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# low_level_make_sandbox
#    The MySQL Sandbox
#    Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Giuseppe Maxia
#    Contacts:
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw( -no_match_vars ); 
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case );
use MySQL::Sandbox qw( find_safe_port_and_directory exists_in_path runs_as_root use_env sbinstr);
use MySQL::Sandbox::Scripts;

my $DEBUG = $MySQL::Sandbox::DEBUG;

#my $install_dir;
#$install_dir = $PROGRAM_NAME;
#$install_dir =~ s{/\w+(\.pl)?$}{};

my $msb = MySQL::Sandbox->new();


my %scripts_in_code = %{ MySQL::Sandbox::Scripts::scripts_in_code() };
my $license_text = MySQL::Sandbox::Scripts::license_text();

# print Dumper $msb;exit;

# my %{$msb->{options}} = map { $_ ,  $msb->{parse_options}{$_}{'value'}}  keys %{$msb->{parse_options}};
my %default_values = %{ $msb->{options}};
my %user_values;
#print Dumper \%{$msb->{options}}; exit;

GetOptions (
    map { $msb->{parse_options}{$_}{parse}, \$msb->{options}{$_} }        
        grep { $msb->{parse_options}{$_}{parse}}  keys %{$msb->{parse_options}} 
) or $msb->get_help();

# DEPRECATED and removed 
# (April fool's edition)
#if ( $msb->{options}{query_analyzer}) {
#my $QA = <<'ENDFISH';
#  o         
#  o
#  o  ___/|__
#o  _/       \  /|
# o/  @ \\    \/ |
#  \_   //    /\ |
#    \_______/  \|
#print $QA, "Thanks for having so much faith in my skills\n";
#exit 1;

# We are not expecting bare arguments
if (@ARGV){
    die "unexpected arguments <@ARGV>\n";

$msb->get_help() if $msb->{options}{'help'};

# print Dumper(\%{$msb->{options}}, \@ARGV); exit;

$msb->{options}{globaltmpdir} = $ENV{TMPDIR};

for my $opt (keys %{$msb->{options}} ) {
    #unless (defined $default_values{$opt} and defined $msb->{options}{$opt} ) {
    #    print Data::Dumper->Dump([ $default_values{$opt},
    #    $msb->{options}{$opt}, $opt], ['default','option', 'opt']);
    #    die "undefined option\n";
    # next unless $default_values{$opt};
    if ((not defined $default_values{$opt}) 
       or ($default_values{$opt} ne $msb->{options}{$opt} )) {
        $user_values{$opt} = $msb->{options}{$opt};
%default_values = ();

$msb->{options}{'my_clause'} = [] unless $msb->{options}{'my_clause'} ;
# print Dumper($msb->{options}{'my_clause'});exit;

if ( $msb->{options}{'high_performance'})
    my @perf_clauses = ( 

    for my $clause (@perf_clauses)
        unshift @{ $msb->{options}{'my_clause'}},  $clause; 

if ($msb->{options}{'slaveof'} or $msb->{options}{'master'}) 
    for my $clause (('log-bin=mysql-bin', 'server-id=' . $msb->{options}{sandbox_port} ))
        unshift @{ $msb->{options}{'my_clause'}},  $clause; 

if ($msb->{options}{'interactive'}) {
    $msb->{options}{no_confirm} = 0;
    select_interactively() if $msb->{options}{'interactive'};

