Recursive merge
            if (grep /^$key$/, @recurse_keys) {
                $merge->{$key} = $self->merge($hash1->{$key}, $hash2->{$key});
            # Shallow hash merge
            else {
                @{$merge->{$key}}{ keys %{$hash1->{$key}}, keys %{$hash2->{$key}} } = (values %{$hash1->{$key}}, values %{$hash2->{$key}});
        # Otherwise (scalars, arrayrefs etc) just copy the value
        else {
            $merge->{$key} = $hash2->{$key};

    # In void context update $self->{defn}
    if (! defined wantarray) {
        $self->{defn} = $merge;
        # Must invalidate transient $self->{defn_t} when $self->{defn} changes
        delete $self->{defn_t} if exists $self->{defn_t};
    else {
        return $merge;

sub defn
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{defn};

# Initialisation
sub init
    my $self = shift;
    my $defn = shift || {};
    croak "[init] invalid defn '$defn'" if $defn && ref $defn ne 'HASH';

    # Map $defn table => 1 to table => {} for cleaner merging
    $defn->{table} = {} if $defn->{table} && ! ref $defn->{table};

    # Initialise $self->{defn} by merging defaults and $defn
    $self->{defn} = $self->merge(\%DEFAULT_DEFN, $defn);

    return $self;

sub new 
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If deriving field names, also derive labels (if not already defined)
sub derive_label
    my ($self, $field) = @_;
    $field =~ s/_+/ /g;
    $field = join ' ', map { ucfirst($_) } split(/\s+/, $field);
    $field =~ s/(Id)$/\U$1/;
    return $field;

# Try and derive a reasonable field list from $self->{defn_t} using the set data.
#   Croaks on failure.
sub derive_fields
    my ($self, $set) = @_;
    my $defn = $self->{defn_t};

    # For iterators, prefetch the first row and use its keys
    croak "invalid Tabulate data type '$set'" unless ref $set;
    if (ref $set eq 'CODE') {
        my $row = $set->();
        $self->{prefetch} = $row;
        $defn->{fields} = [ sort keys %$row ] if eval { keys %$row };
    elsif (blessed $set and $set->can('Next')) {
        my $row = $set->can('First') ? $set->First : $set->Next;
        $self->{prefetch} = $row;
        $defn->{fields} = [ sort keys %$row ] if eval { keys %$row };
    elsif (blessed $set and $set->can('next')) {
        my $row = $set->can('first') ? $set->first : $set->next;
        $self->{prefetch} = $row;
        $defn->{fields} = [ sort keys %$row ] if eval { keys %$row };
    # For arrays
    elsif (ref $set eq 'ARRAY') {
        if (! @$set) {
            $defn->{fields} = [];
        my $obj = $set->[0];
        # Arrayref of hashrefs
        if (ref $obj eq 'HASH') {
            $defn->{fields} = [ sort keys %$obj ];
        # Arrayref of arrayrefs - access via subscripts unless labels are defined
        elsif (ref $obj eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($defn->{labels}) {
                croak "[derive_fields] no fields found and cannot derive fields from data arrayrefs";
            # Arrayref of arrayrefs, labels off
            else {
                $defn->{fields} = [ 0 .. $#$obj ];
        # For Class::DBI objects, derive via columns groups
        elsif ($obj->isa('Class::DBI')) {
            my @col = $obj->columns('Tabulate');
            @col = ( $obj->columns('Essential'), $obj->columns('Others') ) 
                if ! @col && $obj->columns('Essential');
            @col = $obj->columns('All') if ! @col;
            $defn->{fields} = [ @col ] if @col;
        # If all else fails, try treating as a hash
        unless (ref $defn->{fields} && @{$defn->{fields}}) {
            if (! defined eval { $defn->{fields} = [ sort keys %$obj ] }) {
                croak "[derive_fields] no fields found and initial object '$obj' is strange type";
    # Else looks like a single object - check for Class::DBI
    elsif (ref $set && ref $set ne 'HASH' && $set->isa('Class::DBI')) {
        my @col = $set->columns('Tabulate');
        @col = ( $set->columns('Essential'), $set->columns('Others') ) 
            if ! @col && $set->columns('Essential');
        @col = $set->columns('All') if ! @col;
        $defn->{fields} = [ @col ] if @col;
    # Otherwise try treating as a hash
    elsif (defined eval { keys %$set }) {
        my $first = (sort keys %$set)[0];
        my $ref = ref $set->{$first} if defined $first;
        # Check whether first value is reference
        if ($ref) {
            # Hashref of hashrefs
            if ($ref eq 'HASH') {
                $defn->{fields} = [ sort keys %{$set->{$first}} ];
            elsif (ref $set->[0] ne 'ARRAY') {
                croak "[derive_fields] no fields found and first row '" . $set->[0] . "' is strange type";
            # Hashref of arrayrefs - fatal only if labels => 1
            elsif ($defn->{labels}) {
                croak "[derive_fields] no fields found and cannot derive fields from data arrayrefs";
            # Hashref of arrayrefs, labels off
            else {
                $defn->{fields} = [ 0 .. $#{$set->[$first]} ];
        else {
            $defn->{fields} = [ sort keys %$set ];
    else {
        croak "[derive_fields] no fields found and set '$set' is strange type: $@";
    croak sprintf "[derive_fields] field derivation failed (fields: %s)", 
        unless ref $defn->{fields} eq 'ARRAY';

# Derive a fields list if none is defined
sub check_fields
    my $self = shift;
    my ($set) = @_;
        if ! $self->{defn_t}->{fields} ||
         ref $self->{defn_t}->{fields} ne 'ARRAY' || 
         ! @{$self->{defn_t}->{fields}};

# Splice additional fields into the fields array
sub splice_fields
    my $self = shift;
    my $defn = $self->{defn_t};
    my $add = $defn->{fields_add};
    return unless ref $defn->{fields} eq 'ARRAY' && ref $add eq 'HASH';

    for (my $i = $#{$defn->{fields}}; $i >= 0; $i--) {
        my $f = $defn->{fields}->[$i];
        next unless $add->{$f};
        if (ref $add->{$f} eq 'ARRAY') {
            splice @{$defn->{fields}}, $i+1, 0, @{$add->{$f}};
        else {
            splice @{$defn->{fields}}, $i+1, 0, $add->{$f};

# Omit/remove fields from the fields array
sub omit_fields
    my $self = shift;
    my $defn = $self->{defn_t};
    my %omit = map { $_ => 1 } @{$defn->{fields_omit}};
    $defn->{fields} = [ grep { ! exists $omit{$_} } @{$defn->{fields}} ];

# Deep copy routine, originally swiped from a Randal Schwartz column
sub deepcopy 
    my ($self, $this) = @_;
    if (! ref $this) {
        return $this;
    } elsif (ref $this eq "ARRAY") {
        return [map $self->deepcopy($_), @$this];
    } elsif (ref $this eq "HASH") {
        return {map { $_ => $self->deepcopy($this->{$_}) } keys %$this};
    } elsif (ref $this eq "CODE") {
        return $this;
    } elsif (sprintf $this) {
        # Object! As a last resort, try copying the stringification value
        return sprintf $this;
    } else {
        die "what type is $_? (" . ref($this) . ")";

# Create a transient presentation definition (defn_t) by doing a set of one-off 
#   or dataset-specific mappings on the current table definition e.g. deriving 
#   a field list if none is set, setting up a field map for arrayref-of-
#   arrayref sets, and mapping top-level shortcuts into their field 
#   attribute equivalents.
sub prerender_munge
    my $self = shift;
    my ($set, $defn) = @_;

    # Use $self->{defn} if $defn not passed
    $defn ||= $self->{defn};

    # If already done, return unless we require any dataset-specific mappings
#   if ($self->{defn_t}) {
#       return unless 
#           ref $defn->{fields} ne 'ARRAY' || 
#           ! @{$defn->{fields}} ||
#           (ref $set eq 'ARRAY' && @$set && ref $set->[0] eq 'ARRAY');
#   }

    # Copy $defn to $self->{defn_t}
    $self->{defn_t} = $self->deepcopy($defn);

    # Try to derive field list if not set

    # Set up a field map in case we have arrayref based data
    my $defn_t = $self->{defn_t};
    my $pos = 0;
    my $fields = ref $defn_t->{in_fields} eq 'ARRAY' ? $defn_t->{in_fields} : $defn_t->{fields};
    $defn_t->{field_map} = { map  { $_ => $pos++; } @$fields };

    # Splice any additional fields into the fields array
    $self->splice_fields if $defn_t->{fields_add};
    $self->omit_fields if $defn_t->{fields_omit};

