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# make_sandbox_from_source
#    The MySQL Sandbox
#    Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Giuseppe Maxia
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.

use strict;
use warnings;
use MySQL::Sandbox qw(runs_as_root);


my $msb = MySQL::Sandbox->new();

my $source_directory = shift
    or get_help('source directory missing');

my $sandbox_type = shift
    or get_help('sandbox_type missing');

my %sandbox_apps = (
    single      => 'make_sandbox',
    replication => 'make_replication_sandbox',
    circular    => 'make_replication_sandbox',
    multiple    => 'make_multiple_sandbox',

unless ( -d $source_directory) {
    die "<$source_directory> is not a directory\n";

$source_directory =~ s{/$}{};

unless ( -x "$source_directory/scripts/make_binary_distribution") {
    die "can't find executable script 'make_binary_distribution'\n";

unless ( -x "$source_directory/sql/mysqld") {
    die "Can't find executable mysqld. Sources don't seem to have been compiled.\n";

unless ($sandbox_apps{$sandbox_type}) {
    get_help("unsupported sandbox type ($sandbox_type)");

chdir $source_directory 
    or die "can't change path to <$source_directory>\n";

my $source_version = get_source_version();

my $old_tarball = last_tarball();

my $new_tarball;

if ( $old_tarball ) {
    my @tgz = file_age($old_tarball);
    my @mysqld = file_age("./sql/mysqld");    
    my @dir = file_age($source_version) ;
    unless (@dir) {
        @dir = ('---', 0);
    if (($mysqld[1] > $tgz[1]) or ($mysqld[1] > $dir[1])) {
        print " new build. The tarball needs to be redone\n";
        $new_tarball = build_tarball();        
        # removing the directory
        if ( -d $source_version ) {
    elsif ($tgz[1] > $dir[1])  {
        print "tarball newer than the version directory\n";
        # removing the directory
        if ( ( -d $source_version) && (( $tgz[1] - $dir[1] ) > 60 )) {
        $new_tarball = $old_tarball;
    elsif ( $dir[1] >= $tgz[1] ) {
        print "tarball older than directory\n";
        # Nothing to be done
        $new_tarball = $source_version;
    else {
        print "dir @dir\n";
        print "mysqld @mysqld\n";
        print "tgz @tgz\n";
        die "unhandled \n";
else {
    print "no old tarball found\n";
    $new_tarball = build_tarball();

my $options = '';
if ( $sandbox_type eq 'circular') {
    $options = '--topology=circular';

system "$sandbox_apps{$sandbox_type} $source_directory/$new_tarball $options  @ARGV"; 

#  functions

sub build_tarball {
    my $result = system "./scripts/make_binary_distribution";

    if ($result or $? ) {
        die "error creating binary tarball. ($result - $? - $! )";

    my $tarball = last_tarball()
        or die "can't find a tarball\n";
    return $tarball;

sub get_source_version {
    # Parses 'Makefile' for server version.
    # 'Makefile' exists only after the server is compiled
    # but this is just as well in our case, since we only
    # need to run this script after the server is fully built.
    # This method should be more robust than parsing 

    my $version;
    my $version_file;
    if ( -f 'VERSION' )
        $version_file = 'VERSION';
    # when build tree differs from source tree
    elsif ( -f 'VERSION.dep' )
        $version_file = 'VERSION.dep';
    if ( $version_file )
        open my $VFH, q{<}, $version_file
            or die "can't open $version_file\n";
        while (my $line = <$VFH>)
            if ($line =~ /MYSQL_VERSION_(?:MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH)=(\d+)/)
                if (defined $version)
                    $version .= '.';
                    $version = '';
                $version .= $1;
        unless ($version =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)
            die "could not find a version number in $version_file ($version)\n";
        return $version;
        print "# There is no VERSION or VERSION.dep file in this directory.\n# Now trying with Makefile\n" if $MySQL::Sandbox::DEBUG;

    open my $MAKEFILE, q{<}, 'Makefile'
        or die "can't find Makefile\n";
    while (my $line = <$MAKEFILE>) {
        if ($line =~ /
               ^                      # start of line
               \s*                    # optional whitespace
               MYSQL_NO_DASH_VERSION  # literal 
               \s*                    # optional whitespace
               =                      # equals sign
               \s*                    # optional whitespace
               (\d\.\d.\d+)           # capture the version
               \s*                    # optional whitespace
               $                      # end of line
               /x) {
            $version = $1;
    close $MAKEFILE;
    if ($version) {
        return $version;
    else {
        die "can't find a version in Makefile\n";

#sub get_source_version {
#    open my $CONFIG, q{<}, ''
#        or die "can't find\n";
#    my $version;
#    while (my $line = <$CONFIG>) {
#        if ($line =~ /
#                    (?:AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE
#                    |
#                    AC_INIT)        # either of these macros
#                    \D+             # followed by one or more non digit
#                    (?:(?i)mysql)   # followed by "mysql" in any case
#                    \D+             # followed by one or more non digit
#                    (\d\.\d.\d+)    # capture the version
#                    /x) {
#            $version = $1;
#            last;
#        }
#    }
#    close $CONFIG;
#    if ($version) {
#        return $version;
#    }
#    else {
#        die "can't find a version in\n";
#    }

sub last_tarball {
    my %files = map {file_age($_)} 
        grep {$_ !~  /^mysql-\d\.\d\.\d+\.tar\.gz$/}  
    return unless keys %files;
    return (sort { $files{$b} <=> $files{$a} } keys %files)[0];

sub file_age {
    my ($filename) = @_; 
    return unless -e $filename;
    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
        $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($filename);
    return ($filename, $atime);

sub get_help{
    my ($msg) = @_;
    print $msb->credits(), "\n";
    if ($msg) {
        print "*** $msg\n";
    print <<END_HELP;
Syntax: $0 source_directory sandbox_type [options]

    source directory is where you have successfully
        run ./configure && make

    sandbox_type is one of 

    options is anything that is needed by the sandbox
        application of your choice

exit 1;

sub remove_source_dir {
    my ($dir) = @_;
    system ("rm -rf $dir"); 
