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##  test.syms -- test for function/variable symbols 
##  Set the environment variable CURSES_VERBOSE to see the details of the
##  testing.

##  Copyright (c) 1994-2000  William Setzer
##  You may distribute under the terms of either the Artistic License
##  or the GNU General Public License, as specified in the README file.
##  This program is modelled after parts of the dist-3.0 distribution.
##  In many cases I just hand-converted the sh script to perl, so this
##  program probably falls under the Artistic license.  At the very least,
##  it has the "look and feel".  Will I be sued? :-)
##  Thanks to Raphael Manfredi and the other contributors of dist-3.0.
##  VMS patches thanks to Peter Prymmer <>

use strict;
use warnings;
use English;

my $verbose;

sub makeCompileCommand($) {
    my ($compileR) = @_;
    #  Get a compile command so we can test for curses symbols.
    # (There has got to be an easier way.  Blech.)

    my $compile = '#CC# #DEFS# #INCS# #CFLAGS# #FILE# #LFLAGS# #LIBS#' .
        ($verbose ? '' : '#NULL#');
    my $makefile = ($OSNAME =~ /VMS/) ? "Descrip.MMS" : "Makefile";

    my ($cc, $inc, $ccflags, $ldloadlibs, $lddlflags);

    open MAKEFILE, "< $makefile" or 
        die "Can't open make file '$makefile' errno=$ERRNO";
    while (<MAKEFILE>) {

        if (/^CC\s*=\s*(.*)/) { 
            $cc = $1;
        } elsif (/^INC\s*=\s*(.*)/) { 
            $inc = $1;
        } elsif (/^CCFLAGS\s*=\s*(.*)/) { 
            $ccflags = $1;
        } elsif (/^LDLOADLIBS\s*=\s*(.*)/) { 
            $ldloadlibs = $1;
        } elsif (/^LDDLFLAGS\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
            $lddlflags = $1;

    if (defined($cc)) {
        $compile =~ s{#CC#}{$cc};
    if (defined($inc)) {
        $compile =~ s{#INCS#}{$inc};
    if (defined($ccflags)) {
        $compile =~ s{#CFLAGS#}{$ccflags};
    if (defined($ldloadlibs)) {
        $compile =~ s{#LIBS#}{$ldloadlibs};
    } else {
        $compile =~ s{#LIBS#}{};
    if (defined($lddlflags)) {
        ## Only get -L's.  Other options can cause strange link behavior.
        ## (I shoulda stayed in bed.)
        my $lflags;
        $lflags = '';  # initial value
        while ($lddlflags =~ m{(-L\S+)}g) {
            $lflags .= " $1";
        $compile =~ s{#LFLAGS#}{$lflags};
    close MAKEFILE;

    #  Left to handle: DEFS/FILE/NULL
    #  DEFS  => "cc" define of "SYM" to "_C_SYM_"
    #  FILE  => "cc" compile of file _C_FILE_.c into executable _C_FILE_
    #  NULL  => output of system call to dev null
    #  _C_SYM_ and _C_FILE_ will be filled in later

    if ($OSNAME =~ m{VMS}i) {
        $compile =~ s{#DEFS#}{DEFINE=SYM="_C_SYM_"};
        $compile =~ s{#FILE#}{_C_FILE_.c};
        $compile =~ s{#NULL#}{};  # no non-verbose way
    elsif ($OSNAME eq 'MSWin32') {
        $compile =~ s{#DEFS#}{-DSYM="_C_SYM_"};
        $compile =~ s{#FILE#}{_C_FILE_.c};
        $compile =~ s{#NULL#}{>nul 2>&1};
    else {
        $compile =~ s{#DEFS#}{-DSYM="_C_SYM_"};
        $compile =~ s{#FILE#}{-o _C_FILE_ _C_FILE_.c};
        $compile =~ s{#NULL#}{>/dev/null 2>&1};
    if ($compile =~ m{#.+#}) {
        die "OOPS: internal error constructing a compile command.  " .
            "We failed to substitute for a #xxx# substitution variable " .
            "and thus ended up with this: '$compile'\n";
    $$compileR = $compile;

#                                 MAINLINE                                    #

print("Checking capabilities of the Ncurses libraries.\n");
print("Set CURSES_VERBOSE environment variable to see the details of the " .

my $panels;
my $menus;
my $forms;

    $verbose = 1;
} else {
 $verbose = 0;

open IN,  "list.syms"       or die "Can't open list.syms: $!\n";
open(OUTH, ">CursesDef.h")  or die "Can't open CursesDef.h: $!\n";
open LOG, ">&STDERR"        or die "Can't redirect to STDERR: $!\n";

while (@ARGV) {
    my $arg = shift;

