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package Authen::NZigovt::XMLSig;
  $Authen::NZigovt::XMLSig::VERSION = '1.05';

use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

Authen::NZigovt::XMLSig - XML digital signature generation/verification


This module implements the subset of
required to interface to the New Zealand igovt logon service using SAML 2.0


use Carp          qw(croak);
use Digest::SHA1  qw(sha1 sha1_base64);
use MIME::Base64  qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);

require XML::LibXML;
require XML::LibXML::XPathContext;
require Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA;
require Crypt::OpenSSL::X509;

my $ns_ds            = [ ds => ''   ];

my $uri_rsa_sha1_sig = '';
my $uri_env_sig      = '';
my $uri_exc_c14n     = '';
my $uri_digest_sha1  = '';

use constant WITH_COMMENTS => 1;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;

    my $self = bless {
        id_attr => 'ID',
    }, $class;

    return $self;

sub id_attr { shift->{id_attr}; }

sub sign {
    my($self, $xml, $target_id) = @_;

    my $doc      = $self->_xml_to_dom($xml);
    $target_id   ||= $self->default_target_id($doc);
    my $id_attr  = $self->id_attr;
    my($target)  = $doc->findnodes("//*[\@${id_attr}='${target_id}']")
        or croak "Can't find element with ${id_attr}='${target_id}'";

    my $sig_xml  = $self->_make_signature_xml($target, $target_id);
    my $sig_frag = $self->_xml_to_dom($sig_xml);

    if($target->hasChildNodes()) {
        $target->insertBefore($sig_frag, $target->firstChild);
    else {

    return $doc->toString;

sub default_target_id {
    my($self, $doc) = @_;

    my $id_attr    = $self->id_attr;
    my($target_id) = map { $_->to_literal } $doc->findnodes("//*/\@${id_attr}")
        or croak "Can't find element with '${id_attr}' attribute";

    return $target_id;

sub _canonical_xml {
    my($self, $frag) = @_;

    if(not ref $frag) {   # convert XML string to a DOM node
        $frag = $self->_xml_to_dom($frag);

    return $frag->toStringEC14N(WITH_COMMENTS);

sub _xml_digest {
    my($self, $frag) = @_;

    my $frag_xml   = $self->_canonical_xml($frag);
    my $bin_digest = sha1($frag_xml);
    return encode_base64($bin_digest, '');

sub _xml_to_dom {
    my($self, $xml) = @_;

    my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
    my $doc    = $parser->parse_string($xml);
    return $doc->documentElement;

sub _make_signature_xml {
    my($self, $frag, $id) = @_;

    my $digest     = $self->_xml_digest($frag);
    my $sig_info   = $self->_signed_info_xml($id, $digest);
    my $sig_value  = $self->rsa_signature($self->_canonical_xml($sig_info));

    return qq{<dsig:Signature xmlns:dsig="">

sub rsa_signature {
    my($self, $plaintext, $eol) = @_;

    $eol //= "\n";

    my $rsa_key = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key($self->key_text);

    my $bin_signature = $rsa_key->sign($plaintext);
    return encode_base64($bin_signature, $eol);

sub _verify_rsa_signature {
    my($self, $plaintext, $signature) = @_;

    my $rsa_cert = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_public_key($self->pub_key_text);

    my $bin_sig = decode_base64($signature);
    return $rsa_cert->verify($plaintext, $bin_sig);

sub _signed_info_xml {
    my($self, $frag_id, $frag_digest) = @_;

    return qq{<dsig:SignedInfo xmlns:dsig="">
            <dsig:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
            <dsig:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />
            <dsig:Reference URI="#${frag_id}">
                    <dsig:Transform Algorithm="" />
                    <dsig:Transform Algorithm="" />
                <dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm="" />

sub verify {
    my($self, $xml) = @_;

    my $doc = $self->_xml_to_dom($xml);
    my $xc  = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($doc);

    $xc->registerNs( @$ns_ds );

    my @sigs;
    foreach my $sig ( $xc->findnodes(q{//ds:Signature}) ) {
        push @sigs, $self->_parse_signature($xc, $sig);
    croak "XML document contains no signatures" unless @sigs;

    my $id_attr  = $self->id_attr;
    foreach my $sig ( @sigs ) {
        my($frag)  = $xc->findnodes("//*[\@${id_attr}='$sig->{ref_id}']")
            or croak "Can't find element with ${id_attr}='$sig->{ref_id}'";
        my $digest = $self->_xml_digest($frag);
        if($digest ne $sig->{digest}) {
            die "Digest for signed element '$sig->{ref_id}' "
                . "differs from signature\n"
                . "Expected:   '$sig->{digest}'\n"
                . "Calculated: '$digest'\n ";

    return 1;

sub _parse_signature {
    my($self, $xc, $sig) = @_;

    my($sig_info) = $xc->findnodes(q{./ds:SignedInfo}, $sig)
        or die "Can't verify a signature without a 'SignedInfo' element";

    my $algorithm = $xc->findvalue(q{./ds:SignatureMethod/@Algorithm}, $sig_info)
        or die "Can't find SignatureMethod in " . $sig->toString;

