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# Chess:PGN::Parse - a parser for PGN games
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Giuseppe Maxia
# Produced under the GPL (Golden Perl Laziness) 
# Distributed under the GPL (GNU General Public License) 

# StringHandle 
# Utility package to read input from string, imitating
# a file handle.
package StringHandle;
use strict;
use warnings;
use overload 
    q{<>} => sub {
        return shift @{$_[0]};
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    return bless [split /^/xm, $_[0]], $class;
sub close { } ## no critic
package Chess::PGN::Parse;  ## no critic
use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ;

require 5.006;
use IO::File;

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(shrink_epd expand_epd STR NAG);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw();

our $VERSION = '0.19'; # 10-jan-2006

=head1 NAME

Chess::PGN::Parse - reads and parses PGN (Portable Game Notation) Chess files


    use Chess::PGN::Parse;
    use English qw( -no_match_vars );
    my $pgnfile = "kk_2001.pgn";
    my $pgn = new Chess::PGN::Parse $pgnfile 
        or die "can't open $pgnfile\n";
    while ($pgn->read_game()) {
        print $pgn->white, ", " , $pgn->black, ", ", 
            $pgn->result, ", ",
            $pgn->game, "\n";

    use Chess::PGN::Parse;
    my $text ="";
        local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = undef;
        open PGN "< $pgnfile" or die;
        $text = <PGN>;
        close $text;
    # reads from string instead of a file
    my $pgn = new Chess::PGN::Parse undef, $text; 
    while ($pgn->read_game()) {
        print $pgn->white, ", " , $pgn->black, ", ", 
            $pgn->result, ", ",
            $pgn->game, "\n";

    use Chess::PGN::Parse;
    my $pgnfile = "kk_2001.pgn";
    my $pgn = new Chess::PGN::Parse $pgnfile 
        or die "can't open $pgnfile\n";
    my @games = $pgn->smart_read_all();


Chess::PGN::Parse offers a range of methods to read and manipulate Portable Game Notation files.
PGN files contain chess games produced by chess programs following a standard format ( It is among the preferred means of chess games distribution. Being a public, well established standard, PGN is understood by many chess archive programs.
Parsing simple PGN files is not difficult. However, dealing with some of the intricacies of the Standard is less than trivial. This module offers a clean handle toward reading and parsing complex PGN files.

A PGN file has several B<tags>, which are key/values pairs at the header of each game, in the format 
    [key "value"]

After the header, the game follows. A string of numbered chess moves, optionally interrupted by braced comments and recursive parenthesized variants and comments. While dealing with simple braced comments is straightforward, parsing nested comments can give you more than a headache.

Chess::PGN::Parse most immediate methods are:
    read_game() reads one game, separating the tags and the game text.

    parse_game() parse the current game, and stores the moves into an 
        array and optionally saves the comments into an array of hashes
        for furter usage. It can deal with nested comments and recursive

    quick_parse_game() Same as the above, but doesn't save the comments, 
        which are just stripped    from the text. It can't deal with nested
        comments. Should be the preferred method when we know that we are
        dealing with simple PGNs.

    smart_parse_game() Best of the above methods. A  preliminary check
        will call parse_game() or quick_parse_game(), depending on the
        presence of nested comments in the game.

    read_all(), quick_read_all(), smart_read_all() will read all the records
        in the current PGN file and return an array of hashes with all the
        parsed details from the games.

=head2 Parsing games

Parsing PGN games is actually two actions: reading and parsing. 
The reading will only identify the two components of a game, i.e.
the tags and the moves text. During this phase, the tags are
decomposed and stored into an internal hash for future use,
while the game text is left untouched.

Reading a game is accomplished through the read_game() method,
which will identify not only the standard game format but also
some unorthodox cases, such as games with no separating blank line
between tags and moves, games with no blank lines at the end of
the moves, leading blank lines, tags spanning over several lines
and some minor quibbles.
If you know that your games don't have any of these problems,
you might choose the read_standard_game() method, which is a
bit faster.

After the reading, you can either use the game text as it is,
or you can ask for parsing. What is it? Parsing is the process
of identifying and isolating the moves from the rest of the game
text, such as comments and recursive variations. This process 
can be accomplished in two ways: using quick_parse_game(), the
non moves elements are just stripped off and discarded, leaving
an array of bare moves. If the comments and the recursive 
variations (RAV) are valuable to you, you can use the parse_game()
method, which will strip the excess text, but it can store it
into an appropriate data structure. Passing the option 
{save_comments =>'yes'} to parse_game(), game comments will
be stored into a hash, having as key the move number + color.
Multiple comments for the same move are appended to the previous
one. If this structure doesn't provide enough details, a further
option {comments_struct => 'array'} will store an array of
comments for each move. Even more details are available using
{comments_struct => 'hol'}, which will trigger the creation of
a hash of lists (hol), where the key is the comment type (RAV, 
NAG, brace, semicolon, escaped) and the value is a list of
homogeneous comments belonging to the same move.

A further option {log_errors => 'yes'} will save the errors
into a structure similar to the comments (no options on the
format, though. All errors for one given move are just a 
string). What are errors? Just anything that is not recognized
as any of the previous elements. Not a move, or a move number,
or a comment, either text or recursive. Anything that the 
parser cannot actively classify as 'known' will be stored
as error.

=head2 Getting the parsed values

At the end of the exercise, you can access the components 
through some standard methods.
The standard tags have their direct access method (white,
black, site, event, date, result, round). More methods give 
access to some commonly used elements: 
game() is the unparsed text, moves() returns an array of parsed
moves, without move numbers, comments() and errors() return
the relative structures after parsing.
About game(), it's worth mentioning that, using quick_parse_game(),
the game text is stripped of all non moves elements. This is
an intended feature, to privilege speed. If you need to preserve
the original game text after parsing, either copy it before
calling quick_parse_game() or use parse_game() instead.

