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package Acme::Hidek;

use 5.008_001;
use utf8;
use Mouse;
use Time::Piece;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);

if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
   require 'Win32/Console/';
   binmode STDOUT, ":raw :encoding(cp932)";
    binmode STDOUT, ":raw :encoding($ENV{CONSOLE_ENCODING})";

our $VERSION = '42.0';

use XSLoader;
XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION);

use constant {
    BIRTH_YEAR  => 1970,
    BIRTH_MONTH => 9,
    BIRTH_DAY   => 2,

has agef => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'Num',
    lazy    => 1,
    default => sub {
        my($self) = @_;
        return +(Time::Piece->localtime - $self->birthdate)->years;

has age => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'Int',
    lazy    => 1,
    default => sub {
        my($self) = @_;
        return int( $self->agef );

has birthdate => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Object',
    lazy     => 1,
    default  => sub { Time::Piece->strptime("1970/9/2", "%Y/%m/%d") },
    init_arg => undef,

sub is_birthday {
    my $now = Time::Piece->new;
    return $now->mday == BIRTH_DAY && $now->mon == BIRTH_MONTH;

sub ossan40 {
    my @aa = (
    _  ∩
  ( ゜∀゜)彡 ${WORD}
  (    | 
   |   | 
   し ⌒J

 contributed by @mattn_jp.
        , <<'OPPAI'
    _  ∩
  ( ゜∀゜)彡 ${WORD}
  (  ⊂彡
   |   | 
   し ⌒J

 contributed by @mattn_jp.
        , <<'OPPAI'
  ( ゜∀゜)  ${WORD}
  (  ⊂彡
   |   | 
   し ⌒J

 contributed by @mattn_jp.

    my $a;
    for (1..5) {
        $a = $aa[0]; $a =~ s!\${WORD}!おっ!!;
        print "\e[2J$a"; sleep 0.1;
        $a = $aa[1]; $a =~ s!\${WORD}!おっ!!;
        print "\e[2J$a"; sleep 0.1;
        $a = $aa[2]; $a =~ s!\${WORD}!おっ!!;
        print "\e[2J$a"; sleep 0.5;

        $a = $aa[2]; $a =~ s!\${WORD}!おっさん!!;
        print "\e[2J$a"; sleep 0.1;
        $a = $aa[1]; $a =~ s!\${WORD}!おっさん!!;
        print "\e[2J$a"; sleep 0.1;
        $a = $aa[0]; $a =~ s!\${WORD}!おっさん!!;
        print "\e[2J$a"; sleep 0.5;

sub ossan41 {
    my @aa = (
  ∩ ^ω^) な ん だ 
  |   ⊂ノ 
 |   _⊃ 
  し ⌒ 

 contributed by @mattn_jp.
        , <<'OPPAI'
 (^ω^ ∩ 4 1 か 
  t⊃  | 
 ⊂_   | 
   ⌒ J 

 contributed by @mattn_jp.
        , <<'OPPAI'
   (     )  おっおっおっ 
   /  、 つ 
  (_(__ ⌒)ノ 
   ∪ (ノ 

 contributed by @mattn_jp.

    for (0..9) {
        my $a = $aa[$_ % 3];
        print "\e[2J$a"; sleep 1;

no Mouse;

=head1 NAME

Acme::Hidek - Virtual net personality, Hidek, age 41

=head1 VERSION

This document describes Acme::Hidek version 42.0.


    use Acme::Hidek;

    my $hidek = Acme::Hidek->new();

    $hidek->birthdate;   # => 1970/9/2 (Time::Piece object)
    $hidek->is_birthday; # true if the day is 9/2
    $hidek->age;         # the current age (integer)
    $hidek->agef;        # the current age (float)

    $hidek->we_love_hidek(); # => say congratulations to stdout


Acme::Hidek provides APIs to access the information on hidek.

This module is written to congratulate the 40th birthday of hidek.
Happy birthday hidek!


Perl 5.8.1 or later, and a C compiler.

=head1 BUGS

All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no
exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug
to cpan-RT.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Goro Fuji (gfx) E<lt>gfuji(at)cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2010, Goro Fuji (gfx). All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic> for details.
