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package Psh;

use vars qw($VERSION);


	require Psh::OS;

require Psh::Util;
require Psh::Locale;
require Psh::Strategy;
require Psh::Joblist;
require Psh::Parser;
require Psh::PerlEval;
require Psh::Options;

use strict;

## Variables

# Private, Lexical Variables:

my ($input,$readline_saves_history);
## SUBROUTINES: Command-line processing

# void handle_message (string MESSAGE, string FROM = 'eval')
# handles any message that an eval might have returned. Distinguishes
# internal messages from Psh's signal handlers from all other
# messages. It displays internal messages with print_out or does
# nothing with them if FROM = 'main_loop'. It displays other messages with
# print_error, and if FROM = 'main_loop', psh dies in addition.

sub handle_message
	my ($message, $from) =  @_;

	if (!defined($from)) { $from = 'eval'; }

	chomp $message;

	if ($message) {
		return if ($from eq 'hide');
		if ($message =~ m/^SECRET $Psh::bin:(.*)$/s) {
			if ($from ne 'main_loop') { Psh::Util::print_out("$1\n"); }
		} else {
			Psh::Util::print_error("$from error ($message)!\n");
			if ($from eq 'main_loop') {
				if( Psh::Options::get_option('ignoredie')) {
				} else {
					die("Internal psh error.");

sub evl {
	my ($line, @use_strats) = @_;

	local @Psh::temp_use_strats;
	push @Psh::temp_use_strats, @use_strats if @use_strats;

	return ($Psh::last_success_code, @Psh::last_result);

sub _evl {
	my @elements= @_;
	my @result=();
	my $trace= Psh::Options::get_option('trace');
	while( my $element= shift @elements) {
		my @tmp= @$element;
		my $type= shift @tmp;
		if ($type == Psh::Parser::T_EXECUTE()) {
			if ($trace) {
				for (my $i=1; $i<@tmp; $i++) {
					print STDERR "+ $tmp[$i][4]\n";
			eval {
				@result= Psh::OS::execute_complex_command(\@tmp);
		} elsif ($type == Psh::Parser::T_OR()) {
			return @result if @result and $result[0]; # we already had success
		} elsif ($type == Psh::Parser::T_AND()) {
			return (0) unless @result;
			next if ($result[0]); # we last had success
			return (0);
		} else {
			Psh::Util::print_error("evl: Don't know type $type\n");
	return @result;

# string read_until(PROMPT_TEMPL, string TERMINATOR, subr GET)
# Get successive lines via calls to GET until one of those
# entire lines matches the patterm TERMINATOR. Used to implement
# the `<<EOF` multiline quoting construct and brace matching;
# TODO: Undo any side effects of, e.g., m//.

sub read_until
	my ($prompt_templ, $terminator, $get) = @_;
	my $input;
	my $temp;

	my @input;

	while (1) {
		$temp = $prompt_templ?&$get(Psh::Prompt::prompt_string($prompt_templ),
		if (!defined($temp)) {
			return '';
		last if $temp =~ m/^$terminator$/;
		push @input, $temp;

	return join('',@input);

# string read_until_complete(PROMPT_TEMPL, string SO_FAR, subr GET)
# Get successive lines via calls to GET until the cumulative input so
# far is not an incomplete expression according to
# incomplete_expr. Prompting is done with PROMPT_TEMPL.

sub read_until_complete
	my ($prompt_templ, $sofar, $get) = @_;
	my $temp;
	my @input=();

	while (1) {
		$temp = $prompt_templ?
		if (!defined($temp)) {
			return '';
		$sofar .= $temp;
		last if Psh::Parser::incomplete_expr($sofar) <= 0;

	return $sofar;

# void process(bool Q_PROMPT, subr GET)
# Process lines produced by the subroutine reference GET until it
# returns undef. GET must be a reference to a subroutine which takes a
# string argument (the prompt, which may be empty) and returns the
# next line of input, or undef if there is none.
# Any output generated is handled by the various print_xxx routines
# The prompt is printed only if the Q_PROMPT argument is true.  When
# sourcing files (like .pshrc), it is important to not print the
# prompt string, but for interactive use, it is important to print it.
# TODO: Undo any side effects, e.g. done by m//.

sub process
	my ($q_prompt, $get) = @_;
	local $Psh::cmd;

	my $last_result_array = '';
	my $result_array_ref = \@Psh::val;
	my $result_array_name = 'Psh::val';

	my $control_d_counter=0;

	if ($q_prompt) {
		require Psh::Prompt;

	while (1) {
		if ($q_prompt) {
			$input = &$get(Psh::Prompt::prompt_string(Psh::Prompt::normal_prompt()), 0, \&Psh::Prompt::pre_prompt_hook);
		} else {
			$input = &$get();

