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package WWW::Scraper::Dice;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
@ISA = qw(WWW::Scraper);
$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.09 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);

use WWW::Scraper(qw(1.48 generic_option trimTags addURL));
use WWW::Scraper::FieldTranslation;

my $scraperRequest = 
      'type' => 'POST'       # Type of query generation is 'POST'
     ,'redirectMethod' => 'GET' # Let me quote W3C HTTP 1.1 Specification (at
                                #      Note: When automatically redirecting a POST request after receiving
                                #     a 302 status code, some existing HTTP/1.0 user agents will
                                #     erroneously change it into a GET request.
                                # Yet *relies* on the browser to change it to 'GET', otherwise it don't work!
                                # I guess that's what's so nice about standards - there's so many to choose from!

      # This is the basic URL on which to build the query.
     ,'url' => ''
      # This is the Scraper attributes => native input fields mapping
      ,'nativeQuery' => 'query'
      ,'defaultRequestClass' => 'Job'
      ,'nativeDefaults' =>
               'Search.x' => 1,'Search.y' => 1,
               'banner' => '0',
               'brief' => 'true',
               'method' => 'bool',
               'taxterm' => '',
               'state' => 'ALL',         # or two character abbreviation(s)
               'acode' => '',            # multiple acode INPUT fields
               'daysback' => 30,         # (1, 2, 7, 10, 14, 21, 30)
               'num_per_page' => 50,     # (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) 
               'num_to_retrieve' => 2000 # (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 2000)
     ,'fieldTranslations' =>
                 '*' =>
                     {    'skills'    => 'query'
                         ,'locations' => new WWW::Scraper::FieldTranslation('Dice', 'Job', 'locations')
                         ,'*'             => '*'
      # Some more options for the Scraper operation.
     ,'cookies' => 0
     # Some search engines don't connect every time - retry Dice this many times.
     ,'retry' => 2

my $scraperFrame =
      [ 'HTML', 
            [ 'NEXT', 1, 'Show next \d+ jobs' ] , # meaning how to find the NEXT button.
            [ 'COUNT', 'Jobs [-0123456789]+ of (\d+) matching your query' ] , # the total count can be found here.
            [ 'HIT*', 'Job',                    # meaning the content of this array element represents hits!
                  [ 'DL',                       # meaning detail is in a definition list
                        [ 'DT', [[ 'F', \&titleJobID, 'url', 'title', 'jobID' ]] ] # meaning that the job description link is here, in the definition term, 
                       ,[ 'DD', [[ 'F', \&touchupLocation, 'location', 'description']] ] # meaning the location is in the definition data.
                       ,[ 'RESIDUE', 'residue' ]

sub init {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self;

sub testParameters {
    my ($self) = @_;
    if ( ref $self ) {
        $self->{'isTesting'} = 1;
    # 'POST' style scraperFrames can't be tested cause of a bug in WWW::Search(2.2[56]) !
    return {
                 'SKIP' => ''
                ,'testNativeQuery' => 'Perl NOT Java'
                ,'expectedOnePage' => 9
                ,'expectedMultiPage' => 21
                ,'expectedBogusPage' => 0
                ,'usesPOST' => 1

# Access methods for the structural declarations of this Scraper engine.
sub scraperRequest { $scraperRequest }
sub scraperFrame { $scraperFrame }
sub scraperDetail{ undef }

sub titleJobID {
    my ($self, $hit, $dat) = @_;
   my ($url) = ($dat =~ m{<a.*?href="([^"]*)"});
    $dat = $self->trimTags($hit, $dat);
    if ( $dat =~ /^(.*?)\s+-\s+(.*)$/s ) {
        return ($url,$2,$1);
    } else {
        return ($dat,$dat, '');

# The location data of Dice's brief page contains both
#  Location and Description, so we need to split them here.
# e.g. "CA-408-San Jose-ASIC Verification,SONET,ATM,C++,UNIX,Perl."
sub touchupLocation {
   my ($self, $hit, $dat) = @_;
   $dat = WWW::Scraper::trimTags($self, $hit, $dat);
   if ( $dat =~ m/(.+-\d+.+)-(.*)/si )
      return ($1, $2);
   } else
      return ($dat, " can't find location-description in '$dat'");




=head1 NAME

WWW::Scraper::Dice - Scrapes Dice : (skills,locations) => (title, location ,residue)


 use WWW::Search;
 my $oSearch = new WWW::Scraper('Dice');
 my $sQuery = WWW::Scraper::escape_query("unix and (c++ or java)");
 			{'method' => 'bool',
		         'state' => 'CA',
		         'daysback' => 14});
 while (my $res = $oSearch->next_result()) {
     if(isHitGood($res->url)) {
 	 my ($company,$title,$date,$location) = 
	     ($res->company, $res->title, $res->date, $res->location);
 	 print "$company $title $date $location " . $res->url . "\n";


This class is a Dice extension of WWW::Scraper.
It handles making and interpreting Dice searches at

=head1 OPTIONS 

The following search options can be activated by sending
a hash as the second argument to native_query().

