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#!/usr/bin/env perl

package Git::Hooks::Notify;
# ABSTRACT: Git::Hooks plugin to notify users via email
$Git::Hooks::Notify::VERSION = '2.9.3';
use 5.010;
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Git::Hooks;
use Encode qw/decode/;
use Email::Sender::Simple;
use Email::Simple;

(my $CFG = __PACKAGE__) =~ s/.*::/githooks./;

sub pretty_log {
    my ($git, $commits) = @_;

    my @log;

    my $encoding = $git->get_config(i18n => 'commitEncoding') || 'utf-8';

    foreach my $commit (@$commits) {
        my $sha1 = $commit->commit;

        my $merge =
            scalar($commit->parent()) < 2
            ? ''
            : "\nMerge: " . join(' ', $commit->parent);

        my $author = decode($encoding, $commit->author_name . ' <' . $commit->author_email . '>');

        # FIXME: The Git::Repository::Log's *_localtime and *_gmtime methods
        # confuse me. From what I saw, the command "git log --pretty-raw" shows
        # datetimes in localtime plus TZ. The *_gmtime methods return the values
        # as is. But the *_localtime methods apply the TZ skew to them. So, in
        # order to show localtimes it seems that I have either to call
        # "localtime($c->author_gmtime)" or "gmtime($c->author_localtime)". I'll
        # have to think a bit more about this later to convince myself that this
        # is right.
        my $datetime = localtime($commit->author_gmtime) . ' ' . $commit->author_tz;

        my $message = decode($encoding, $commit->raw_message . $commit->extra);

        push @log, <<EOS;

commit $sha1$merge
Author: $author
Date:   $datetime


    return join('', @log);

sub get_transport {
    my ($git) = @_;

    my $transport = $git->get_config($CFG, 'transport');

    return unless $transport;

    my @args = split / /, $transport;

    $transport = shift @args;

    my %args;

    foreach (@args) {
        my ($arg, $value) = split /=/;
        $args{$arg} = $value;

    eval "require Email::Sender::Transport::$transport";

    return "Email::Sender::Transport::$transport"->new(\%args);

sub sha1_link {
    my ($git, $sha1, $html) = @_;
    if (my $commit_url = $git->get_config($CFG, 'commit-url')) {
        $commit_url =~ s/%H/$sha1/g;
        if ($commit_url =~ /%R/) {
            # %R must be replaced by the repository name.
            my $repository_name = $git->repository_name;
            # HACK: for Bitbucket Server the repository name is composed: a
            # project ID and a repository name separated by a slash. We have to
            # insert a "repos/" string between these two parts in order to
            # construct a valid URL. Ideally we should be able to get the
            # repository name and the project name separately, but I'll live
            # with this hack for now, since, as far as I know, only Bitbucket
            # has this notion of a "project".
            $repository_name =~ s:/:/repos/:;
            $commit_url =~ s/%R/$repository_name/g;
        return $html ? "<a href=\"$commit_url\">$sha1</a>" : $commit_url;
    } else {
        return $sha1;

sub notify {
    my ($git, $ref, $old_commit, $new_commit, $rule, $message) = @_;

    return 1 unless @{$rule->{recipients}};

    (my $branch = $ref) =~ s:refs/heads/::;

    my $repository_name = $git->repository_name;
    my $pusher = $git->authenticated_user;

    my $subject = $git->get_config($CFG => 'subject')
        || '[Git::Hooks::Notify] repo:%R branch:%B';

    $subject =~ s/%R/$repository_name/g;
    $subject =~ s/%B/$branch/g;
    $subject =~ s/%A/$pusher/g;

    my @headers = (
        'Subject' => $subject,
        'To'      => join(', ', @{$rule->{recipients}}),

    if (my $from = $git->get_config($CFG, 'from')) {
        push @headers, (From => $from);

    my $body = $git->get_config($CFG, 'preamble') || '';

    $body .= "\n" if length $body;

    $body .= <<EOS;
REPOSITORY: $repository_name
BRANCH: $branch
PUSHED BY: $pusher
FROM: $old_commit
TO:   $new_commit

    if (my @paths = @{$rule->{paths}}) {
        $body .= join(' ', 'FILTER:', @paths) . "\n";

    $body .= $message;

    if ($git->get_config_boolean($CFG, 'html')) {
        push @headers, (
            'MIME-Version' => '1.0',
            'Content-Type' => 'text/html',

        require HTML::Entities;
        my $html = HTML::Entities::encode_entities($body);

        # Replace all sha1's with HTML links
        $html =~ s/\b[0-9a-f]{40}\b/sha1_link($git, ${^MATCH}, 'html')/egp;
        # Force line breaks
        $html =~ s:$:<br/>:gm;
        # Force indentation of TO: header
        $html =~ s/(?<=^TO:) {3}/\&nbsp;\&nbsp;\&nbsp;/m;
        # Force indentation of commit message lines
        $html =~ s:^ +:'&nbsp;' x length(${^MATCH}):egmp;
        # Force indentation of commit numstat lines
        $html =~ s[^(\d+|-)\t(\d+|-)\t]
            [$1 .
            '&nbsp;' x (8 - length($1)) .
            $2 .
            '&nbsp;' x (8 - length($2))]egm;

