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package Git::Repository::Plugin::GitHooks;
# ABSTRACT: A Git::Repository plugin with some goodies for hook developers
$Git::Repository::Plugin::GitHooks::VERSION = '2.1.6';
use parent qw/Git::Repository::Plugin/;

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Path::Tiny;

sub _keywords {                 ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines)

          prepare_hook load_plugins invoke_external_hooks

          post_hook post_hooks



          error get_errors

          undef_commit empty_tree get_commit get_commits

          read_commit_msg_file write_commit_msg_file

          get_affected_refs get_affected_ref_range get_affected_ref_commits

          filter_files_in_index filter_files_in_range filter_files_in_commit


          get_current_branch get_sha1 get_head_or_empty_tree

          blob file_size

          is_ref_enabled match_user im_admin

# This package variable tells get_config which character encoding is used in
# the output of the git-config command. Usually none, and decoding isn't
# necessary. But sometimes it is...
our $CONFIG_ENCODING = undef;

# The following routines prepare the arguments for some hooks to make
# it easier to deal with them later on.

# Some hooks get information from STDIN as text lines with
# space-separated fields. This routine reads up all of STDIN and tucks
# that information in the Git::Repository object.

sub _push_input_data {
    my ($git, $data) = @_;
    push @{$git->{_plugin_githooks}{input_data}}, $data;

sub _get_input_data {
    my ($git) = @_;
    return $git->{_plugin_githooks}{input_data} || [];

sub _prepare_input_data {
    my ($git) = @_;
    while (<STDIN>) { ## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitExplicitStdin)
        _push_input_data($git, [split]);

# The pre-receive and post-receive hooks get the list of affected
# commits via STDIN. This routine gets them all and set all affected
# refs in the Git object.

sub _prepare_receive {
    my ($git) = @_;
    foreach (@{_get_input_data($git)}) {
        my ($old_commit, $new_commit, $ref) = @$_;
        _set_affected_ref($git, $ref, $old_commit, $new_commit);

# The update hook get three arguments telling which reference is being
# updated, from which commit, to which commit. Here we use these
# arguments to set the affected ref in the Git object.

sub _prepare_update {
    my ($git, $args) = @_;
    _set_affected_ref($git, @$args);

# Gerrit hooks get a list of option/value pairs. Here we convert the
# list into a hash and change the original argument list into a single
# hash-ref. We also record information about the user performing the
# push. Based on:

sub _prepare_gerrit_args {
    my ($git, $args) = @_;

    my %opt = @$args;

    # Each Gerrit hook receive the full name and email of the user
    # performing the hooked operation via a specific option in the
    # format "User Name (". Here we grok it.
    my $user =
        $opt{'--uploader'}  ||
        $opt{'--author'}    ||
        $opt{'--submitter'} ||
        $opt{'--abandoner'} ||
        $opt{'--restorer'}  ||
        $opt{'--reviewer'}  ||

    # Here we make the name and email available in two environment variables
    # Git::Repository::Plugin::GitHooks::authenticated_user can more easily
    # grok the userid from them later.
    if ($user && $user =~ /([^\(]+)\s+\(([^\)]+)\)/) {
        $ENV{GERRIT_USER_NAME}  = $1; ## no critic (Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
        $ENV{GERRIT_USER_EMAIL} = $2; ## no critic (Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)

    # Now we create a Gerrit::REST object connected to the Gerrit
    # server and tack it to the hook arguments so that Gerrit plugins
    # can interact with it.

    # We 'require' the module instead of 'use' it because it's only
    # used if one sets up Gerrit hooks, which may not be the most
    # common usage of Git::Hooks.
    eval {require Gerrit::REST}
        or croak __PACKAGE__, ": Please, install the Gerrit::REST module to use Gerrit hooks.\n";

    $opt{gerrit} = do {
        my %info;
        foreach my $arg (qw/url username password/) {
            $info{$arg} = $git->get_config('githooks.gerrit' => $arg)
                or croak __PACKAGE__, ": Missing githooks.gerrit.$arg configuration variable.\n";

        Gerrit::REST->new(@info{qw/url username password/});

    @$args = (\%opt);


# The ref-update Gerrit hook is invoked synchronously when a user
# pushes commits to a branch. So, it acts much like Git's standard
# 'update' hook. This routine prepares the options as usual and sets
# the affected ref accordingly. The documented arguments for the hook
# are these:

# ref-update --project <project name> --refname <refname> --uploader \
# <uploader> --oldrev <sha1> --newrev <sha1>

sub _prepare_gerrit_ref_update {
    my ($git, $args) = @_;

    _prepare_gerrit_args($git, $args);

    # The --refname argument contains the branch short-name if it's in the
    # refs/heads/ namespace. But we need to always use the branch long-name,
    # so we change it here.
    my $refname = $args->[0]{'--refname'};
    $refname = "refs/heads/$refname"
        unless $refname =~ m:^refs/:;

    _set_affected_ref($git, $refname, @{$args->[0]}{qw/--oldrev --newrev/});

# The following routine is the post_hook used by the Gerrit hooks
# patchset-created and draft-published. It basically casts a vote on the
# patchset based on the errors found during the hook processing.

sub _gerrit_patchset_post_hook {
    my ($hook_name, $git, $args) = @_;

    for my $arg (qw/project branch change patchset/) {
        exists $args->{"--$arg"}
            or croak __PACKAGE__, ": Missing --$arg argument to Gerrit's $hook_name hook.\n";

    # We have to use the most complete form of Gerrit change ids because
    # it's the only unanbiguous one. Vide:

    # Up to Gerrit 2.12 the argument --change passed the change's Change-Id
    # code. So, we had to build the complete change id using the information
    # passed on the arguments --project and --branch. From Gerrit 2.13 on
    # the --change argument already contains the complete change id. So we
    # have to figure out if we need to build it or not.