    # Map top-level 'labels' and 'label_links' hashrefs into fields
    if (ref $defn_t->{labels} eq 'HASH') {
        for (keys %{$defn_t->{labels}}) {
            $defn_t->{field_attr}->{$_} ||= {};
            $defn_t->{field_attr}->{$_}->{label} = $defn_t->{labels}->{$_};
    if (ref $defn_t->{label_links} eq 'HASH') {
        for (keys %{$defn_t->{label_links}}) {
            $defn_t->{field_attr}->{$_} ||= {};
            $defn_t->{field_attr}->{$_}->{label_link} = $defn_t->{label_links}->{$_};

    # Map top-level 'derived' field list into fields
    if ($defn_t->{derived}) {
        for (@{ $defn_t->{derived} }) {
            $defn_t->{field_attr}->{$_}->{derived} = 1;

    # If style across, map top-level 'thtr' hashref into -defaults label_ attributes
    if ($self->{defn_t}->{style} eq 'across' && ref $defn_t->{thtr} eq 'HASH') {
        for (keys %{$defn_t->{thtr}}) {
            $defn_t->{field_attr}->{-defaults}->{"label_$_"} = $defn_t->{thtr}->{$_}
                if ! exists $defn_t->{field_attr}->{-defaults}->{"label_$_"};
    # Map top-level 'th' hashref into -defaults label_ attributes
    if (ref $defn_t->{th} eq 'HASH') {
        for (keys %{$defn_t->{th}}) {
            $defn_t->{field_attr}->{-defaults}->{"label_$_"} = $defn_t->{th}->{$_}
                if ! exists $defn_t->{field_attr}->{-defaults}->{"label_$_"};
    # Map top-level 'td' hashref into -defaults
    if (ref $defn_t->{td} eq 'HASH') {
        $defn_t->{field_attr}->{-defaults} = { %{$defn_t->{td}}, %{$defn_t->{field_attr}->{-defaults}} };

    # Move regex field_attr definitions into a -regex hash
    $defn_t->{field_attr}->{-regex} = {};
    for (keys %{$defn_t->{field_attr}}) {
        # The following test is an ugly hack, but the regex is stringified now
        next unless m/^\(\?.*\)$/;
        $defn_t->{field_attr}->{-regex}->{$_} = $defn_t->{field_attr}->{$_};
        delete $defn_t->{field_attr}->{$_};

    # Force a non-array stripe to be a binary array
    if ($defn_t->{stripe} && ref $defn_t->{stripe} ne 'ARRAY') {
        $defn_t->{stripe} = [ undef, $defn_t->{stripe} ];

    # thead and tfoot imply tbody
    if ($defn_t->{thead}) {
        $defn_t->{tbody} ||= 1;
        $defn_t->{thead} = {} if ! ref $defn_t->{thead};
    if ($defn_t->{tfoot}) {
        $defn_t->{tbody} ||= 1;
        $defn_t->{tfoot} = {} if ! ref $defn_t->{tfoot};

    # Setup tbody attributes hash for hashref tbodies
    if ($defn_t->{tbody}) {
        if (ref $defn_t->{tbody}) {
            $defn_t->{tbody_attr} = $self->deepcopy($defn_t->{tbody});
            for (keys %{$defn_t->{tbody_attr}}) {
                delete $defn_t->{tbody_attr}->{$_} if m/^-/;
        else {
            $defn_t->{tbody_attr} = {};


# Split fields up according to labelgroups into two field lists
# labelgroup entries look like LabelGroup => [ qw(field1 field2 field3) ]
sub labelgroup_fields
    my $self = shift;

    my @fields = @{$self->{defn_t}->{fields}};
    my $labelgroups = $self->{defn_t}->{labelgroups};

    # Map first field of each labelgroup into a hash
    my %grouped_fields;
    for my $label (keys %$labelgroups) {
        my $field1 = $labelgroups->{$label}->[0];
        $grouped_fields{ $field1 } = $label;

    # Process all fields looking for label groups, and splitting out if found
    my (@fields1, @fields2);
    while (my $f = shift @fields) {
        if (my $label = $grouped_fields{ $f }) {
            # Found a grouped label - splice labelled fields into fields2
            my @gfields = @{ $labelgroups->{$label} };
            shift @gfields;  # discard $f

            # Check all fields match
            my @next_group;
            while (my $g = shift @gfields) {
                my $fn = shift @fields;
                push @next_group, $fn if $fn eq $g;

            # If we have as many as we're expecting, we're good
            if (@next_group == @{ $labelgroups->{$label} } - 1) {
                push @fields2, $f, @next_group;
                push @fields1, $label;
            # Otherwise our field list doesn't exactly match the label group - omit
            else {
                push @fields1, $f;
                # Push @next_group back into @fields for reprocessing
                unshift @fields, @next_group;

        # Not a labelgroup
        else {
            push @fields1, $f;

    # Setup $field1_tx_attr map if we have any @fields2 fields
    my $field1_tx_attr = {};
    if (@fields2) {
        for my $f (@fields1) {
            if (my $grouped_fields = $labelgroups->{$f}) {
                $field1_tx_attr->{$f} = { colspan => scalar(@$grouped_fields) };
            else {
                $field1_tx_attr->{$f} = { rowspan => 2 };

    return (\@fields1, \@fields2, $field1_tx_attr);

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Return the given HTML $tag with attributes from the $attr hashref.
#   An attribute with a non-empty value (i.e. not '' or undef) is rendered
#   attr="value"; one with a value of '' is rendered as a 'bare' attribute
#   (i.e. no '=') in non-xhtml mode; one with undef is simply ignored 
#   (e.g. allowing unset CGI parameters to be ignored).
sub start_tag
    my ($self, $tag, $attr, $close, $extra) = @_;
    my $xhtml = $self->{defn_t}->{xhtml};
    my $str = "<$tag";
    if (ref $attr eq 'HASH') {
        for my $a (sort keys %$attr) {
            next if ! defined $attr->{$a};
            if ($attr->{$a} ne '') {
                $str .= qq( $a="$attr->{$a}");
            else {
                if ($MINIMISED_ATTR{$a}) {
                    $str .= $xhtml ? qq( $a="$a") : qq( $a);
                else {
                    $str .= qq( $a="");
    $str .= ' /' if $close && $xhtml;
    $str .= ">";
    return $str;

sub end_tag
    my ($self, $tag) = @_;
    return "</$tag>";

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pre- and post-table content

# Title, text, and caption elements may be:
#   - hashref, containing 'value' (scalar) and 'format' (scalar or subref)
#     elements that are rendered like table cells
#   - scalar, that is treated as a scalar 'value' as above with a default 
#     'format'
#   - subref, that is executed and the results used verbatim (i.e. no default
#     'format' applies
sub text_element
    my $self = shift;
    my ($type, $dataset) = @_;
    return '' unless grep /^$type$/, qw(title text caption);

    my $elt = $self->{defn_t}->{$type};

    # Subref - execute and return results
    if (ref $elt eq 'CODE') {
        return $elt->($dataset, $type);

    # Scalar - convert to hashref
    elsif (! ref $elt) {
        my $value = $elt;
        $elt = {};
        # If there's a DEFAULT_DEFN $elt entry, use that as defaults
        if ($DEFAULT_DEFN{$type} && ref $DEFAULT_DEFN{$type} eq 'HASH') {
            $elt = { %{$DEFAULT_DEFN{$type}} };
        $elt->{value} = $value;

    # Hashref - render and return
    if (ref $elt eq 'HASH') {
        return '' unless defined $elt->{value} or defined $elt->{title};

        # Omit formatting if tag-wrapped
        return $elt->{value}
            if defined $elt->{value} && $elt->{value} =~ m/^\s*\<.*\>\s*$/s;
        return $elt->{title} 
            if defined $elt->{title} && $elt->{title} =~ m/^\s*\<.*\>\s*$/s;

        # sprintf format pattern
        return sprintf $elt->{format}, $elt->{value}
            if defined $elt->{value} && defined $elt->{format} && 
                ! ref $elt->{format};

        # subref format pattern
        return $elt->{format}->($elt->{value}, $dataset, $type)
            if defined $elt->{value} && defined $elt->{format} && 
                ref $elt->{format} eq 'CODE';
        # Deprecated formatting style
        if ($elt->{title}) {
            my $title = $elt->{title};
            my $tag = $elt->{tag} || 'h2';
            delete $elt->{title};
            delete $elt->{tag};
            delete $elt->{format};
            return $self->start_tag($tag, $elt) . $title .
                   $self->end_tag($tag, $elt) . "\n";

        # fallthru: return 'value'
        return $elt->{value};

    return '';

# unchomp: ensure (non-empty) elements end with a newline
sub unchomp
    my $self = shift;
    my $data = shift;
    $data .= "\n" if defined $data && $data ne '' && substr($data,-1) ne "\n";