        $body = <<EOS;
<body style="font-family: monospace">
    } else {
        $body =~ s/\b[0-9a-f]{40}\b/sha1_link($git, ${^MATCH})/egp;

    my $email = Email::Simple->create(
        header => \@headers,
        body   => $body,

    return Email::Sender::Simple->send(
            transport => get_transport($git) || Email::Sender::Simple->default_transport(),

sub grok_rules {
    my ($git) = @_;

    my @text_rules = $git->get_config($CFG, 'rule');

    my @rules;
    foreach my $rule (@text_rules) {
        my ($recipients, $paths) = split /\s*--\s*/, $rule;

        push @rules, {
            recipients => [split / /, $recipients],
            paths      => [defined $paths ? split / /, $paths : ()],

    return @rules;

# This routine can act as a post-receive hook.
sub notify_affected_refs {
    my ($git) = @_;

    # We're only interested in branches
    my @refs = grep {m:^refs/heads/:} $git->get_affected_refs();

    return 1 unless @refs;

    my @rules = grok_rules($git);

    return 1 unless @rules;

    my $max_count = $git->get_config_integer($CFG, 'max-count') || '10';

    my @options = ('--numstat', '--first-parent', "--max-count=$max_count");

    my $errors = 0;

    foreach my $ref (@refs) {
        next unless $git->is_reference_enabled($ref);
        my ($old_commit, $new_commit) = $git->get_affected_ref_range($ref);
        foreach my $rule (@rules) {
            my @commits = $git->get_commits($old_commit, $new_commit, \@options, $rule->{paths});

            next unless @commits;

            my $message = pretty_log($git, \@commits);

            eval { notify($git, $ref, $old_commit, $new_commit, $rule, $message) };
            if (my $error = $@) {
                    sprintf('I could not send mail to the following recipients: %s\n',
                            join(", ", $error->recipients)),
                    {ref => $ref, details => $error->message}

    return $errors == 0;

    # Install hooks
    POST_RECEIVE \&notify_affected_refs;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Git::Hooks::Notify - Git::Hooks plugin to notify users via email

=head1 VERSION

version 2.9.3


As a C<Git::Hooks> plugin you don't use this Perl module directly. Instead, you
may configure it in a Git configuration file like this:


    # Enable the plugin
    plugin = Notify

  [githooks "notify"]

    # Define notifications From: header
    from =

    # Define a URL pattern to embed links to commits in the notifications.
    commit-url =

    # Notify this email about all pushes
    rule =

    # Notify these emails about changes in the lib/Git/Hooks/ file.
    rule = -- lib/Git/Hooks/

    # Notify these emails about changes in the file Changes and below the
    # directory lib/.
    rule = -- Changes lib/


This L<Git::Hooks> plugin hooks itself to the hooks below to notify users via
email about pushed commits affecting specific files in the repository.


=item * B<post-receive>

This hook is invoked once in the remote repository after a successful C<git
push>. It's used to notify JIRA of commits citing its issues via comments.


To enable it you should add it to the githooks.plugin configuration

      plugin = Notify

By default no notifications are sent. You have to specify rules telling the
plugin which email addresses should receive notifications about any change or
about changes in specific paths inside the repository. Each rule is checked for
each branch affected by the git-push and each combination may produce a specific
email notification, with configurable C<Subject> and C<From> headers.

You should avoid configuring too many rules because each one of them will
trigger a C<git-log> command and potentially send an email. All this processing
will take place while the user is waiting for the command C<git-push> to
finish. In order to minimize the delay you should try to configure a single
global rule and a single rule for each path specification, grouping all email
addresses interested in the same path in the same rule.

The body of the message contains information about the changes and the result of
a C<git log> command showing the pushed commits and the list of files affected
by them. For example:

  Subject: [Git::Hooks::Notify] repo:myproject branch:master

  This is a notification about new commits affecting a repository you're watching.

  REPOSITORY: myproject
  BRANCH: master
  PUSHED BY: username
  FROM: 75550b66ab08536787487545904fb062c6e38a7f
  TO:   6eaa6a84fbd7e2a64e66664f3d58707618e20c72
  FILTER: lib/Git/Hooks/

  commit 6eaa6a84fbd7e2a64e66664f3d58707618e20c72
  Author: Gustavo L. de M. Chaves <>
  Date:   Mon Dec 4 21:41:19 2017 -0200

      Add plugin Git::Hooks::Notify

  305     0       lib/Git/Hooks/
  63      0       t/02-notify.t

  commit c45feb16fe3e6fc105414e60e91ffb031c134cd4
  Author: Gustavo L. de M. Chaves <>
  Date:   Sat Nov 25 19:13:42 2017 -0200

      CheckJira: JQL options are scalar, not multi-valued

  40      32      lib/Git/Hooks/
  12      12      t/02-check-jira.t

The C<FILTER:> line only appears if the rule specifies one or more I<pathspecs>
to only show commits affecting matching files.