$DEBUG = 1 if $msb->{options}{'verbose'};
$msb->{options}{'verbose'} = 1 if $DEBUG;

if ( -f "$ENV{'HOME'}/.msandboxrc") {
    if ( $msb->{options}{'conf_file'}) {
        # conf file given. Neet to concatenate default file and 
        # rc file
        my $tmp_conf_file = "$ENV{TMPDIR}/msandboxrc.cnf";
        my $result = system (qq( cat $ENV{'HOME'}/.msandboxrc $msb->{options}{'conf_file'} > $tmp_conf_file ));
        if ($result) {
            die "can't create $tmp_conf_file ($CHILD_ERROR)\n";
        $msb->{options}{'conf_file'} = $tmp_conf_file;
    else {
        $msb->{options}{'conf_file'} = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.msandboxrc";

if ( $msb->{options}{'conf_file'}) {
    open my $CONF, q{<}, $msb->{options}{'conf_file'}
        or die "error opening $msb->{options}{'conf_file'}. ($ERRNO)\n";

    print "reading configuration file ($msb->{options}{'conf_file'})\n" if $DEBUG;

    while (<$CONF>) {
        next if / ^ \s* $ /x;
        next if / ^ \s* [#] /x;
        my ($key, $value);
        if  ( /^ \s* (\S+) \s* = \s* (.+)?/x) {
           ($key, $value) = ($1,  $2);
        elsif ( /^ \s* ( \S+ ) \s* $/x) {
           ($key, $value) = ($1,  '');
            next unless $msb->{parse_options}{$key};
            # print "++ $msb->{parse_options}{$key}{'value'} \n";
            if ($msb->{parse_options}{$key}{'value'} =~ /^\d+$/) {
                $value = $msb->{parse_options}{$key}{'value'} ? 0 : 1 ;
        else {
        # print ">>> $key ($value)\n";
        if (exists $user_values{$key}) {
            # skipping file options if they have been entered in the command line
            # print "skipping option $key\n";
        elsif (exists $msb->{options}{$key} ) {
            $value = q{} unless defined $value;
            if ( $value =~ s/^\$//x ) {
                $value = $ENV{$value}; 
            if ( $msb->{parse_options}{ $key }{'parse'} =~ /\@/) {
                $msb->{options}{ $key } = [ split /\s*;\s*/, $value ];
            else {
                # print "assigning <$key> = '$value'\n";
                $msb->{options}{$key} = $value;
        else {
            die "Option '$key' not recognized - File $msb->{options}{'conf_file'} - Line $.\n";
    close $CONF;

# options to skip from the imported my.cnf file
my %skip_options = (
    'user'       => 1,
    'port'       => 1,
    'socket'     => 1,
    'datadir'    => 1,
    'basedir'    => 1,
    'tmpdir'     => 1,
    'pid-file'   => 1,
    'server-id'  => 1,

# placeholders used in the installation files
# with their corresponding values in %{$msb->{options}}
my %replace_options = (
    _INSTALL_VERSION_   => 'install_version',
    _DBUSER_            => 'db_user',
    _REMOTE_ACCESS_     => 'remote_access',
    _DBUSERRO_          => 'ro_user',
    _DBUSERRW_          => 'rw_user',
    _DBUSERREPL_        => 'repl_user',
    _DBPASSWORD_        => 'db_password',
    _DB_REPL_PASSWORD_  => 'repl_password',
    _OSUSER_            => 'operating_system_user',
    _BASEDIR_           => 'basedir',
    _TMPDIR_            => 'tmpdir',
    _GLOBALTMPDIR_      => 'globaltmpdir',
    _BINBASH_           => 'binbash',
    _BINPERL_           => 'binperl',
    _HOME_DIR_          => 'upper_directory',
    _SANDBOXDIR_        => 'sandbox_directory',
    _SERVERPORT_        => 'sandbox_port',
    _MORE_OPTIONS_      => 'more_options',
    _MYSQL_PROMPT_      => 'mysql_prompt',
    _MYSQLDSAFE_        => 'mysqld_safe',
    _EVENTS_OPTIONS_    => 'events_options',
    _SLOW_QUERY_LOG_    => 'slow_query_log',
    _GENERAL_LOG_       => 'general_log',
    _BIND_ADDRESS_      => 'bind_address',
    _MSB_VERSION_       =>  'msb_version',