# title: title/heading preceding the table
sub title   { my $self = shift; $self->unchomp($self->text_element('title', @_)) }
# text: text preceding begin table tag (after title, if any)
sub text    { my $self = shift; $self->unchomp($self->text_element('text', @_)) }

# caption: either new-style <caption> text, or legacy text after end table tag
sub caption { 
  my $self = shift; 
  my ($set, $post_table) = @_;
  my $defn_t = $self->{defn_t};

  # Legacy text must have a 'format' element
  if ($post_table && 
       (ref $defn_t->{caption} ne 'HASH' ||
          ! $defn_t->{caption}->{type} ||
            $defn_t->{caption}->{type} ne 'caption_caption')) {
    $self->unchomp($self->text_element('caption', $set));
  elsif (! $post_table && 
          (ref $defn_t->{caption} eq 'HASH' &&
               $defn_t->{caption}->{type} &&
               $defn_t->{caption}->{type} eq 'caption_caption')) {
    delete $defn_t->{caption}->{format} 
      if ($defn_t->{caption}->{format} || '') eq $DEFAULT_TEXT_FORMAT;
      $self->start_tag('caption') . 
      $self->text_element('caption', $set) . 

sub colgroups {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($set) = @_;
  my $defn_t = $self->{defn_t};

  return '' unless $self->{defn_t}->{colgroups};

  my $content = '';
  for my $cg (@{$self->{defn_t}->{colgroups}}) {
    if ($cg->{cols} && ref $cg->{cols} && ref $cg->{cols} eq 'ARRAY') {
        my $cols = delete $cg->{cols};
        $content .= $self->start_tag('colgroup', $cg, 0) . "\n";
        for my $col (@$cols) {
            $content .= $self->start_tag('col', $col, 1) . "\n";
        $content .= $self->end_tag('colgroup') . "\n";
    else {
        $content .= $self->start_tag('colgroup', $cg, 1) . "\n";
  return $content;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Content before begin table tag
sub pre_table
    my $self = shift;
    my ($set) = @_;
    my $content = '';
    $content .= $self->title($set) if $self->{defn_t}->{title};
    $content .= $self->text($set)  if $self->{defn_t}->{text};
    return $content;

# Provided for subclassing
sub start_table 
    my $self = shift;
    return '' if exists $self->{defn_t}->{table} && ! $self->{defn_t}->{table};
    return $self->start_tag('table',$self->{defn_t}->{table}) . "\n";

# Provided for subclassing
sub end_table 
    my $self = shift;
    return '' if exists $self->{defn_t}->{table} && ! $self->{defn_t}->{table};
    return $self->end_tag('table') . "\n";

# Content after end table tag
sub post_table
    my $self = shift;
    my ($set) = @_;
    my $content = '';
    $content .= $self->caption($set, 'post_table');
    return $content;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Apply 'format' formatting
sub cell_format_format
    my ($self, $data, $fattr, $row, $field) = @_;
    my $ref = ref $fattr->{format};
    croak "[cell_format] invalid '$field' format: $ref" if $ref && $ref ne 'CODE';
    $data = $fattr->{format}->($data, $row || {}, $field) if $ref eq 'CODE';
    $data = sprintf $fattr->{format}, $data if ! $ref;
    return $data;

# Simple tag escaping
sub cell_format_escape
    my ($self, $data) = @_;
    return encode_entities($data);

# Link formatting
sub cell_format_link
    my ($self, $data, $fattr, $row, $field, $data_unformatted) = @_;
    my $ldata;
    my $ref = ref $fattr->{link};
    croak "[cell_format] invalid '$field' link: $ref"
        if $ref && $ref ne 'CODE';
    $ldata = $fattr->{link}->($data_unformatted, $row || {}, $field)
        if $ref eq 'CODE';
    $ldata = sprintf $fattr->{link}, $data_unformatted 
        if ! $ref;
    if ($ldata) {
#       $data = sprintf qq(<a href="%s">%s</a>), 
#           uri_escape($ldata, $URI_ESCAPE_CHARS), $data;
        my $link_attr = { href => uri_escape($ldata, $URI_ESCAPE_CHARS)};
        for my $attr (keys %$fattr) {
          if ($attr =~ m/^link_/) {
            my $val = $fattr->{$attr};
            $attr =~ s/^link_//;
            $link_attr->{$attr} = ref $val eq 'CODE' ? 
              $val->($data_unformatted, $row || {}, $field) :
        $data = $self->start_tag('a', $link_attr) . $data . $self->end_tag('a');
    return $data;

# Format the given data item using formatting field attributes (e.g. format, 
#   link, escape etc.)
sub cell_format
    my $self = shift;
    my ($data, $fattr, $row, $field) = @_;
    my $defn = $self->{defn_t};

    # Trim
    $data =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/ if $data ne '' && $defn->{trim};

    my $data_unformatted = $data;

    # 'escape' boolean for html entity escaping (defaults to on)
    $data = $self->cell_format_escape($data)
        if $data ne '' && ($fattr->{escape} || ! exists $fattr->{escape});

    # 'format' subroutine or sprintf pattern
    $data = $self->cell_format_format(@_)
        if $fattr->{format};

    # 'link' subroutine or sprintf pattern
    $data = $self->cell_format_link($data, $fattr, $row, $field, $data_unformatted)
        if $data ne '' && $fattr->{link};

    # 'null' defaults
    $data = $defn->{null}
        if defined $defn->{null} && $data eq '';

    return $data;

sub label
    my ($self, $label, $field) = @_;

    # Use first label if arrayref
    my $l;
    if (ref $label eq 'CODE') {
        $l = $label->($field);
    else {
        $l = $label;
    $l = $self->derive_label($field) unless defined $l;
    if ($l eq '' && defined $self->{defn_t}->{null}) {
        $l = $self->{defn_t}->{null};
        # Turn off auto-escaping if $l now contains html entities
        $self->{defn_t}->{label_attr}->{$field}->{escape} = 0 if $l =~ /&\w+;/;
    return $l;

# Add in any extra (conditional) defaults for this field. 
# Provided for subclassing.
sub cell_merge_extras
    return ();

# Split field attr data into label, tfoot, and data buckets
sub cell_split_label_tfoot_data {
    my ($self, $fattr, $field) = @_;

    $self->{defn_t}->{label_attr}->{$field} ||= {};
    $self->{defn_t}->{tfoot_attr}->{$field} ||= {};
    $self->{defn_t}->{data_attr}->{$field}  ||= {};

    for (keys %$fattr) {
        if (substr($_,0,6) eq 'label_') {
            $self->{defn_t}->{label_attr}->{$field}->{substr($_,6)} = $fattr->{$_};
        elsif (substr($_,0,6) eq 'tfoot_') {
            $self->{defn_t}->{tfoot_attr}->{$field}->{substr($_,6)} = $fattr->{$_};
        else {
            $self->{defn_t}->{data_attr}->{$field}->{$_} = $fattr->{$_};
    $self->{defn_t}->{label_attr}->{$field}->{value} = $self->label(delete $fattr->{label}, $field);

# Create tx_attr for each attr bucket by removing attributes in $field_attr
sub cell_split_out_tx_attr {
    my ($self, $field) = @_;

    for my $attr (qw(label_attr tfoot_attr data_attr)) {
        my %tx_attr = %{ $self->{defn_t}->{$attr}->{$field} };
        my $tx_code = 0;
        for (keys %tx_attr) { 
            delete $tx_attr{$_} if exists $self->{field_attr}->{$_};
            delete $tx_attr{$_} if m/^link_/;
            $tx_code = 1 if ref $tx_attr{$_} eq 'CODE';
        $self->{defn_t}->{$attr}->{$field}->{tx_attr} = \%tx_attr;
        $self->{defn_t}->{$attr}->{$field}->{tx_code} = $tx_code;

# Merge default and field attributes once each per-field for labels and data
sub cell_merge_defaults
    my ($self, $row, $field) = @_;

    return if $self->{defn_t}->{data_attr}->{$field};

    # Create a temp $fattr hash merging defaults, regexes, and field attrs
    my $fattr = { %{$self->{defn_t}->{field_attr}->{-defaults}},
                  $self->cell_merge_extras($row, $field) };
    for my $regex (sort keys %{$self->{defn_t}->{field_attr}->{-regex}}) {
        next unless $field =~ $regex;
        @$fattr{ keys %{$self->{defn_t}->{field_attr}->{-regex}->{$regex}} } = 
            values %{$self->{defn_t}->{field_attr}->{-regex}->{$regex}};
    @$fattr{ keys %{$self->{defn_t}->{field_attr}->{$field}} } = 
        values %{$self->{defn_t}->{field_attr}->{$field}};
    # Split out label, data, and tfoot attributes
    $self->cell_split_label_tfoot_data($fattr, $field);