=head2 Recursive Parsing

PGN games may include RAV (Recursive Annotated Variations) which
is just game text inside parentheses.
This module can recognize RAV sequences and store them as comments.
One of the things you can do with these sequences is to parse
them again and get bare moves that you can feed to a chess engine
or a move analyzer (Chess::PGN::EPD by H.S.Myers is one of them).
Chess::PGN::Parse does not directly support recursive parsing of
games, but it makes it possible. 
Parse a game, saving the comments as hash of list (see above), 
and then check for comments that are of 'RAV' type. For each
entry in the comments array, strip the surrounding parentheses
and create a new Chess::PGN::Parse object with that text.
Easier to do than to describe, actually. For an example of this
technique, check the file F<examples/>.

=head2 EXPORT

new, STR, read_game, tags, event, site, white, black, round, date, result, game , NAG, moves



=head1 Class methods

=over 4

=item new()

Create a new Chess::PGN::Parse object (requires file name)
    my $pgn = Chess::PGN::Parse->new "filename.pgn" 
        or die "no such file \n";


my @seven_tags_roster = qw(Event Site Date Round White Black Result);

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $filename = shift;
    my $fh = undef;
    if (defined $filename) {
        $fh = new IO::File "< $filename" 
            || return ;
    else {
        my $text = shift;
        $fh = new StringHandle $text;
    my $self =     bless  {
        GameMoves =>[],        # game moves
        GameComments =>{},    # comments with reference to the move
        gamedescr => {},    # will contain the PGN tags
        GameErrors => {},    # will contain the parsing errors
        fh    => \$fh            # filehandle to the PGN file
    }, $class;
    return $self;

=for internal use
    the object destroyer cleans possible hanging references


    my $self = shift;
    undef $self->{GameComments};
    undef $self->{GameErrors};
    undef $self->{gamedescr};
    undef $self->{GameMoves};
    eval {
            #if (defined ${$self->{fh}}) {
    undef $self->{fh};
my %symbolic_annotation_glyph = (
q{$1} => q{!},
q{$2} => q{?},
q{$3} => q{!!},
q{$4} => q{??},
q{$5} => q{!?},
q{$6} => q{?!},

my %numeric_annotation_glyph = ();

=item NAG()
returns the corresponding Numeric Annotation Glyph


sub NAG {
    my $item = shift;
    return unless $item =~ /\$?(\d+)/x;
    return if ($1 > 139) or ($1 < 0);
    unless (scalar keys %numeric_annotation_glyph) {
        local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = undef;
        eval <DATA>;                        ## no critic
    my $nag_ref = \%numeric_annotation_glyph;
    if (($1 > 0) and ($1 <=6)) {
        $nag_ref = \%symbolic_annotation_glyph
    if ($item =~ /^\$/x) {
        return $nag_ref->{$item}
    else {
        return $nag_ref->{q{$}.$item}

=item STR()

returns the Seven Tags Roster array

    @array = $pgn->STR();
    @array = PGNParser::STR();


sub STR {
    return @seven_tags_roster;

=item event()

returns the Event tag

=item site()

returns the Site tag

=item date()

returns the Date tag

=item white()

returns the White tag

=item black()

returns the Black tag

=item result()

returns the result tag

=item round()

returns the Round tag

=item game()

returns the unparsed game moves

=item time()

returns the Time tag

=item eco()

returns the ECO tag

=item eventdate()

returns the EventDate tag

=item moves()

returns an array reference to the game moves (no numbers)

=item comments()

returns a hash reference to the game comments (the key is the move number and the value are the comments for such move)


=item errors()

returns a hash reference to the game errors (the key is the move number and the value are the errors for such move)

=item set_event()

returns or modifies the Event tag

=item set_site()

returns or modifies the Site tag

=item set_date()

returns or modifies the Date tag

=item set_white()

returns or modifies the White tag

=item set_black()

returns or modifies the Black tag

=item set_result()

returns or modifies the result tag

=item set_round()

returns or modifies the Round tag

=item set_game()

returns or modifies the unparsed game moves

=item set_time()

returns or modifies the Time tag

=item set_eco()

returns or modifies the ECO tag

=item set_eventdate()

returns or modifies the EventDate tag

=item set_moves()

returns or modifies an array reference to the game moves (no numbers)


sub event {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Event}

sub site {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Site}

sub date {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Date}

sub white {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{White}

sub black {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Black}

sub result {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Result}

sub round {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Round}

## no critic
sub time {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Time}
## use critic

sub eventdate {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{EventDate}

sub eco {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{ECO}

sub game {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Game}

sub moves {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{GameMoves};

sub set_event {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Event} = $_[0] if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Event}

sub set_site {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Site} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Site}

sub set_date {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Date} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Date}

sub set_white {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{White} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{White}

sub set_black {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Black} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Black}

sub set_result {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Result} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Result}

sub set_round {
    my $self = shift;
     $self->{gamedescr}{Round} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Round}

sub set_time {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Time} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Time}

sub set_eventdate {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{EventDate} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{EventDate}

sub set_eco {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{ECO} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{ECO}

sub set_game {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{gamedescr}{Game}

sub set_moves {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{GameMoves} = shift if (@_ && (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY')) ;
    return $self->{GameMoves};

sub errors {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{GameErrors};

sub comments {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{GameComments};

=for internal use
initialize the pgn object fields.


sub _init {
    my $self = shift;
    for (keys %{$self->{gamedescr}}) {
        $self->{gamedescr}{$_} = q{};
    delete $self->{gamedescr}{FirstMove} 
        if exists $self->{gamedescr}{FirstMove};
    undef $self->{GameMoves};
    undef $self->{GameComments};
    undef $self->{GameErrors}; # 0.07

=item tags()
returns a hash reference to all the parsed tags

    $hash_ref = $pgn->tags();


sub tags {
    my $self = shift;
    return \%{$self->{gamedescr}};