Each commit shows the files it changes, perhaps filtered by the rule's
I<pathspecs>. They're shown in the format produced by C<git-log>'s C<--numstat>
option. Merge commits don't show changed files, though. Thery're marked with an
additional C<Merge:> header.

You can change the C<git log> format and a few other things in the message using
the configuration options explained below.

=for Pod::Coverage get_transport grok_include_rules notify notify_affected_refs ref_changes grok_rules pretty_log sha1_link

=head1 NAME

Notify - Git::Hooks plugin to notify users via email


The plugin is configured by the following git options under the
C<githooks.checkacls> subsection.

It can be disabled for specific references via the C<githooks.ref> and
C<githooks.noref> options about which you can read in the L<Git::Hooks>


The B<rule> directive adds a notification rule specifying which RECIPIENTS
should be notified of pushed commits affecting the specified PATHSPECS.

If no pathspec is specified, the recipients are notified about every push.

C<RECIPIENTS> is a space-separated list of email addresses.

C<PATHSPECS> is a space-separated list of pathspecs, used to restrict
notifications to commits affecting particular paths in the repository. Note that
the list of paths starts after a double-dash (--).

For example:

  [githooks "notify"]
    rule =
    rule = -- lib/Git/Hooks/
    rule = -- Changes lib/

The first rule above sends notifications to about every change
pushed to the repository.

The second rule sends notifications to the Bedrock fellows just about changes in
the F<lib/Git/Hooks/> file.

The third rule sends notifications to the Dynamic Duo just about modifications
in the F<Changes> file in the repository root and about modifications in any
file under the F<lib/> directory.

You can read all about I<pathspecs> in the C<git help glossary>.

=head2 transport TRANSPORT [ARGS...]

By default the messages are sent using L<Email::Simple>'s default transport. On
Unix systems, it is usually the C<sendmail> command. You can specify another
transport using this configuration.

C<TRANSPORT> must be the basename of an available transport class, such as
C<SMTP>, C<Maildir>, or C<Mbox>. The name is prefixed with
C<Email::Sender::Transport::> and the complete name is required like this:

  eval "require Email::Sender::Transport::$TRANSPORT";

So, you must make sure such a transport is installed in your server's Perl.

C<ARGS> is a space-separated list of C<VAR=VALUE> pairs. All pairs will be
tucked in a hash and passed to the transport's constructor. For example:

  [githooks "notify"]
    transport = SMTP ssl=starttls sasl_username=myself sasl_password=myword
    transport = Mbox filename=/home/user/.mbox
    transport = Maildir dir=/home/user/maildir

Please, read the transport's class documentation to know which arguments are

=head2 from SENDER

This allows you to specify a sender address to be used in the notification's
C<To> header. If you don't specify it, the sender will probably be the user
running your hooks. But you shouldn't count on it. It's better to specify it
with a valid email address that your users can reply to. Something like this:

  [githooks "notify"]
    from = "Git::Hooks" <>

=head2 subject SUBJECT

This allows you to specify the subject of the notification emails. If you don't
specify it, the default is like this:

  Subject: [Git::Hooks::Notify] repo:%R branch:%B

The C<%letters> symbols are placeholders that are replaced automatically. The
three placeholders defined are:


=item * C<%R>: the repository name.

=item * C<%B>: the branch name.

=item * C<%A>: the username of the user who performed the git-push command.


=head2 preamble TEXT

This allows you to specify a preamble for the notification emails. There is no
default preamble.

=head2 max-count INT

This allows you to specify the limit of commits that should be shown for each
changed branch. Read about the --max-count option in C<git help log>. If not
specified, a limit of 10 is used.

=head2 commit-url URL_PATTERN

If your Git repository has a web interface it's useful to provide links to the
commits shown in the notification message. If configured, each SHA1 contained in
the C<git-log> output is substituted by C<URL_PATTERN>, with the C<%H>
placeholder replaced by the SHA1.

The C<%R> is another placeholder which is substituted by the repository name, as
returned by L<Git::Repository::Plugin::GitHooks>'s C<repository_name> method.

See below how to configure this for some common Git servers. Replace the
angle-bracketed names with values appropriate to your context:


=item * GitHub<USER>/<REPO>/commit/%H

=item * Bitbucket Cloud<USER>/<REPO>/commits/%H

=item * Bitbucket Server


=item * Gerrit with Gitblit



=head2 html BOOL

By default the email messages are sent in plain text. Enabling this option sends
HTML-formatted messages, which look better on some email readers.

Make sure you have the L<HTML::Entities> module installed, because it's needed
to format the messages.

=head1 TO DO

These are just a few of the ideas for improving this plugin.


=item * Generalize the C<commit-url> template.

It should support other placeholders for the Git server's base URL, repository
name, user name, etc. So that we could configure a single template for all
repositories in a server. Currently one has to configure a different commit-url
for each repository.

=item * Send notifications on Gerrit's change-merged hook.


=head1 SEE ALSO


=item * L<Email::Sender::Manual::QuickStart>


=head1 AUTHOR

Gustavo L. de M. Chaves <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by CPqD <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
