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package Text::Xslate::PP;
# Text::Xslate in pure Perl
use 5.008_001;
use strict;

our $VERSION = '3.1.0';

    $ENV{XSLATE} = ($ENV{XSLATE} || '') . '[pp]';

use Text::Xslate::Util qw(

use constant _PP_ERROR_VERBOSE => scalar($DEBUG =~ /\b pp=verbose \b/xms);

use constant _DUMP_LOAD => scalar($DEBUG =~ /\b dump=load \b/xms);

use Text::Xslate::PP::Const qw(:all);
use Text::Xslate::PP::State;
use Text::Xslate::PP::Type::Raw;
use Text::Xslate::PP::Opcode;
use Text::Xslate::PP::Method;

use Scalar::Util ();
use overload     ();
use Carp         ();

# it must be loaded dynamically
require Text::Xslate;

my $state_class = 'Text::Xslate::PP::Opcode';

$VERSION =~ s/_//; # for developers versions


# fix up @ISA
    if(!our %OPS) {
        # the compiler use %Text::Xslate::OPS in order to optimize the code
        *OPS = \%Text::Xslate::PP::OPS;
    our @ISA = qw(Text::Xslate::PP);
    our @ISA = qw(Text::Xslate::Engine);

our $_depth = 0;
our $_current_st;

our($_orig_die_handler, $_orig_warn_handler);

our %html_escape = (
    '&' => '&',
    '<' => '&lt;',
    '>' => '&gt;',
    '"' => '&quot;',
    "'" => '&#39;', # IE8 doesn't support &apos; in title
our $html_metachars = sprintf '[%s]', join '', map { quotemeta } keys %html_escape;

sub _register_builtin_methods {
    my($self, $funcs) = @_;

# public APIs

sub render_string {
    my($self, $string, $vars) = @_;
    return $self->render('<string>', $vars);

sub render {
    my ( $self, $name, $vars ) = @_;

    Carp::croak("Usage: Text::Xslate::render(self, name, vars)")
        if !( @_ == 2 or @_ == 3 );
    unless ( ref $self ) {
        Carp::croak( "Invalid xslate instance" );

    if(!defined $vars) {
        $vars = {};

    if ( !defined $name ) {
        Carp::croak("Xslate: Template name is not given");

    unless ( ref $vars eq 'HASH' ) {
        Carp::croak( sprintf("Xslate: Template variables must be a HASH reference, not %s", $vars ) );

    my $st = $self->tx_load_template( $name, 0 );

    local $_orig_die_handler  = $SIG{__DIE__};
    local $_orig_warn_handler = $SIG{__WARN__};
    local $SIG{__DIE__}       = \&_die;
    local $SIG{__WARN__}      = \&_warn;

    return tx_execute( $st, $vars );

sub validate {
    my ( $self, $name ) = @_;

    Carp::croak("Usage: Text::Xslate::render(self, name)")
        if !( @_ == 2 );
    unless ( ref $self ) {
        Carp::croak( "Invalid xslate instance" );

    if ( !defined $name ) {
        Carp::croak("Xslate: Template name is not given");

    local $self->{cache} = 0; # do not touch the cache
    $self->tx_load_template( $name, 0 );

sub current_engine {
    return defined($_current_st) ? $_current_st->engine : undef;

sub current_vars {
    return defined($_current_st) ? $_current_st->vars : undef;

sub current_file {
    return defined($_current_st)
        ? $_current_st->code->[ $_current_st->{ pc } ]->{file}
        : undef;

sub current_line {
    return defined($_current_st)
        ? $_current_st->code->[ $_current_st->{ pc } ]->{line}
        : undef;

sub print {
    if(defined $_current_st) {
        foreach my $s(@_) {
    else {
        Carp::croak('You cannot call print() method outside render()');
    return '';

# >> copied and modified from Text::Xslate

sub _assemble {
    my ( $self, $asm, $name, $fullpath, $cachepath, $mtime ) = @_;

    unless ( defined $name ) { # $name ... filename
        $name = '<string>';
        $fullpath = $cachepath = undef;
        $mtime    = time();

    my $st  = $state_class->new();

    $st->symbol({ %{$self->{ function }} });

    my $tmpl = [];

    $self->{ template }->{ $name } = $tmpl;
    $self->{ tmpl_st }->{ $name }  = $st;

    $tmpl->[ Text::Xslate::PP::TXo_MTIME ]     = $mtime;
    $tmpl->[ Text::Xslate::PP::TXo_CACHEPATH ] = $cachepath;
    $tmpl->[ Text::Xslate::PP::TXo_FULLPATH ]  = $fullpath;

    $st->tmpl( $tmpl );
    $st->engine( $self ); # weak_ref!

