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# ABSTRACT: Role for objects that are converted during the publishing process

package HiD::Role::IsConverted;
$HiD::Role::IsConverted::VERSION = '1.98';
use Moose::Role;
use namespace::autoclean;

use 5.014; # strict, unicode_strings
use utf8;
use autodie;
use warnings    qw/ FATAL  utf8     /;
use open        qw/ :std  :utf8     /;
use charnames   qw/ :full           /;

use Carp;
use Class::Load  qw/ load_class /;
use Path::Tiny;
use YAML::XS     qw/ Load /; # YAML::Tiny doesn't support 'bool' types which we need 8^/

use HiD::Types;

requires 'get_default_layout';

has content => (
  is       => 'ro',
  isa      => 'Str',
  required => 1 ,

has converted_content => (
  is      => 'ro' ,
  isa     => 'Str' ,
  lazy    => 1 ,
  default => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    return _convert_by_extension( $self->content , $self->ext );

has converted_excerpt => (
  is      => 'ro' ,
  isa     => 'Str' ,
  lazy    => 1 ,
  default => sub {
    my $self = shift;

    my $converted_excerpt = _convert_by_extension( $self->excerpt , $self->ext );

    if ( $self->excerpt ne $self->content ) {
      # Add the "read more" link
      ### FIXME this should be configurable
      $converted_excerpt .= $self->readmore_link;

    return $converted_excerpt;

has hid => (
  is       => 'ro' ,
  isa      => 'HiD' ,
  required => 1 ,
  handles  => [ qw/ get_config /] ,

has layouts => (
  is       => 'ro' ,
  isa      => 'HashRef[HiD::Layout]' ,
  required => 1 ,

has metadata => (
  is      => 'ro' ,
  isa     => 'HashRef' ,
  default => sub {{}} ,
  lazy    => 1,
  traits  => [ 'Hash' ] ,
  handles => {
    get_metadata => 'get',

has readmore_link => (
  is      => 'ro' ,
  isa     => 'Str' ,
  lazy    => 1 ,
  default => sub {
    my $self = shift;

    if ( defined $self->get_config('readmore_link')) {
      my $link = $self->get_config('readmore_link');
      my $url = $self->url;
      $link =~ s/__URL__/$url/;
      return $link;

      q{<p class="readmore"><a href="}
      . $self->url
      . q{" class="readmore">read more</a></p>};

has rendered_content => (
  is      => 'ro' ,
  isa     => 'Str' ,
  lazy    => 1 ,
  default => sub {
    my $self = shift;

    my $layout_name = $self->get_metadata( 'layout' ) // $self->get_default_layout;

    my $layout = $self->layouts->{$layout_name} // $self->layouts->{default} //
      die "FIXME no default layout?";

    my $output = $layout->render( $self->template_data );

    return $output;

has template_data => (
  is      => 'ro' ,
  isa     => 'HashRef' ,
  lazy    => 1 ,
  default => sub {
    my $self = shift;

    my $data = {
      baseurl   => $self->hid->config->{baseurl} ,
      content   => $self->converted_content ,
      page      => $self->metadata ,
      site      => $self->hid ,
      timestamp => DateTime->now(),
    $data->{post} = $self if $self->does('HiD::Role::IsPost');

    $data->{page}{url} = $self->url if $self->can( 'url' );

    return $data;

around BUILDARGS => sub {
  my $orig  = shift;
  my $class = shift;

  my %args = ( ref $_[0] and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ) ? %{ $_[0] } : @_;

  unless ( $args{content} and $args{metadata} ) {
    my $file_content = path( $args{input_filename} )->slurp_utf8;

    my( $metadata , $content );
    if ( $file_content =~ /^---/ ) {
      ( $metadata , $content ) = $file_content
        =~ /^---\n?(.*?)---\n?(.*)$/ms;
    elsif ( $args{input_filename} =~ /\.html?$/ ) {
      die "plain HTML file without YAML front matter"
    else {
      $content  = $file_content;
      $metadata = '';

    $args{content}  = $content;
    $args{metadata} = Load( $metadata ) // {};

  return $class->$orig( \%args );

{ # hide the map

  ### FIXME make this extensible
  my %conversion_extension_map = (
    markdown => [ 'Text::Markdown'      , 'markdown' ] ,
    mkdn     => [ 'Text::Markdown'      , 'markdown' ] ,
    mk       => [ 'Text::Markdown'      , 'markdown' ] ,
    md       => [ 'Text::Markdown'      , 'markdown' ] ,
    mmd      => [ 'Text::MultiMarkdown' , 'markdown' ] ,
    textile  => [ 'Text::Textile'       , 'process'  ] ,

  sub _convert_by_extension {
    my( $content , $extension ) = @_;

    return $content
      unless exists $conversion_extension_map{ $extension };

    my( $module , $method ) = @{ $conversion_extension_map{ $extension }};
    load_class( $module );

    my $converted = $module->new->$method( $content );
    return $converted;

no Moose::Role;



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

HiD::Role::IsConverted - Role for objects that are converted during the publishing process


    package HiD::ThingThatIsConverted
    use Moose;
    with 'HiD::Role::IsConverted';




This role is consumed by objects that are converted during the publication
process -- e.g., from Markdown or Textile to HTML, or rendered through a
layout object. This role provides required attributes and methods used during
that process.


=head2 content ( ro / Str / required )

Page content (stuff after the YAML front matter)

=head2 converted_content ( ro  / Str / lazily built from content )

Content after it has gone through the conversion process.

=head2 converted_excerpt ( ro / Str / lazily built from content )

Excerpt after it has gone through the conversion process

=head2 hid

The HiD object for the current site. Here primarily to provide access to site

=head2 layouts ( ro / HashRef[HiD::Layout] / required )

Hashref of layout objects keyed by name.

=head2 metadata ( ro / HashRef )

Hashref of info from YAML front matter

=head2 readmore_link

Placed at the bottom of rendered excerpts. Intended to link to the full
version of the content.

A string matching C<__URL__> will be replaced with the URL of the object (i.e.,
the output of C<$self->url>) being converted.

=head2 rendered_content

Content after any layouts have been applied

=head2 template_data

Data for passing to template processing function.

=head1 VERSION

version 1.98

=head1 AUTHOR

John SJ Anderson <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by John SJ Anderson.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