=item read_all()

Will read and parse all the games in the current file and return a reference to an array of hashes.
Each hash item contains both the raw data and the parsed moves and comments

Same parameters as for parse_game(). Default : discard comments

    my $games_ref = $pgn->read_all();


sub read_all {
    my $self=shift;
    my $params = shift;
    my @games =(); 
    while ($self->read_game()) {
        my %gd = %{$self->{gamedescr}};
        $gd{GameComments} = $self->{GameComments};
        $gd{GameErrors} = $self->{GameErrors};
        $gd{GameMoves} = $self->{GameMoves};
        push @games, \%gd;
    return \@games;

=item quick_read_all()

Will read and quick parse all the games in the current file and return a reference to an array of hashes.
Each hash item contains both the raw data and the parsed moves
Comments are discarded. Same parameters as for quick_parse_game().

    my $games_ref = $pgn->quick_read_all();


sub quick_read_all {
    my $self=shift;
    my $params = shift;
    my @games =(); 
    while ($self->read_game()) {
        my %gd = %{$self->{gamedescr}};
        $gd{GameMoves} = $self->{GameMoves};
        push @games, \%gd;
    return \@games;

=item smart_read_all()

Will read and quick parse all the games in the current file and return a reference to an array of hashes.
Each hash item contains both the raw data and the parsed moves
Comments are discarded. Calls smart_read_game() to decide which method is best to parse each given game.

    my $games_ref = $pgn->smart_read_all();


sub smart_read_all {
    my $self=shift;
    my $params = shift;
    my @games =(); 
    while ($self->read_game()) {
        my %gd = %{$self->{gamedescr}};
        $gd{GameMoves} = $self->{GameMoves};
        push @games, \%gd;
    return \@games;

=item read_game()

reads the next game from the given PGN file.
Returns TRUE (1) if successful (= a game was read)
or FALSE (0) if no more games are available or
an unexpected EOF occurred before the end of parsing
    while ($pgn->read_game()) {
It can read standard and in some cases even non-standard PGN 
games. The following deviance from the standard are handled:
    1. no blank line between tags and moves;
    2. no blank line between games
    3. blank line(s) before a game (start of file)
    4. multiple tags in the same line
    5. tags spanning over more lines 
       (can't cumulate with rule 4)
    6. No tags (only moves). 
       (can't cumulate with rule 2)
    7. comments (starting with ";") outside the game text

# read_game() introduced in 0.07
{ #closure for read_game
# this is the memory between loops. The
# reading engine recognizes some elements
# one line after.
# For example, game text ends when we
# read tags from the input. At this moment,
# we have to return from the method, but
# we must keep in memory what we have last read.
# This structure will also take care of the 
# tags spanning over several lines.
my %memory = (    
        tag          => q{},
        utag         => 0, # = unfinished tag
        game         => q{},
        tag_printed  => 0,
        game_printed => 0,

sub _process_game {
     my $self = shift;
     return 0 unless $memory{game};
     $self->{gamedescr}{missing} .= 'tags' unless $memory{tag_printed};
     $memory{tag_printed} = 0;
     $self->{gamedescr}{Game} .= $memory{game}; 
     $memory{game} = q{};
     $memory{game_printed} =1;
     return 1;

sub _process_tag {
    my $self = shift;
    if ($memory{game}) {
    return 0 if $memory{utag};
    if ($memory{tag} =~ tr/]// > 1) {
        # deals with multiple tags in one line
        $memory{tag} =~ s/\]\s?/\]\n/g;
    while ($memory{tag} =~ /\[(\w+)\s+"(.*)"\]\s*/g) {
        $self->{gamedescr}{$1} = $2;
    $memory{tag_printed} =1;
    $memory{tag} = q{};
    $memory{game_printed} = 0;

sub read_game {
    my $self = shift;
    my $fh = ${$self->{fh}};
    $self->_process_tag if $memory{tag};
    return $self->_process_game if $memory{game};
    while (<$fh>) {
        # handle semicolon comments
        if (/^;/) {
            if ($memory{game_printed} or (! $memory{game})) { # between games
                $self->{gamedescr}{Comment} .= $_ ;
                # comments between games are saved as tags
            elsif ($memory{game}){
                $memory{game} .= $_;
            next; # anything else is discarded.
        # normalize tagless games
        if (/^\s*$/) {
            if ($memory{game}) {
                # handles comments with embedded newlines.
                if (($memory{game} =~ tr/\{//) < ($memory{game} =~ tr/\}//) ) {
                return $self->_process_game;
        # deals with multi-line tags
        if ($memory{utag}) {
            $memory{tag} .= $_;
            my $left_brackets = ($memory{tag} =~ tr/\[//);
            my $right_brackets = ($memory{tag} =~ tr/\]//);
            if ( $left_brackets == $right_brackets ) {
                $memory{utag}         = 0;
                $memory{tag_printed}  = 0;
                $memory{tag}        .= "\n";
        elsif (/^\[/ && (! $memory{game})) {
            my $left_brackets = tr/\[//;
            my $right_brackets = tr/\]//;
            if ($left_brackets == $right_brackets) {
                $memory{tag} = $_;
            elsif ($right_brackets > $left_brackets) {
                warn "Parsing error at line $.\n";
            else {
                $memory{utag} = 1;
                $memory{tag} = $_;
                $memory{tag_printed} =0;
        else {
            $memory{game} .= $_;
        if ($memory{tag}) {
            return $self->_process_game if $memory{game};
    if ($memory{tag}) {
    if ($memory{game}) {
        return $self->_process_game;
    return 0;
} # end read_game() closure

=item read_standard_game()

reads the next game from the given PGN file.
Returns TRUE (1) if successful (= a game was read)
or FALSE (0) if no more games are available or
an unexpected EOF occurred before the end of parsing
    while ($pgn->read_standard_game()) {