    die "Unsupported signature algorithm: '$algorithm'"
        unless $algorithm eq $uri_rsa_sha1_sig;

    my($ref) = $xc->findnodes(q{.//ds:Reference}, $sig)
        or die "Can't verify a signature without a 'Reference' element";

    my $ref_uri = $xc->findvalue('./@URI', $ref)
        or die "Reference element is missing the URI attribute";
    $ref_uri =~ s{^#}{};

    my($digest_method) = map { $_->to_literal } $xc->findnodes(
    ) or die "Unable to determine Signature Reference DigestMethod";
    die "Unsupported Signature DigestMethod: '$digest_method'"
        unless $digest_method eq $uri_digest_sha1;

    my($digest) = map { $_->to_literal } $xc->findnodes(
    ) or die "Unable to determine Signature DigestValue";

    foreach my $xform (
        map { $_->to_literal } $xc->findnodes(
    ) {
        next if $xform eq $uri_env_sig;
        next if $xform eq $uri_exc_c14n;
        die "Unsupported transformation: '$xform'";

    my $sig_val = $xc->findvalue(q{./ds:SignatureValue}, $sig)
        or die "Can't find SignatureValue in " . $sig->toString;
    my $plaintext = $self->_canonical_xml($sig_info);

    $self->_verify_rsa_signature($plaintext, $sig_val)
        or die "Invalid signature referencing '$ref_uri'";

    return {
        digest => $digest,
        ref_id => $ref_uri,

sub key_text {
    my($self) = @_;

    return $self->{key_text} if $self->{key_text};

    my $path = $self->{key_file}
        or croak "signing key must be set with 'key_file' or 'key_text'";

    $self->{key_text} = $self->_slurp_file($path);

    return $self->{key_text};

sub pub_key_text {
    my($self) = @_;

    return $self->{pub_key_text} if $self->{pub_key_text};

    my $cert_text = $self->pub_cert_text();
    my $x509 = Crypt::OpenSSL::X509->new_from_string($cert_text);
    $self->{pub_key_text} = $x509->pubkey();

    return $self->{pub_key_text};

sub pub_cert_text {
    my($self) = @_;

    return $self->{pub_cert_text} if $self->{pub_cert_text};

    my $path = $self->{pub_cert_file}
        or croak "signing cert must be set with 'pub_cert_file' or 'pub_cert_text'";

    $self->{pub_cert_text} = $self->_slurp_file($path);

    return $self->{pub_cert_text};

sub _slurp_file {
    my($self, $path) = @_;

    local($/) = undef;
    open my $fh, '<', $path or die "open($path): $!";
    my $text = <$fh>;

    return $text;



  my $signer = Authen::NZigovt->class_for('xml_signer')->new(
      key_file => $path_to_private_key_file,

  my $signed_xml = $signer->sign($xml, $target_id);

  my $verifier = Authen::NZigovt->class_for('xml_signer')->new(
      pub_cert_text => $self->signing_cert_pem_data(),


=head1 METHODS

=head2 new( )

Constructor.  Should not be called directly.  Instead, call:

  Authen::NZigovt->class_for('xml_signer')->new( options );

Options are passed in as key => value pairs.

When creating digital signatures, a private key must be passed to the
constructor using either the C<key_text> or the C<key_file> option.

When verifying digital signatures, a public key is required.  This may be
passed in using the C<pub_key_text> option or it will be extracted from the
X509 certificate provided in the C<pub_cert_text> or the C<pub_cert_file>

=head2 id_attr( )

Returns the name of the attribute used to identify the element being signed.
Defaults to 'ID'.  Can be set by passing an C<id_attr> option to the

=head2 sign( $xml, $target_id )

Takes an XML document and an optional element ID value and returns a string of
XML with a digital signature added.  The XML document can be provided either as
a string or as an XML::LibXML DOM object.

=head2 default_target_id( )

When signing a document, if no target ID is provided, this method is used to
find the first element with an 'ID' attribute.

=head2 rsa_signature( $plaintext, $eol )

Takes a plaintext string, calculates an RSA signature using the private key
passed to the constructor and returns a base64-encoded string. The C<$eol>
parameter can be used to specify the line-ending character used in the base64
encoding process (default: \n).

=head2 verify( $xml )

Takes an XML string (or DOM object); searches for signature elements; verifies
the provided signature and message digest for each; and returns true on success.

If the provided document does not contain any signatures, or if an invalid
signature is found, an exception will be thrown.

=head2 key_text( )

Returns the private key text which will be used to initialise the
L<Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA> object used for generating signatures.

=head2 pub_key_text( )

Returns the public key text used to initialise the L<Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA>
object used for verifing signatures.

=head2 pub_cert_text( )

If the public key is being extracted from an X509 certificate, this method is
used to retrieve the text which defines the certificate.

=head1 SEE ALSO

See L<Authen::NZigovt> for documentation index.


Copyright (c) 2010-2011 the New Zealand Electoral Enrolment Centre

Written by Grant McLean E<lt><gt>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.
