
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;
use Any::Moose ();
use Any::Moose '::Util::TypeConstraints';
    eval 'use Test::' . any_moose();

    my %handles = (
        inc_counter    => 'inc',
        inc_counter_2  => [ inc => 2 ],
        dec_counter    => 'dec',
        dec_counter_2  => [ dec => 2 ],
        reset_counter  => 'reset',
        set_counter    => 'set',
        set_counter_42 => [ set => 42 ],

    my $name = 'Foo1';

    sub build_class {
        my %attr = @_;

        my $class = any_moose('::Meta::Class')->create(
            superclasses => [any_moose '::Object'],

        my @traits = 'Counter';
        push @traits, 'NoInlineAttribute'
            if delete $attr{no_inline};

            counter => (
                traits  => \@traits,
                is      => 'ro',
                isa     => 'Int',
                default => 0,
                handles => \%handles,
                clearer => '_clear_counter',

        return ( $class->name, \%handles );

    run_tests( build_class( lazy => 1 ) );
    run_tests( build_class( trigger => sub { } ) );
    #run_tests( build_class( no_inline => 1 ) );

    # Will force the inlining code to check the entire hashref when it is modified.
    subtype 'MyInt', as 'Int', where { 1 };

    run_tests( build_class( isa => 'MyInt' ) );

    coerce 'MyInt', from 'Int', via { $_ };

    run_tests( build_class( isa => 'MyInt', coerce => 1 ) );

sub run_tests {
    my ( $class, $handles ) = @_;

    can_ok( $class, $_ ) for sort keys %{$handles};

    with_immutable {
        my $obj = $class->new();

        is( $obj->counter, 0, '... got the default value' );

        is( $obj->inc_counter, 1, 'inc returns new value' );
        is( $obj->counter, 1, '... got the incremented value' );

        is( $obj->inc_counter, 2, 'inc returns new value' );
        is( $obj->counter, 2, '... got the incremented value (again)' );

        like( exception { $obj->inc_counter( 1, 2 ) }, qr/Cannot call inc with more than 1 argument/, 'inc throws an error when two arguments are passed' );

        is( $obj->dec_counter, 1, 'dec returns new value' );
        is( $obj->counter, 1, '... got the decremented value' );

        like( exception { $obj->dec_counter( 1, 2 ) }, qr/Cannot call dec with more than 1 argument/, 'dec throws an error when two arguments are passed' );

        is( $obj->reset_counter, 0, 'reset returns new value' );
        is( $obj->counter, 0, '... got the original value' );

        like( exception { $obj->reset_counter(2) }, qr/Cannot call reset with any arguments/, 'reset throws an error when an argument is passed' );

        is( $obj->set_counter(5), 5, 'set returns new value' );
        is( $obj->counter, 5, '... set the value' );

        like( exception { $obj->set_counter( 1, 2 ) }, qr/Cannot call set with more than 1 argument/, 'set throws an error when two arguments are passed' );

        is( $obj->counter, 7, '... increment by arg' );

        is( $obj->counter, 2, '... decrement by arg' );

        is( $obj->counter, 4, '... curried increment' );

        is( $obj->counter, 2, '... curried deccrement' );

        is( $obj->counter, 42, '... curried set' );

        if ( $class->meta->get_attribute('counter')->is_lazy ) {
            my $obj = $class->new;

            is( $obj->counter, 1, 'inc increments - with lazy default' );


            is( $obj->counter, -1, 'dec decrements - with lazy default' );