This method deals only with well formed PGN games. Use
the more forgiving read_game() for PGN files that don't
fully respect the PGN standard.

sub read_standard_game {
    my $self = shift;
    my $fh = ${$self->{fh}};
    my $block = 1;
    #return 0 if eof($fh); # changed in version 0.06
    while (<$fh>) {
        return 0 unless defined $_; # 0.06
        $block = 0 if /^\s*$/;   
        last unless $block;
        last unless /\[(\w+)/;
        my $tag = $1;
        last unless /\"(.*)\"/; 
        my $value = $1;
        $self->{gamedescr}{$tag} = $value; 
    $block = 1;
    #return 0 if eof($fh); # changed in version 0.06
    return 0 unless defined $_; # 0.06
    while (<$fh>) {    
        return 0 unless defined $_; # 0.06
        $block = 0 if /^\s*$/; 
        last unless $block; 
        $self->{gamedescr}{Game} .= $_;
    return 1;

=for internal use

 _get_tags() returns a list of tags depending on the parameters

 _get_format() returns a format to be used when printing tags

 _get_formatted_tag() returns a tag formatted according to the
 given template.


sub _get_tags {
    my $self = shift;
    my $params = shift;
    my @newtags=();
    my %seen = (Game =>1);
    if (exists $params->{all_tags} 
        and ($params->{all_tags} =~ /^(?:[Yy][Ee][Ss]|1)$/)) 
        for (@seven_tags_roster) {
            push @newtags, $_;
        for (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %{$self->{gamedescr}}) {
            push @newtags, $_ unless $seen{$_};
    elsif (exists $params->{tags}) {
        for (@{$params->{tags}}) {
            push @newtags, $_;
    else {
        @newtags = @seven_tags_roster;
    return @newtags;

sub _get_left_right {
    my $pattern = shift;
    my $format = shift;
    my $left_delimiter = shift;
    my $right_delimiter = shift;
    if (defined $pattern) {
        if (length($pattern) == 1) {
             $format = $pattern . $format .$pattern;
        elsif (length($pattern) == 2) {
            my @chars = split //, $pattern;
            $left_delimiter = $chars[0];
            $right_delimiter= $chars[1];
        elsif ($pattern =~ /^(.*)\|(.*)$/) { 
            $left_delimiter = $1;
            $right_delimiter = $2;
    $format = $left_delimiter . $format . $right_delimiter; 
    return $format;

sub _get_format {
    my $params = shift;
    my $format = _get_left_right($params->{quotes}, q{#value#},q{"},q{"});
    $format = _get_left_right($params->{brackets},q{#tag# }.$format,q{[},q{]});
    return $format;

sub _formatted_tag {
    my ($format, $tag, $value) = @_;
    my $subst = $format;
    $subst =~ s/#tag#/$tag/;
    $subst =~ s/#value#/$value/;
    return $subst;

=item standard_PGN()

 returns a string containing all current PGN tags, including
 the game.
 Parameters are passed through a hash reference. None is

 tags => [tag list], # default is the Seven Tags Roster.
                     # You may specify only the tags you want to 
                     # print 
                     # tags => [qw(White Black Result)]
 all_tags => 'no',   # default 'no'. If yes (or 1), it outputs all the tags
                     # if 'tags' and 'all_tags' are used, 'all_tags' 
                     # prevails

 nl => q{\n},        # default '\n'. Tag separator. Can be changed
                     # according to your needs.
                     # nl => '<br>\n' is a good candidate for HTML 
                     # output.
 brackets => q{[]},  # default '[]'. Output tags within brackets.
                     # Bracketing can be as creative as you want.
                     # If the left and rigth bracketing sequence are
                     # longer than one character, they must be separated
                     # by a pipe (|) symbol.
                     # '()', '(|)\t,'{|}\n' and '{}' are valid 
                     # sequences.
                     # '<h1>|</h1>' will output HTML header 1
                     # '<b>{</b>|<b>}</b>\n' will enclose each tag
                     # between bold braces.
 quotes => q{"},     # default '"'. Quote tags values.
                     # As for brackets, quotes can be specified in
                     # pairs: '<>' and '<|>' are equivalent.
                     # If the quoting sequence is more than one char,
                     # the pipe symbol is needed to separate the left
                     # quote from the right one.
                     # '<i>|</i>' will produce HTML italicized text.
 game => 'yes',      # default 'yes'. Output the game text 
                     # If the game was parsed, returns a clean list
                     # of moves, else the unparsed text

 comments => 'no'    # Default 'no'. Output the game comments.
                     # Requires the 'game' option