    # Remove tx_attr for label, data, and tfoot attr buckets

# Set and format the data for a single (data) cell or item
sub cell_value
    my $self = shift;
    my ($row, $field, $fattr) = @_;
    my $defn = $self->{defn_t};
    my $value;

    # 'value' literal takes precedence over row
    if (exists $fattr->{value} && ! ref $fattr->{value}) {
        $value = defined $fattr->{value} ? $fattr->{value} : '';

    # Get value from $row (but skip 'derived' fields)
    elsif (ref $row && ! $fattr->{derived}) {
        if (blessed $row) {
            # Field-methods e.g. Class::DBI, DBIx::Class
            if (eval { $row->can($field) }
                    && $field ne 'delete') {    # special DBIx::Class protection :-)
                $value = eval { $row->$field() };
            # For DBIx::Class we need to check both methods and get_column() values,
            # since joined fields (+columns/+select) are only available via the latter
            elsif (eval { $row->can('get_column') }) {
                $value = eval { $row->get_column($field) };
        elsif (ref $row eq 'ARRAY') {
            my $i = keys %{$defn->{field_map}} ? $defn->{field_map}->{$field} : $field;
            $value = $row->[ $i ] if defined $i;
        elsif (ref $row eq 'HASH' && exists $row->{$field}) {
            $value = $row->{$field};

    # Handle 'value' subref
    if (exists $fattr->{value} && ref $fattr->{value}) {
        my $ref = ref $fattr->{value};
        if ($ref eq 'CODE') {
            $value = $fattr->{value}->($value, $row, $field);
        else {
            croak "[cell_value] invalid '$field' value (not scalar or code ref): $ref";

    $value = $fattr->{default} if ! defined $value && exists $fattr->{default};

    return defined $value ? $value : '';

# Return a cell value created from one or more other cells
sub cell_composite
    my $self = shift;
    my ($row, $field, $fattr) = @_;

    my $composite = $fattr->{composite} 
        or die "Missing composite field attribute";
    my @composite = ();
    for my $f (@$composite) {
        push @composite, $self->cell_single(row => $row, field => $f, tags => 0);

    my $composite_join = $fattr->{composite_join} || ' ';
    if (ref $composite_join eq 'CODE') {
        return $composite_join->(\@composite, $row, $field);
    else {
        return join ' ', @composite;

# Set and format the data for a single (data) cell or item
sub cell_content
    my $self = shift;
    my ($row, $field, $fattr) = @_;
    my $value;

    # Composite fields - concatenate members together
    if ($fattr->{composite}) {
        $value = $self->cell_composite(@_);

    # Standard field - get value from $row
    else {
        $value = $self->cell_value(@_);

    # Format
    my $fvalue = $self->cell_format($value, $fattr, $row, $field);

    return wantarray ? ($fvalue, $value) : $fvalue;

# Wrap cell in <th> or <td> table tags
sub cell_tags 
    my ($self, $data, $row, $field, $tx_attr) = @_;

    my $tag = ! defined $row ? 'th' : 'td';
    $data = '' unless defined $data;
    return $self->start_tag($tag, $tx_attr) . $data . $self->end_tag($tag);

# Execute any th or td attribute subrefs
sub cell_tx_execute 
    my $self = shift;
    my ($tx_attr, $value, $row, $field) = @_;
    my %tx2 = ();
    while (my ($k,$v) = each %$tx_attr) {
        if (ref $v eq 'CODE') {
            $tx2{$k} = $v->($value, $row, $field);
        else {
            $tx2{$k} = $v;
    return \%tx2;

# Render a single table cell or item
sub cell_single
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $row             = delete $args{row};
    my $field           = delete $args{field};
    my $fattr           = delete $args{field_attr};
    my $tx_attr         = delete $args{tx_attr};
    my $tx_attr_extra   = delete $args{tx_attr_extra};
    my $skip_count      = delete $args{skip_count};
    my $tags            = delete $args{tags};
    $tags = 1 unless defined $tags;
    die "Unknown arguments to cell_single: " . join(',', keys %args) if %args;

    # Merge default and field attributes once for each field
    $self->cell_merge_defaults($row, $field)
        if ! $self->{defn_t}->{data_attr}->{$field};

    my $tx_code = 0;
    unless ($fattr && $tx_attr) {
        if (! defined $row || $row eq 'thead') {
            $fattr = $self->{defn_t}->{label_attr}->{$field};
        elsif ($row eq 'tfoot') {
            $fattr = $self->{defn_t}->{tfoot_attr}->{$field};
        else {
            $fattr = $self->{defn_t}->{data_attr}->{$field};
        $tx_attr = $fattr->{tx_attr};
        $tx_code = $fattr->{tx_code};

    # Standard (non-composite) fields
    my ($fvalue, $value) = $self->cell_content($row, $field, $fattr);

    # If $tx_attr includes coderefs, execute them
    $tx_attr = $self->cell_tx_execute($tx_attr, $value, $row, $field) 
        if $tx_code;

    my $tx_attr_merged = $tx_attr;
    $tx_attr_merged = { %$tx_attr, %{$tx_attr_extra->{$field}} }
        if $tx_attr_extra && $tx_attr_extra->{$field};

    # Generate tags
    my $cell = $tags ? $self->cell_tags($fvalue, $row, $field, $tx_attr_merged) : $fvalue;

    $$skip_count = $tx_attr->{colspan} ? ($tx_attr->{colspan}-1) : 0
        if $skip_count && ref $skip_count && ref $skip_count eq 'SCALAR';

    return $cell;

# Legacy interface (deprecated)
sub cell_wantarray
    my ($self, $row, $field, $fattr, $tx_attr, %opts) = @_;

    my $skip_count;
    my $cell = $self->cell_single(
        row => $row,
        field => $field,
        field_attr => $fattr,
        tx_attr => $tx_attr,
        skip_count => \$skip_count,

    return ($cell, $skip_count);

# Render a single table cell (legacy interface)
sub cell
    my ($self, $row, $field, $fattr, $tx_attr, %opts) = @_;

        row => $row,
        field => $field,
        field_attr => $fattr,
        tx_attr => $tx_attr,

# Modify the $tr hashref for striping. If $type is 'SCALAR', the stripe is
#   a HTML colour string for a bgcolor attribute for the relevant row; if
#   $type is 'HASH' the stripe is a set of attributes to be merged.
#   $stripe has already been coerced to an arrayref if something else.
sub stripe
    my ($self, $tr, $rownum) = @_;
    my $stripe = $self->{defn_t}->{stripe};
    return $tr unless $stripe;
    my $r = int($rownum % scalar(@$stripe)) - 1;
    if (defined $stripe->[$r]) {
        if (! ref $stripe->[$r]) {
            # Set bgcolor to stripe (exception: header where bgcolor already set)
            $tr->{bgcolor} = $stripe->[$r]
                unless $rownum == 0 && exists $tr->{bgcolor};
        elsif (ref $stripe->[$r] eq 'HASH') {
            # Class attributes are special in that they're additive,
            # so we can merge instead of overwriting
            if ($stripe->[$r]->{class} && $tr->{class}) {
                $tr->{class} = "$stripe->[$r]->{class} $tr->{class}";

            # Existing attributes take precedence over stripe ones for header
            elsif ($rownum == 0) {
                for (keys %{$stripe->[$r]}) {
                    $tr->{$_} = $stripe->[$r]->{$_} unless exists $tr->{$_};

            # For non-header rows, merge attributes straight into $tr
            else {
                @$tr{keys %{$stripe->[$r]}} = values %{$stripe->[$r]};
        # Else silently ignore
    return $tr;

# Return tbody close and/or open tags if appropriate, '' otherwise
sub tbody
    my $self = shift;
    my ($row, $rownum) = @_;
    my $generate = 0;

    return '' unless $self->{defn_t}->{tbody};

    # Scalar tbody - generate once only
    if (! ref $self->{defn_t}->{tbody}) {
        $generate++ if ! $self->{defn_t}->{tbody_open};
    # tbody with -field - generate when field value changes
    elsif ($self->{defn_t}->{tbody}->{'-field'}) {
        my $value = $self->cell_value($row, $self->{defn_t}->{tbody}->{'-field'});
        if (exists $self->{defn_t}->{tbody_field_value}) {
            if ($value eq $self->{defn_t}->{tbody_field_value} ||
                (! defined $value &&
                 ! defined $self->{defn_t}->{tbody_field_value})) {
                return '';
            else {
        else {
        $self->{defn_t}->{tbody_field_value} = $value;

    # tbody with -rows - generate when $rownum == $r ** n + 1
    elsif (my $r = $self->{defn_t}->{tbody}->{'-rows'}) {
        $generate++ if int(($rownum-1) % $r) == 0;

