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package Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT;

=head1 NAME

Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT - JCMT catalogue I/O for Astro::Catalog


  $cat = Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT->_read_catalog( \@lines );
  $arrref = Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT->_write_catalog( $cat, %options );
  $filename = Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT->_default_file();


This class provides read and write methods for catalogues in the JCMT
pointing catalogue format. The methods are not public and should, in general,
only be called from the C<Astro::Catalog> C<write_catalog> and C<read_catalog>


use 5.006;
use warnings;
use warnings::register;
use Carp;
use strict;

use Astro::Telescope;
use Astro::Coords;
use Astro::Catalog;
use Astro::Catalog::Star;

use base qw/ Astro::Catalog::IO::ASCII /;

use vars qw/$VERSION $DEBUG /;

$VERSION = '4.33';
$DEBUG   = 0;

# Name must be limited to 15 characters on write
use constant MAX_SRC_LENGTH => 15;

# Default location for a JCMT catalog
my $defaultCatalog = "/local/progs/etc/poi.dat";

# Planets appended to the catalogue
my @PLANETS = qw/ mercury mars uranus saturn jupiter venus neptune /;

=over 4

=item B<clean_target_name>

Method to take a general target name and clean it up
so that it is suitable for writing in a JCMT source catalog.
This routine is used by the catalog writing code but can also
be used publically in order to make sure that a target name
to be written to the catalogue is guaranteed to match that used
in another location (e.g. when writing an a document to accompany
the catalogue which refers to targets within it).

The source name can be truncated.

  $cleaned = Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT->clean_target_name( $dirty );

Will return undef if the argument is not defined.

Punctuation such as "," and ";" are replaced with underscores.
".", "()" and "+-" are allowed.


sub clean_target_name {
  my $class = shift;
  my $dirty = shift;
  return unless defined $dirty;

  # Remove spaces [compress]
  $dirty =~ s/\s+//g;

  # Remove disallowed characters
  # and replace with dashes
  $dirty =~ s/[,;:'"`]/-/g;

  # Truncate it to the allowed length
  # Name must be limited to MAX_SRC_LENGTH characters
  $dirty = substr($dirty,0,MAX_SRC_LENGTH);

  # Return the cleaned name
  return $dirty;

=item B<_default_file>

Returns the location of the default JCMT pointing catalogue at the
JCMT itself. This is purely for convenience of the caller when they
are at the JCMT and wish to use the default catalogue without having
to know explicitly where it is.

  $filename = Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT->_default_file();

Returns empty list/undef if the file is not available.

If the environment variable ASTRO_CATALOG_JCMT is defined (and exists)
this will be used as the default.


sub _default_file {
  my $class = shift;
  return (-e $defaultCatalog ? $defaultCatalog : () );

=item B<_read_catalog>

Parses the catalogue lines and returns a new C<Astro::Catalog>
object containing the catalog entries.

 $cat = Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT->_read_catalog( \@lines, %options );

Supported options (with defaults) are:

  telescope => Name of telescope to associate with each coordinate entry
               (defaults to JCMT). If the telescope option is specified
               but is undef or empty string, no telescope is used.

  incplanets => Append planets to catalogue entries (default is true)


sub _read_catalog {
  my $class = shift;
  my $lines = shift;

  # Default options
  my %defaults = ( telescope => 'JCMT',
                   incplanets => 1);

  my %options = (%defaults, @_);

  croak "Must supply catalogue contents as a reference to an array"
    unless ref($lines) eq 'ARRAY';

  # Create a new telescope to associate with this
  my $tel;
  $tel = new Astro::Telescope( $options{telescope} )
    if $options{telescope};

  # Go through each line and parse it
  # and store in the array if we had a successful read
  my @stars = map { $class->_parse_line( $_, $tel); } @$lines;

  # Add planets if required
  if ($options{incplanets}) {
    # create coordinate objects for the planets
    my @planets = map { new Astro::Coords(planet => $_) } @PLANETS;

    # And associate a telescope
    if ($tel) {
      for (@planets) {

    # And create the star objects
    push(@stars, map { new Astro::Catalog::Star(
                                                field => 'JCMT',
                                                id => $_->name,
                                                coords => $_,
                                                comment => 'Added automatically',
                                               ) } @planets);


  # Create the catalog object
  return new Astro::Catalog( Stars => \@stars,
                             Origin => 'JCMT',


=item B<_write_catalog>

Write the catalog to an array and return it. Returning a reference to
an array provides more flexibility to the caller.