    # Also, for the old Gerrit we have to url-escape the change-id because
    # the project name may contain slashes (and perhaps other reserved
    # characters). This is possibly not a complete solution. Vide:

    require URI::Escape;
    my $id = $args->{'--change'} =~ /~/
        ? $args->{'--change'}
        : URI::Escape::uri_escape(join('~', @{$args}{qw/--project --branch --change/}));

    my $patchset = $args->{'--patchset'};

    # Grok all configuration options at once to make it easier to deal with them below.
    my %cfg = map {$_ => $git->get_config('githooks.gerrit' => $_) || undef}
        qw/votes-to-approve votes-to-reject comment-ok auto-submit/;

    my %review_input;
    my $auto_submit = 0;

    if (my $errors = $git->get_errors()) {
        $review_input{labels}  = $cfg{'votes-to-reject'} || 'Code-Review-1';

        # We have to truncate $errors down to a little less than 64kB because up
        # to at least Gerrit 2.14.4 messages are saved in a MySQL column of type
        # 'text', which has this limit.
        if (length $errors > 65000) {
            $errors = substr($errors, 0, 65000) . "...\n<truncated>\n";
        $review_input{message} = $errors;
    } else {
        $review_input{labels}  = $cfg{'votes-to-approve'} || 'Code-Review+1';
        $review_input{message} = "[Git::Hooks] $cfg{'comment-ok'}"
            if $cfg{'comment-ok'};
        $auto_submit = 1 if $cfg{'auto-submit'};

    # Convert, e.g., 'LabelA-1,LabelB+2' into { LabelA => '-1', LabelB => '+2' }
    $review_input{labels} = { map {/^([-\w]+)([-+]\d+)$/i} split(',', $review_input{labels}) };

    if (my $notify = $git->get_config('githooks.gerrit' => 'notify')) {
        $review_input{notify} = $notify;

    # Cast review
    eval { $args->{gerrit}->POST("/changes/$id/revisions/$patchset/review", \%review_input) }
        or croak __PACKAGE__ . ": error in Gerrit::REST::POST(/changes/$id/revisions/$patchset/review): $@\n";

    # Auto submit if requested and passed verification
    if ($auto_submit) {
        eval { $args->{gerrit}->POST("/changes/$id/submit", {wait_for_merge => 'true'}) }
            or croak __PACKAGE__ . ": I couldn't submit the change. Perhaps you have to rebase it manually to resolve a conflict. Please go to its web page to check it out. The error message follows: $@\n";


# Gerrit's patchset-created hook is invoked when a commit is pushed to a
# refs/for/* branch for revision. It's invoked asynchronously, i.e., it
# can't stop the push to happen. Instead, if it detects any problem, we must
# reject the commit via Gerrit's own revision process. So, we prepare a post
# hook action in which we see if there were errors that should be signaled
# via a code review action. Note, however, that draft changes can only be
# accessed by their respective owners and usually can't be voted on by the
# hook. So, draft changes aren't voted on and we exit the hook prematurely.
# The arguments for the hook are these:

# patchset-created --change <change id> --is-draft <boolean> \
# --kind <change kind> --change-url <change url> \
# --change-owner <change owner> --project <project name> \
# --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --uploader <uploader>
# --commit <sha1> --patchset <patchset id>

# Gerrit's draft-published hook is invoked when a draft change is
# published. In this state they're are visible by the hook and can be voted
# on. The arguments for the hook are these:

# draft-published --change <change id> --change-url <change url> \
# --change-owner <change owner> --project <project name> \
# --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --uploader <uploader> \
# --commit <sha1> --patchset <patchset id>

sub _prepare_gerrit_patchset {
    my ($git, $args) = @_;

    _prepare_gerrit_args($git, $args);

    exit(0) if exists $args->[0]{'--is-draft'} and $args->[0]{'--is-draft'} eq 'true';



# The %prepare_hook hash maps hook names to the routine that must be
# invoked in order to "prepare" their arguments.

my %prepare_hook = (
    'update'           => \&_prepare_update,
    'pre-push'         => \&_prepare_input_data,
    'post-rewrite'     => \&_prepare_input_data,
    'pre-receive'      => \&_prepare_receive,
    'post-receive'     => \&_prepare_receive,
    'ref-update'       => \&_prepare_gerrit_ref_update,
    'patchset-created' => \&_prepare_gerrit_patchset,
    'draft-published'  => \&_prepare_gerrit_patchset,

sub prepare_hook {
    my ($git, $hook_name, $args) = @_;

    $git->{_plugin_githooks}{arguments} = $args;
    my $basename  = path($hook_name)->basename;
    $git->{_plugin_githooks}{hookname} = $basename;

    # Some hooks need some argument munging before we invoke them
    if (my $prepare = $prepare_hook{$basename}) {
        $prepare->($git, $args);

    return $basename;

sub load_plugins {
    my ($git) = @_;

    my %enabled_plugins  = map {($_ => undef)} map {split} $git->get_config(githooks => 'plugin');

    return unless %enabled_plugins; # no one configured

    my %disabled_plugins = map {($_ => undef)} map {split} $git->get_config(githooks => 'disable');

    # Remove disabled plugins from the list of enabled ones
    foreach my $plugin (keys %enabled_plugins) {
        my ($prefix, $basename) = ($plugin =~ /^(.+::)?(.+)/);

        if (   exists $disabled_plugins{$plugin}
            || exists $disabled_plugins{$basename}
            || exists $ENV{$basename} && ! $ENV{$basename}
        ) {
            delete $enabled_plugins{$plugin};
        } else {
            $enabled_plugins{$plugin} = [$prefix, $basename];

    # Define the list of directories where we'll look for the hook
    # plugins. First the local directory 'githooks' under the
    # repository path, then the optional list of directories
    # specified by the githooks.plugins config option, and,
    # finally, the Git::Hooks standard hooks directory.
    my @plugin_dirs = grep {-d} (
        $git->get_config(githooks => 'plugins'),