    # else a hashref - treat like a scalar
    else {
        $generate++ if ! $self->{defn_t}->{tbody_open};

    my $tbody = '';
    if ($generate) {
        if ($self->{defn_t}->{tbody_open}) {
            $tbody .= $self->end_tag('tbody') . "\n";
        $tbody .= $self->start_tag('tbody', $self->{defn_t}->{tbody_attr}) . "\n";
        $self->{defn_t}->{tbody_open} = 1;
    return $tbody;

# Return an attribute hash for table rows
sub tr_attr
    my ($self, $rownum, $row, $dataset) = @_;
    my $defn_t = $self->{defn_t};
    my $tr = undef;
    if ($rownum == 0) {
        $tr = $defn_t->{thtr} if $defn_t->{thtr};
        $tr ||= $self->deepcopy($defn_t->{tr_base});
    else {
        if (ref $defn_t->{tr} eq 'CODE' && $row) {
            $tr = $defn_t->{tr}->($row, $dataset);
        else {
            $defn_t->{tr} = {} unless ref $defn_t->{tr} eq 'HASH';
            $tr = $self->deepcopy($defn_t->{tr});
            # Evaluate any code attributes
            $tr ||= {};
            while (my ($k,$v) = each %$tr) {
                $tr->{$k} = $v->($row, $dataset) if ref $v eq 'CODE';
    # Stripe and return
    return $self->stripe($tr, $rownum);

# Render a single table row (style 'down')
sub row_down 
    my ($self, $row, $rownum, %args) = @_;
    my $fields = delete $args{fields};
    $fields ||= $self->{defn_t}->{fields};
    my $tx_attr_extra = delete $args{tx_attr_extra};
    my %tx_attr_extra = $tx_attr_extra ? ( tx_attr_extra => $tx_attr_extra ) : ();

    # Open tr
    my $out = '';
    $out .= $self->start_tag('tr', $self->tr_attr($rownum, $row));

    # Render cells
    my @cells = ();
    my $skip_count = 0;
    for my $f (@$fields) {
        if ($skip_count > 0) {

        if (! $row) {
            $out .= $self->cell_single(field => $f, skip_count => \$skip_count, %tx_attr_extra);
        else {
            $out .= $self->cell_single(row => $row, field => $f, skip_count => \$skip_count, , %tx_attr_extra);

    $out .= $self->end_tag('tr') . "\n";
    return $out;

# Return a generalised iterator function to walk the set, returning undef at eod
sub data_iterator 
    my ($self, $set, $fields) = @_;
    my $row = 0;

    croak "invalid Tabulate data type '$set'" unless ref $set;
    if (ref $set eq 'CODE') {
        return sub {
          $row = $row ? $set->() : ($self->{prefetch} || $set->());
    elsif (blessed $set and $set->can('Next')) {
        return sub {
          $row = $row ? $set->Next : ($self->{prefetch} || eval { $set->First } || $set->Next);
    elsif (blessed $set and $set->can('next')) {
        return sub {
          $row = $row ? $set->next : ($self->{prefetch} || eval { $set->first } || $set->next);
    elsif (ref $set eq 'ARRAY') {
        return sub {
            return undef if $row > $#$set;
    elsif (ref $set eq 'HASH' || eval { keys %$set }) {
        # Check first value - drill down further unless non-reference
        my $k = $fields->[0] || (sort keys %$set)[0];
        # For hashes of scalars, just return the hash once-only
        if (! ref $set->{$k}) {
            return sub {
                return undef if $row++;
        # For hashes of refs, return the refs in key order
        else {
            return sub {
                my @k = sort keys %$set;
                return undef if $row > $#k;
                return $k[$row++];
    else {
        croak "invalid Tabulate data type '$set'";

# Render the table body with successive records down the page
sub body_down 
    my ($self, $set) = @_;

    # Get data_iterator
    my @fields = @{$self->{defn_t}->{fields}} 
        if ref $self->{defn_t}->{fields} eq 'ARRAY';
    my $data_next = $self->data_iterator($set, \@fields);
    my $data_prepend = $self->{defn_t}->{data_prepend};

    # Labels/headings
    my $thead = '';
    if ($self->{defn_t}->{labels} && @fields) {
        $thead .= $self->start_tag('thead', $self->{defn_t}->{thead}) . "\n" 
            if $self->{defn_t}->{thead};

        if ($self->{defn_t}->{labelgroups}) {
            my ($fields1, $fields2, $field1_tx_attr) = $self->labelgroup_fields;
            $thead .= $self->row_down(undef, 0, fields => $fields1, tx_attr_extra => $field1_tx_attr);
            $thead .= $self->row_down(undef, 0, fields => $fields2) if @$fields2;
        else {
            $thead .= $self->row_down(undef, 0);

        if ($self->{defn_t}->{thead}) {
          $thead .= $self->end_tag('thead') . "\n";
          $self->{defn_t}->{thead} = 0;
    elsif ($self->{defn_t}->{thead}) {
        # If thead set and labels isn't, use the first data row
        my $row = $data_prepend && @$data_prepend ? shift @$data_prepend : $data_next->();
        if ($row) {
            $thead .= $self->start_tag('thead', $self->{defn_t}->{thead}) . "\n";
            $thead .= $self->row_down($row, 1);
            $thead .= $self->end_tag('thead') . "\n";

    # Table body
    my $tbody = '';
    my $rownum = 1;
    if ($data_prepend && @$data_prepend) {
        for my $row (@$data_prepend) {
            $tbody .= $self->tbody($row, $rownum);
            $tbody .= $self->row_down($row, $rownum);
    while (my $row = $data_next->()) {
        $tbody .= $self->tbody($row, $rownum);
        $tbody .= $self->row_down($row, $rownum);
    if (my $data_append = $self->{defn_t}->{data_append}) {
        for my $row (@$data_append) {
            $tbody .= $self->tbody($row, $rownum);
            $tbody .= $self->row_down($row, $rownum);

    $tbody .= $self->end_tag('tbody') . "\n" if $self->{defn_t}->{tbody_open};

    my $tfoot = '';
    if ($self->{defn_t}->{tfoot}) {
        $tfoot .= $self->start_tag('tfoot', $self->{defn_t}->{tfoot}) . "\n";
        $tfoot .= $self->row_down('tfoot', $rownum);
        $tfoot .= $self->end_tag('tfoot') . "\n";

    return $thead . $tfoot . $tbody;

# Render a single table row (style 'across')
sub row_across
    my ($self, $data, $rownum, $field) = @_;
    my @cells = ();
    my @across_row = ();
    my $skip_count = 0;

    # Label/heading
    if ($self->{defn_t}->{labels}) {
        push @cells, $self->cell_single(field => $field, skip_count => \$skip_count);
        push @across_row, $self->cell_single(field => $field, tags => 0);

    # Data
    for my $row (@$data) {
        if ($skip_count > 0) {

        push @cells, $self->cell_single(row => $row, field => $field, skip_count => \$skip_count);
        push @across_row, $self->cell_value($row, $field);

    # Build row
    my $out = $self->start_tag('tr', $self->tr_attr($rownum, $data, \@across_row));
    $out .= join('', @cells);
    $out .= $self->end_tag('tr') . "\n";

sub get_dataset
    my ($self, $set) = @_;

    # Fetch the full data set
    my @data = ();
    croak "invalid Tabulate data type '$set'" unless ref $set;
    if (ref $set eq 'CODE') {
        while (my $row = $set->()) {
            push @data, $row;
    elsif (blessed $set and $set->can('Next')) {
        my $row = eval { $set->First } || $set->Next;
        if (ref $row) {
            do {
                push @data, $row;
            while ($row = $set->Next);
    elsif (blessed $set and $set->can('next')) {
        my $row = eval { $set->first } || $set->next;
        if (ref $row) {
            do {
                push @data, $row;
            while ($row = $set->next);
    elsif (ref $set eq 'ARRAY') {
        @data = @$set;
    elsif (ref $set eq 'HASH' || eval { keys %$set }) {
        @data = ( $set );
    else {
        croak "[body_across] invalid Tabulate data type '$set'";

    return @data;

# Render the table body with successive records across the page 
#   (i.e. fields down the page)
sub body_across 
    my ($self, $set) = @_;

    # Iterate over fields (instead of data rows)
    my @data = $self->get_dataset($set);
    my $rownum = 1;
    my $body = '';
    for my $field (@{$self->{defn_t}->{fields}}) {
        $body .= $self->row_across(\@data, $rownum, $field);

    return $body;

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub render_table
    my ($self, $set) = @_;
    my $defn_t = $self->{defn_t};