 $ref = Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT->_write_catalog( $cat );

Spaces are removed from source names. The contents of the catalog
are sanity checked.


sub _write_catalog {
  my $class = shift;
  my $cat = shift;

  # Would make more sense to use the array ref here
  my @sources = $cat->stars;

  # Counter for unknown targets
  my $unk = 1;

  # Hash for storing target information
  # so that we can search for duplicates
  my %targets;

  # Create hash of all unique target names present
  # after cleaning. We need this so that we can make sure
  # a generated name derived from a duplication (with target mismatch)
  # does not generate a name that already existed explicitly.
  my %allnames = map { $class->clean_target_name($_->coords->name), undef }

  # Loop over each source and extract catalog information
  # Make sure that we remove unique entries
  # Hence an array for the information
  my @processed;
  for my $star (@sources) {

    # Extract the coordinate object
    my $src = $star->coords;

    # Get the name but do not deal with undef yet
    # in case the type is not valid
    my $name = $src->name;

    # Somewhere to store the extracted information
    my %srcdata;

    # Store the name (stripped of spaces) and
    # treat srcdata{name} as the primary name from here on
    $srcdata{name} = $class->clean_target_name( $name );

    # Store a comment
    $srcdata{comment} = $star->comment;

    # prepopulate the default velocity settings
    $srcdata{rv}    = 'n/a';
    $srcdata{vdefn}  = 'RADIO';
    $srcdata{vframe} = 'LSR';

    # Get the miscellaneous data.
    my $misc = $star->misc;
    if( defined( $misc ) ) {
      $srcdata{vrange} = ( defined( $misc->{'velocity_range'} ) ?
                           sprintf( "%s", $misc->{'velocity_range'} ) :
                           "n/a" );
      $srcdata{flux850} = ( defined( $misc->{'flux850'} ) ?
                            sprintf( "%s", $misc->{'flux850'} ) :
                            "n/a" );
    } else {
      $srcdata{vrange} = "n/a";
      $srcdata{flux850} = "n/a";

    # Get the type of source
    my $type = $src->type;
    if ($type eq 'RADEC') {
      $srcdata{system} = "RJ";

      # Need to get the space separated RA/Dec and the sign
      $srcdata{long} = $src->ra(format => 'array');
      $srcdata{lat} = $src->dec(format => 'array');

      # Get the velocity information
      my $rv = $src->rv;
      if ($rv) {
        $srcdata{rv}    = $rv;
        $srcdata{vdefn}  = $src->vdefn;
        $srcdata{vframe} = $src->vframe;

        # JCMT compatibility
        $srcdata{vframe} = "LSR" if $srcdata{vframe} eq 'LSRK';


    } elsif ($type eq 'PLANET') {
      # Planets are not supported in catalog form. Skip them

    } elsif ($type eq 'FIXED') {
      $srcdata{system} = "AZ";

      $srcdata{long} = $src->az(format => 'array');
      $srcdata{lat} = $src->el(format => 'array');

      # Need to remove + sign from long/AZ since we are not expecting
      # it in RA/DEC. This is probably a bug in Astro::Coords
      shift(@{ $srcdata{long} } ) if $srcdata{long}->[0] eq '+';

    } else {
      my $errname = ( defined $srcdata{name} ? $srcdata{name} : "<undefined>");
      warnings::warnif "Coordinate of type $type for target $errname not supported in JCMT catalog files\n";

    # Generate a name if not defined
    if (!defined $srcdata{name}) {
      $srcdata{name} = "UNKNOWN$unk";

    # See if we already have this source and that it is really the
    # same source Note that we do not see whether this name is the
    # same as one of the derived names. Eg if CRL618 is in the
    # pointing catalogue 3 times with identical coords and we add a
    # new CRL618 with different coords then we trigger 3 warning
    # messages rather than 1 because we do not check that CRL618_2 is
    # the same as CRL618_1