    $st->{sa}   = undef;
    $st->{sb}   = undef;

    # stack frame
    $st->frame( [] );
    $st->current_frame( -1 );

    my $len = scalar( @$asm );

    $st->push_frame('main', $len);

    $st->code_len( $len );

    my $code = $st->code([]);
    my $macro;

    my $oi_line = -1;
    my $oi_file = $name;
    for ( my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
        my $c = $asm->[ $i ];

        if ( ref $c ne 'ARRAY' ) {
            Carp::croak( sprintf( "Oops: Broken code found on [%d]",  $i ) );

        my ( $opname, $arg, $line, $file ) = @{$c};
        my $opnum = $OPS{ $opname };

        unless ( defined $opnum ) {
            Carp::croak( sprintf( "Oops: Unknown opcode '%s' on [%d]", $opname, $i ) );

        if(defined $line) {
            $oi_line = $line;
        if(defined $file) {
            $oi_file = $file;

        $code->[$i] = {
            # opcode
            opname => $opname,

            # opinfo
            line   => $oi_line,
            file   => $oi_file,

        $code->[ $i ]->{ exec_code } = $OPCODE[ $opnum ];

        my $oparg = $OPARGS[ $opnum ];

        if ( $oparg & TXARGf_SV ) {

            # This line croak at 'concat'!
            # Carp::croak( sprintf( "Oops: Opcode %s must have an argument on [%d]", $opname, $i ) )
            #     unless ( defined $arg );

            if( $oparg & TXARGf_KEY ) {
                $code->[ $i ]->{ arg } = $arg;
            elsif ( $oparg & TXARGf_INT ) {
                $code->[ $i ]->{ arg } = int($arg);

                if( $oparg & TXARGf_PC ) {
                    my $abs_addr = $i + $arg;

                    if( $abs_addr >= $len ) {
                            sprintf( "Oops: goto address %d is out of range (must be 0 <= addr <= %d)", $arg, $len )

                    $code->[ $i ]->{ arg } = $abs_addr;

            else {
                $code->[ $i ]->{ arg } = $arg;

        else {
            if( defined $arg ) {
                Carp::croak( sprintf( "Oops: Opcode %s has an extra argument on [%d]", $opname, $i ) );
            $code->[ $i ]->{ arg } = undef;

        # special cases
        if( $opnum == $OPS{ macro_begin } ) {
            my $name = $code->[ $i ]->{ arg };
            if(!exists $st->symbol->{$name}) {
                require Text::Xslate::PP::Type::Macro;
                $macro = Text::Xslate::PP::Type::Macro->new(
                    name  => $name,
                    addr  => $i,
                    state => $st,
                $st->symbol->{ $name } = $macro;
            else {
                $macro = undef;
        elsif( $opnum == $OPS{ macro_nargs } ) {
            if($macro) {
        elsif( $opnum == $OPS{ macro_outer } ) {
            if($macro) {
        elsif( $opnum == $OPS{ depend } ) {
            push @{ $tmpl }, $code->[ $i ]->{ arg };


    push @{$code}, {
        exec_code => $OPCODE[ $OPS{end} ],
        file      => $oi_file,
        line      => $oi_line,
        opname    => 'end',
    }; # for threshold


    sub escaped_string; *escaped_string = \&mark_raw;
    sub mark_raw {
        my($str) = @_;
        if(defined $str) {
            return ref($str) eq Text::Xslate::PP::TXt_RAW()
                ? $str
                : bless \$str, Text::Xslate::PP::TXt_RAW();
        return $str; # undef
    sub unmark_raw {
        my($str) = @_;
        return ref($str) eq Text::Xslate::PP::TXt_RAW()
            ? ${$str}
            : $str;

    sub html_escape {
        my($s) = @_;
        return $s if
            ref($s) eq Text::Xslate::PP::TXt_RAW()
            or !defined($s);

