The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use inc::Module::Install;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);

name 'FusionInventory-Agent';
include 'Module::AutoInstall';
abstract 'FusionInventory unified Agent for UNIX, Linux, Windows and MacOSX';
license 'gpl';
repository '';
version_from 'lib/FusionInventory/';
perl_version '5.008';

# mandatory dependencies
requires 'File::Which'        => undef;
requires 'LWP'                => '5.8';
requires 'Net::IP'            => undef;
requires 'UNIVERSAL::require' => undef;
requires 'Text::Template'     => undef;
requires 'XML::TreePP'        => '0.26';
requires 'Socket::GetAddrInfo'=> undef;

if ($OSNAME eq 'MSWin32') {
    requires 'Win32::OLE'         => undef;
    requires 'Win32::TieRegistry' => undef;
    requires 'Win32::Job'         => undef;

recommends 'Compress::Zlib'       => undef;
recommends 'HTTP::Daemon'         => undef;
recommends 'IO::Socket::SSL'      => undef;
recommends 'LWP::Protocol::https' => undef;

if ($OSNAME ne 'MSWin32') {
    recommends 'Proc::Daemon'     => undef;
    recommends 'Proc::PID::File'  => undef;
} else {
    recommends 'Win32::Daemon'    => undef;

# test dependencies
test_requires 'HTTP::Proxy'                  => undef;
test_requires 'HTTP::Server::Simple'         => undef;
test_requires 'HTTP::Server::Simple::Authen' => undef;
test_requires 'IO::Socket::SSL'              => undef;
test_requires 'IO::Capture::Stderr'          => undef;
test_requires 'IPC::Run'                     => undef;
test_requires 'Test::Compile'                => undef;
test_requires 'Test::Deep'                   => undef;
test_requires 'Test::Exception'              => undef;
test_requires 'Test::MockModule'             => undef;
test_requires 'Test::More'                   => '0.93'; # subtest
test_requires 'Test::NoWarnings'             => undef;
test_requires 'LWP::Protocol::https'         => undef;
test_requires 'Test::MockObject'             => undef;
test_requires 'JSON'                         => undef;
test_requires 'Net::SNMP'                    => undef;

# Inventory
recommends 'Parse::EDID' => undef;
recommends 'Net::CUPS'   => 0.60 if $OSNAME ne 'MSWin32';

# Deploy
recommends 'Archive::Extract'             => undef;
recommends 'Digest::SHA'                  => undef;
recommends 'File::Copy::Recursive'        => undef;
recommends 'JSON'                         => undef;
recommends 'URI::Escape'                  => undef;
recommends 'POE::Component::Client::Ping' => undef;

test_requires 'Test::HTTP::Server::Simple'   => undef;
test_requires 'POE::Component::Client::Ping' => undef;

# Network
recommends 'Net::SNMP'   => undef;
recommends 'Net::NBName' => undef;
recommends 'Digest::MD5' => undef;
recommends 'Crypt::DES'  => undef;

# Wake-On-LAN
recommends 'Net::Write::Layer2' => undef;

install_script 'bin/fusioninventory-agent';
install_script 'bin/fusioninventory-win32-service' if $OSNAME eq 'MSWin32';
install_script 'bin/fusioninventory-injector';
install_script 'bin/fusioninventory-inventory';
install_script 'bin/fusioninventory-wakeonlan';
install_script 'bin/fusioninventory-netdiscovery';
install_script 'bin/fusioninventory-netinventory';
install_script 'bin/fusioninventory-esx';

    test => {
        TESTS => join ' ', map { glob } qw(
    INSTALLMAN3DIR => 'none'


# substitute prefix everywhere
$MY::variables{SYSCONFDIR} =~ s/\$\(PREFIX\)/$MY::variables{PREFIX}/;
$MY::variables{DATADIR} =~ s/\$\(PREFIX\)/$MY::variables{PREFIX}/;
$MY::variables{LOCALSTATEDIR} =~ s/\$\(PREFIX\)/$MY::variables{PREFIX}/;

# look for already existing configuration file
my $config_file_message = -f "$MY::variables{SYSCONFDIR}/agent.cfg" ?
    "previous configuration file found, new one will be installed as" :
    "no previous configuration file found, new one will be installed as agent.cfg";

print <<EOF;