    # Note that velocity specification is included in this comparison

    if (exists $targets{$srcdata{name}}) {
      my $previous = $targets{$srcdata{name}};

      # Create stringified form of previous coordinate with same name
      # and current coordinate
      my $prevcoords = join(" ",@{$previous->{long}},@{$previous->{lat}},
                            $previous->{rv}, $previous->{vdefn}, $previous->{vframe});
      my $curcoords = join(" ",@{$srcdata{long}},@{$srcdata{lat}},
                            $srcdata{rv}, $srcdata{vdefn}, $srcdata{vframe});

      if ($prevcoords eq $curcoords) {
        # This is the same target so we can ignore it
      } else {
        # Make up a new name. Use the unknown counter for this since
        # we probably have not used it before. Probably not the best
        # approach and might have problems in edge cases but good
        # enough for now
        my $oldname = $srcdata{name};

        # loop for 100 times
        my $count;
        while (1) {
          # protection loop

          # Try to construct a new name based on a global counter
          # rather than a counter that starts at 1 for each root
          my $suffix = "_$unk";

          # increment $unk for next try

          # Abort if we have gone round too many times
          # Making sure that $unk is incremented first
          if ($count > 100) {
            $srcdata{name} = substr($oldname,0,int(MAX_SRC_LENGTH/2)) .
            warn "Uncontrollable looping (or unfeasibly large number of duplicate sources with different coordinates). Panicked and generated random source name of $srcdata{name}.\n";

          # Assume the old name will do fine
          my $root = $oldname;

          # Do not want to truncate the _XX off the end later on
          if (length($oldname) > MAX_SRC_LENGTH - length($suffix)) {
            # This may well be confusing but we have no choice. Since
            # _XX is unique the only time we will get a name clash by
            # simply chopping the string is if we have a duplicate
            # that is too long along with a target name that includes
            # _XX amd matches the truncated source name!
            $root = substr($oldname, 0, (MAX_SRC_LENGTH-length($suffix)) );


          # Form the new name
          my $newname = $root . $suffix;

          # check to see if this name is in the existing target list
          next if exists $allnames{$newname};

          # Store it in the targets array and exit loop
          $srcdata{name} = $newname;

        # different target
        warn "Found target with the same name [$oldname] but with different coordinates, renaming it to $srcdata{name}!\n";

        $targets{$srcdata{name}} = \%srcdata;

        # Store it in the array
        push(@processed, \%srcdata);


    } else {
      # Store in hash for easy lookup for duplicates
      $targets{$srcdata{name}} = \%srcdata;

      # Store it in the array
      push(@processed, \%srcdata);



  # Output array for new catalog lines
  my @lines;

  # Write a header
  push @lines, "*\n";
  push @lines, "* Catalog written automatically by class ". __PACKAGE__ ."\n";
  push @lines, "* on date " . gmtime . "UT\n";
  push @lines, "* Origin of catalogue: ". $cat->origin ."\n";
  push @lines, "*\n";

  # Now need to go through the targets and write them to disk
  for my $src (@processed) {
    my $name    = $src->{name};
    my $long    = $src->{long};
    my $lat     = $src->{lat};
    my $system  = $src->{system};
    my $comment = $src->{comment};
    my $rv      = $src->{rv};
    my $vdefn   = $src->{vdefn};
    my $vframe  = $src->{vframe};
    my $vrange  = $src->{vrange};
    my $flux850 = $src->{flux850};

    $comment = '' unless defined $comment;

    # Velocity can not easily be done with a sprintf since it can be either
    # a string or a 2 column number
    if (lc($rv) eq 'n/a') {
      $rv = '  n/a   ';
    } else {
      my $sign = ( $rv >= 0 ? '+' : '-' );
      my $val  = $rv;
      $val =~ s/^\s*[+-]\s*//;
      $val =~ s/\s*$//;
      $rv = $sign . ' '. sprintf('%6.1f',$val);