    # Style-specific bodies (default is 'down')
    my $body;
    if ($defn_t->{style} eq 'down') {
        $body .= $self->body_down($set);
    elsif ($defn_t->{style} eq 'across') {
        $body .= $self->body_across($set);
    else {
        croak sprintf "[render] invalid style '%s'", $defn_t->{style};

    # Build table
    my $table = '';
    $table .= $self->pre_table($set);
    $table .= $self->start_table();
    $table .= $self->caption($set);
    $table .= $self->colgroups($set);
    $table .= $body;
    $table .= $self->end_table();
    $table .= $self->post_table($set);
    return $table;

# Render the data set $set using the settings in $self->{defn} + $defn,
#   returning the resulting string.
sub render
    my ($self, $set, $defn) = @_;
    $set = {} unless ref $set;

    # If $self is not a subclass of HTML::Tabulate, this is a procedural call, $self is $set
    if (! ref $self || ! blessed $self || ! $self->isa('HTML::Tabulate')) {
      $defn = $set;
      $set = $self;
      $self = __PACKAGE__->new($defn);
      undef $defn;
    # If $defn defined, merge with $self->{defn} for this render only
    if (ref $defn eq 'HASH' && keys %$defn) {
        $defn = $self->merge($self->{defn}, $defn);
        $self->prerender_munge($set, $defn);
    else {


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------



=head1 NAME

HTML::Tabulate - HTML table rendering class


    use HTML::Tabulate qw(render);

    # Setup a simple table definition hashref
    $table_defn = { 
        table => { border => 0, cellpadding => 0, cellspacing => 3 },
        th => { class => 'foobar' },
        null => '&nbsp;',
        labels => 1,
        stripe => '#cccccc',

    # Render a dataset using this table definition (procedural version)
    print render($dataset, $table_defn);

    # Object-oriented version
    $t = HTML::Tabulate->new($table_defn);
    print $t->render($dataset);

    # Setup some dataset specific settings
    $table_defn2 = {
        fields => [ qw(emp_id name title edit new_flag) ],
        field_attr => {
            # format employee ids, add a link to employee page
            emp_id => {
                format => '%-05d',
                link => "emp.html?id=%s",
                link_target => '_blank',
                align => 'right',
            # uppercase all names
            qr/name$/ => { format => sub { uc(shift) } },
            # highlight new employees
            new_flag => {
                class => sub { 
                    my ($data, $row, $field) = @_;
                    $data =~ m/^y$/i ? 'new' : 'old';

    # Render the table using the original and additional settings
    print $t->render($data, $table_defn2);


HTML::Tabulate is used to render/display a given set of data in an 
HTML table. It takes a data set and a presentation definition and 
applies the presentation to the data set to produce the HTML table 
output. The presentation definition accepts arguments corresponding 
to HTML table tags ('table', 'tr', 'th', 'td' etc.), to define 
attributes for those tags, plus additional arguments for other 
aspects of the presentation. HTML::Tabulate supports advanced 
features like automatic striping, arbitrary cell formatting, 
link creation, etc.

Presentation definitions can be defined in multiple passes, which
are progressively merged, allowing general defaults to be defined
in common and then overridden by more specific requirements. 
Presentation definitions are stored in the current object, except
for those defined for a specific 'render', which are temporary.

Supported data sets include arrayrefs of arrayrefs (DBI 
selectall_arrayref, for example), arrayrefs of hashrefs, a simple 
hashref (producing single row tables), iterator objects that
support first() and next() methods (like DBIx::Recordset objects or 
Class::DBI/DBIx::Class iterators), and (as of version 0.31) 
iterator subroutines returning successive rows in the dataset.

By default arrayref-based datasets are interpreted as containing 
successive table rows; a column-based interpretation can be forced 
using style => 'across'.

The primary interface is object-oriented, but a procedural
interface is also available where the extra flexibility of the OO
interface is not required.


=over 4

=item table 

Hashref. Elements become attributes on the <table> tag. e.g.
  table => { border => 0, cellpadding => 3, align => 'center' }

=item tr

Hashref. Elements become attributes on <tr> tags. Element values
may be either scalars, which are used as literals, or subroutine
references whose result value is used as the value of the tr

Note that 'tr' element subs are called differently depending on 
the 'style' of the table. For 'down' style tables, they are called
with a single argument:

  $sub->( $data_row )

which is the reference to the current data row. For 'across' style
tables, they are called with two arguments:

  $sub->( $across_row, $data )

where the first is an arrayref of the values in the data slice
(column) in your dataset that are being rendered as the current 
row (including labels, if used), and the second is the full dataset 
as an arrayref of your data rows.

For instance:

  style => 'across',
  labels => 1, 
  tr => {
    class => sub { 
      my $r = shift; my $name = $r->[0]; $name =~ s/\s+/_/; lc $name

will set the 'class' attribute on the 'tr' to be a lowercased
underscored version of the row label.

=item thead

Scalar/hashref. If defined and true, the first line of the table 
(whether labels or data) will be wrapped in <thead> ... </thead> 
tags. Any entries in the hashref will be used as attributes for
the thead tag. Note that theads require a tbody, so tbody 
(following) will be set to 1 if undefined.

=item tbody

Scalar/hashref. If defined and true, the default treatment is
to wrap the table body (the non-labels portion of the table) 
in a single set of <tbody> .. </tbody> tags. Any entries in the 
hashref (except for '-field' and '-rows', used below) will be 
used as attributes for the tbody tag.

Two additional tbody styles are supported. If a '"-field" => 
"FIELDNAME"' element exists in the tbody hashref, then the table 
body will be broken into tbody sections whenever the value of the 
given field changes (does not necessarily need to be a 
B<displayed> field, of course) e.g.

  tbody => { '-field' => 'emp_gender' }

If a '"-rows" => NUMBER' element exists in the tbody hashref, the 
table body will be broken into tbody sections every NUMBER rows.

  tbody => { '-rows' => 25 }

=item thtr

Hashref. Elements become attributes on the <tr> tag of the
label/heading row. (For 'across' style tables, where labels are
displayed down the page, rather than in a row, thtr elements 
become attributes of the individual <th> tags.) Element values 
must be scalars.

=item th

Hashref. Elements become attributes on the <th> tags used for 
labels/headings. Element values may be either scalars, which are
used as literals, or subroutine references, which are called with
the following arguments:

  $sub->( $data, $row, $field )

and the result used as the attribute value. The arguments are:
$data is the (label) value; $row is a reference to the entire 
row; and $field is the name of the field (so subreferences can 
be potentially used for more than one field). 

For example, given the following set of labels on a table:

  'Emp ID', 'Emp Name', 'Emp Title', 'Emp Birth Dt'

you could define a class attribute to the <th> tag by doing:

  th => {
    class => sub {
      my ($d, $r, $f) = @_;
      $d =~ m/^Emp //;
      $d =~ m/\s+/_/g;
      lc $d

which would give a th line like (line breaks added for clarity):

  <th class="id">Emp ID</th>
  <th class="name">Emp Name</th>
  <th class="title">Emp Title</th>
  <th class="birth_dt">Emp Birth Dt</th>

=item td

Hashref. Elements become attributes on <td> tags. Hash values 
may be either scalars, which are used directly, or subroutine 
references, which are called with the following arguments:

  $sub->( $data, $row, $field )

and the result used as the attribute value. See the preceding
L<th> item for further explanation and discussion.

=item fields

Arrayref. Defines the order in which fields are to be output for this table,
using the field names from the dataset. e.g.

  fields => [ qw(emp_id emp_name emp_title emp_birth_dt) ]

If 'fields' is not defined at render time and the dataset is not array-based,
HTML::Tabulate will attempt to derive a useful default set from your data, and
croaks if it is not successful. 

=item fields_add

Hashref. Used to define additional fields to be included in the output to 
supplement a default field list, or fields derived from a data object itself.
The keys of the fields_add hashref are existing field names; the values are
scalar values or arrayref lists of values to be inserted into the field
list B<after> the key field. e.g.

  fields_add => {
    emp_name => [ 'emp_givenname', 'emp_surname' ],
    emp_birth_dt => 'edit',

applied to a fields list qw(emp_id emp_name emp_title emp_birth_dt)
produces a composite field list containing:

  qw(emp_id emp_name emp_givenname emp_surname emp_title 
     emp_birth_dt edit)

=item fields_omit

Arrayref. Used to omit fields from the base field list. e.g.

  fields_omit => [ qw(emp_modify_ts emp_create_ts) ]

=item in_fields

Arrayref. Defines the order in which fields are defined in the dataset, if
different to the output order defined in 'fields' above. e.g.

  in_fields => [ qw(emp_id emp_title emp_birth_dt emp_title) ]

Using in_fields only makes sense if the dataset rows are arrayrefs. 

=item derived

Arrayref. Defines fields that are not present in the underlying data,
to avoid unnecessary lookups. (You are presumably deriving these values
from other data in the row via a 'value' sub or something.)