        $s =~ s/($html_metachars)/$html_escape{$1}/xmsgeo;
        return bless \$s, Text::Xslate::PP::TXt_RAW();

    my $uri_unsafe_rfc3986 = qr/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~]/;
    sub uri_escape {
        my($s) = @_;
        return $s if not defined $s;
        # XXX: This must be the same as uri_escape() in XS.
        #      See also tx_uri_escape() in xs/Text-Xslate.xs.
        utf8::encode($s) if utf8::is_utf8($s);
        $s =~ s/($uri_unsafe_rfc3986)/sprintf '%%' . '%02X', ord $1/xmsgeo;
        return $s;

    sub is_array_ref { ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' }
    sub is_hash_ref  { ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH'  }
    sub is_code_ref  { ref($_[0]) eq 'CODE'  }

    sub merge_hash { +{ %{ $_[0] }, %{ $_[1] } } }


sub tx_check_itr_ar {
    my ( $st, $ar, $frame, $line ) = @_;
    return $ar if ref($ar) eq 'ARRAY';

    if ( defined $ar ) {
        if(my $x = Text::Xslate::PP::sv_is_ref($ar, 'ARRAY', '@{}')) {
            return $x;

        $st->error( [$frame, $line],
            "Iterator variables must be an ARRAY reference, not %s",
            Text::Xslate::Util::neat( $ar ) );
    return [];

sub sv_is_ref {
    my($sv, $t, $ov) = @_;
    return $sv if ref($sv) eq $t;

        && (my $m = overload::Method($sv, $ov))) {
        $sv = $sv->$m(undef, undef);
        return $sv if ref($sv) eq $t;
    return undef;

sub tx_sv_eq {
    my($x, $y) = @_;
    if ( defined $x ) {
        return defined $y && $x eq $y;
    else {
        return !defined $y;

sub tx_match { # simple smart matching
    my($x, $y) = @_;

    if(ref($y) eq 'ARRAY') {
        foreach my $item(@{$y}) {
            if(defined($item)) {
                if(defined($x) && $x eq $item) {
                    return 1;
            else {
                if(not defined($x)) {
                    return 1;
        return '';
    elsif(ref($y) eq 'HASH') {
        return defined($x) && exists $y->{$x};
    elsif(defined($y)) {
        return defined($x) && $x eq $y;
    else {
        return !defined($x);

sub tx_concat {
    my($lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    if(ref($lhs) eq TXt_RAW) {
        if(ref($rhs) eq TXt_RAW) {
            return Text::Xslate::Util::mark_raw(${ $lhs } . ${ $rhs });
        else {
            return Text::Xslate::Util::mark_raw(${ $lhs } . Text::Xslate::Util::html_escape($rhs));
    else {
        if(ref($rhs) eq TXt_RAW) {
            return Text::Xslate::Util::mark_raw(Text::Xslate::Util::html_escape($lhs) . ${ $rhs });
        else {
            return $lhs . $rhs;

sub tx_repeat {
    my($lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    if(!defined($lhs)) {
        $_current_st->warn(undef, "Use of nil for repeat operator");
    elsif(!Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($rhs)) {
        $_current_st->error(undef, "Repeat count must be a number, not %s",
    else {
        if( ref( $lhs ) eq TXt_RAW ) {
            return Text::Xslate::Util::mark_raw( Text::Xslate::Util::unmark_raw($lhs) x $rhs );
        else {
            return $lhs x $rhs;
    return '';

sub tx_load_template {
    my ( $self, $name, $from_include ) = @_;

    unless ( ref $self ) {
        Carp::croak( "Invalid xslate instance" );

    my $ttable = $self->{ template };
    my $retried = 0;

    if(ref $ttable ne 'HASH' ) {
            sprintf( "Xslate: Cannot load template '%s': %s", $name, "template table is not a HASH reference" )

    if( $retried > 1 ) {
            sprintf( "Xslate: Cannot load template '%s': %s", $name, "retried reloading, but failed" )

    if ( not exists $ttable->{ $name } ) {
        $self->load_file( $name, undef, $from_include );
        goto RETRY;

    my $tmpl = $ttable->{ $name };

    if(ref($tmpl) ne 'ARRAY' or not exists $self->{tmpl_st}{$name}) {
            sprintf( "Xslate: Cannot load template '%s': template entry is invalid", $name ),

    my $cache_mtime = $tmpl->[ TXo_MTIME ];

    if(not defined $cache_mtime) { # cache => 2 (release mode)
        return $self->{ tmpl_st }->{ $name };

    if( $retried > 0 or tx_all_deps_are_fresh( $tmpl, $cache_mtime ) ) {
        return $self->{ tmpl_st }->{ $name };
        $self->load_file( $name, $cache_mtime, $from_include );
        goto RETRY;

