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# make_sandbox
#    The MySQL Sandbox
#    Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Giuseppe Maxia
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.

use strict;
use warnings;
# use Data::Dumper;
use English qw( -no_match_vars ); 
use MySQL::Sandbox qw( runs_as_root sbinstr);
use Getopt::Long ;

my $default_binary_base = $ENV{SANDBOX_BINARY} || ($ENV{HOME} . '/opt/mysql');
unless ( -d  $default_binary_base ) {
    $default_binary_base = '/opt/mysql';
my $binary_base = $ENV{'BINARY_BASE'} || $default_binary_base;

my @prefixes = ('mysql', 'percona', 'mariadb');
my $default_prefix= 'mysql';
my %options = (
   export_binaries => 0,
   add_prefix	   => '', 


my $msb = MySQL::Sandbox->new();


    export_binaries => \$options{export_binaries},
    'add_prefix=s'  => \$options{add_prefix},
    # 'c|comment=s@'   => \$options{comments} ,
    'help'          => \$options{help},
) or get_help('+++');

get_help() if $options{help};

my $where_to_install = shift
    or get_help("Binary tarball or expanded tarball directory needed\n");

my $version;

my ($major, $minor, $release);

$where_to_install =~ s{ / \s* $ }{}x;

$where_to_install =~ s/^\s*\~/$ENV{HOME}/x;

if ( $where_to_install =~ m{\.\./}) # it is a tricky path
    die "relative paths must not contain '../' \n";

# explicit current directory relative path 
if  ( ((-f $where_to_install)             # the file exists
      and ( $where_to_install =~ m{^\./}) # it identifies the current directory
    ) {
    $where_to_install =~ s[^\./][$ENV{PWD}/] ;
    unless ( ( -f $where_to_install) or (-d $where_to_install) ) {
        die "file not found in current directory ($where_to_install)\n";

# relative path 
if  ( (( (-f $where_to_install)  or ( -d $where_to_install))  # the file exists
      and ( $where_to_install !~ m{^/})   # it is not an absolute path 
    ) {
    $where_to_install = $ENV{PWD} . '/' . $where_to_install;
    unless ( ( -f $where_to_install) or (-d $where_to_install) ) {
        die "file not found in current directory ($where_to_install)\n";

my $prefix_regex = join('|', @prefixes );
$prefix_regex = qr/(?:$prefix_regex)/i;

#my $ignore_leading_number = 0;
sub basename
    my ($path) = @_;
    $path =~ s{.*/}{};

my $barename = basename($where_to_install);
if ($barename =~ /^\d+\..*\.tar\.gz/)
    # $ignore_leading_number = 1;
    if ($barename eq $where_to_install)

# current directory
if  ( $where_to_install =~ m{^(?:\d+\.)?$prefix_regex\D+\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*\.tar\.gz$ }x ) { 
    $where_to_install = $ENV{PWD} . '/' . $where_to_install;
    unless ( -f $where_to_install ) {
        die "file not found in current directory ($where_to_install)\n";

# bare version directory under $HOME/opt/bin
if  ( $where_to_install =~ /^(?:[-_a-zAZ]+)?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/x ) { 
    ($major, $minor, $release) =  ($1, $2, $3);
    $version = $where_to_install;
# absolute version directory
elsif  ( $where_to_install =~ m{^(/.+)/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$}x ) { 
    ($binary_base, $major, $minor, $release) =  ($1, $2, $3, $4);
    $version = "$major.$minor.$release";
    unless ( -d $where_to_install ) {
        die "directory not found ($where_to_install)\n";

# absolute version directory with prefix
elsif  (( -d "$ENV{SANDBOX_BINARY}/$where_to_install") && ($where_to_install =~ m{(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$}x )) { 
    ($binary_base, $major, $minor, $release) =  ($ENV{SANDBOX_BINARY}, $1, $2, $3, $4);
    $version = "$major.$minor.$release";

# absolute version directory
elsif  ( $where_to_install =~ m{^(/.+)/.*(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$}x ) { 
    ($binary_base, $major, $minor, $release) =  ($1, $2, $3, $4);
    # print ">>$binary_base, $major, $minor, $release\n"; exit;
    $version = "$major.$minor.$release";
    unless ( -d $where_to_install ) {
        die "directory not found ($where_to_install)\n";