$msb->{options}{msb_version} = $MySQL::Sandbox::VERSION;

if ($msb->{options}{db_user} =~ /\@/) {
    my ($user, $host) = split /\@/, $msb->{options}{db_user};
    $msb->{options}{db_user} = $user;
    $msb->{options}{remote_access} = $host; 

if (
       ($msb->{options}{remote_access} eq $MySQL::Sandbox::default_users{remote_access}) 
    && ($msb->{options}{bind_address} eq '')
    # Do nothing.
    # Make sure that we honor the defaults
elsif (
       ($msb->{options}{remote_access} ne $MySQL::Sandbox::default_users{remote_access}) 
    && ($msb->{options}{bind_address} ne '')
    # Do nothing.
    # Both defaults were changed.
    # Make sure that we let user change both values
elsif (
       ($msb->{options}{remote_access} ne $MySQL::Sandbox::default_users{remote_access}) 
    && ($msb->{options}{remote_access} ne '') 
    && ($msb->{options}{bind_address} eq '')
    # remote_access changed. Make sure that we can access the server
    $msb->{options}{bind_address} = '';
elsif (
       ($msb->{options}{bind_address} ne '') 
    && ($msb->{options}{remote_access} ne '%')
    # Customized bind address
    # We adjust the remote access to match it
    $msb->{options}{remote_access} = $msb->{options}{bind_address};
elsif ($msb->{options}{bind_address} ne '') {
    $msb->{options}{remote_access} = $msb->{options}{bind_address};

for my $opt (qw(db_user remote_access ro_user rw_user repl_user db_password repl_password)) {
    if (defined $msb->{options}{$opt}) {
        $MySQL::Sandbox::default_users{$opt} = $msb->{options}{$opt};

unless (
        ($msb->{options}{'sandbox_port'} =~ /^ \d{3,} $ /x)  
        && ($msb->{options}{'sandbox_port'} > 1024 )
        && ($msb->{options}{'sandbox_port'} <= 64000)) {
    $msb->get_help( "sandbox_port option must be a port number between 1025 and 64000 (currently requested $msb->{options}{'sandbox_port'} ) \n");

if ($msb->{options}{check_port} and (! $msb->{options}{no_check_port}) ) {
    ( $msb->{options}{'sandbox_port'}, 
      $msb->{options}{'sandbox_directory'}) = 
                    $msb->{options}{'upper_directory'}) ;

if ($msb->{options}{datadir_from} eq 'archive') {
    print "You have chosen to install with the 'archive' method.\n";
    print "This option is now DEPRECATED.\n";
    print "It will be removed soon. Use the 'script' method instead\n";
    #chdir $sandbox_directory;
    #system "tar -xzf $curdir/datadir.$msb->{options}{'install_version'}.tar.gz ";
    #chdir $curdir;

if ($msb->{options}{datadir_from} eq 'script' and  (not $msb->{options}{no_load_grants} )  ) {
    $msb->{options}{load_grants} = 1;

if ( @{ $msb->{options}{'my_clause'} } ) {
    $msb->{options}{'more_options'} .= qq(#\n# additional options passed through 'my_clause' \n#\n);
    for my $clause ( @{ $msb->{options}{'my_clause'} }) {
        $msb->{options}{'more_options'} .= $clause . "\n";

if ($msb->{options}{my_file} ) {
    my $fname = $msb->{options}{'my_file'};
    unless ( -f $fname ) {
        $fname = sprintf 'my-%s.cnf', $msb->{options}{my_file};
    my $extended_fname = sprintf '%s/support-files/%s', $msb->{options}{basedir}, $fname;
    my $share_extended_fname = sprintf '%s/share/mysql/%s', $msb->{options}{basedir}, $fname;
    if ( -f $fname ) {
        $msb->{options}{more_options} .= get_more_options($fname);
    elsif ( -f $extended_fname ) { 
        $msb->{options}{more_options} .= get_more_options($extended_fname);
    elsif ( -f $share_extended_fname ) { 
        $msb->{options}{more_options} .= get_more_options($share_extended_fname);
    else {
        die "configuration file $fname not found\n";