    # Load remaining enabled plugins
    while (my ($key, $plugin) = each %enabled_plugins) {
        my ($prefix, $basename) = @$plugin;
        my $exit = do {
            if ($prefix) {
                # It must be a module name
                ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval, RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval)
                eval "require $prefix$basename";
                ## use critic
            } else {
                # Otherwise, it's a basename we must look for in @plugin_dirs
                $basename .= '.pm' unless $basename =~ /\.p[lm]$/i;
                my @scripts = grep {!-d} map {path($_)->child($basename)} @plugin_dirs;
                $basename = shift @scripts
                    or croak __PACKAGE__, ": can't find enabled hook $basename.\n";
                do $basename;
        unless ($exit) {
            croak __PACKAGE__, ": couldn't parse $basename: $@\n" if $@;
            croak __PACKAGE__, ": couldn't do $basename: $!\n"    unless defined $exit;
            croak __PACKAGE__, ": couldn't run $basename\n";


sub _invoke_external_hook {     ## no critic (ProhibitExcessComplexity)
    my ($git, $file, $hook, @args) = @_;

    my $prefix  = '[' . __PACKAGE__ . '(' . path($file)->basename . ')]';

    my $tempfile = Path::Tiny->tempfile(UNLINK => 1);

    ## no critic (RequireBriefOpen, RequireCarping)
    open(my $oldout, '>&', \*STDOUT)  or croak "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
    open(STDOUT    , '>' , $tempfile) or croak "Can't redirect STDOUT to \$tempfile: $!";
    open(my $olderr, '>&', \*STDERR)  or croak "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
    open(STDERR    , '>&', \*STDOUT)  or croak "Can't dup STDOUT for STDERR: $!";
    ## use critic

    if ($hook =~ /^(?:pre-receive|post-receive|pre-push|post-rewrite)$/) {

        # These hooks receive information via STDIN that we read once
        # before invoking any hook. Now, we must regenerate the same
        # information and output it to the external hooks we invoke.

        my $pid = open my $pipe, '|-'; ## no critic (InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen)

        if (! defined $pid) {
            $git->error($prefix, "can't fork: $!");
        } elsif ($pid) {
            # parent
            $pipe->print(join("\n", map {join(' ', @$_)} @{_get_input_data($git)}) . "\n");
            my $exit = $pipe->close;

            ## no critic (RequireBriefOpen, RequireCarping)
            open(STDOUT, '>&', $oldout) or croak "Can't dup \$oldout: $!";
            open(STDERR, '>&', $olderr) or croak "Can't dup \$olderr: $!";
            ## use critic

            my $output = $tempfile->slurp;
            if ($exit) {
                say STDERR $output if length $output;
                return 1;
            } elsif ($!) {
                $git->error($prefix, "Error closing pipe to external hook: $!", $output);
            } else {
                $git->error($prefix, "External hook exited with code $?", $output);
        } else {
            # child
            { exec {$file} ($hook, @args) }

            ## no critic (RequireBriefOpen, RequireCarping)
            open(STDOUT, '>&', $oldout) or croak "Can't dup \$oldout: $!";
            open(STDERR, '>&', $olderr) or croak "Can't dup \$olderr: $!";
            ## use critic

            croak "$prefix: can't exec: $!\n";

    } else {

        if (@args && ref $args[0]) {
            # This is a Gerrit hook and we need to expand its arguments
            @args = %{$args[0]};

        my $exit = system {$file} ($hook, @args);

        ## no critic (RequireBriefOpen, RequireCarping)
        open(STDOUT, '>&', $oldout) or croak "Can't dup \$oldout: $!";
        open(STDERR, '>&', $olderr) or croak "Can't dup \$olderr: $!";
        ## use critic

        my $output = $tempfile->slurp;

        if ($exit == 0) {
            say STDERR $output if length $output;
            return 1;
        } else {
            my $message = do {
                if ($exit == -1) {
                    "failed to execute external hook: $!";
                } elsif ($exit & 127) {
                    sprintf("external hook died with signal %d, %s coredump",
                            ($exit & 127), ($exit & 128) ? 'with' : 'without');
                } else {
                    sprintf("'$file' exited abnormally with value %d", $exit >> 8);
            $git->error($prefix, $message, $output);

    return 0;

sub invoke_external_hooks {
    my ($git, @args) = @_;

    return if $^O eq 'MSWin32' || ! $git->get_config(githooks => 'externals');

    my $hookname = $git->{_plugin_githooks}{hookname};

    foreach my $dir (
        grep {-e}
        map  {path($_)->child($hookname)}
        ($git->get_config(githooks => 'hooks'), path($git->git_dir())->child('hooks.d'))
    ) {
        opendir my $dh, $dir
            or $git->error(__PACKAGE__, ": cannot opendir '$dir'", $!)
            and next;
        foreach my $file (grep {!-d && -x} map {path($dir)->child($_)} readdir $dh) {
            _invoke_external_hook($git, $file, $hookname, @args)
                or $git->error(__PACKAGE__, ": error in external hook '$file'");

# The following routines are invoked after all hooks have been
# processed. Some hooks may need to take a global action depending on
# the overall result of all hooks.

sub post_hook {
    my ($git, $sub) = @_;
    push @{$git->{_plugin_githooks}{post_hooks}}, $sub;

sub post_hooks {
    my ($git) = @_;
    if ($git->{_plugin_githooks}{post_hooks}) {
        return @{$git->{_plugin_githooks}{post_hooks}}
    } else {

sub cache {
    my ($git, $section) = @_;

    unless (exists $git->{_plugin_githooks}{cache}{$section}) {
        $git->{_plugin_githooks}{cache}{$section} = {};

    return $git->{_plugin_githooks}{cache}{$section};

sub get_config {
    my ($git, $section, $var) = @_;

    unless (exists $git->{_plugin_githooks}{config}) {
        my %config;

        exists $ENV{HOME}
            or croak __PACKAGE__, <<'EOT';
The HOME environment variable is undefined.

We need it to read Git's global configuration from $HOME/.gitconfig.