Can also be set as a derived flag in per-field field_attr sections, if
you prefer.

=item style

Scalar, either 'down' (the default), or 'across', to render data 'rows'
as table 'columns'.

=item xhtml

Scalar (boolean). Turns on 'xhtml' mode if true. xhtml mode closes empty 
elements with a trailing slash (e.g. <br />), and renders minimised 
attributes in HTML (e.g. nowrap, disabled, selected, etc.) in 
non-minimised (nowrap="nowrap") format. Default: 0.

=item labels

Scalar (boolean), or hashref (mapping field keys to label/heading values). 
Labels can also be defined using the 'label' attribute argument in per-field
attribute definitions (see 'label' below). e.g.

  # Turn labels on, derived from field names, or defined per-field
  labels => 1

=item label_links

Hashref, mapping field keys to URLs (full URLs or absolute or relative 
paths) to be used as the targets when making the label for that field into 
an HTML link. e.g.

  labels => { emp_id => 'Emp ID' }, 
  label_links => { emp_id => "me.html?order=%s" }

will create a label for the emp_id field of:

  <a href="me.html?order=emp_id">Emp ID</a> 

=item stripe

Scalar, arrayref, or hashref. A scalar or an arrayref of scalars should
be HTML color values. Single scalars are rendered as HTML 'bgcolor' values
on the <tr> tags of alternate rows (i.e. alternating with no bgcolor tag
rows), beginning with the label/header row, if one exists. Multiple 
scalars in an arrayref are rendered as HTML 'bgcolor' values on the <tr> 
tags of successive rows, cycling through the whole array before starting 
at the beginning again. e.g.

  # alternate grey and default bgcolor bands
  stripe => '#999999'             

  # successive red, green, and blue stripes
  stripe => [ '#cc0000', '#00cc00', '#0000cc' ]

Stripes that are hashrefs or an arrayref of hashrefs are rendered as
attributes to the <tr> tags on the rows to which they apply. Similarly
to scalars, single hashrefs are applied to every second <tr> tag, beginning
with the label/header row, while multiple hashrefs in an arrayref are applied
to successive rows, cycling though the array before beginning again. e.g.

  # alternate stripe and default rows
  stripe => { class => 'stripe' }

  # alternating between two stripe classes
  stripe => [ { class => 'stripe1' }, { class => 'stripe2' } ]

=item null

Scalar, defining a string to use in place of any empty data value (undef 
or eq ''). e.g.
  # Replace all empty fields with non-breaking spaces
  null => '&nbsp;'

=item trim

Scalar (boolean). If true, leading and trailing whitespace is removed
from data values.

=item field_attr

Hashref, defining per-field attribute definitions. Three kinds of keys are 

=over 4

=item -defaults

The special literal '-defaults' is used to define defaults for all fields
(but can be overridden by more specific definitions).

=item qr() regular expressions

qr-quoted regular expressions are used as defaults for fields where the 
regex matches the field name.

=item field names

Simple field names define attributes just for that field.


These are always merged in the order above, allowing defaults to be 
defined for all fields, overridden for fields matching particular 
regexes, and then overridden further per-field. e.g.

  # Align all fields left except timestamps (*_ts)
  field_attr => {
    -defaults => { align => 'left' },
    qr/_ts$/ => { align = 'center' },
    emp_create_ts => { label => 'Created' },

Field attribute arguments are discussed in the following section.

=item title

Scalar, hashref, or subroutine reference, defining a title rendered above 
the table. A scalar title is interpreted as the title string, and rendered 
as a vanilla <h2> title (use hashref or subref variants for more control).
A hashref title can contains 'value' and 'format' elements - 'value' is a
scalar containing the title string, and 'format' is a scalar sprintf 
pattern (default: '<p>%s</p>') used to render the title value, or a subref
called with the following arguments:

    $format->($value, $dataset, $type)

(where $type is 'title') and should return the formatted title string to 
be used.

Subref titles are similar, except there is no separate title string involved;
they are called with the following arguments:

    $title->($dataset, $type);

(where $type is 'title') and should return the formatted title string to 
be used.

    # rendered: <h2>Employee Data</h2>
    title => 'Employee Data'
    # rendered: <h3 class="red_white_blue">Employee Data</h3>
    title => {
        value => 'Employee Data',
        format => '<h3 class="red_white_blue">%s</h3>',
    # rendered (e.g.): <h2>Employee Data (3 records)</h2>
    title => sub {
        my ($set, $type) = @_;
        my $title = 'Employee Data';
        $title .= ' (' . scalar(@$set) . ' records)'
            if ref $set eq 'ARRAY';
        sprintf '<h2>%s</h2>', $title;

=item text

Scalar, hashref, or subroutine reference, defining text to be included 
immediately before the table (but after a 'title', if any). Treated
exactly like 'title' above, except that the $type argument passed to 
subrefs is 'text', and the default format defined is '<p>%s</p>'.

=item caption

Scalar, hashref, or subroutine reference, defining text to be included 
as a caption to the table. Two types of output are supported: the 'text' 
type is treated just like 'title' and 'text' above, except that the
text is included immediately B<after> the table, the $type argument
passed to subrefs is 'caption', and the default format defined is 

From version 0.26, a new 'caption_caption' type is supported, which 
is rendered as a <caption> attribute on the table (with presentation 
typically controlled via css). To force this type, you should use
a hashref caption argument, with an explicit type of 'caption_caption'.
See below for examples.

For backward compatibility, the default is old-style type => 'caption'. 
That will change in a future release.

For example:

  # Old style text caption, rendered below table
  # rendered <p>Employee Data</p> (below table)
  caption => 'Employee Data'
  # rendered <div class="emp_data">Employee Data</div> (below table)
  caption => { 
    value => 'Employee Data', 
    format => '<div class="emp_data">%s</div>',
  # rendered (e.g.): <p>Employee Data (3 records)</p> (below table)
  caption => sub {
      my ($set, $type) = @_;
      my $caption = 'Employee Data';
      $caption .= ' (' . scalar(@$set) . ' records)'
          if ref $set eq 'ARRAY';
      sprintf '<p>%s</p>', $caption;

  # New-style <caption> caption, rendered within table
  # rendered <caption>Employee Data</caption> (within table)
  caption => { 
    type => 'caption_caption',
    value => 'Employee Data', 
  # rendered (e.g.): <caption>Employee Data (3 records)</caption> (within table)
  caption => {
    type => 'caption_caption',
    value => 'Employee Data',
    format => sub {
      my ($caption, $set, $type) = @_;
      $caption .= ' (' . scalar(@$set) . ' records)'
          if ref $set eq 'ARRAY';

=item colgroups and cols

Array reference containing an ordered set of hashrefs to be rendered as 
individual colgroup entries. Array keys and values are mapped to attributes
and values on the colgroup entries e.g.

  colgroups => [
    { align => 'center' },
    { align => 'left', span => 2 },
    { align => 'right' },

would be rendered as:

  <colgroup align="center">
  <colgroup align="left" span="2">
  <colgroup align="right">

A colgroup can also contain the special attribute B<cols>, which defines a
similar array reference containing a set of hashrefs, which are rendered
as <col> items nested within the colgroup (as an alternative to using 'span').
For example, this:

  colgroups => [
    { align => 'center' },
    { align => 'left', cols => [
      { class => 'col1', span => '2' },
      { class => 'col2', width => 20 },
    ] },

would be rendered as:

    <colgroup align="center">
    <colgroup align="left">
    <col class="col1" span="2">
    <col class="col2" width="20">

=item data_prepend 

Array reference containing supplementary data rows to be prepended to the table
before the main dataset. data_prepend rows are otherwise treated exactly the
same as main data rows.

Note that data_prepend is currently only supported for style => 'down'.

=item data_append 

Array reference containing supplementary data rows to be appended to the table
after the main dataset. data_append rows are otherwise treated exactly the same 
as main data rows.

Note that data_append is currently only supported for style => 'down'.



=over 4

=item HTML attributes

Any field attribute that does not have a special meaning to HTML::Tabulate
(see the remaining items in this section) is considered an HTML attribute
and is used with the <td> tag for table cells for this field. e.g.

  field_attr => {
    emp_id => {
      align => 'center',
      valign => 'top',
      class => sub { my ($d, $r, $f) = @_; $f =~ s/^emp_//; $f },

will cause emp_id table cells to be displayed as:

  <td align="center" class="id" valign="top">

Attribute values may be either scalar, which are used directly, or
subroutine references, which are called with the following arguments:

  $sub->( $data, $row, $field )

and the result used as the attribute value. The arguments are:
the (unformatted) data value; a reference to the entire data row; and 
the field name (so subreferences can be potentially used for more than 
one field). 