# print Dumper(\%{$msb->{options}}); exit;

my $bash = 'bash';

unless (exists_in_path($bash)) {
    $bash = 'tcsh';

for my $cmd ( ($bash, 'tar', 'gzip') ) {
    unless ( exists_in_path($cmd) ) {
        die "$cmd not found. Can't continue\n";

my $bin_bash = `which $bash`; ## no critic
if ((! $bin_bash) or ( $bin_bash =~ /^no/i) ) {
    die "can't find the 'bash' shell\n";

chomp $bin_bash;
$msb->{options}{'binbash'} = $bin_bash;

my $bin_perl = `which perl`; ## no critic
if ((! $bin_perl) or ( $bin_perl =~ /^no/i) ) {
    die "can't find the 'perl' interpreter\n";

chomp $bin_perl;
$msb->{options}{'binperl'} = $bin_perl;

my @supported_versions = @{ MySQL::Sandbox::supported_versions() };

#$msb->{options}{'install_version'} = '5.0' unless $msb->{options}{'install_version'};
die "server version required.\n" unless $msb->{options}{'install_version'};

unless (grep {$_ eq $msb->{options}{'install_version'} } @supported_versions ) {
    get_help( "specified version ($msb->{options}{'install_version'}) not allowed. Currently accepted are [@supported_versions] ");

# print "<<$msb->{options}{ 'install_version' }>>\n";
if ($msb->{options}{ 'install_version' } ge '5.5' ) {
    $msb->{options}{events_options} = ' --events ';
    $msb->{options}{events_options} = '';

my $sb_datadir = qq($msb->{options}{upper_directory}/$msb->{options}{sandbox_directory}/data);
if ($msb->{options}{ 'install_version' } ge '5.1' ) {
    $msb->{options}{'slow_query_log'} = 
          qq(slow-query-log = on\n)
        . qq(# slow-query-log-file=$sb_datadir/msandbox-slow.log);
    $msb->{options}{'general_log'} = 
          qq(general-log = on\n)
        . qq(# general-log-file=$sb_datadir/msandbox-general.log);
else {
    $msb->{options}{'slow_query_log'} = qq(log-slow-queries = $sb_datadir/msandbox-slow.log);
    $msb->{options}{'general_log'} = qq(log = $sb_datadir/msandbox-general.log) ;

if ($msb->{options}{ 'install_version' } eq '3.23' ) {
    $msb->{options}{'mysql_prompt'} = q{};
    $msb->{options}{'mysqld_safe'} = q{safe_mysqld};
else {
    $msb->{options}{'mysql_prompt'} = q/prompt=/ . $msb->{options}{prompt_prefix} . $msb->{options}{prompt_body};
    $msb->{options}{'mysql_prompt'} =~ s/'//g;
    $msb->{options}{'mysql_prompt'} =~ s/=/='/;
    $msb->{options}{'mysql_prompt'} .= "'";
    $msb->{options}{'mysqld_safe'} = q{mysqld_safe};

if ( $msb->{options}{'sandbox_directory'} ) {
    if ($msb->{options}{'sandbox_directory'} =~ m{/} ) {
        die "<sandbox_directory> can't be a full path. " 
            . "It's only the name of the directory "
            . "to create inside $msb->{options}{'upper_directory'}\n";
    unless ( $msb->{options}{ 'no_ver_after_name' } ) {
        my $ver = $msb->{options}{ 'install_version' };
        # $ver =~ tr/./_/d; ## no critic
        $ver =~ s/\./_/g; 
        unless ($msb->{options}{ 'sandbox_directory'} =~ /$ver$/) {
            $msb->{options}{'sandbox_directory'} .= $ver;
            $msb->{options}{ 'no_ver_after_name' } = 1; # 1.6 it will prevent 
                                                 # side effects when loading
                                                 # options from defaults file
else {
    get_help ('sandbox directory not specified');

print $msb->credits(),
      "installing with the following parameters:\n";