If you really don't want to read the global configuration, define HOME as an
empty string in your hook script like this before invoking run_hook():

  $ENV{HOME} = '';

Note that if you're using Gerrit as a Git server it runs with HOME undefined
by default when started by a boot script. In this case you should define
HOME in your hook script to point to the directory holding your .gitconfig
file. For example:

  $ENV{HOME} = '/home/gerrit';


        my $config = do {
           local $/ = "\c@";
           $git->run(qw/config --null --list/);

        if (defined $CONFIG_ENCODING) {
            require Encode;
            $config = Encode::decode($CONFIG_ENCODING, $config);

        if (defined $config) {
            while ($config =~ /([^\cJ]+)\cJ([^\c@]*)\c@/sg) {
                my ($option, $value) = ($1, $2);
                if ($option =~ /(.+)\.(.+)/) {
                    push @{$config{lc $1}{lc $2}}, $value;
                } else {
                    croak __PACKAGE__, ": Cannot grok config variable name '$option'.\n";

        # Set default values for undefined ones.
        $config{githooks}{externals}       //= [1];
        $config{githooks}{gerrit}{enabled} //= [1];
        $config{githooks}{'abort-commit'}  //= [1];

        $git->{_plugin_githooks}{config} = \%config;

    my $config = $git->{_plugin_githooks}{config};

    $section = lc $section if defined $section;

    if (! defined $section) {
        return $config;
    } elsif (! defined $var) {
        $config->{$section} = {} unless exists $config->{$section};
        return $config->{$section};
    } elsif (exists $config->{$section}{$var}) {
        return wantarray ? @{$config->{$section}{$var}} : $config->{$section}{$var}[-1];
    } else {

sub error {
    my ($git, $prefix, $message, $details) = @_;
    $message =~ s/\n*$//s;    # strip trailing newlines
    my $fmtmsg = "\n[$prefix] $message";
    if ($details) {
        # The details may have been generated by Carp::croak, in which case
        # it will contain a suffix telling where the error
        # occurred. Sometimes you may not want this. For instance, if the
        # user is going to receive the error message produced by a server
        # hook he/she won't be able to use that information. So, we may have
        # to strip the context from the details.
        $details =~ s/ at .*? line \d+(?: thread \d+)?\.?$//s
            if $git->get_config(githooks => 'nocarp');
        $details =~ s/\n*$//s; # strip trailing newlines
        $details =~ s/^/  /gm; # prefix each line with two spaces
        $fmtmsg .= ":\n\n$details\n";
    $fmtmsg .= "\n";            # end in a newline
    push @{$git->{_plugin_githooks}{errors}}, $fmtmsg;

    # Return true to allow for the idiom: <expression> or $git->error(...) and <next|last|return>;
    return 1;

sub get_errors {
    my ($git) = @_;

    return unless exists $git->{_plugin_githooks}{errors};

    my $errors = '';

    if (my $header = $git->get_config(githooks => 'error-header')) {
        $errors .= qx{$header} . "\n"; ## no critic (ProhibitBacktickOperators)

    $errors .= join("\n\n", @{$git->{_plugin_githooks}{errors}});

    if ($git->{_plugin_githooks}{hookname} =~ /^commit-msg|pre-commit$/
            && ! $git->get_config(githooks => 'abort-commit')) {
        $errors .= <<"EOF";

ATTENTION: To fix the problems in this commit, please consider amending it:

        git commit --amend

    if (my $footer = $git->get_config(githooks => 'error-footer')) {
        $errors .= "\n" . qx{$footer} . "\n"; ## no critic (ProhibitBacktickOperators)

    return $errors;

sub undef_commit {
    return '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';

sub empty_tree {
    return '4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904';

sub get_commit {
    my ($git, $commit) = @_;

    my $cache = $git->cache('commits');

    # $commit may be a symbolic reference, but we only want to cache commits
    # by their SHA1 ids, since the symbolic references may change.
    unless ($commit =~ /^[0-9A-F]{40}$/ && exists $cache->{$commit}) {
        my @commits = $git->log('-1', $commit);
        $commit = $commits[0]->{commit};
        $cache->{$commit} = $commits[0];

    return $cache->{$commit};

sub get_commits {
    my ($git, $old_commit, $new_commit) = @_;

    my $cache = $git->cache('ranges');

    my $range = "$old_commit:$new_commit";

    unless (exists $cache->{$range}) {
        # We're interested in all commits reachable from $new_commit but
        # neither reachable from $old_commit nor from any other existing
        # reference.

        # We're going to use the "git rev-list" command for that. As you can
        # read on its documentation, the syntax to specify this set of
        # commits is this: "--not --all $new_commit ^$old_commit".

        # However, there are some special cases...

        # When an old branch is deleted $new_commit is null (i.e.,
        # '0'x40). In this case previous commits are being forgotten and the
        # hooks usually don't need to check them. So, in this situation we
        # simply return an empty list of commits.

        return if $new_commit eq $git->undef_commit;

        # When we're called in a post-receive or post-update hook, the
        # pushed references already point to $new_commit. So, in these cases
        # the "--not --all" options to git-rev-list would exclude from the
        # results all commits reachable from $new_commit, which is exactly
        # what we don't want... In order to avoid that we can't use these
        # options directly with git-rev-list. Instead, we use the
        # git-rev-parse command to get a list of all commits directly
        # reachable by existing references. Then we'll see if we have to
        # remove any commit from that list.

        my @excludes = $git->run(qw/rev-parse --not --all/);

        if ($git->{_plugin_githooks}{hookname} =~ /^post-(?:receive|update)$/) {
            # We can't simply remove $new_commit from @excludes because it
            # can be reachable by other references. This can happen, for
            # instance, when one creates a new branch and pushes it before
            # making any commits to it. So, we only remove it if it's
            # reachable by a single reference, which must be the reference
            # being pushed.

            my @new_commit_refs = $git->run(
                qw/for-each-ref --format %(refname) --count 2 --points-at/, $new_commit,
            if (@new_commit_refs == 1) {
                @excludes = grep {$_ ne "^$new_commit"} @excludes;

        # And we have to make sure $old_commit is on the list, as --not
        # --all wouldn't bring it when we're being called in a post-receive
        # or post-update hook.

        push @excludes, "^$old_commit" unless $old_commit eq $git->undef_commit;

        $cache->{$range} = [$git->log($new_commit, @excludes)];

    return @{$cache->{$range}};

sub read_commit_msg_file {
    my ($git, $msgfile) = @_;

    my $encoding = $git->get_config(i18n => 'commitencoding') || 'utf-8';

    my $msg = path($msgfile)->slurp({binmode => ":encoding($encoding)"});

    # Truncate the message just before the diff, if any.
    $msg =~ s:\ndiff --git .*::s;

    # The comments in the following lines were taken from the "git
    # help stripspace" documentation to guide the
    # implementation. Previously we invoked the "git stripspace -s"
    # external command via Git::command_bidi_pipe to do the cleaning
    # but it seems that it doesn't work on FreeBSD. So, we reimplement
    # its functionality here.

    for ($msg) {
        # Skip and remove all lines starting with comment character
        # (default #).

