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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# itshell--itunes shell

=head1 NAME

  itshell - a shell for searching and downloading from an itunes server


  itshell [servername [serverport]]


This program connects to an iTunes server and lets you search the
playlists and songs and download the music files to your local

The following commands are valid from within the shell:

  db                   view possible databases
  db id                select a database
  playlist             view possible playlists
  playlist id          select a playlist
  find keyword         search song title/album/artist for keyword
  dir                  show where files will be saved
  dir /new/dir         set new location for files to be saved
  findget keyword      search for and immediately get title/album/artist
  get id ...           download a song
  url id ...           view persistent URL for a song or playlist
  dump filename        dump databases to the filename
  quit                 leave this shell

=head1 AUTHOR

Nathan Torkington.  Send patches to C<< <dapple AT >>.
Mail C<< daap-dev-subscribe AT >> to join the DAAP
developers mailing list.


use Net::DAAP::Client;

# standard modules

use sigtrap;
use Carp;
use strict;
use Text::ParseWords;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::Readline;

my $Server_host = shift || 'localhost';
my $Server_port = shift || 3689;

my $daap = Net::DAAP::Client->new(SERVER_HOST => $Server_host,
				  SERVER_PORT => $Server_port);
$daap->connect() or die "Can't connect: ".$daap->error();

my $dbs = $daap->databases;

my $term = new Term::ReadLine qw(iTunesHell);
my $line;
my $prompt = 'iTunes';
my $save_dir = '.';
$| = 1;

while (defined ($line = $term->readline("$prompt>"))) {
    my ($cmd, @arg) = parse_line(qr{\s+}, 0, $line);
    if ($cmd eq 'db') {
    } elsif ($cmd eq 'playlist') {
    } elsif ($cmd eq 'find') {
    } elsif ($cmd eq 'findget') {
    } elsif ($cmd eq 'get') {
    } elsif ($cmd eq 'url') {
    } elsif ($cmd eq 'dir') {
    } elsif ($cmd eq 'dump') {
    } elsif (($cmd eq 'quit') || ($cmd eq 'exit')) {
    } else {
	warn <<EOF ;
  db                   view possible databases
  db id                select a database
  playlist             view possible playlists
  playlist id          select a playlist
  find keyword         search song title/album/artist for keyword
  dir                  show where files will be saved
  dir /new/dir         set new location for files to be saved
  findget keyword      search for and immediately get title/album/artist
  get id ...           download a song
  url id ...           view persistent URL for a song or playlist
  dump filename        dump databases to the filename
  quit                 leave this shell


sub song_as_text {
    my $song = shift;
    return sprintf("%d : %s, %s (%s)\n",

sub dir_cmd {
    my @arg = @_;

    if (@_) {
	if (! -d $arg[0]) {
	    print "$arg[0] isn't a directory!\n";
	} else {
	    $save_dir = $arg[0];
    } else {
	print "Files will be saved to $save_dir\n";

sub dump_cmd {
    my @arg = @_;
    if (@arg) {
	my $filename = shift @arg;
	open my $fh, ">$filename" or warn("Can't open $filename: $!"),return;
	print $fh Dumper($dbs);
	if ($daap->songs) {
	    print $fh "\n\n";
	    print $fh Dumper($daap->songs);
	close $fh;
    } else {
	warn("usage: dump filename\n");

sub db_cmd {
    my @arg = @_;
    if (@arg) {
	my $db_id = $arg[0];
	if (! $daap->error) {
	    printf "Loading database %s (may take a moment)\n", $daap->databases->{$db_id}{'dmap.itemname'};
	} else {
	    warn "Database ID $arg[0] not found\n";
    } else {
	my $dbs = $daap->databases;
	foreach my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$dbs) {
	    printf("%d : %s\n", $id, $dbs->{$id}{"dmap.itemname"});

sub playlist_cmd {
    my @arg = @_;

    if (! $daap->db) {
	warn "Select a database with db first\n";

    if (@arg) {
	my $playlist_id = $arg[0];
	my $songs = $daap->playlist($arg[0]);
	if (! $daap->error) {
	    foreach my $playlist_song (@$songs) {
		my $songs = $daap->songs;
		my $song = $daap->songs->{$playlist_song->{"dmap.itemid"}};
		if (defined($song)) {
		    # deleted items are evidentally left on the main playlist
		    print song_as_text($song);
	} else {
	    warn "Playlist ID $arg[0] not found\n";
    } else {
	my $playlists = $daap->playlists;
	foreach my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$playlists) {
	    printf("%d : %s\n", $id, $playlists->{$id}{"dmap.itemname"});

sub findget_cmd {
    my @arg = @_;

    if (! $daap->db) {
	warn "Select a database with db first\n";

    my @songs = search_through_songs(@arg);
    foreach my $song (@songs) {
	print "$save_dir/$song->{'dmap.itemid'}.$song->{'daap.songformat'} ($song->{'dmap.itemname'}) ... ";
	$daap->save($save_dir, $song->{'dmap.itemid'});
	print $daap->error ? "failed" : "done";
	print "\n";

sub search_through_songs {
    my $word = shift;
    my @hits = ();

    foreach my $song (values %{$daap->songs}) {
	my (@f) = map { lc } (
	my $to_find = lc($word);
	if (grep { index(lc($_), $to_find) != -1 } @f) {
	    push @hits, $song;

    return @hits;

sub find_cmd {
    my @arg = @_;

    if (! $daap->db) {
	warn "Select a database with db first\n";

    if (@arg) {
	my @songs = search_through_songs(@arg);
	foreach my $song (@songs) {
	    print song_as_text($song);
    } else {
	warn "usage: find [string]\n";

sub get_cmd {
    my @arg = @_;
    my $songs = $daap->songs;

    foreach my $song_id (@arg) {
	my $song = $songs->{$song_id};
	if (defined $song) {
	    print "Fetching ", song_as_text($song);
	    $daap->save($save_dir, $song_id);
	    if ($daap->error) {
		print "Failed: ", $daap->error, "\n";
	} else {
	    print "Skipping bogus song number $song_id\n";

sub url_cmd {
  my @arg = @_;
  my @skipped;

  foreach my $id (@arg) {
    my $url = $daap->url($id);
      if ($url) {
	print "$url\n";
      } else {
	push @skipped, $url;
  if (@skipped) {
    print "Skipped: ", join(", ", @skipped), ".\n";