#open my $CURRENT_CONF , q{>}, "$install_dir/current_options.conf"
#    or die "error creating current_options.conf ($ERRNO)\n";

if ($msb->{options}{no_show}) {
    $msb->{options}{no_confirm} =1;

unless ($msb->{options}{no_show}) {
    for my $key (
                sort { $msb->{parse_options}{$a}{so} <=> $msb->{parse_options}{$b}{so} } 
                grep { $msb->{parse_options}{$_}{parse}}  keys %{$msb->{parse_options}} ) {
        next if grep { $key eq $_ } qw/more_options help interactive conf_file no_confirm /;
        my $is_array = ref($msb->{options}{$key}) && ref($msb->{options}{$key}) eq 'ARRAY';
        printf "%-30s = %s\n", $key, $is_array ? join q{ ; }, 
            @{ $msb->{options}{$key} } : ($msb->{options}{$key} || '');
        next unless $msb->{options}{$key};
        next if $msb->{options}{$key} =~ /^ \s* $/x;

my $answer = 'y';

unless ($msb->{options}{no_confirm}) {
    print 'do you agree? ([Y],n) ';
    $answer = <>;
    chomp $answer;
    if ($answer =~ / ^ \s* $ /x) {
        $answer = 'y';

if (lc($answer) eq 'n') {
    print "Installation interrupted at user's request\n";
          # "To repeat this installation with the same options,\n"
          # "use $PROGRAM_NAME --conf_file=current_options.conf\n";

my @file_list = ();
# my @doc_file_list = ( ['README'], ['COPYING'], ['VERSION'] );

my @MANIFEST = MySQL::Sandbox::Scripts::manifest();

#open my $MANIFEST, q{<}, "$install_dir/MANIFEST"
#    or die "file MANIFEST not found\n";

my $install_section = 0;

print "reading MANIFEST files \n" if $DEBUG;
for  my $filename ( @MANIFEST) {
    chomp $filename;
    next if $filename =~ /^ \s* $/x;
    unless ($install_section) {
        $install_section = 1 if  $filename =~ /^ \s* [#] \s* INSTALL \s* FILES /x;
    next if $filename =~ /^ \s* [#] /x;
    print "($install_section) ", $filename, qq(\n) if $DEBUG;
    my $destination = $filename;

    if ( ( $scripts_in_code{$filename} ) ) {
        unless ($install_section) {
            push @file_list, [$filename, $destination];
    else {
        die "listed file $filename not found. Package is not complete\n"

# set_sandbox_dir_scripts();

my $sandbox_directory = sprintf('%s/%s', $msb->{options}{'upper_directory'}, $msb->{options}{'sandbox_directory'});

#if ($curdir eq $sandbox_directory) {
#    die "installation directory and destination directory are the same. Can't install\n";

if ( -d $sandbox_directory ) {
    if ($msb->{options}{'force'} ) {
        warn "$sandbox_directory already exists. Overwriting its contents\n" if $DEBUG;
        if ( -f "$sandbox_directory/clear") {
        if ( -d "$sandbox_directory/data/mysql") {
            system("rm -rf $sandbox_directory/data/mysql");
    else {
        die "$sandbox_directory already exists.\n'--force' option not specified.\nInstallation halted\n";
else {
    print "creating $sandbox_directory\n" if $DEBUG;
    my $result = mkdir $sandbox_directory;
    if (! $result ) {
        die "error creating $sandbox_directory\n";

my $sandbox_tmpdir = sprintf '%s/tmp', $sandbox_directory;
if ($msb->{options}{'tmpdir'}) {
    $sandbox_tmpdir = $msb->{options}{'tmpdir'};
else {
    $msb->{options}{'tmpdir'} = $sandbox_tmpdir;
if ( -f $sandbox_tmpdir) {
    die "Can't create directory $sandbox_tmpdir (a file of the same name exists)\n";
unless (-d $sandbox_tmpdir) {
    mkdir $sandbox_tmpdir
        or die "Error creating $sandbox_tmpdir ($!)\n";


