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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Thank you to Gerrit P. Haase for translating this program's
# output to German

use strict;

use POSIX;

use News::Scan;

## subs
sub in_kb {
    my $val = shift;

    sprintf "%.1f", ($val / 1024);

sub commify {
    local $_ = shift;

    1 while s/^(-?\d+)(\d\d\d)/$1,$2/;


sub places {
    my $acc = shift;
    my $val = shift;

    sprintf "%.${acc}f", $val

sub median {
    my @values = sort { $a <=> $b } @_;
    my $n = @values;

    if ($n % 2 == 1) {
        return $values[$n / 2];
    else {
        return places 1, ($values[$n / 2] + $values[$n/2 - 1]) / 2;

sub mode {
    my %scores;

    local $_;
    for (@_) {

    my @scores = sort { $scores{$b} <=> $scores{$a} } keys %scores;
    my $high = $scores[0];
    my $freq = $scores{$high};

    my $i = 0;
    for (@scores) {
        if ($scores{$_} != $freq) {
            splice @scores, $i;


    if (@scores == 1) {
        return ($high, $freq);
    elsif (@scores == 2) {
        return (join(" and ", @scores), $freq);
    else {
        my $last = pop @scores;
        my $ret;

        $ret = join ", ", @scores;
        $ret .= ", and $last";

        return ($ret, $freq);

sub stdev {
    my @values = @_;
    my $avg = shift;

    my $n = @values;
    my $sum = 0;

    local $_;
    for (@values) {
        $sum += ($_ - $avg) ** 2;

    places(1, sqrt($sum / $n));

sub print_header {
    my $scan = shift;

    my $group    = $scan->name;
    my $period   = $scan->period;
    my $quote_re = $scan->quote_re;
    my $earliest = strftime "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime($scan->earliest);
    my $latest   = strftime "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime($scan->latest);

    print <<EOF;
From: Gerrit P. Haase <gerrit\>
Newsgroup: $group
Subject: Statistik fuer $group

Zusammenfassung von Artikeln im Zeitraum von $period Tagen,
erster Artikel in dem Zeitraum $earliest GMT
und letzter Artikel $latest GMT.


    - Eine Zeile im Body wird als Original betrachtet wenn sie
      *nicht* den regulaeren Ausdruck /$quote_re/ trifft.
    - Jeder Text nach dem Sigtrenner (/^-- \$/) im Body wird als
      Signatur des Authors betrachtet.
    - Der Scanner bevorzugt den Reply-To: Header dem From: Header
      um die 'echte' Emailadresse herauszufinden.
    - Original Content Rating ist das Verhältnis des eigenen 
      Nachrichtentexts zum gesamten Nachrichtentext.
    - Kommentare an Gerrit P. Haase <gerrit\>.

    - Die News-Scan Distribution befindet sich auf CPAN!
    - Copyright (c) 2002 Greg Bacon.
      Kopieren und Weiterverteilung ist gestattet nur ohne Gebuehr;
      Aenderungen sind nicht erlaubt.  Weitervertrieb und/oder
      Nutzung fuer irgend einen kommerziellen Zweck ist verboten.


sub excluded {
    my $scan = shift;

    my @excludes = @{ $scan->excludes };
    if (@excludes) {
        print <<EOBanner;
Ausgeschlossene Poster


        print join "\n", @excludes, "", "";

sub totals {
    my $scan = shift;

    my $posters = $scan->posters;
    my $num_posters = scalar keys %$posters;
    my $num_sigs    = $scan->signatures;

    my $num_articles = $scan->articles;

    my $threads = $scan->threads;
    my $num_threads = scalar keys %$threads;

    my $total_volume = in_kb $scan->volume;

    my $hdr_volume   = in_kb $scan->header_volume;
    my $hdr_lines    = commify $scan->header_lines;

    my $body_volume  = in_kb $scan->body_volume;
    my $body_lines   = commify $scan->body_lines;

    my $orig_volume  = in_kb $scan->orig_volume;
    my $orig_lines   = commify $scan->orig_lines;

    my $sig_volume   = in_kb $scan->sig_volume;
    my $sig_lines    = commify $scan->sig_lines;

    my $ocr = sprintf "%.3f", ($scan->orig_volume / $scan->body_volume);

    print <<EOTotals;

Poster:  $num_posters
Artikel: $num_articles ($num_sigs mit abgetrennten Signaturen)
Threads:  $num_threads
generiertes Volumen: $total_volume kb
    - Header:    $hdr_volume kb ($hdr_lines lines)
    - Bodies:     $body_volume kb ($body_lines lines)
    - Original:   $orig_volume kb ($orig_lines lines)
    - Signaturen: $sig_volume kb ($sig_lines lines)