my %switchcolor = ('w' => 'b', 'b' => 'w');
sub standard_PGN {
    my $self = shift;
    my $params = shift;
    my %seen =(Game =>1);
    my @tags = $self->_get_tags($params);
    my $out = q{};
    my $nl ="\n";
    my $out_game = 'yes';
    $out_game = 0 if                              # 0.11
        exists $params->{game} 
            and (lc($params->{game}) ne 'yes');
    my $out_comments = 0;                         # 0.11
    $out_comments = 'yes' if $out_game            # 0.11
                and (exists $params->{comments} 
                and (lc($params->{comments}) eq 'yes'));
    $nl = $params->{nl} if exists $params->{nl};
    my $format = _get_format($params);
    for (@tags) {
        $self->{gamedescr}{$_}=q{?} unless exists $self->{gamedescr}{$_};
        #$out .= qq/[$_ "$self->{gamedescr}{$_}"]\n/;
        $out .= _formatted_tag($format, $_, $self->{gamedescr}{$_});
        $out .= $nl;
    if (@tags) {
        $out .= $nl;
    return $out unless $out_game;
    if (defined $self->{GameMoves}) { # if parsed
        my $count = 0;
        my $color = 'w';
        if ((defined $self->{gamedescr}{FirstMove})                # 0.07
            and ($self->{gamedescr}{FirstMove} =~ m/(\d+)([bw])/)) # 0.07
            $count = $1; # 0.07
            $color = $2; # 0.07          
            $out .= "$count\.\.\." if $color eq 'b'; # 0.07
        my $len = 0;
        for (@{$self->moves}) { # 
            if ($color eq 'w') {
                $out .= q{ } and $len++ if $len and ($count > 1);
                $out .= $count . q{ };
                $len += length($count) +2;
            else {
                $out .= q{ };
            $out .= $_;
            $len += length($_);
            if ($out_comments                                               # 0.11
                && exists $self->comments->{($count-1)."${color}"}) {   # 0.12
                my $comment = $self->comments->{($count-1)."${color}"}; # 0.12
                my $needs_nl = $comment =~ /^\s*;/;
                # deal with comment length here
                if ($len >= 75) {
                    $len = 0;
                    $out .= $nl;
                while ($len + length($comment) > 75) {
                    my $delta = 75 - $len;
                    $delta = 0 if $delta < 0;
                    my ($portion) = $comment =~ /^(.{1,$delta})\W/;
                    $out .= $portion;
                    $len = 0;
                    $out .= $nl;
                    $comment = substr($comment, length($portion) +1);
                $out .= $comment;
                $out .= $nl if $needs_nl;
                $len += length($comment);
            $color = $switchcolor{$color};
            if ($len >= 75) {
                $len = 0;
                $out .= $nl;
        $out .=" $self->{gamedescr}{Result}$nl";
    else { # not parsed - returns game text
        $out .= $self->{gamedescr}{Game};
    return $out;

=item smart_parse_game()

Parses the current game, returning the moves only. 
Uses by default quick_parse_game(), unless recursive comments are found in the source game.


sub smart_parse_game {
    my $self = shift;
    my $params = shift;
    if ($self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ /\(/) {
    else {

=item quick_parse_game()

Parses the current game, returning the moves only.
Comments are discarded.
This function does FAIL on Recursive Annotated Variation or nested comments.
Parameters  (passed as a hash reference): check_moves = 'yes'|'no'. Default : no. If requested, each move is checked against a RegEx, to filter off possible unbraced comments.


# ==============================================
# These two regular expressions were produced by 
# Damian Conway's module Regexp::Common
# ----------------------------------------------
# On the author's suggestion, these lines 
# use Regexp::Common;
# print "$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}\n";
# print "$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'{}'}\n";
# produced the RegEx code, which was edited
# and inserted here for efficiency reasons.
# ==============================================

our $re_parens; ## no critic
$re_parens = qr/

our $re_brace; ## no critic
$re_brace = qr/

# ==============================================

# regular expressions for game parsing
my $re_result    = qr{(?:1\-0|0\-1|1\/2\-1\/2|\*)};
my $re_move      = qr{[KQRBN]?[a-h]?[1-8]?x?[a-h][1-8](?:\=?[QRBN])?};
#  piece              ^^^^^ 
#  unambiguous column or line ^^^   ^^^   
#  capture                               ^ 
#  destination square                       ^^^  ^^^
#  promotion                                             ^ ^^^^^
my $re_castling  = qr/O\-O(?:\-O)?/;
my $re_check     = qr/(?:(?:\#|\+(\+)?))?/;
my $re_any_move  = qr/(?:$re_move|$re_castling)$re_check/;
my $re_nag       = qr/\$\d+/;
my $re_number    = qr/\d+\.(?:\.\.)?/;
my $re_escape    = qr/^\%[^\n]*\n/;
my $re_eol_comment= qr/;.*$/;
my $re_rav       = $re_parens;
my $re_comment   = $re_brace;

sub quick_parse_game {
    my $self = shift;
    my $params = shift; # hash reference to parameters
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/$re_eol_comment//mg; # rm EOL comments
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/$re_escape//mgo; # rm escaped lines
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ 
        s/$re_comment//g;  # remove comments
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ 
        s/$re_rav//g;       # remove RAV
    return 0 
        if $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ 
            /\(/; # the game still contains RAV
    return 0 
        if $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ 
            /\{/; # undetected nested comments
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/\n/ /g;          # remove newlines
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ 
        s/\r/ /g;          # remove return chars (DOS)
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/$re_nag//go;      # remove NAG
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/\d+\.//g;       # remove numbers
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/\.\.(?:\.)?//g; # remove "..."
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/$re_result\s*\Z//o;
    my $re_filter = qr/\S/;
    if (exists $params->{check_moves} 
        and ($params->{check_moves} =~ /^(?:yes|1)$/)) 
        $re_filter = $re_any_move;
    return unless $self->{gamedescr}{Game}; # discards empty games
    $self->{GameMoves} = 
        [grep { m/$re_filter/o } split /\s+/, $self->{gamedescr}{Game}];

=item parse_game()

Parses the current game (after read_game() was called).
Accepts parameters as hash reference.

    $pgn->parse_game(); # default save_comments => 'no'

        save_comments => 'yes',
        comments_struct => 'string'});
{comments_struct => 'string'} is the default value
When 'comments_struct' is 'string', multiple comments 
for the same move are concatenated to one string

{comments_struct => 'array'}
If 'array', comments are stored as an anonymous array, 
one comment per element

{comments_struct => 'hol'}
If 'hol', comments are stored as a hash of lists, where 
there is a list of comments for each comment type
(NAG, RAV, braced, semicolon, escaped)
    $pgn->parse_game({save_comments => 'yes', 
        log_errors => 'yes'});

parse_game() implements a finite state machine on two assumptions:

    1. No moves or move numbers are truncated at the end of a line;
    2. the possible states in a PGN game are:

        a. move number
        b. move
        c. braced comment
        d. EOL comment
        e. Numeric Annotation Glyph
        f. Recursive Annotated Variation
        g. Result
        h. unbraced comments (barewords, "!?+-=")