for my $file_spec ( @file_list) {  #, @doc_file_list) {
    copy_and_replace($file_spec->[0], $sandbox_directory, $file_spec->[1]);

if ($msb->{options}{datadir_from} eq 'script' ) {
    my $script = sprintf '%s/scripts/mysql_install_db', $msb->{options}{basedir} ;
    unless ( -x $script ) {
        if ( -e $script ) {
            die "$script is not executable\n";
        $script = sprintf '%s/bin/mysql_install_db', $msb->{options}{basedir} ;
    if ( -x $script ) {

        my $osx_options = '';
        if ($OSNAME =~ /darwin/) {
            $osx_options = '--lower_case_table_names=2';
        my $additional_options ="$osx_options";
        my $cmd = sprintf '%s --no-defaults --user=%s --basedir=%s --datadir=%s/data --tmpdir=%s/tmp', 
        if ($DEBUG) {
            print "$cmd $additional_options\n";
        my $result = qx($cmd $additional_options 2>&1);
        if (($CHILD_ERROR) or ($result && ($result =~ /\berror\b/i))) {
            die "error while creating grant tables\n$result\n";
        if ($DEBUG)
            while ($result =~/(.*warning.*)/ig)
                print "++ $1\n";
        for my $table_name (qw(user db tables_priv columns_priv)) {
            die "table $table_name not installed\n"
                unless -f "$sandbox_directory/data/mysql/$table_name.frm";
        for my $logfile (qw(ib_logfile0 ib_logfile1))
            if ( -f "$sandbox_directory/data/$logfile")
                unlink "$sandbox_directory/data/$logfile";
    else {
        if ( -e $script ) {
            die "$script is not executable\n";
        die "$script not found\n";
elsif ($msb->{options}{datadir_from} =~ /dir: (.+) /x ) {
    my $origin = $1;
    if (-d $origin ) {
        if  ( -f sprintf '%s/mysql/user.MYD', $origin) {
            my $sandbox_datadir = sprintf '%s/data', $sandbox_directory;
            if (-d $sandbox_datadir) {
                if ($msb->{options}{'force'}) {
                    warn "directory $sandbox_datadir already exists. Overwriting its contents\n" if $DEBUG;
                else {
                    die "directory $sandbox_datadir already exists. Option --force not specified. Installation halted\n"
            else {
                mkdir $sandbox_datadir
                    or die "error creating $sandbox_datadir ($!)\n";
            system sprintf 'cp %s %s/* %s/', $msb->{options}{'verbose'} ? q{-vr} : q{-r},  $origin, $sandbox_datadir;
        else {
            die "mysql user table not found in $origin\n";
    else {
        die "directory $origin not found\n";
else {
    die "unrecognized value for option 'datadir_from' ($msb->{options}{datadir_from})\n";

if ($msb->{options}{load_grants}) {
    print "loading grants\n";
    system "$sandbox_directory/start"
        and die "can't start server\n";
    # sleep command replaced by internal timeout in the "start" script
    # sleep 3;
    system "$sandbox_directory/load_grants"
        and die "can't load grants\n";
    if ($msb->{options}{master}) {
        system "$sandbox_directory/use -e 'reset master'";
    if ($msb->{options}{slaveof}) {
        my $cmt = 'CHANGE MASTER TO ';
        my %cmt_clauses = (
            master_host => '',
            master_port => undef,
            master_user => 'rsandbox',
            master_password => 'rsandbox',
            master_log_file => undef,
            master_log_pos => undef,
        my %apply_clauses = map { $_,$cmt_clauses{$_} } grep { $cmt_clauses{$_} } keys %cmt_clauses;
        for my $clause ( keys %cmt_clauses) {
            if ($msb->{options}{slaveof} =~ /$clause\s*=([^,]+)/i)
        my $count =0;
        for my $clause (keys %apply_clauses) {
            if ($count) {
                $cmt .= ','; 
            else {
            $cmt .= ' ' . $clause . '=' . quote_clause($apply_clauses{$clause});
        if ($apply_clauses{master_port}) {
            system "$sandbox_directory/use -e '$cmt; start slave'";
    if ($msb->{options}{no_run}) {
        print "stopping server\n";
        system "$sandbox_directory/stop"
            and die "can't stop server\n";