=head2 Format / Treatment of Query Terms

The default is to treat entire query as a boolean
expression with AND, OR, NOT and parentheses

=over 2

=item   {'method' => 'and'}

Logical AND of all the query terms.

=item   {'method' => 'or'}

Logical OR of all the query terms.

=item   {'method' => 'bool'}

treat entire query as a boolean expression with 
AND, OR, NOT and parentheses.
This is the default option.


=head2 Restrict by Date

The default is to return jobs posted in last 30 days

=over 2

=item   {'daysback' => $number}

Display jobs posted in last $number days


=head2 Restrict by Location

The default is "ALL" which means all US states

=over 2

=item   {'state' => $state} - Only jobs in state $state.

=item   {'state' => 'CDA'} - Only jobs in Canada.

=item   {'state' => 'INT'} - To select international jobs.

=item   {'state' => 'TRV'} - Require travel.

=item   {'state' => 'TEL'} - Display telecommute jobs.


Multiple selections are possible. To do so, add a "+" sign between
desired states, e.g. {'state' => 'NY+NJ+CT'}

You can also restrict by 3-digit area codes. The following option does that:

=over 2

=item   {'acode' => $area_code}


Multiple area codes (up to 5) are supported.

=head2 Restrict by Job Term

No restrictions by default.

=over 2

=item {'taxterm' => 'CON_W2' - Contract - W2

=item {'taxterm' => 'CON_IND' - Contract - Independent

=item {'taxterm' => 'CON_CORP' - Contract - Corp-to-Corp

=item {'taxterm' => 'CON_HIRE_W2' - Contract to Hire - W2

=item {'taxterm' => 'CON_HIRE_IND' - Contract to Hire - Independent

=item {'taxterm' => 'CON_HIRE_CORP' - Contract to Hire - Corp-to-Corp

=item {'taxterm' => 'FULLTIME'} - full time

								<option value="" selected>No Restrictions</option>
								<option value="CON_W2">Contract - W2</option>
								<option value="CON_IND">Contract - Independent</option>
								<option value="CON_CORP">Contract - Corp-to-Corp</option>
								<option value="CON_HIRE_W2">Contract to Hire - W2</option>
						<option value="CON_HIRE_IND">Contract to Hire - Independent</option>
					<option value="CON_HIRE_CORP">Contract to Hire - Corp-to-Corp</option>
								<option value="FULLTIME">Full - time</option>

Use a '+' sign for multiple selection.

There is also a switch to select either W2 or Independent:

=over 2

=item {'addterm' => 'W2ONLY'} - W2 only

=item {'addterm' => 'INDOK'} - Independent ok


=head2 Restrict by Job Type

No restriction by default. To select jobs with specific job type use the
following option:

=over 2

=item   {'jtype' => $jobtype}


Here $jobtype (according to F<>) can be one or more 
of the following:

=over 2

=item * ANL - Business Analyst/Modeler

=item * COM - Communications Specialist

=item * DBA - Data Base Administrator

=item * ENG - Other types of Engineers

=item * FIN - Finance / Accounting

=item * GRA - Graphics/CAD/CAM

=item * HWE - Hardware Engineer

=item * INS - Instructor/Trainer

=item * LAN - LAN/Network Administrator

=item * MGR - Manager/Project leader

=item * OPR - Data Processing Operator

=item * PA - Application Programmer/Analyst

=item * QA - Quality Assurance/Tester

=item * REC - Recruiter

=item * SLS - Sales/Marketing

=item * SWE - Software Engineer

=item * SYA - Systems Administrator

=item * SYS - Systems Programmer/Support

=item * TEC - Custom/Tech Support

=item * TWR - Technical Writer

=item * WEB - Web Developer / Webmaster


=head2 Limit total number of hits

The default is to stop searching after 500 hits.

=over 2

=item  {'num_to_retrieve' => $num_to_retrieve}

Changes the default to $num_to_retrieve.


=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (c) 2001 Glenn Wood

All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