One HTML attribute that is handled specially is B<colspan>. If you set
colspan to a number greater than one, the cell will be rendered with
<td colspan="$colspan" ...> (as normal), and the next $colspan-1 fields 
will be skipped entirely. For instance, if you have a three element table 
and define:

  field_attr => {
    name => {
      colspan => sub {
        my $data = shift;
        return $data =~ m/^Group/ ? 3 : undef;

then any rows with names beginning with 'Group' will be rendered:

  <tr><td colspan="3">Group A</td></tr>

Note that 'colspan' is NOT supported with 'across' style tables, however.

=item value

Scalar or subroutine reference. Used to override or modify the current
data value. If scalar is taken as a literal. If a subroutine reference,
is called with the following arguments: 

  $sub->( $data, $row, $field )

and the result used as the data value. The arguments are: the original 
data value itself; a reference to the entire data row; and the field 
name (so subrefs can potentially be used for more than one field). 

This allows the value to be modified or set according to the current
value, or based on any other value in the row (or anything else, for
that matter) e.g.

  # Derive emp_fname from first word of emp_name
  field_attr => {
    emp_fname => { 
      value => sub { 
        my ($data, $row, $field) = @_; 
        if ($row->{emp_name} =~ m/^\s*(\w+)/) { return $1; }
        return '';
    edit => { value => 'edit' },

=item format

Scalar or subroutine reference. Used to format the current data value.
If scalar, is taken as a sprintf pattern, with the current data value
as the single argument. If a subroutine reference, is called in the 
same way as the value subref above 
i.e. $format->($data_item, $row, $field)

=item link

Scalar or subroutine reference. Used as the link target to make an
HTML link using the current data value. If scalar, the target is taken 
as a sprintf pattern, with the current data value as the single argument. 
If a subroutine reference, is called in the same way as the value subref 
described above i.e. $link->($data, $row, $field) e.g.

  field_attr => {
    emp_id => {
      link => 'emp.html?id=%s',
      format => '%05d',

creates a link in the table cell like:

  <a href="emp.html?id=1">00001</a>

Note that links are not created for labels/headings - to do so use the 
separate label_link argument below.

=item link_*

Scalar or subroutine reference. Any attribute beginning with 'link_' is 
used as an attribute for the HTML link created for this field (with the
'link_' prefix removed, of course). Scalar values are used as literals; 
subroutine references are called in the same way as the value subref 
above i.e. $attr->($data_item, $row, $field) e.g.

  field_attr => {
    emp_id => {
      link => 'emp.html?id=%s',
      link_class => sub { my ($d, $r, $f) = @_; "class_$f" },
      link_target => '_blank',
      link_title => 'Employee details',

creates a link in the table cell like:

  <a class="class_emp_id" href="emp.html?id=123" target="_blank" title="Employee details">123</a>

=item label

Scalar or subroutine reference. Defines the label or heading to be used
for this field. If scalar, the value is taken as a literal (cf. 'value'
above). If a subroutine reference is called with the field name as the
only argument (typically only useful for -default or regex-based labels).
Entries in the top-level 'labels' hashref are mapped into per-field
label entries.

=item label_link

Scalar or subroutine reference. Equivalent to the general 'link'
argument above, but used to create link targets only for label/heading 
rows. Scalar values are taken as sprintf patterns using the label as 
argument; subroutine references are called in the same way as the value 
subref above i.e. $link->($data_item, $row, $field)

=item label_link_*

Scalar or subroutine reference. Like 'link_*' attributes above, used as
attributes on the HTML link created for the label for this field. 
Scalar values are used as literals; subroutine references are called in 
the same way as the value subref above i.e. $attr->($data_item, $row, 
$field) e.g.

  field_attr => {
    emp_id => {
      label => 'Emp ID',
      label_link => sub { my ($d, $r, $f) = @_; "?order=$f" },
      label_link_target => '_blank',
      label_link_title => sub { my ($d, $r, $f) = @_; "Order by $d" },

creates a link for the label like:

  <a href="?order=emp_id" target="_blank" title="Order by Emp ID">Emp ID</a>

=item escape

Boolean (default true). HTML-escapes unsafe characters ('<', '>', '&',
'"', control-characters, etc.) in values.

=item derived

Boolean (default false). Flag indicating that this is a derived field
i.e. not present in the underlying data, allowing HTML::Tabulate to
avoid unnecessary lookups. (You are presumably deriving these values
from other data in the row via a 'value' sub or something.)

Can also be set in a top-level 'derived' arrayref, rather than per-field,
if you prefer.

=item composite

Arrayref. New as of version 0.30, composite fields define an ordered 
list of other fields that you want to appear in a single cell. For
instance, given individual name fields in your data you might want to
define a composite name field to use in your table instead e.g.

  field_attr => {
    fullname => {
      composite => [ qw(given_name middle_initial surname) ],
    surname => {
      format => sub { uc $_[0] },
    # ...

Typically, the base fields appear in your data (e.g. given_name, 
middle_initial, and surname) but not in your table, and your 
composite field appears in the table but not in your data (but
other patterns do make sense too sometimes).

=item composite_join

Scalar or subroutine reference. If a scalar, functions as the string
used to join the rendered composite fields together. If a subroutine
reference, is called with the following arguments:

  $composite_join->(\@composite_fields, $row, $field_name)

and is expected to join the composite fields itself and return the
joined string.

Default: ' '.


=head2 METHODS

HTML::Tabulate has three main public methods:

=over 4

=item new($table_defn)

Takes an optional presentation definition hashref for a table, sanity 
checks it (and croaks on failure), stores the definition, and returns 
a blessed HTML::Tabulate object.

=item merge($table_defn)

Checks the given presentation definition (croaking on failure), and
then merges it with its internal definition, storing the result. This
allows presentation definitions to be created in multiple passes, with
general defaults overridden by more specific requirements.

=item render($dataset, $table_defn)

Takes a dataset and an optional presentation definition, creates a
merged presentation definition from any prior definitions and the
render one, and uses that merged definition to render the given
dataset, returning the HTML table produced. The merged definition
is discarded after the render; only definitions stored by the new()
and merge() methods are persistent across renders.

render() can also be used procedurally if explicitly imported:

  use HTML::Tabulate qw(render);
  print render($dataset, $table_defn);



HTML::Tabulate supports the following dataset types:

=over 4

=item Simple hashrefs

A simple hashref will generate a one-row table (or one column table 
if style is 'across'). Labels are derived from key names if not 

=item Arrayrefs of arrayrefs

An arrayref of arrayrefs will generate a table with one row for 
each contained arrayref (or one column per arrayref if style
is 'across'). Labels cannot be derived from arrayrefs, so they 
must be supplied if required.

=item Arrayrefs of hashrefs

An arrayref of hashrefs will generate a table with one row for
each hashref (or one column per hashref if style is 'across').
Labels are derived from the key names of the first hashref if
not supplied.

=item Arrayrefs of objects

An arrayref containing hash-based objects (i.e. blessed hashrefs)
are treated just like unblessed hashrefs, generating a table with
one row per object. Labels are derived from the key names of the
first object if not supplied.

=item Iterators

Some kinds of iterators (utility objects used to access the members
of a set) are also supported. If the iterator supports methods called
First() and Next() or first() and next() then HTML::Tabulate will use
those methods to walk the dataset. DBIx::Recordset objects and 
Class::DBI and DBIx::Class iterators definitely work; beyond those 
your mileage may vary - please let me know your successes and 

As of version 0.31, HTML::Tabulate also supports generic coderef
iterators i.e. subroutines that return successive data rows on 
subsequent calls to the subroutine (and undef at end of data)

    # Toy example: given an array of rows in @data
    $t = HTML::Tabulate->new;
    print $t->render( sub { shift @data } );



HTML::Tabulate is intended to be easy to subclass, to allow you to 
setup sensible defaults for site-wide use, for instance. Something
like this seems to work well:

    package My::Tabulate;
    use base qw(HTML::Tabulate);

    sub new {
        my $class = shift;
        my $defn = shift || {};
        my %defaults = (
            # define table defaults here e.g.
            table => { border => 1 },
            labels => { foo => 'FOO', bar => 'BAR' },
        my $self = $class->SUPER::new(\%defaults);
        return $self;



Probably. Please let me know if you find something going awry.

Is now much bigger and more complicated than was originally envisaged.
Needs to be completely refactored. Sometime.

=head1 AUTHOR

Gavin Carr <>


David Giller <> reported a bug in the generic subref
iterator handling, and provided a fix (version 0.32).

Harry Danilevsky <> - patch adding generic 
subref iterator support (version 0.31).


Copyright 2003-2016, Gavin Carr.

This program is free software. You may copy or redistribute it under the 
same terms as perl itself.


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