        # remove trailing whitespace from all lines
        s/[ \t\f]+$//gm;

        # collapse multiple consecutive empty lines into one empty line

        # remove empty lines from the beginning and end of the input
        # add a missing \n to the last line if necessary.

        # In the case where the input consists entirely of whitespace
        # characters, no output will be produced.

    return $msg;

sub write_commit_msg_file {
    my ($git, $msgfile, @msg) = @_;

    my $encoding = $git->get_config(i18n => 'commitencoding') || 'utf-8';

    path($msgfile)->spew({binmode => ":encoding($encoding)"}, @msg);


# Internal funtion to set the affected references in an update or
# pre-receive hook.

sub _set_affected_ref {
    my ($git, $ref, $old_commit, $new_commit) = @_;
    $git->{_plugin_githooks}{affected_refs}{$ref}{range} = [$old_commit, $new_commit];

# internal method
sub _get_affected_refs_hash {
    my ($git) = @_;

        or croak __PACKAGE__, ": get_affected_refs(): no affected refs set\n";

    return $git->{_plugin_githooks}{affected_refs};

sub get_affected_refs {
    my ($git) = @_;

    return keys %{_get_affected_refs_hash($git)};

sub get_affected_ref_range {
    my ($git, $ref) = @_;

    my $affected = _get_affected_refs_hash($git);

    exists $affected->{$ref}{range}
        or croak __PACKAGE__, ": get_affected_ref_range($ref): no such affected ref\n";

    return @{$affected->{$ref}{range}};

sub get_affected_ref_commits {
    my ($git, $ref) = @_;

    my $affected = _get_affected_refs_hash($git);

    exists $affected->{$ref}
        or croak __PACKAGE__, ": get_affected_ref_commits($ref): no such affected ref\n";

    unless (exists $affected->{$ref}{commits}) {
        $affected->{$ref}{commits} = [$git->get_commits($git->get_affected_ref_range($ref))];

    return @{$affected->{$ref}{commits}};

sub filter_files_in_index {
    my ($git, $filter) = @_;
    my $output = $git->run(
        qw/diff-index --name-only --ignore-submodules --no-commit-id --cached -r -z/,
        "--diff-filter=$filter", $git->get_head_or_empty_tree(),
    return split /\0/, $output;

sub filter_files_in_range {
    my ($git, $filter, $from, $to) = @_;

    # If $to is he undefined commit this means that a branch or tag is being
    # removed. In this situation we return the empty list, bacause no file
    # has been affected.
    return if $to eq $git->undef_commit;

    if ($from eq $git->undef_commit) {
        # If $from is the undefined commit we get the list of commits
        # reachable from $to and not reachable from $from and all other
        # references. This list is in chronological order. We want to grok
        # the files changed from the list's first commit's PARENT commit to
        # the list's last commit.

        if (my @commits = $git->get_commits($from, $to)) {
            if (my @parents = $commits[0]->parent()) {
                $from = $parents[0];
            } else {
                # If the list's first commit has no parent (i.e., it's a
                # root commit) then we return the empty list because
                # git-diff-tree cannot compare the undefined commit with a
                # commit.
        } else {
            # If @commits is empty we return an empty list because no new
            # commit was pushed.

    my $output = $git->run(
        qw/diff-tree --name-only --ignore-submodules --no-commit-id -r -z/,
        "--diff-filter=$filter", $from, $to, '--',

    return split /\0/, $output;

sub filter_files_in_commit {
    my ($git, $filter, $commit) = @_;
    my $output = $git->run(
        qw/diff-tree --name-only --ignore-submodules -m -r -z/,
        "--diff-filter=$filter", $commit,
    my $num_parents = 0;
    my %files;
    foreach my $name (split /\0/, $output) {
        if ($name =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/) {
        } else {
    return grep { $files{$_} == $num_parents } keys %files;

sub authenticated_user {
    my ($git) = @_;

    unless (exists $git->{_plugin_githooks}{authenticated_user}) {
        if (my $userenv = $git->get_config(githooks => 'userenv')) {
            if ($userenv =~ /^eval:(.*)/) {
                $git->{_plugin_githooks}{authenticated_user} = eval $1; ## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
                croak __PACKAGE__, ": error evaluating userenv value ($userenv): $@\n"
                    if $@;
            } elsif (exists $ENV{$userenv}) {
                $git->{_plugin_githooks}{authenticated_user} = $ENV{$userenv};
            } else {
                croak __PACKAGE__, ": option userenv environment variable ($userenv) is not defined.\n";
        } else {
            $git->{_plugin_githooks}{authenticated_user} = $ENV{GERRIT_USER_EMAIL} || $ENV{USER} || undef;

    return $git->{_plugin_githooks}{authenticated_user};

sub get_current_branch {
    my ($git) = @_;
    my $branch = $git->run({fatal => [-129, -128]}, qw/symbolic-ref HEAD/);

    # Return undef if we're in detached head state
    return $? == 0 ? $branch : undef;

sub get_sha1 {
    my ($git, $rev) = @_;

    return $git->run(qw/rev-parse --verify/, $rev);

sub get_head_or_empty_tree {
    my ($git) = @_;

    my $head = $git->run({fatal => [-129, -128]}, qw/rev-parse --verify HEAD/);

    # Return the empty tree object if in the initial commit
    return $? == 0 ? $head : $git->empty_tree;

sub blob {
    my ($git, $rev, $file, @args) = @_;

    my $cache = $git->cache('blob');

    my $blob = "$rev:$file";

    unless (exists $cache->{$blob}) {
        $cache->{tmpdir} //= Path::Tiny->tempdir(@args);

        my $path = path($file);