		Psh::OS::reap_children(); # Check wether we have dead children
		Psh::OS::check_terminal_size() if $Psh::interactive;


		unless (defined($input)) {
			last unless $Psh::interactive;
			print STDOUT "\n";
			my $control_d_max=$ENV{IGNOREEOF}||0;
			if ($control_d_max !~ /^\d$/) {
			Psh::OS::exit_psh() if ($control_d_counter>=$control_d_max);

		next unless $input;
		next if $input=~ m/^\s*$/;

		if ($input =~ m/(.*)<<([a-zA-Z_0-9\-]*)(.*)/) {
			my $pre= $1;
			my $terminator = $2;
			my $post= $3;

			my $continuation = $q_prompt ? Psh::Prompt::continue_prompt() : '';
			$input = join('',$pre,'"',
						  read_until($continuation, $terminator, $get),
		} elsif (Psh::Parser::incomplete_expr($input) > 0) {
			my $continuation = $q_prompt ? Psh::Prompt::continue_prompt() : '';
			$input = read_until_complete($continuation, $input, $get);

		chomp $input;

		my ($success,@result);
		my @elements= eval { Psh::Parser::parse_line($input) };
		Psh::Util::print_debug_class('e',"(evl) Error: $@") if $@;
		if (@elements) {
			my $result;
			($success,$result)= _evl(@elements);
			Psh::Util::print_debug_class('s',"Success: $success\n");
			$Psh::last_success_code= $success;
			if ($result) {
				@Psh::last_result= @result= @$result;
			} else {
				undef @Psh::last_result;
				undef @result;
		} else {
			undef $Psh::last_success_code;
			undef @Psh::last_result;

        next unless $Psh::interactive;

		my $qEcho = 0;
		my $echo= Psh::Options::get_option('echo');

		if (ref($echo) eq 'CODE') {
			$qEcho = &$echo(@result);
		} elsif (ref($echo)) {
		} else {
			if ($echo) { $qEcho = defined_and_nonempty(@result); }

		if ($qEcho) {
		        # Figure out where we'll save the result:
			if ($last_result_array ne $Psh::result_array) {
				$last_result_array = $Psh::result_array;
				my $what = ref($last_result_array);
				if ($what eq 'ARRAY') {
					$result_array_ref = $last_result_array;
					$result_array_name =
					if (!defined($result_array_name)) {
						$result_array_name = 'anonymous';
				} elsif ($what) {
					$result_array_ref = \@Psh::val;
					$result_array_name = 'Psh::val';
				} else { # Ordinary string
					$result_array_name = $last_result_array;
					$result_array_name =~ s/^\@//;
					$result_array_ref = (Psh::PerlEval::protected_eval("\\\@$result_array_name"))[0];
			if (scalar(@result) > 1) {
				my $n = scalar(@{$result_array_ref});
				push @{$result_array_ref}, \@result;
				if ($Psh::interactive) {
					my @printresult=();
					foreach my $val (@result) {
						if (defined $val) {
							push @printresult,qq['$val'];
						} else {
							push @printresult,qq[undef];
					Psh::Util::print_out("\$$result_array_name\[$n] = [", join(',',@printresult), "]\n");
			} else {
				my $n = scalar(@{$result_array_ref});
				my $res = $result[0];
				push @{$result_array_ref}, $res;
				Psh::Util::print_out("\$$result_array_name\[$n] = \"$res\"\n");
			if (@{$result_array_ref}>100) {
				shift @{$result_array_ref};

# string find_array_name ( arrayref REF, string PACKAGE )
# If REF is a reference to an array variable in the given PACKAGE or
# any of its subpackages, find the name of that variable and return
# it. PACKAGE defaults to main.

sub find_array_name {
	my ($arref, $pack) = @_;
	if (!defined($pack)) { $pack = "::"; }
	my @otherpacks = ();
	for my $symb ( keys %{$pack} ) {
		if ($symb =~ m/::$/) {
			push @otherpacks, $symb unless ($pack eq 'main::' and $symb eq 'main::');
		elsif (\@{"$pack$symb"} eq $arref) { return "$pack$symb"; }
	for my $subpack (@otherpacks) {
		my $ans = find_array_name($arref,"$pack$subpack");
		if (defined($ans)) { return $ans; }
	return undef;

# bool defined_and_nonempty(args)
# returns true if it has any defined, nonempty args

sub defined_and_nonempty
	if (!defined(@_))    { return 0; }
	if (scalar(@_) == 0) { return 0; }

	if (scalar(@_) == 1) {
		if (!defined($_[0])) { return 0; }
		if ($_[0] eq '')     { return 0; }

		return 1;

	return 1; # multiple args always true

# void process_file(string FILENAME)
# process() the lines of FILENAME

sub process_file
	my $path= shift;