    Carp::croak("Oops: Not reached");

sub tx_all_deps_are_fresh {
    my ( $tmpl, $cache_mtime ) = @_;
    my $len = scalar @{$tmpl};

    for ( my $i = TXo_FULLPATH; $i < $len; $i++ ) {
        my $deppath = $tmpl->[ $i ];

        next if ref $deppath;

        my $mtime = ( stat( $deppath ) )[9];
        if ( defined($mtime) and $mtime > $cache_mtime ) {
            my $main_cache = $tmpl->[ TXo_CACHEPATH ];
            if ( $i != TXo_FULLPATH and $main_cache ) {
                unlink $main_cache or warn $!;
            if(_DUMP_LOAD) {
                printf STDERR "  tx_all_depth_are_fresh: %s is too old (%d > %d)\n",
                    $deppath, $mtime, $cache_mtime;
            return 0;


    return 1;

sub tx_execute {
    my ( $st, $vars ) = @_;
    no warnings 'recursion';

    if ( $_depth > 100 ) {
        Carp::croak("Execution is too deep (> 100)");
    if(_PP_ERROR_VERBOSE and ref $st->{code}->[0]->{ exec_code } ne 'CODE') {
        Carp::croak("Oops: Not a CODE reference: "
            . Text::Xslate::Util::neat($st->{code}->[0]->{ exec_code }));

    local $st->{pc}   = 0;
    local $st->{vars} = $vars;

    local $_depth      = $_depth + 1;
    local $_current_st = $st;

    local $st->{local_stack};
    local $st->{SP} = [];

    local $st->{sa};
    local $st->{sb};
    local $st->{output} = '';

    local $st->{current_frame} = $st->{current_frame};

    eval {
        $st->{code}->[0]->{ exec_code }->( $st );

    @{$st->{frame}->[-1]} = Text::Xslate::PP::TXframe_START_LVAR - 1;

    if ($@) {
        my $e = $@;
        die $e;
    return $st->{output};

sub _error_handler {
    my ( $str, $die ) = @_;
    my $st = $_current_st;

    local $SIG{__WARN__} = $_orig_warn_handler;
    local $SIG{__DIE__}  = $_orig_die_handler;

    if(!_PP_ERROR_VERBOSE && $str =~ s/at .+Text.Xslate.PP.+ line \d+\.\n$//) {
        $str = Carp::shortmess($str);

    Carp::croak( $str ) unless defined $st;

    my $engine = $st->engine;

    my $cframe = $st->frame->[ $st->current_frame ];
    my $name   = $cframe->[ Text::Xslate::PP::TXframe_NAME ];

    my $opcode = $st->code->[ $st->{ pc } ];
    my $file   = $opcode->{file};
    if($file eq '<string>' && exists $engine->{string_buffer}) {
        $file = \$engine->{string_buffer};

    my $mess   = Text::Xslate::Util::make_error($engine, $str, $file, $opcode->{line},
        sprintf( "&%s[%d]", $name, $st->{pc} ));

    if ( !$die ) {
        # $h can ignore warnings
        if ( my $h = $engine->{ warn_handler } ) {
            $h->( $mess );
        else {
            warn $mess;
    else {
        # $h cannot ignore errors
        if(my $h = $engine->{ die_handler } ) {
            $h->( $mess );
        die $mess; # MUST DIE!

sub _warn {
    _error_handler( $_[0], 0 );

sub _die {
    _error_handler( $_[0], 1 );


    sub DESTROY { $_[0]->() }


=head1 NAME

Text::Xslate::PP - Yet another Text::Xslate runtime in pure Perl

=head1 VERSION

This document describes Text::Xslate::PP version 3.1.0.


This module implements a Text::Xslate runtime engine in pure Perl.
Normally it will be loaded if it fails to load XS. So you do not need
to use this module explicitly.

    # Text::Xslate loads PP if needed
    use Text::Xslate;
    my $tx = Text::Xslate->new();

If you want to use Text::Xslate::PP, however, you can use it.

    use Text::Xslate::PP;
    my $tx = Text::Xslate->new();

XS/PP mode might be switched with C<< $ENV{XSLATE} = 'pp' or 'xs' >>.

C<< $ENV{XSLATE} = 'pp=verbose' } >> may be useful for debugging.

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

Text::Xslate::PP stuff is originally written by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu
E<lt>makamaka at cpan.orgE<gt>, and also maintained by Fuji, Goro (gfx).


Copyright (c) 2010 by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu (makamaka).

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