Items from "a" to "g" are actively parsed and recognized. 
Anything unrecognized goes into the "h" state and discarded
(or stored, if log_errors was requested)


{ # start closure for parse_game
my %comment_types = (
   q{$} => 'NAG',
   q{(} => 'RAV',
   q[{] => 'brace',
   q{%} => 'escaped',
   q{;} => 'semicolon',

sub parse_game {
    my $self = shift;
    my $params = shift;
    my $save_comments = ((exists $params->{save_comments})
        and ($params->{save_comments} =~ /^(?:yes|1)$/));
    my $log_errors = (exists $params->{log_errors}) 
        and ($params->{log_errors} =~ /^(?:yes|1)$/);
    return unless $self->{gamedescr}{Game};
    my $movecount = 0;
    my $color = 'b';
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/0\-0\-0/O-O-O/g;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/0\-0/O-O/g;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/$re_result\s*\Z//o;

    my $comments_struct = 'string'; 
    $comments_struct = $params->{comments_struct} 
        if ($save_comments 
            and exists $params->{comments_struct}); 
    $comments_struct = 'string' 
        unless $comments_struct =~ /^(?:array|hol)$/;
    my $plycount = 0;
    my $countless =0;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/\s*\Z//;
    $self->{gamedescr}{Game} =~ s/^\s*//;
    if ($self->{gamedescr}{Game} !~ /\d\./) {
        $countless = 1;
        $movecount = 1;
    $self->{GameMoves} = [];
    for ($self->{gamedescr}{Game}) {
        while (! /\G \s* \z/xgc ) {
            if ( m/\G($re_number)\s*/mgc) {
                my $num=$1;
                if (( $num =~ tr/\.//d) > 1) {
                    $color = 'w';
                if ($movecount == 0) {
                    $movecount = $num;
                    $self->{gamedescr}{FirstMove} = 
                        $num.$switchcolor{$color} # fixed 0.07
                            unless $num.$switchcolor{$color} eq '1w';
                elsif ($movecount == ($num -1)) {
                elsif ($movecount != $num) {
                        .= " invalid move sequence ($num <=> $movecount)";
            elsif ( m/\G($re_any_move)\s*/mgc ) { 
                push @{$self->{GameMoves}}, $1; 
                $color = $switchcolor{$color};
                if ($countless) {
                    if ($plycount == 2) {
                        $plycount =0;
            elsif ( 
                if ($save_comments) { 
                    my $tempcomment = $1;
                    $tempcomment =~ tr/\r//d;
                    $tempcomment =~ s/\n/ /g;
                    $tempcomment =~ s/^\s+//;
                    $tempcomment =~ s/\s+$//;
                    if ($comments_struct eq 'string') {
                        $self->{GameComments}->{$movecount.$color} .= 
                            q{ } . $tempcomment;
                    elsif ($comments_struct eq 'array') {
                        push @{$self->{GameComments}->{$movecount.$color}},
                    else { # hol
                        $tempcomment =~ m/^(.)/;
                        my $comment_type ='unknown';
                        $comment_type = $comment_types{$1}
                        if ($1 and exists $comment_types{$1});
                            push @{$self->{GameComments}->{$movecount.$color}->{$comment_type}} , 
            elsif ( m/\G(\S+\s*)/mgc ) {
                if ($log_errors) {
                    $self->{GameErrors}->{$movecount.$color} .= q{ } . $1;
                    $self->{GameErrors}->{$movecount.$color} =~ tr/\r//d;
                    $self->{GameErrors}->{$movecount.$color} =~ s/\n/ /g;
    return 1;

=item add_comments()

Allows inserting comments for an already parsed game;
it accepts comments passed as an anonymous hash.
An optional second parameter sets the storage type.
They are the same as for parse_game();
  'string'  (default) all comments for a given move are 
            concatenated together
  'array'   each comment for a given move is stored as
            an array element
  'hol'     Comments are stored in a hash of lists
            different for each comment type.


sub add_comments {
    my $self = shift;
    my $comments = shift;
    my $comment_struct = shift;
    $comment_struct = 'string' 
        unless ($comment_struct && ($comment_struct =~ /^hol|array$/));
    if ($self->moves && $comments  && (ref $comments eq 'HASH')) {
        for (keys %{ $comments } ) {
            next unless /^\d+(?:w|b)$/;
            if ($comment_struct eq 'string') {
               $self->{GameComments}->{$_} .= 
                  q{ } . $comments->{$_};
            elsif ($comment_struct eq 'array') {
                push @{$self->{GameComments}->{$_}},
            else { # hol
                $comments->{$_} =~ m/^(.)/;
                my $comment_type ='unknown';
                $comment_type = $comment_types{$1}
                   if ($1 and exists $comment_types{$1});
                push @{$self->{GameComments}->{$_}->{$comment_type}} , 
    return $self->{GameComments};        

} # end closure for parse_game()

=item shrink_epd()

Given a EPD (Extended Position Description) string, shrink_epd() will convert it into a bit string, which reduces the original by about 50%.
It can be restored to the original string by expand_epd()


# K k   0001 1001 001
# Q q   0010 1010 010
# R r   0011 1011 011
# B b   0100 1100 100
# N n   0101 1101 101
# P p   0110 1110 110
# E     0000 0000 000
#                 111
# rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/3P4/8/PPP1PPPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq d3 (38 bytes)
# 1011 1101 1100 1010 1001 1100 1101 1011       4
# 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110      4
# 11111000                                     1
# 11111000                                     1
# 11110011 0110 11110100                       2.5
# 11111000                                     1
# 0110 0110 0110 11110001 0110 0110 0110 0110  4.5
# 0011 0101 0100 0010 0001 0100 0101 0011      4
#                                             22