Original Content Rating: $ocr


sub avgs {
    my $scan = shift;

    my $posters = $scan->posters;
    my $num_posters = scalar keys %$posters;
    my $posts_avg = places 1, ($scan->articles / $num_posters);

    my @posts_by_poster = map { $_->articles } values %$posters;
    my $pmed = median @posts_by_poster;
    my($pmode, $pmode_score) = mode @posts_by_poster;
    my $psd = stdev @posts_by_poster, ($scan->articles / $num_posters);

    my $threads = $scan->threads;
    my $num_threads = scalar keys %$threads;
    my $thr_avg = places 1, ($scan->articles / $num_threads);

    my @posts_by_thread = map { $_->articles } values %$threads;
    my $tmed = median @posts_by_thread;
    my($tmode, $tmode_score) = mode @posts_by_thread;
    my $tsd = stdev @posts_by_thread, ($scan->articles / $num_threads);

    my $num_articles = $scan->articles;

    my $msg = places 1, ($scan->volume / $num_articles);

    my $hdr = places 1, ($scan->header_volume / $num_articles);
    my $hdr_lines = places 1, ($scan->header_lines / $num_articles);

    my $body = places 1, ($scan->body_volume / $num_articles);
    my $body_lines = places 1, ($scan->body_lines / $num_articles);

    my $orig = places 1, ($scan->orig_volume / $num_articles);
    my $orig_lines = places 1, ($scan->orig_lines / $num_articles);

    my $sig = places 1, ($scan->sig_volume / $num_articles);
    my $sig_lines = places 1, ($scan->sig_lines / $num_articles);

    print <<EOAvgs;

Postings per Poster: $posts_avg
    Median:  $pmed Posting@{[$pmed == 1 ? "" : "s"]}
    Modus:   $pmode Posting@{[$pmode == 1 ? "" : "s"]} - $pmode_score Poster
    S:       $psd Posting@{[$psd == 1 ? "" : "s"]}
Postings per Thread: $thr_avg
    Median:  $tmed Posting@{[$tmed == 1 ? "" : "s"]}
    Modus:   $tmode Posting@{[$tmode == 1 ? "" : "s"]} - $tmode_score Thread@{[$tmode_score == 1 ? "" : "s"]}
    S:       $tsd Posting@{[$tsd == 1 ? "" : "s"]}
Nachrichten Groesse: $msg bytes
    - Header:     $hdr bytes ($hdr_lines Zeilen)
    - Body:       $body bytes ($body_lines Zeilen)
    - Original:   $orig bytes ($orig_lines Zeilen)
    - Signatur:   $sig bytes ($sig_lines Zeilen)


sub top_posters {
    my $scan = shift;
    my @top;
    my $top_total;
    local $_;

    my $posters = $scan->posters;

    ## by posts
    print <<EOBanner;
Top 10 Poster nach Anzahl der Postings

         (kb)   (kb)  (kb)  (kb)
Posts  Volume (  hdr/ body/ orig)  Address
-----  --------------------------  -------


    @top = ( map  { $_->[0] }
             sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, $_->articles ] }
             values %$posters )[0 .. 9];

    $top_total = 0;
    for (@top) {
        my $vol = sprintf "%5.1f (%5.1f/%5.1f/%5.1f)",
                          $_->volume / 1024,
                          $_->header_volume / 1024,
                          $_->body_volume / 1024,
                          $_->orig_volume / 1024;

        printf "%5d  %26s  %s\n", $_->articles, $vol,

        $top_total += $_->articles;

    printf "\nDiese Poster zeichnen verantwortlich fuer %.1f%% aller Artikel.\n",
        100 * $top_total / $scan->articles;

    ## by volume
    print <<EOBanner;

Top 10 Poster nach Menge

  (kb)   (kb)  (kb)  (kb)
Volume (  hdr/ body/ orig)  Posts  Adresse
--------------------------  -----  -------


    @top = ( map  { $_->[0] }
             sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, $_->volume ] }
             values %$posters )[0 .. 9];

    $top_total = 0;
    for (@top) {
        my $vol = sprintf "%5.1f (%5.1f/%5.1f/%5.1f)",
                          $_->volume / 1024,
                          $_->header_volume / 1024,
                          $_->body_volume / 1024,
                          $_->orig_volume / 1024;

        printf "%26s  %5d  %s\n", $vol, $_->articles,

        $top_total += $_->volume;

    printf "\nDiese Poster zeichnen verantwortlich fuer %.1f%% des gesamten Volumens.\n",
        100 * $top_total / $scan->volume;

    ## top OCR
    print <<EOBanner;

Top 10 Posters nach OCR (min. fuenf Postings)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Adresse
-----  --------------  -----  -------