	Psh::Util::print_debug("[PROCESSING FILE $path]\n");
	local $Psh::interactive=0;

	if (!-r $path) {

	unless (open(FILE, "< $path")) {


	if ($Psh::debugging=~ /f/ or
		$Psh::debugging eq '1') {
		process(0, sub {
					my $txt=<FILE>;
					return $txt;
				}); # don't prompt
	} else {
		process(0, sub { my $txt=<FILE>;$txt });


	Psh::Util::print_debug("[FINISHED PROCESSING FILE $path]\n");

sub process_variable {
	my $var= shift;
	local $Psh::interactive=0;
	my @lines;
	if (ref $var eq 'ARRAY') {
	} else {
		@lines= split /\n/, $var;
		@lines= map { $_."\n" } @lines;
	process(0, sub { shift @lines });

# string iget(string PROMPT [, boolean returnflag [, code prompt_hook]])
# Interactive line getting routine. If we have a
# Term::ReadLine instance, use it and record the
# input into the history buffer. Otherwise, just
# grab an input line from STDIN.
# If returnflag is true, iget will return after
# the user pressed ^C
# readline() returns a line WITHOUT a "\n" at the
# end, and <STDIN> returns one WITH a "\n", UNLESS
# the end of the input stream occurs after a non-
# newline character. So, first we chomp() the
# output of <STDIN> (if we aren't using readline()),
# and then we tack the newline back on in both
# cases. Other code later strips it off if necessary.
# iget() uses PROMPT as the prompt; this may be the empty string if no
# prompting is necessary.

sub iget
	my $prompt = shift;
	my $returnflag= shift;
	my $prompt_hook= shift;

	my $prompt_pre= '';
	my $line;
	my $sigint = 0;

	# Additional newline handling for prompts as Term::ReadLine::Perl
	# cannot use them properly
	if( $Psh::term->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl' &&
		$prompt=~ /^(.*\n)([^\n]+)$/) {


	LINE: do {
		$sigint= 0 if ($sigint);
		# Trap ^C in an eval.  The sighandler will die which will be
		# trapped.  Then we reprompt
		if ($Psh::term) {
			&$prompt_hook if $prompt_hook;
			print $prompt_pre if $prompt_pre;
			eval { $line = $Psh::term->readline($prompt); };
		} else {
			eval {
				&$prompt_hook if $prompt_hook;
				print $prompt_pre if $prompt_pre;
				print $prompt if $prompt;
				$line = <STDIN>;
		if( $@) {
			if( $@ =~ /Signal INT/) {
				$sigint= 1;
				if( $returnflag) {
					return undef;
			} else {
				handle_message( $@, 'iget');
	} while ($sigint);


	return undef unless defined $line;
	chomp $line;

	return $line . "\n";         # This is expected by other code.

sub add_history
	my $line=shift;
	return if !$line or $line =~ /^\s*$/;
	if (!@Psh::history || $Psh::history[$#Psh::history] ne $line) {
		my $len= Psh::Options::get_option('histsize');
		$Psh::term->addhistory($line) if $Psh::term;
		push(@Psh::history, $line);
		if( @Psh::history>$len) {

sub save_history
	return unless $Psh::term;
	Psh::Util::print_debug_class('o',"[Saving history]\n");
	if( Psh::Options::get_option('save_history')) {
		my $file= Psh::Options::get_option('history_file');
		return unless $file;
		if ($readline_saves_history) {
		} else {
			if (open(F_HISTORY,">> $file")) {
				Psh::OS::lock(*F_HISTORY, Psh::OS::LOCK_EX());
				foreach (@Psh::history) {
					print F_HISTORY $_;
					print F_HISTORY "\n";

# void minimal_initialize()
# Initialize just enough to be able to read the .pshrc file; leave
# uncritical user-accessible variables until later in case the user
# sets them in .pshrc.

sub minimal_initialize
	$|                           = 1;                # Set output autoflush on

	# Set up accessible psh:: package variables:

	$Psh::eval_preamble          = '';
	$Psh::currently_active       = 0;
	$Psh::result_array           = '';
	$Psh::which_regexp           = '^[-a-zA-Z0-9_.~+]+$'; #'

	if ($]>=5.005) {
		eval {
			$Psh::which_regexp= qr($Psh::which_regexp); # compile for speed reasons
		Psh::Util::print_debug_class('e',"(minimal_init) Error: $@") if $@;