    $arg eq 'PANELS' and ++$panels and next;
    $arg eq 'MENUS'  and ++$menus  and next;
    $arg eq 'FORMS'  and ++$forms  and next;
    $arg =~ /^-h/    and Usage();
    $arg =~ /^-v/    and ++$verbose and next;
    $arg =~ /^-l/    and do {
	my $logfile = shift      or Usage("<-l> needs a filename");
	open LOG,   ">$logfile"  or die "Can't open file '$logfile': $!\n";
	open STDERR, ">&LOG"     or die "Can't redirect STDERR: $!\n";

    $arg =~ /^-/ and Usage("Unknown option: $arg");
    Usage("Unknown argument: $arg");
if (@ARGV) { Usage() }

select LOG;
$| = 1;

# Prep compile stage

makeCompileCommand(\my $compile);

print STDOUT "Doing test compiles with the compile command '$compile'\n";

##  Now generate the .h file

print OUTH <<'EOHDR';
/*  This file is automatically generated; changes will be lost.
**  If you need to edit this file because "test.syms" didn't do a good
**  job, be sure to save a copy of your changes.
**  The "define"s below are simply educated guesses.  If you are
**  having problems compiling, check the appropriate symbol to see if
**  it was set correctly: For each line, if the answer to the question
**  is "no", that line should start with "#undef"; if the answer is
**  yes, it should start with "#define".


print OUTH 
    $panels ? "#define " : "#undef  ",
    "C_PANELFUNCTION         /* Add in panel library function?             */",

print OUTH 
    $menus ? "#define " : "#undef  ",
    "C_MENUFUNCTION         /* Add in menu library function?              */",

print OUTH 
    $forms ? "#define " : "#undef  ",
    "C_FORMFUNCTION          /* Add in form library function?              */",

# Some functions return either int or void, depending on what compiler
# and libcurses.a you are using.  For the int/void test, if the
# compiler doesn't complain about assigning the sym to an int
# variable, we assume the function returns int.  Otherwise, we assume
# it returns void.

my %tstfile = qw( E  testsym
                  I  testint
                  V  testsym
		  T  testtyp);
while (<IN>) {
    next if /^\S*#/;
    next unless /\S/;

    my ($action, $sym, $args) = /^([A-Z])\s+(\w+)\s*(\(.*\))?/;
    my $file  = $tstfile{$action};

    unless (defined $sym and defined $file) {
	warn "WARNING: internal error on symbol $_\n";
    my $cmd;
    $cmd = $compile;  # initial value
    my $symargs = $sym . (defined($args) ? $args : '');
    $cmd =~ s{_C_SYM_}{$symargs}ge;
    $cmd =~ s{_C_FILE_}{$file}g;

    print LOG $cmd, "\n"      if $verbose;
    my $ret = qx{$cmd};
    my $rc  = $?;
    print LOG $ret            if $verbose;
    print LOG "(rc = $rc)\n"  if $verbose;

    my $ssym  = $sym;
    $ssym =~ s/^w//;

    my $c_sym;
    my $comment;

    if ($action eq 'E') {
	print LOG "function '$sym' ", ($rc ? "NOT " : ""), "found\n";

	$c_sym   = uc "C_$ssym";
	$comment = "Does function '$ssym' exist?";
    elsif ($action eq 'I') {
	print LOG "function '$sym' returns ", ($rc ? "void" : "int"), "\n";

	$c_sym   = uc "C_INT$ssym";
	$comment = "Does function '$ssym' return 'int'?";
    elsif ($action eq 'V') {
	print LOG "variable '$sym' ", ($rc ? "NOT " : ""), "found\n";

	$c_sym   = uc "C_$ssym";
	$comment = "Does variable '$ssym' exist?";
    elsif ($action eq 'T') {
	print LOG "typedef '$sym' ", ($rc ? "NOT " : ""), "found\n";

	$c_sym   = uc "C_TYP$ssym";
	$comment = "Does typedef '$ssym' exist?";
    else {
        warn "WARNING: internal error on symbol $_\n";

    print OUTH
	$rc ? "#undef  " : "#define ",
        $c_sym,   " " x (24 - length $c_sym),
        "/* ",
	$comment, " " x (42 - length $comment),

unlink "testsym";
unlink "testint";
unlink "testtyp";

1 while unlink "testsym.obj";   # Possibly pointless VMSism
1 while unlink "testint.obj";   # Possibly pointless VMSism
1 while unlink "testtyp.obj";   # Possibly pointless VMSism

close IN;
close OUTH;
close LOG;
exit 0;

##  Helper functions

sub Usage {
    print LOG @_, "\n";
    print LOG <<EOM;
Usage: find_syms [options]
where options include:

   -h         This message.   
   -v         Verbose.  Tell you more than you want to know about
              how the Curses symbols are being determined.
   -l <file>  Create file <file> and dump output into it.