{ #start EPD closure
my %pieces2bits = (
    K =>  1,    # 0001
    k =>  9,    # 1001
    Q =>  2,    # 0010
    q => 10,    # 1010
    R =>  3,    # 0011
    r => 11,    # 1011
    B =>  4,    # 0100
    b => 12,    # 1100
    N =>  5,    # 0101
    n => 13,    # 1101
    P =>  6,    # 0110
    p => 14,    # 1110
    1 =>  0,    # 0000
    2 =>  7,    # 0111
    3 =>  8,    # 1000
    4 => 0xF4,  # 1111 0100
    5 => 0xF5,  # 1111 0101
    6 => 0xF6,  # 1111 0110
    7 => 0xF7,  # 1111 0111
    8 => 0xF8,  # 1111 1000

my %castling2bits = (
    'KQkq' => 15, # 1111   F  KQkq
    'KQk'  => 14, # 1110   E  KQk-
    'KQq'  => 13, # 1101   D  KQ-q
    'KQ'   => 12, # 1100   C  KQ--
    'Kkq'  => 11, # 1011   B  K-kq
    'Kk'   => 10, # 1010   A  K-k-
    'Kq'   =>  9, # 1001   9  K--q
    'K'    =>  8, # 1000   8  K---
    'Qkq'  =>  7, # 0111   7  -Qkq
    'Qk'   =>  6, # 0110   6  -Qk-
    'Qq'   =>  5, # 0101   5  -Q-q
    'Q'    =>  4, # 0100   4  -Q--
    'kq'   =>  3, # 0011   3  --kq
    'k'    =>  2, # 0010   2  --k-
    'q'    =>  1, # 0001   1  ---q
    q{-}   =>  0, # 0111   0  ----

my %ep2bits = (
   q{-} => 0,
    'a' => 1,
    'b' => 2,
    'c' => 3,
    'd' => 4,
    'e' => 5,
    'f' => 6,
    'g' => 7,
    'h' => 8,
my %color2bits = ('w' =>  0, 'b' =>  1 );
my %bits2color = ( 0  => 'w', 1  => 'b');

my %bits2pieces   = map { $pieces2bits{$_}, $_ } keys %pieces2bits;
my %bits2castling = map { $castling2bits{$_}, $_ } keys %castling2bits;
my %bits2ep       = map { $ep2bits{$_}, $_ } keys %ep2bits;

sub shrink_epd {
    my $source  = shift;
    my $piece   = q{};
    my $vecstring = q{};
    my $offset = 0;
    my ($fen, $color, $castling, $ep) = split / /, $source;
    while ($fen =~ /(.)/g) {
        next if $1 eq q{/};
        $piece =  $pieces2bits{$1};
        if ($piece < 0x0F) {
            vec($vecstring, $offset++, 4) = $piece;
        else {
            vec($vecstring, $offset++, 4) = 0x0F;
            vec($vecstring, $offset++, 4) = $1;
    vec($vecstring, $offset++, 4) = $color2bits{$color}; 
    vec($vecstring, $offset++, 4) = $castling2bits{$castling};
    vec($vecstring, $offset++, 4) = $ep2bits{substr($ep,0,1)};
    return $vecstring;

=item expand_epd()

given a EPD bitstring created by shrink_epd(), expand_epd() will restore the original text.


sub expand_epd {
    my $vecstring = shift;
    my $piece = -1;
    my $asciistr=q{};
    my $offset =0;
    my $rowsum =0;
    my $overall_sum =0;
    while ($offset < length($vecstring)*2) {
        $piece = vec($vecstring, $offset++, 4);
        if ($piece == 0x0F) {
            $piece = hex('F' . vec($vecstring,$offset++,4));
        $piece = $bits2pieces{$piece};
        $asciistr .= $piece;
        if ($piece =~ /[1-8]/) {
            $rowsum += $piece
        else {
        if ($rowsum == 8) {
            $overall_sum += $rowsum;
            $rowsum =0;
            last if ($overall_sum >= 64);
            $asciistr .=q{/};
    my $color = $bits2color{vec($vecstring,$offset++,4)};
    $asciistr .= q{ } . $color;
    $asciistr .= q{ } . $bits2castling{vec($vecstring,$offset++,4)};
    my $ep = $bits2ep{vec($vecstring,$offset++,4)}; 
    if ($ep ne q{-}) {
        $ep .= $color eq 'w' ? '6' : '3';
    $asciistr .= q{ } . $ep;
    return $asciistr;
} # end EPD closure

=head1 AUTHOR

Giuseppe Maxia,

=head1 THANKS

Thanks to 
- Hugh S. Myers for advice, support, testing and brainstorming;
- Damian Conway for the recursive Regular Expressions used to parse comments;
- all people at PerlMonks ( for advice and good developing environment.
- Nathan Neff for pointing out an insidious, hard-to-spot bug in my RegExes.


The Chess::PGN::Parse module is Copyright (c) 2002 Giuseppe Maxia,
Sardinia, Italy. All rights reserved.
You may distribute this software under the terms of either the GNU
General Public License version 2 or the Artistic License, as
specified in the Perl README file.
The embedded and encosed documentation is released under 
the GNU FDL Free Documentation License 1.1