	$Psh::cmd                    = 1;
	my @tmp= Psh::OS::splitdir($0);
	$Psh::bin= pop @tmp;

	$Psh::old_shell = $ENV{SHELL} if $ENV{SHELL};
	$ENV{SHELL} = $0;
	$ENV{OLDPWD}= $ENV{PWD} = Psh::OS::getcwd_psh();


	# The following accessible variables are undef during the
	# .pshrc file:
	undef $Psh::longhost;
	undef $Psh::host;

	@Psh::val = ();
	@Psh::history= ();


# void finish_initialize()
# Set the remaining psh:: package variables if they haven't been set
# in the .pshrc file, and do other "late" initialization steps that
# depend on these variable values.

sub finish_initialize
	Psh::OS::setup_sigsegv_handler() if

	if (!defined($Psh::longhost)) {
		$Psh::longhost                    = $ENV{HOSTNAME}||Psh::OS::get_hostname();
		chomp $Psh::longhost;
	if (!defined($Psh::host)) {
		$Psh::host= $Psh::longhost;
		$Psh::host= $1 if( $Psh::longhost=~ /([^\.]+)\..*/);
	$ENV{HOSTNAME}= $Psh::host;

sub initialize_interactive_mode {
	if (-t STDIN) {
		# Set up Term::ReadLine:
		eval { require Term::ReadLine; };
		if ($@) {
			$Psh::term = undef;
		} else {
			eval { $Psh::term= Term::ReadLine->new('psh'); };
			if( $@) {
				# Try one more time after a second, maybe the tty is
				# not setup
				sleep 1;
				eval { $Psh::term= Term::ReadLine->new('psh'); };
				if( $@) {
					$Psh::term= undef;
			if( $Psh::term) {
				$Psh::term->MinLine(10000);   # We will handle history adding
				# ourselves (undef causes trouble).
				Psh::Util::print_debug_class('i','[Using ReadLine: ', $Psh::term->ReadLine(), "]\n");
				if ($Psh::term->ReadLine() eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') {
					$readline_saves_history = 1;
				my $attribs= $Psh::term->Attribs;
				$attribs->{completion_function} =

				my $word_break=" \\\n\t\"&{}('`\$\%\@~<>=;|/";
				$attribs->{special_prefixes}= "\$\%\@\~\&";
				$attribs->{word_break_characters}= $word_break;
				$attribs->{completer_word_break_characters}= $word_break ;

		# ReadLine objects often mess with the SIGWINCH handler


	if (defined($Psh::term) and Psh::Options::get_option('save_history')) {
		my $file= Psh::Options::get_option('history_file');
		return unless $file;
		if ($readline_saves_history) {
		} else {
			if (open(F_HISTORY,"< $file")) {
				while (<F_HISTORY>) {

# We're used for the first TAB completion - load
# the real completion module and call it
sub completion_dummy {
	my @args= @_;

	require Psh::Completion;
    $Psh::term->Attribs->{completion_function} =
	return Psh::Completion::completion(@_);

sub setup_term_misc {
	return unless $Psh::term;
	if ($Psh::term->can('add_defun')) { # Term::ReadLine::Gnu
		$Psh::term->add_defun('run-help', \&run_help);
		$Psh::term->parse_and_bind("\"\eh\":run-help"); # bind to ESC-h

sub run_help {
	require Psh::Builtins::Help;
	my $line= substr($Psh::term->Attribs->{line_buffer},0,

# void process_rc()
# Search for and process .pshrc files.

sub process_rc
	my $opt_f= shift;
	my @rc;

	if ($opt_f) {
		push @rc, $opt_f;
	} else {
		push @rc, Psh::OS::get_rc_files();

	foreach my $rc (@rc) {
		if (-r $rc) {
			Psh::Util::print_debug_class('i',"[PROCESSING $rc]\n");

# void process_args()
# Process files listed on command-line.

sub process_args
	Psh::Util::print_debug_class('i',"[PROCESSING @ARGV FILES]\n");

	foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
		if (-r $arg) {
			Psh::Util::print_debug('i',"[PROCESSING $arg]\n");

# void main_loop()
# Determine whether or not we are operating interactively,
# set up the input routine accordingly, and process the
# input.

sub main_loop
	my $interactive = (-t STDIN) and (-t STDOUT);
	my $get;

	Psh::Util::print_debug_class('i',"[STARTING MAIN LOOP]\n");

	if ($interactive) { $get = \&iget;                  }
	else              { $get = sub { return <STDIN>; }; }

	process($interactive, $get);

# bool is_number(ARG)
# Return true if ARG is a number

sub is_number
	my $test = shift;
	return defined($test) && !ref($test) &&

# End of file.