    @top = ( sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, ($_->orig_volume / $_->body_volume) ] }
             grep { $_->articles >= 5 }
             values %$posters )[0 .. 9];

    for (@top) {
        printf "%.3f  (%5.1f /%5.1f)  %5d  %s\n",
               $_->[1], $_->[0]->orig_volume / 1024,
               $_->[0]->body_volume / 1024,
               $_->[0]->articles, $_->[0]->attrib;

    ## bottom OCR
    print <<EOBanner;

Bottom 10 Poster nach OCR (min. fuenf Postings)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Adresse
-----  --------------  -----  -------


    @top = ( sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, ($_->orig_volume / $_->body_volume) ] }
             grep { $_->articles >= 5 }
             values %$posters )[0 .. 9];

    for (reverse @top) {
        printf "%.3f  (%5.1f /%5.1f)  %5d  %s\n",
               $_->[1], $_->[0]->orig_volume / 1024,
               $_->[0]->body_volume / 1024,
               $_->[0]->articles, $_->[0]->attrib;

    print "\n";

sub top_threads {
    my $scan = shift;
    my @top;
    my $threads = $scan->threads;
    local $_;

    ## by posts
    print <<EOBanner;
Top 10 Threads nach Anzahl der Postings

Posts  Subject
-----  -------


    @top = ( map  { $_->[0] }
             sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, $_->articles ] }
             values %$threads )[0 .. 9];

    for (@top) {
        printf "%5d  %s\n", $_->articles, $_->subject;

    ## by volume
    print <<EOBanner;

Top 10 Threads nach Menge

  (kb)   (kb)  (kb)  (kb)
Volume (  hdr/ body/ orig)  Posts  Subject
--------------------------  -----  -------


    @top = ( map  { $_->[0] }
             sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, $_->volume ] }
             values %$threads )[0 .. 9];

    for (@top) {
        my $vol = sprintf "%5.1f (%5.1f/%5.1f/%5.1f)",
                          $_->volume / 1024,
                          $_->header_volume / 1024,
                          $_->body_volume / 1024,
                          $_->orig_volume / 1024;

        printf "%26s  %5d  %s\n", $vol, $_->articles,

    ## top OCR
    print <<EOBanner;

Top 10 Threads nach OCR (min. drei Postings)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Subject
-----  --------------  -----  -------


    @top = ( sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, ($_->orig_volume / $_->body_volume) ] }
             grep { $_->articles >= 3 }
             values %$threads )[0 .. 9];

    for (@top) {
        printf "%.3f  (%5.1f/ %5.1f)  %5d  %s\n",
            $_->[1], $_->[0]->orig_volume / 1024,
            $_->[0]->body_volume / 1024,
            $_->[0]->articles, $_->[0]->subject;

    ## bottom OCR
    print <<EOBanner;

Bottom 10 Threads nach OCR (min. drei Postings)

         (kb)    (kb)
OCR      orig /  body  Posts  Subject
-----  --------------  -----  -------


    @top = ( sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, ($_->orig_volume / $_->body_volume) ] }
             grep { $_->articles >= 3 }
             values %$threads )[0 .. 9];

    for (reverse @top) {
        printf "%.3f  (%5.1f /%5.1f)  %5d  %s\n",
            $_->[1], $_->[0]->orig_volume / 1024,
            $_->[0]->body_volume / 1024,
            $_->[0]->articles, $_->[0]->subject;

    print "\n";

sub top_xposts {
    my $scan = shift;
    my @top;
    my $xposts = $scan->crossposts || return;
    my $posters = $scan->posters;
    local $_;

    print <<EOBanner;
Top 10 Crossposting Ziele

Artikel   Newsgroup
-------   ---------


    @top = ( sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, $xposts->{$_} ] }
             keys %$xposts )[0 .. 9];
    for (@top) {
        next unless defined $_;

        printf "%8d  %s\n", $_->[1], $_->[0];

    print <<EOBanner;

Top 10 Crossposter

Artikel   Adresse
-------   -------


    @top = ( sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
             map  { [ $_, $_->crossposts ] }
             values %$posters )[0 .. 9];

    for (@top) {
        next unless defined $_;

        printf "%8d  %s\n", $_->[1], $_->[0]->attrib;

sub print_stats {
    my $scan = shift;

    excluded $scan;
    totals   $scan;
    avgs     $scan;
    top_posters $scan;
    top_threads $scan;
    top_xposts  $scan;

## main

my $dump = shift || die "Usage: $0 <dumpfile>\n";
my $scan;

    my $VAR1;  ## from the Data::Dumper output

    open DUMP, $dump or die "$0: failed open $dump: $!\n";
    local $/ = undef;

    my $data = <DUMP>;
    $scan = eval $data;
    die "$0: Error evaluating dumpfile: $@\n" if $@;

    close DUMP;

print_header $scan;
print_stats  $scan;