Installation summary
prefix: $MY::variables{PREFIX}
configuration installation directory: $MY::variables{SYSCONFDIR}
constant data installation directory: $MY::variables{DATADIR}
variable data installation directory: $MY::variables{LOCALSTATEDIR}


package MY;

use English qw(-no_match_vars);

our %variables;

# force a perl-independant prefix for everything
sub constants {
    my ($self) = @_;

    # for some reason, initialising variables from the global scope doesn't work
    %variables = (
        PREFIX               => '/usr/local',
        INSTALLSCRIPT        => '$(PREFIX)/bin',
        INSTALLSITESCRIPT    => '$(PREFIX)/bin',
        INSTALLLIB           => '$(DATADIR)/lib',
        INSTALLSITELIB       => '$(DATADIR)/lib',
        INSTALLVENDORLIB     => '$(DATADIR)/lib',
        INSTALLMAN1DIR       => '$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1',
        INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR   => '$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1',
        INSTALLVENDORMAN1DIR => '$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1',
        INSTALLMAN3DIR       => '$(PREFIX)/share/man/man3',
        INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR   => '$(PREFIX)/share/man/man3',
        INSTALLVENDORMAN3DIR => '$(PREFIX)/share/man/man3',
        SYSCONFDIR           => '$(PREFIX)/etc/fusioninventory',
        DATADIR              => '$(PREFIX)/share/fusioninventory',
        LOCALSTATEDIR        => '$(PREFIX)/var/fusioninventory',

    # allow variables defined on command line to override defaults
    foreach my $name (keys %variables) {
        $variables{$name} = $self->{ARGS}->{$name} if $self->{ARGS}->{$name};

    # get all standard MM variables definitions, and override them if needed
    my @code = split(/\n/, $self->SUPER::constants(@_));
    foreach my $line (@code) {
        # Skip comments
        next if $line =~ /^\s*#/;
        # Skip everything which isn't a var assignment.
        next unless $line =~ /^([A-Z0-9_]+) =/;
        my $name = $1;
        # skip variables we're not interested
        next unless $variables{$name};

        $line = "$name = $variables{$name}";

    # add out own variables
    foreach my $name (qw/SYSCONFDIR DATADIR LOCALSTATEDIR/) {
        push @code, "$name = $variables{$name}";

    return join("\n", @code);

sub install {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $install = $self->SUPER::install(@_);

    # add dependency on data and configuration installation targets, and remove
    # dependency on perlocal installation target
    # depending on MakeMaker version, the line to match changes
    $install =~ s/install :: pure_install doc_install/install :: pure_install config_install data_install/;
    $install =~ s/install :: all pure_install doc_install/install :: all pure_install config_install data_install/;

    # suppress all lines related to packlist file installation
    $install =~ s/.*\.packlist \\\n//g;

    # add data and configuration installation targets
    $install .= <<'EOF';

config_install :
	install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)
	if [ -f $(DESTDIR)/$(SYSCONFDIR)/agent.cfg ]; then \
	    install -m 644 etc/agent.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/; \
	else \
	    install -m 644 etc/agent.cfg $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/agent.cfg; \

data_install :
	install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)
	install -m 644 share/pci.ids $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/
	install -m 644 share/usb.ids $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/
	install -m 644 share/sysobjectid.*.ids $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/
	install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/html
	install -m 644 share/html/* $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/html
    return $install;

# ensure binaries get modified to use configured directories (on Unix only)
sub installbin {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $installbin = $self->SUPER::installbin(@_);

    return $installbin if $OSNAME eq 'MSWin32';

    $installbin =~ s|\t\$\(FIXIN\) (.*)\n|\t\$(FIXIN) $1\n\t\$(FINALIZE) $1\n|g;

    $installbin .= <<'EOF';
    -e 's|use lib .*|use lib "$(DATADIR)/lib";|;' \
    -e 's|confdir => .*|confdir => "$(SYSCONFDIR)",|;' \
    -e 's|datadir => .*|datadir => "$(DATADIR)",|;' \
    -e 's|libdir  => .*|libdir  => "$(DATADIR)/lib",|;' \
    -e 's|vardir  => .*|vardir  => "$(LOCALSTATEDIR)",|' \
    return $installbin;