# full path to tarball
elsif  ( $where_to_install =~ m{^(/.+)/(?:\d+\.)?($prefix_regex\D+(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)[^/]*)\.tar\.gz$ }x ) { 
    my $new_dir;
    unless ( -f $where_to_install ) {
        die "tarball file not found ($where_to_install)\n";
    ($binary_base, $new_dir, $major, $minor, $release) =  ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
    print "unpacking $where_to_install\n";
    $version = "$major.$minor.$release";
    my $tar_executable='no_such_program';
    my $full_new_dir = "$binary_base/$options{add_prefix}$version";
    if ( -d $full_new_dir ) {
        $where_to_install = $full_new_dir;
    else {
        my $original_dir = $ENV{PWD};
        my @recognized_tar_executables = qw(gtar gnutar bsdtar);
        my $which_tar;
        my $tar_found = 0;
        for my $tar_exec (@recognized_tar_executables) {
            $which_tar = qx(which $tar_exec);
            if ((!$which_tar) or ($which_tar =~ /^no/i)) {
            else {
                $tar_found = 1; last
        unless ($tar_found ) {
            $which_tar = qx(which tar );
            if ((!$which_tar) or ($which_tar =~ /^no/i)) {
                $which_tar = undef;
        if ($which_tar) {
            chomp $which_tar;
            $tar_executable = $which_tar;
            my $tar_version = qx($tar_executable --version)
                or die "can't find tar program\n";
            unless ($tar_version =~ /(?:bsdtar|gnu\s+tar)/i) {
                die "this version of tar is not supported\n";
        else {
            die "tar program not found\n";
        chdir $binary_base 
            or die "can't change directory to $binary_base\n";
        my $tar_file = $where_to_install;
        $tar_file =~ s{^.*/}{};
        my $result = system("gunzip -c $tar_file | $tar_executable -xf -");
        if ($result) {
            die "error unpacking $tar_file ($!)\n";
        my $new_name = $options{add_prefix} . $version;
        if ($options{export_binaries} && ( -d $default_binary_base)) {
            $new_name = "$default_binary_base/$options{add_prefix}$version";
            if ( -d $new_name) {
                warn "can't export to $binary_base. Directory $version already exists!\n";
                $new_name = $options{add_prefix}  . $version;
            else {
                $full_new_dir = $new_name;
                $binary_base = $default_binary_base;
        my $rename_result = system "mv  $new_dir $new_name";
        if ($rename_result) {
            die "can't rename $new_dir to $new_name";
        # in case it is a debug build
        if (-f "$new_name/bin/mysqld-debug" && ! -f "$new_name/bin/mysqld") {
            system "cd $new_name/bin && ln -s mysqld-debug mysqld";
        # some versions of Perl and OS can't perform a rename across file systems
        # Bug #504789
        #rename $new_dir, $new_name
        #    or die "can't rename $new_dir to $new_name";

        system "chmod -R ogu+r $new_name "; # Not sandbox related.
                                            # It is needed if the user wants 
                                            # to run the test suite

        $where_to_install = $full_new_dir;
        chdir $original_dir;
# not a full path
elsif ($where_to_install =~ m{[^/].*\.tar\.gz$} ) {
    print "<$where_to_install>\n";
    get_help( "You must enter a full path to the tarball. Relative paths are not supported.\n");
# not a tarball
elsif ($where_to_install =~ m{^/.*(?<!\.tar\.gz)$} ) {
    get_help( "Not a tarball ($where_to_install).\n"
            . "Accepted paramethers are: {VERSION|tarball_full_name} [options].\n");
# nothing was recognized. Print help
else {
    get_help("Failed to parse arguments\n");

sub get_help {
    my ($msg) = @_;
    print $msb->credits(), "\n"; 
    if ($msg) {
        my $len = length($msg);
        $len = 80 if $len > 80;
        print '*' x $len, "\n",
              '*' x $len, "\n";
    print <<SYNTAX;
usage: ./make_sandbox version [options] {VERSION|tarball_full_name} -- [more options]

  --export_binaries    exports the new binary to $binary_base
  --add_prefix=NAME    add given prefix to renamed tarball directory

Additionally, you can pass any option accepted by "low_level_make_sandbox" after '--'

    print "You should provide either a version from '$binary_base' \n",
          "or an absolute path to the tarball to extract.\n",
          "See (below) ./low_level_make_sandbox --help for more detail\n";
    print "version should be provided as #.#.#\n";
    exit 1;
    #print q{-} x 50, "\n";
    #exec "$install_dir/low_level_make_sandbox --help ";

my ($bare_basedir) = (split /\//, $where_to_install)[-1];

# print "<$bare_basedir>\n";exit;

unless ( -d $binary_base ) {
    die "$binary_base does not exist\n";

my @supported_versions = @{ MySQL::Sandbox::supported_versions() };

my $simple_version = "$major.$minor";

unless ( grep { $simple_version eq $_ } @supported_versions) {
    die "unsupported version $simple_version\n";

if ($release < 10) {
    $release = '0' . $release;

my $port = ($major . $minor. $release) ;

if ($port < 1024) {
    $port .= '0';

if ( -d "$binary_base/$bare_basedir" ) {

    my $text_version = $version;
    # $text_version =~ tr/./_/d; ## no critic
    $text_version =~ s/\./_/g; 
    my @install_options = (
    if ($major >=4) {
        push(@install_options, qq(--my_clause=log-error=msandbox.err));
    unless (grep {$_ eq '--no_show'} @install_options) {
        print "Executing low_level_make_sandbox ", join( " \\\n\t", @install_options ), "\n";
    sbinstr( " low_level_make_sandbox called with params <"
            . join(";", @install_options) . ">");
    exec "low_level_make_sandbox", @install_options;
else {
    die "there is no $bare_basedir directory under $binary_base\n";