        # Calculate temporary file path
        (my $revdir  = $rev) =~ s/^://; # remove ':' from ':0' because Windows don't like ':' in filenames
        my $filepath = $cache->{tmpdir}->child($revdir, $path);

        # Create directory path for the temporary file.

        # Create temporary file and copy contents to it
        open my $tmp, '>:', $filepath ## no critic (RequireBriefOpen)
            or croak "Internal error: can't create file '$filepath': $!";

        my $cmd = $git->command(qw/cat-file blob/, $blob);
        my $stdout = $cmd->stdout;
        my $read;
        while ($read = sysread $stdout, my $buffer, 64 * 1024) {
            my $length = length $buffer;
            my $offset = 0;
            while ($length) {
                my $written = syswrite $tmp, $buffer, $length, $offset;
                defined $written
                    or croak "Internal error: can't write to '$filepath': $!";
                $length -= $written;
                $offset += $written;
        defined $read
            or croak "Internal error: can't read from git cat-file pipe: $!";


        $cache->{$blob} = $filepath;

    return $cache->{$blob}->stringify;

sub file_size {
    my ($git, $rev, $file) = @_;

    chomp(my $size = $git->run(qw/cat-file -s/, "$rev:$file"));

    return $size;

sub is_ref_enabled {
    my ($git, $ref, @specs) = @_;

    return 1 if ! defined $ref || @specs == 0;

    foreach (@specs) {
        if (/^\^/) {
            return 1 if $ref =~ qr/$_/;
        } else {
            return 1 if $ref eq $_;

    return 0;

sub _grok_groups_spec {
    my ($groups, $specs, $source) = @_;
    foreach (@$specs) {
        s/\#.*//;               # strip comments
        next unless /\S/;       # skip blank lines
            or croak __PACKAGE__, ": invalid line in '$source': $_\n";
        my ($groupname, $members) = ($1, $2);
        exists $groups->{"\@$groupname"}
            and croak __PACKAGE__, ": redefinition of group ($groupname) in '$source': $_\n";
        foreach my $member (split / /, $members) {
            if ($member =~ /^\@/) {
                # group member
                $groups->{"\@$groupname"}{$member} = $groups->{$member}
                    or croak __PACKAGE__, ": unknown group ($member) cited in '$source': $_\n";
            } else {
                # user member
                $groups->{"\@$groupname"}{$member} = undef;

sub _grok_groups {
    my ($git) = @_;

    my $cache = $git->cache('githooks');

    unless (exists $cache->{groups}) {
        my @groups = $git->get_config(githooks => 'groups')
            or croak __PACKAGE__, ": you have to define the githooks.groups option to use groups.\n";

        my $groups = {};
        foreach my $spec (@groups) {
            if (my ($groupfile) = ($spec =~ /^file:(.*)/)) {
                my @groupspecs = path($groupfile)->lines;
                defined $groupspecs[0]
                    or croak __PACKAGE__, ": can't open groups file ($groupfile): $!\n";
                _grok_groups_spec($groups, \@groupspecs, $groupfile);
            } else {
                my @groupspecs = split /\n/, $spec;
                _grok_groups_spec($groups, \@groupspecs, "githooks.groups");
        $cache->{groups} = $groups;

    return $cache->{groups};

sub _im_memberof {
    my ($git, $myself, $groupname) = @_;

    my $groups = _grok_groups($git);

    exists $groups->{$groupname}
        or croak __PACKAGE__, ": group $groupname is not defined.\n";

    my $group = $groups->{$groupname};
    return 1 if exists $group->{$myself};
    while (my ($member, $subgroup) = each %$group) {
        next     unless defined $subgroup;
        return 1 if     _im_memberof($git, $myself, $member);
    return 0;

sub match_user {
    my ($git, $spec) = @_;

    if (my $myself = $git->authenticated_user()) {
        if ($spec =~ /^\^/) {
            return 1 if $myself =~ $spec;
        } elsif ($spec =~ /^@/) {
            return 1 if _im_memberof($git, $myself, $spec);
        } else {
            return 1 if $myself eq $spec;

    return 0;

sub im_admin {
    my ($git) = @_;
    foreach my $spec ($git->get_config(githooks => 'admin')) {
        return 1 if match_user($git, $spec);
    return 0;

1; # End of Git::Repository::Plugin::GitHooks



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Git::Repository::Plugin::GitHooks - A Git::Repository plugin with some goodies for hook developers

=head1 VERSION

version 2.1.6


    # load the plugin
    use Git::Repository 'GitHooks';

    my $git = Git::Repository->new();

    my $config  = $git->get_config();
    my $branch  = $git->get_current_branch();
    my @commits = $git->get_commits($oldcommit, $newcommit);

    my $files_modified_by_commit = $git->filter_files_in_index('AM');
    my $files_modified_by_push   = $git->filter_files_in_range('AM', $oldcommit, $newcommit);


This module adds several methods useful to implement Git hooks to

In particular, it is used by the standard hooks implemented by the
C<Git::Hooks> framework.

=head1 NAME

Git::Repository::Plugin::GitHooks - Add useful methods for hooks to Git::Repository



Git configuration files usually contain just ASCII characters, but values
and sub-section names may contain any characters, except newline. If your
config files have non-ASCII characters you should ensure that they are
properly decoded by specifying their encoding like this:

    $Git::Repository::Plugin::GitHooks::CONFIG_ENCODING = 'UTF-8';

The acceptable values for this variable are all the encodings supported by
the C<Encode> module.


The following methods are used by the Git::Hooks framework and are not
intended to be useful for hook developers. They're described here for

=head2 prepare_hook NAME, ARGS

This is used by Git::Hooks::run_hooks to prepare the environment for
specific Git hooks before invoking the associated plugins. It's invoked with
the arguments passed by Git to the hook script. NAME is the script name
(usually the variable $0) and ARGS is a reference to an array containing the
script positional arguments.

=head2 load_plugins

This loads every plugin configured in the githooks.plugin option.

=head2 invoke_external_hooks ARGS...

This is used by Git::Hooks::run_hooks to invoke external hooks.