%numeric_annotation_glyph = (
'$0' => 'null annotation',
'$1' => 'good move (traditional "!")',
'$2' => 'poor move (traditional "?")',
'$3' => 'very good move (traditional "!!")',
'$4' => 'very poor move (traditional "??")',
'$5' => 'speculative move (traditional "!?")',
'$6' => 'questionable move (traditional "?!")',
'$7' => 'forced move (all others lose quickly)',
'$8' => 'singular move (no reasonable alternatives)',
'$9' => 'worst move',
'$10' => 'drawish position',
'$11' => 'equal chances, quiet position',
'$12' => 'equal chances, active position',
'$13' => 'unclear position',
'$14' => 'White has a slight advantage',
'$15' => 'Black has a slight advantage',
'$16' => 'White has a moderate advantage',
'$17' => 'Black has a moderate advantage',
'$18' => 'White has a decisive advantage',
'$19' => 'Black has a decisive advantage',
'$20' => 'White has a crushing advantage (Black should resign)',
'$21' => 'Black has a crushing advantage (White should resign)',
'$22' => 'White is in zugzwang',
'$23' => 'Black is in zugzwang',
'$24' => 'White has a slight space advantage',
'$25' => 'Black has a slight space advantage',
'$26' => 'White has a moderate space advantage',
'$27' => 'Black has a moderate space advantage',
'$28' => 'White has a decisive space advantage',
'$29' => 'Black has a decisive space advantage',
'$30' => 'White has a slight time (development) advantage',
'$31' => 'Black has a slight time (development) advantage',
'$32' => 'White has a moderate time (development) advantage',
'$33' => 'Black has a moderate time (development) advantage',
'$34' => 'White has a decisive time (development) advantage',
'$35' => 'Black has a decisive time (development) advantage',
'$36' => 'White has the initiative',
'$37' => 'Black has the initiative',
'$38' => 'White has a lasting initiative',
'$39' => 'Black has a lasting initiative',
'$40' => 'White has the attack',
'$41' => 'Black has the attack',
'$42' => 'White has insufficient compensation for material deficit',
'$43' => 'Black has insufficient compensation for material deficit',
'$44' => 'White has sufficient compensation for material deficit',
'$45' => 'Black has sufficient compensation for material deficit',
'$46' => 'White has more than adequate compensation for material deficit',
'$47' => 'Black has more than adequate compensation for material deficit',
'$48' => 'White has a slight center control advantage',
'$49' => 'Black has a slight center control advantage',
'$50' => 'White has a moderate center control advantage',
'$51' => 'Black has a moderate center control advantage',
'$52' => 'White has a decisive center control advantage',
'$53' => 'Black has a decisive center control advantage',
'$54' => 'White has a slight kingside control advantage',
'$55' => 'Black has a slight kingside control advantage',
'$56' => 'White has a moderate kingside control advantage',
'$57' => 'Black has a moderate kingside control advantage',
'$58' => 'White has a decisive kingside control advantage',
'$59' => 'Black has a decisive kingside control advantage',
'$60' => 'White has a slight queenside control advantage',
'$61' => 'Black has a slight queenside control advantage',
'$62' => 'White has a moderate queenside control advantage',
'$63' => 'Black has a moderate queenside control advantage',
'$64' => 'White has a decisive queenside control advantage',
'$65' => 'Black has a decisive queenside control advantage',
'$66' => 'White has a vulnerable first rank',
'$67' => 'Black has a vulnerable first rank',
'$68' => 'White has a well protected first rank',
'$69' => 'Black has a well protected first rank',
'$70' => 'White has a poorly protected king',
'$71' => 'Black has a poorly protected king',
'$72' => 'White has a well protected king',
'$73' => 'Black has a well protected king',
'$74' => 'White has a poorly placed king',
'$75' => 'Black has a poorly placed king',
'$76' => 'White has a well placed king',
'$77' => 'Black has a well placed king',
'$78' => 'White has a very weak pawn structure',
'$79' => 'Black has a very weak pawn structure',
'$80' => 'White has a moderately weak pawn structure',
'$81' => 'Black has a moderately weak pawn structure',
'$82' => 'White has a moderately strong pawn structure',
'$83' => 'Black has a moderately strong pawn structure',
'$84' => 'White has a very strong pawn structure',
'$85' => 'Black has a very strong pawn structure',
'$86' => 'White has poor knight placement',
'$87' => 'Black has poor knight placement',
'$88' => 'White has good knight placement',
'$89' => 'Black has good knight placement',
'$90' => 'White has poor bishop placement',
'$91' => 'Black has poor bishop placement',
'$92' => 'White has good bishop placement',
'$93' => 'Black has good bishop placement',
'$94' => 'White has poor rook placement',
'$95' => 'Black has poor rook placement',
'$96' => 'White has good rook placement',
'$97' => 'Black has good rook placement',
'$98' => 'White has poor queen placement',
'$99' => 'Black has poor queen placement',
'$100' => 'White has good queen placement',
'$101' => 'Black has good queen placement',
'$102' => 'White has poor piece coordination',
'$103' => 'Black has poor piece coordination',
'$104' => 'White has good piece coordination',
'$105' => 'Black has good piece coordination',
'$106' => 'White has played the opening very poorly',
'$107' => 'Black has played the opening very poorly',
'$108' => 'White has played the opening poorly',
'$109' => 'Black has played the opening poorly',
'$110' => 'White has played the opening well',
'$111' => 'Black has played the opening well',
'$112' => 'White has played the opening very well',
'$113' => 'Black has played the opening very well',
'$114' => 'White has played the middlegame very poorly',
'$115' => 'Black has played the middlegame very poorly',
'$116' => 'White has played the middlegame poorly',
'$117' => 'Black has played the middlegame poorly',
'$118' => 'White has played the middlegame well',
'$119' => 'Black has played the middlegame well',
'$120' => 'White has played the middlegame very well',
'$121' => 'Black has played the middlegame very well',
'$122' => 'White has played the ending very poorly',
'$123' => 'Black has played the ending very poorly',
'$124' => 'White has played the ending poorly',
'$125' => 'Black has played the ending poorly',
'$126' => 'White has played the ending well',
'$127' => 'Black has played the ending well',
'$128' => 'White has played the ending very well',
'$129' => 'Black has played the ending very well',
'$130' => 'White has slight counterplay',
'$131' => 'Black has slight counterplay',
'$132' => 'White has moderate counterplay',
'$133' => 'Black has moderate counterplay',
'$134' => 'White has decisive counterplay',
'$135' => 'Black has decisive counterplay',
'$136' => 'White has moderate time control pressure',
'$137' => 'Black has moderate time control pressure',
'$138' => 'White has severe time control pressure',
'$139' => 'Black has severe time control pressure'