      # "installation options saved to current_options.conf.\n",    
      #"To repeat this installation with the same options,\n",
      #"use $PROGRAM_NAME --conf_file=current_options.conf\n",
      #('-' x 40), "\n",
      "Your sandbox server was installed in ", use_env($sandbox_directory), "\n";
      sbinstr( "sandbox installed in " . use_env($sandbox_directory));

sub quote_clause {
    my ($string) = @_;
    if ($string =~ /^\d+$/) {
        return $string;
    if ($string =~ /^["'].*['"]$/) {
        return $string;
    return qq("$string");

sub copy_and_replace {
    my ($filename,  $destination_dir, $destination_filename) = @_ ;
    $destination_filename = $filename unless $destination_filename;
    my $newname = sprintf('%s/%s', $destination_dir, $destination_filename);
    #unless ( $scripts_in_code{$filename} ) {
    #    $scripts_in_code{$filename} = '';
    #    unless ( -f $filename) {
    #        $filename = "$install_dir/$filename";
    #    }
    #    open my $FROM, q{<}, $filename
    #        or die "error opening $filename ($ERRNO)\n";
    #    while (<$FROM>) {
    #        for my $key ( keys %replace_options) {
    #            s/ $key /$msb->{options}{$replace_options{$key}}/xg;
    #        }        
    #        $scripts_in_code{$filename} .= $_ ;
    #    }
    #    close $FROM;
    open my $TO, q{>}, $newname
        or die "error creating $newname ($ERRNO)\n";
    print "copying $filename into $destination_dir\n" if $DEBUG;
    my $script_content = $scripts_in_code{$filename} 
        or die "invalid script content for <$filename>\n";
    $script_content =~ s/__LICENSE__/$license_text/;

    $script_content =~ s/__SBINSTR_SH__/$SBINSTR_SH_TEXT/;

    for my $key ( keys %replace_options) {
        my $new_value = $msb->{options}{$replace_options{$key}};
        if (    ($key eq '_DBUSER_') 
            and ($destination_filename =~ /my\.sandbox.cnf/)) {
            $new_value =~ s/\@.*//g; 
        unless (defined $new_value)
            die "can't find a value for '$key'\n";
        $script_content =~ s/ $key /$new_value/xg;
    print $TO $script_content;
    close $TO;
    if ($newname =~ / \. (?: sh | pl ) $ /x) {
        print "changing attributes to $newname\n" if $DEBUG;
        chmod 0755, $newname;  ## no critic
        my $better_name = $newname;
        $better_name =~ s/\.(?:sh|pl)$//;
        rename $newname, $better_name;
    elsif ($newname =~ /\.json$/ )
        print "#validating $newname for JSON contents\n" if $DEBUG;
        my $is_json = MySQL::Sandbox::validate_json_object($newname);
        if ($is_json && ($is_json == -1))
            warn "Can't validate JSON in $newname\n" if $DEBUG;
        elsif (! $is_json)
            warn "# JSON object inside newname is not valid\n";

sub get_more_options {
    my ($fname) = @_;
    my $text = qq(#\n# additional options from $fname \n#\n);
    open my $MYFILE, q{<}, $fname
        or die "can't open $fname ($!)\n";
    my $start = 0;
    while (<$MYFILE>) {
        if ($start ) {
            last if m/ ^ \s* \[ /x;