=head2 post_hooks

Returns the list of post hook functions registered with the post_hook method


The following methods are intended to be useful for hook developers.

=head2 post_hook SUB

Plugin developers may be interested in performing some action depending on
the overall result of every check made by every other hook. As an example,
Gerrit's C<patchset-created> hook is invoked asynchronously, meaning that
the hook's exit code doesn't affect the action that triggered the hook. The
proper way to signal the hook result for Gerrit is to invoke it's API to
make a review. But we want to perform the review once, at the end of the
hook execution, based on the overall result of all enabled checks.

To do that, plugin developers can use this routine to register callbacks
that are invoked at the end of C<run_hooks>. The callbacks are called with
the following arguments:


=item * HOOK_NAME

The basename of the invoked hook.

=item * GIT

The Git::Repository object that was passed to the plugin hooks.

=item * ARGS...

The remaining arguments that were passed to the plugin hooks.


The callbacks may see if there were any errors signalled by the plugin hook
by invoking the C<get_errors> method on the GIT object. They may be used to
signal the hook result in any way they want, but they should not die or they
will prevent other post hooks to run.

=head2 cache SECTION

This may be used by plugin developers to cache information in the context of
a Git::Repository object. SECTION is any string which becomes associated
with a hash-ref. The method simply returns the hash-ref, which can be used
by the caller to store any kind of information. Plugin developers are
encouraged to use the plugin name as the SECTION string to avoid clashes.

=head2 get_config [SECTION [VARIABLE]]

This groks the configuration options for the repository by invoking C<git
config --list>. The configuration is cached during the first invocation in
the object C<Git::Repository> object. So, if the configuration is changed
afterwards, the method won't notice it. This is usually ok for hooks,

With no arguments, the options are returned as a hash-ref pointing to a
two-level hash. For example, if the config options are these:


Then, it'll return this hash:

        'section1' => {
            'a' => [1],
            'b' => [2, 3],
        'section2.x' => {
            'a' => ['A'],
            'b' => ['B', 'C'],

The first level keys are the part of the option names before the last
dot. The second level keys are everything after the last dot in the option
names. You won't get more levels than two. In the example above, you can see
that the option "section2.x.a" is split in two: "section2.x" in the first
level and "a" in the second.

The values are always array-refs, even it there is only one value to a
specific option. For some options, it makes sense to have a list of values
attached to them. But even if you expect a single value to an option you may
have it defined in the global scope and redefined in the local scope. In
this case, it will appear as a two-element array, the last one being the
local value.

So, if you want to treat an option as single-valued, you should fetch it
like this:


If the SECTION argument is passed, the method returns the second-level
hash for it. So, following the example above:


This call would return this hash:

        'a' => [1],
        'b' => [2, 3],

If the section doesn't exist an empty hash is returned. Any key/value added
to the returned hash will be available in subsequent invocations of

If the VARIABLE argument is also passed, the method returns the value(s) of
the configuration option C<SECTION.VARIABLE>. In list context the method
returns the list of all values or the empty list, if the variable isn't
defined. In scalar context, the method returns the variable's last value or
C<undef>, if it's not defined.


This method should be used by plugins to record consistent error or warning
messages. It gets two or three arguments. The PREFIX is usually the plugin's
package name. The MESSAGE is a one line string. These two arguments are
combined to produce a single line like this:


DETAILS is an optional string. If present, it is appended to the line above,
separated by an empty line, and with its lines prefixed by two spaces, like



The method simply records the formatted error message and returns. It
doesn't die.

=head2 get_errors

This method returns a string specially formatted with all error messages
recorded with the C<error> method, a header, and a footer, if requested.

=head2 undef_commit

The undefined commit is a special SHA-1 used by Git in the update and
pre-receive hooks to signify that a reference either was just created (as
the old commit) or has been just deleted (as the new commit). It consists of
40 zeroes.

=head2 empty_tree

The empty tree represents an L<empty directory for

=head2 get_commit COMMIT

Returns a L<Git::Repository::Log> object representing COMMIT.

=head2 get_commits OLDCOMMIT NEWCOMMIT

Returns a list of L<Git::Repository::Log> objects representing every commit
reachable from NEWCOMMIT but not from OLDCOMMIT.

There are two special cases, though:

If NEWCOMMIT is the undefined commit, i.e.,
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', this means that a branch,
pointing to OLDCOMMIT, has been removed. In this case the method returns an
empty list, meaning that no new commit has been created.

If OLDCOMMIT is the undefined commit, this means that a new branch pointing
to NEWCOMMIT is being created. In this case we want all commits reachable
from NEWCOMMIT but not reachable from any other branch. The syntax for this
is NEWCOMMIT ^B1 ^B2 ... ^Bn", i.e., NEWCOMMIT followed by every other
branch name prefixed by carets. We can get at their names using the
technique described in, e.g., L<this

=head2 read_commit_msg_file FILENAME

Returns the relevant contents of the commit message file called
FILENAME. It's useful during the C<commit-msg> and the C<prepare-commit-msg>

The file is read using the character encoding defined by the
C<i18n.commitencoding> configuration option or C<utf-8> if not defined.

Some non-relevant contents are stripped off the file. Specifically:


=item * diff data

Sometimes, the commit message file contains the diff data for the
commit. This data begins with a line starting with the fixed string C<diff
--git a/>. Everything from such a line on is stripped off the file.

=item * comment lines

Every line beginning with a C<#> character is stripped off the file.

=item * trailing spaces

Any trailing space is stripped off from all lines in the file.

=item * trailing empty lines

Any empty line at the end is stripped off from the file, making sure it ends
in a single newline.


All this cleanup is performed to make it easier for different plugins to
analyze the commit message using a canonical base.

=head2 write_commit_msg_file FILENAME, MSG, ...

Writes the list of strings C<MSG> to FILENAME. It's useful during the
C<commit-msg> and the C<prepare-commit-msg> hooks.

The file is written to using the character encoding defined by the
C<i18n.commitencoding> configuration option or C<utf-8> if not defined.

An empty line (C<\n\n>) is inserted between every pair of MSG arguments, if
there is more than one, of course.

