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=head1 NAME

Text::Xslate::Manual::Cookbook - How to cook Xslate templates


The Xslate cookbook is a set of recipes showing Xslate features.

=head1 RECIPES

=head2 How to manage HTML forms

Managing HTML forms is an important issue on web applications.
You'd better to use modules that manage HTML forms, rather than do something
with templates by yourself. This section proposes two basic solutions:
using FillInForm and HTML form builders.

In both solutions, one should not use the C<mark_raw filter> in templates,
which easily makes B<security holes>. Instead, application code should be
responsible to call the C<mark_raw function> that C<Text::Xslate> can export.

=head3 Using FillInForm

One solution to manage HTML forms is to use FillInForm modules with
the block filter syntax.

Example code using C<HTML::FillInForm>:

    #!perl -w
    use strict;
    use Text::Xslate qw(html_builder);

    use HTML::FillInForm; # HTML::FillInForm::Lite is okay

    sub fillinform {
        my($q) = @_;
        my $fif = HTML::FillInForm->new();
        return html_builder {
            my($html) = @_;
            return $fif->fill(\$html, $q);

    my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
        function => {
            fillinform => \&fillinform,

    my %vars = (
        q => { foo => "<filled value>" },
    print $tx->render_string(<<'T', \%vars);
    : block form | fillinform($q) -> {
    <input type="text" name="foo" />
    : }


    <input type="text" name="foo" value="&lt;filled value&gt;" />

Because L<HTML::FillInForm::Lite> provides C<fillinform> function,
it becomes more simple:

    use HTML::FillInForm qw(fillinform);

    my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
        function => { fillinform => html_builder(\&fillinform) },

See also L<HTML::FillInForm> or L<HTML::FillInForm::Lite> for details.

=head3 Using HTML form builders

Another solution to manage HTML forms is to use form builders.
In such cases, all you have to do is to apply C<mark_raw()> to HTML parts.

Here is a PSGI application that uses C<HTML::Shakan>:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Text::Xslate qw(mark_raw);
    use HTML::Shakan;
    use Plack::Request;

    my $tx = Text::Xslate->new();

    sub app {
        my($env) = @_;
        my $req  = Plack::Request->new($env);

        my $shakan = HTML::Shakan->new(
            request => $req,
            fields  => [ TextField(name => 'name', label => 'Your name: ') ],

        my $res = $req->new_response(200);

        # do mark_raw here, not in templates
        my $form = mark_raw($shakan->render());
        $res->body( $tx->render_string(<<'T', { form => $form }) );
    <!doctype html>
    <head><title>Building form</title></head>
    Form:<br />
    <: $form :>
        return $res->finalize();


    return \&app;


    <!doctype html>
    <head><title>Building form</title></head>
    Form:<br />
    <label for="id_name">Your name</label>
    <input id="id_name" name="name" type="text" value="&lt;Xslate&gt;" />

See also L<HTML::Shakan> for details.

=head2 How to use Template Toolkit's WRAPPER feature in Kolon

Use template cascading, which is a super-set of the C<WRAPPER> directive.


    <div class="wrapper">
    block content -> { }


    : cascade wrapper

    : override content -> {
        Hello, world!
    : }


    <div class="wrapper">
        Hello, world!

=head3 Template cascading

Xslate supports B<template cascading>, which allows you to extend
templates with block modifiers. It is like traditional template inclusion,
but is more powerful.

This mechanism is also called as template inheritance.

See also L<Text::Xslate/"Template cascading">.

=head2 How to map __DATA__ sections to the include path

Use C<Data::Section::Simple>, and the C<path> option of C<new()>, which accepts
HASH references which contain C<< $file_name => $content >> mapping.

    use Text::Xslate;
    use Data::Section::Simple;

    my $vpath = Data::Section::Simple->new()->get_data_section();
    my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
        path => [$vpath],

    print $tx->render('child.tx');

    @@ base.tx
    <body><: block body -> { :>default body<: } :></body>
    @@ child.tx
    : cascade base;
    : override body -> {
    child body
    : } # endblock body

This feature is directly inspired by Text::MicroTemplate::DataSection,
and originated from Mojolicious.

See also L<Data::Section::Simple>, L<Text::MicroTemplate::DataSection>,
and L<Mojolicious>.

=head2 How to interpolate data into JavaScript sections without XSS

Because Xslate escapes only HTML meta characters, you must escape
JavaScript meta characters by yourself when you put data into
C<< <script> ... </script> >> sections.

C<JSON> module is not suitable because it doesn't escape some meta
characters such as C<< "</script>" >>.

It is better to use utilities proven to be secure for JavaScript escaping
to avoid XSS.
L<JavaScript::Value::Escape> helps you for this aim.

    my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
        module => ['JavaScript::Value::Escape' => [qw(js)]],

    my %params = (
        user_input => '</script><script>alert("XSS")</script>',

    print $tx->render_string(<<'T', \%params);
    document.write('<: $user_input | html | js :>');
    var user_input = '<: $user_input | js :>';

You'd better to consult the security experts on more complex cases.

=head2 How to interpolate structured texts into HTML without XSS

There's no silver bullet to parse structured texts in secure ways.
You'd better to consult the security experts to do so.

Some CPAN module might help you. See L<String::Filter> for example.

=head2 How to manage localization in templates

You can register any functions including C<_()>, so no specific techniques are required.

For example:

    use I18N::Handle;
    # I18N::Handle installs the locale function "_" to the global namespace.
    # (remember the symbol *_ is global)
    I18N::Handle->new( ... )->speak('zh_tw');

    my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
        function => {
            _ => \&_,

Then in your templates:

    <: _('Hello %1', $john ) :>

See also: L<I18N::Handle>, L<App::I18N>.

=head2 How to load templates before C<fork()>ing?

It is a good idea to load templates in preforking-model applications.
Here is an example to to load all the templates which is in a given path:

    use File::Find;

    my $path = ...;
    my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
        path      => [$path],
        cache_dir =>  $path,

    # pre-load files
    find sub {
        if(/\.tx$/) {
            my $file = $File::Find::name;
            $file =~ s/\Q$path\E .//xsm; # fix path names
    }, $path;

    # fork and render ...

=head2 How to pre-process templates?

You can override C<slurp_template()> in Text::Xslate to process contents
before parsing them:

        package MyTemplate;
        use parent qw(Text::Xslate);

        sub slurp_template {
            my($self, $input_layer, $fullpath) = @_;

            my $content = $self->SUPER::slurp_template(
            ### process $content ###
            return $content;

The first argument I<$self> is an Text::Xslate instance; the second is
the argument of C<input_layer> option (default to C<:utf8>); the third
is the full path of a template file to load.

C<slurp_template> may return both B<text strings> and C<byte strings>.

Note that this hook is provided for pre-processing template contents, so you should call C<SUPER::slurp_template> to load templates into the memory.

=head1 SEE ALSO