            my ($var) = m/^ \s* (\S+) \s* = /x;
            next if ( $var && exists ($skip_options{$var} )); 
            $text .= $_;
        else {
            $start = m/ ^ \[mysqld\] /x;
    close $MYFILE; 
    return $text;

sub select_interactively {

    print "Enter the values for each option\n",
          "* To leave the interactive choice and accept default values \n",
          "     for the remaining options, enter 'default'\n",
          "* To go to the previous item, enter 'back'\n",
          "* To quit the installation without any action, enter 'quit'\n\n";

    my @options_list = 
                sort { $msb->{parse_options}{$a}{'so'} <=> $msb->{parse_options}{$b}{'so'} } 
                grep { $_ !~ /(?:interactive|help|no_check_port|no_load_grants)/}
                grep { $msb->{parse_options}{$_}{'parse'}}  keys %{$msb->{parse_options}}  ;

    my $opnum =0;
    while( $opnum < @options_list ) {
        my $op = $options_list[$opnum];
        my $original_default = $msb->{options}{$op} ;
        my $default = $original_default;
        $default = $msb->{parse_options}{$op}{'value'} unless defined $default;
        my $is_array = 0;
        if (ref($default) && ref($default) eq 'ARRAY') {
            $default = join(q{ ; } , @{$default});
        my $chosen  = q{};

        my ($number_wanted)   = $msb->{parse_options}{$op}{'parse'} =~ m/ = (i) /x;

        print q{-} x 65;
        print "\n$op\n";
        my $text_items = $msb->{parse_options}{$op}{help};
        for my $titem (@{$text_items}) {
            print "   $titem \n" if $titem;
        print "Your choice: (current value [$default]) ";
        if ($is_array) {
            print "(You can enter multiple values separated by ';') ";
        $chosen = <>;
        if ($chosen eq 'quit') {
        elsif ($chosen eq 'back') {
            if ($opnum < 0 ) {
                $opnum = 0;
            redo OPTION_CHOICE;
        elsif ($chosen eq 'default') {
        elsif ($chosen =~ m/ ^ \s* $ /x) {
            $msb->{options}{$op} = $original_default;
        elsif ($number_wanted) {
            if ($chosen =~ m/ ^ \d+ $ /x ) {
                $msb->{options}{$op} = $chosen;
            else {
                print q{*} x 65, 
                      "\n" , 
                      "**** option $op requires a numeric value\n" , 
                       q{*} x 65,
                redo OPTION_CHOICE;
        else {
                $msb->{options}{$op} = [ split /\s*;\s*/, $chosen ] ;
            else {
                $msb->{options}{$op} = $chosen;

sub check_sandbox_dir {
    my $sandboxdir = $ENV{'SANDBOX_HOME'} || "$ENV{'HOME'}/sandboxes";
    if (! -d $sandboxdir) {
        mkdir $sandboxdir;
        if ( $CHILD_ERROR) {
            die ("can't set sandbox directory $sandboxdir ($CHILD_ERROR)\n");    

sub check_tmp_dir {
    my $tmpdir = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || $ENV{'TEMPDIR'};
    # print ">>$tmpdir\n";
    if (! -d $tmpdir) {
        die ("can't find tmp directory $tmpdir\n");    

sub set_sandbox_dir_scripts {
    my $sandboxdir = $ENV{'SANDBOX_HOME'} 
        or return;
    if ( $ENV{'SANDBOX_HOME'} eq $ENV{'HOME'} ) {
    copy_and_replace('', $sandboxdir);
    copy_and_replace('plugin.conf', $sandboxdir);
    for my $name (qw(start stop clear use send_kill restart status )) {
        open my $FH, q{>}, "$sandboxdir/${name}_all"
            or die "can't create ${name}_all in $sandboxdir\n";
        print $FH "#!$msb->{options}{'binbash'}\n";
        print $FH qq($sandboxdir/sandbox_action $name "\$\@"\n);
        close $FH;
        chmod 0755, "$sandboxdir/${name}_all";