=head2 get_affected_refs

Returns the list of names of the references affected by the current push
command. It's useful in the C<update> and the C<pre-receive> hooks.

=head2 get_affected_ref_range REF

Returns the two-element list of commit ids representing the OLDCOMMIT and
the NEWCOMMIT of the affected REF.

=head2 get_affected_ref_commits REF

Returns the list of commits leading from the affected REF's NEWCOMMIT to
OLDCOMMIT. The commits are represented by L<Git::Repository::Log> objects,
as returned by the C<get_commits> method.

=head2 filter_files_in_index FILTER

Returns a list of the names of the files that are changed in the index
(staging area) compared to the HEAD commit. It's useful in the C<pre-commit>
hook when you want to know which files are being modified in the upcoming

FILTER specifies in which kind of changes you're interested in. It's passed
as the argument to the C<--diff-filter> option of C<git diff-index>, which
is documented like this:


    Select only files that are Added (A), Copied (C), Deleted (D), Modified
    (M), Renamed (R), have their type (i.e. regular file, symlink,
    submodule, ...) changed (T), are Unmerged (U), are Unknown (X), or have
    had their pairing Broken (B). Any combination of the filter characters
    (including none) can be used. When * (All-or-none) is added to the
    combination, all paths are selected if there is any file that matches
    other criteria in the comparison; if there is no file that matches other
    criteria, nothing is selected.

=head2 filter_files_in_range FILTER, FROM, TO

Returns a list of the names of the files that are changed between commits
FROM and TO. It's useful in the C<update> and the C<pre-receive> hooks when
you want to know which files are being modified in the commits being
received by a C<git push> command.

FILTER specifies in which kind of changes you're interested in. Please, read
about the C<filter_files_in_index> method above.

FROM and TO are revision parameters (see C<git help revisions>) specifying
two commits. They're passed as arguments to the C<git diff-tree> command in
order to compare them and grok the files that differ between them.

A special case occurs when FROM is the undefined commit, which happens when
we're calculating the commit range in a pre-receive or update hook and a new
branch or tag has been pushed. In this case we pass FROM and TO to the
C<get_commits> method to find the list of new commits being pushed and
calculate the difference between the first commit's parent and TO. When the
first commit has no parent (in case it's a root commit) we return an empty

=head2 filter_files_in_commit FILTER, COMMIT

Returns a list of the names of the files that are changed in COMMIT. It's
useful in the C<patchset-created> and the C<draft-published> hooks when you
want to know which files are being modified in the single commit being
received by a C<git push> command.

FILTER specifies in which kind of changes you're interested in. Please, read
about the C<filter_files_in_index> method above.

COMMIT is a revision parameter (see C<git help revisions>) specifying the
commit. It's passed a argument to C<git diff-tree> in order to compare it to
its parents and grok the files that changed in it.

Merge commits are treated specially. Only files that are changed in COMMIT
with respect to all of its parents are returned. The reasoning behind this
is that if a file isn't changed with respect to one or more of COMMIT's
parents, then it must have been checked already in those commits and we
don't need to check it again.

=head2 authenticated_user

Returns the username of the authenticated user performing the Git action. It
groks it from the C<githooks.userenv> configuration variable specification,
which is described in the L<Git::Hooks> documentation. It's useful for most
access control check plugins.

=head2 get_current_branch

Returns the repository's current branch name, as indicated by the C<git
symbolic-ref HEAD> command.

If the repository is in a detached head state, i.e., if HEAD points
to a commit instead of to a branch, the method returns undef.

=head2 get_sha1 REV

Returns the SHA1 of the commit represented by REV, using the command

  git rev-parse --verify REV

It's useful, for instance, to grok the HEAD's SHA1 so that you can pass it
to the get_commit method.

=head2 get_head_or_empty_tree

Returns the string "HEAD" if the repository already has commits. Otherwise,
if it is a brand new repository, it returns the SHA1 representing the empty
tree. It's useful to come up with the correct argument for, e.g., C<git
diff> during a pre-commit hook. (See the default pre-commit.sample script
which comes with Git to understand how this is used.)

=head2 blob REV, FILE, ARGS...

Returns the name of a temporary file into which the contents of the file
FILE in revision REV has been copied.

It's useful for hooks that need to read the contents of changed files in
order to check anything in them.

These objects are cached so that if more than one hook needs to get at them
they're created only once.

By default, all temporary files are removed when the L<Git::Repository> object
is destroyed.

Any remaining ARGS are passed as arguments to C<File::Temp::newdir> so that you
can have more control over the temporary file creation.

If REV:FILE does not exist or if there is any other error while trying to
fetch its contents the method dies.

=head2 file_size REV FILE

Returns the size (in bytes) of FILE (a path relative to the repository root)
in revision REV.

=head2 is_ref_enabled REF, SPECs...

Returns a boolean indicating if REF matches one of the ref-specs in
SPECS. REF is the complete name of a Git ref and SPECS is a list of strings,
each one specifying a rule for matching ref names.

As a special case, it returns true if REF is undef or if there is no SPEC
whatsoever, meaning that by default all refs/commits are enabled.

You may want to use it, for example, in an C<update>, C<pre-receive>, or
C<post-receive> hook which may be enabled depending on the particular refs
being affected.

Each SPEC rule may indicate the matching refs as the complete ref name
(e.g. C<refs/heads/master>) or by a regular expression starting with a caret
(C<^>), which is kept as part of the regexp.

=head2 match_user SPEC

Checks if the authenticated user (as returned by the C<authenticated_user>
method above) matches the specification, which may be given in one of the
three different forms acceptable for the C<githooks.admin> configuration
configuration option, i.e., as a C<username>, as a C<@group>, or as a

=head2 im_admin

Checks if the authenticated user (again, as returned by the
C<authenticated_user> method) matches the specifications given by the
C<githooks.admin> configuration variable. This is useful to exempt
"administrators" from the restrictions imposed by the hooks.

=head1 SEE ALSO

C<Git::Repository::Plugin>, C<Git::Hooks>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Gustavo L. de M. Chaves <>


This software is copyright (c) 2017 by CPqD <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