    # Name must be limited to MAX_SRC_LENGTH characters
    # [this should be taken care of by clean_target_name but
    # if we have appended _X....
    $name = substr($name,0,MAX_SRC_LENGTH);

    push @lines,
      sprintf("%-". MAX_SRC_LENGTH.
      "s %02d %02d %06.3f %1s %02d %02d %05.2f %2s  %s %5s  %5s  %-4s %s %s\n",
      $name, @$long, @$lat, $system, $rv, $flux850, $vrange, $vframe, $vdefn, $comment);


  return \@lines;

=item B<_parse_line>

Parse a line from a JCMT format catalogue and return a corresponding
C<Astro::Catalog::Star> object. Returns empty list if the line can not
be parsed or refers to a comment line (so that map can be used in the

  $star = Astro::Catalog::IO::JCMT->_parse_line( $line, $tel );

where C<$line> is the line to be parsed and (optional) C<$tel>
is an C<Astro::Telescope> object to be associated with the
coordinate objects.

The line is parsed using a pattern match.


sub _parse_line {
  my $class = shift;
  my $line = shift;
  my $tel = shift;
  chomp $line;

  # Skip commented and blank lines
  return if ($line =~ /^\s*[\*\%]/);
  return if ($line =~ /^\s*$/);

  # Use a pattern match parser
  my @match = ( $line =~ m/^(.*?)  # Target name (non greedy)
                           \s*   # optional trailing space
                           (\d{1,2}) # 1 or 2 digits [RA:h] [greedy]
                           \s+       # separator
                           (\d{1,2}) # 1 or 2 digits [RA:m]
                           \s+       # separator
                           (\d{1,2}(?:\.\d*)?) # 1|2 digits opt .fraction [RA:s]
                           # no capture on fraction
                           ([+-]?\s*\d{1,2}) # 1|2 digit [dec:d] inc sign
                           (\d{1,2}) # 1|2 digit [dec:m]
                           (\d{1,2}(?:\.\d*)?) # arcsecond (optional fraction)
                           # no capture on fraction
                           (RJ|RB|GA|AZ) # coordinate type
                           # most everything else is optional
                           # [sign]velocity, flux,vrange,vel_def,frame,comments
                           (n\/a|[+-]\s*\d+(?:\.\d*)?)?  # velocity [8]
                           (n\/a|\d+(?:\.\d*)?)?    # flux [9]
                           (n\/a|\d+(?:\.\d*)?)?    # vel range [10]
                           ([\w\/]+)?               # vel frame [11]
                           ([\w\/]+)?               # vel defn [12]
                           (.*)$                    # comment [13]

  # Abort if we do not have matches for the first 8 fields
  for (0..7) {
    return unless defined $match[$_];

  # Read the values
  my $target = $match[0];
  my $ra = join(":",@match[1..3]);
  my $dec = join(":",@match[4..6]);
  $dec =~ s/\s//g; # remove  space between the sign and number
  my $epoc = $match[7];

  print "Creating a new source in _parse_line: $target\n" if $DEBUG;

  # need to translate JCMT epoch to normal epoch
  my %coords;
  $epoc = uc($epoc);
  $coords{name} = $target;
  if ($epoc eq 'RJ') {
    $coords{ra} = $ra;
    $coords{dec} = $dec;
    $coords{type} = "j2000"
  } elsif ($epoc eq 'RB') {
    $coords{ra} = $ra;
    $coords{dec} = $dec;
    $coords{type} = "b1950";
  } elsif ($epoc eq 'GA') {
    $coords{long} = $ra;
    $coords{lat}  = $dec;
    $coords{type} = "galactic";
  } elsif ($epoc eq 'AZ') {
    $coords{az}   = $ra;
    $coords{el}   = $dec;
    $coords{units} = 'sexagesimal';
  } else {
    warnings::warnif "Unknown coordinate type: '$epoc' for target $target. Ignoring line.";

  # catalog comments are space delimited
  my $ccol = 13;
  my $cat_comm = (defined $match[$ccol] ? $match[$ccol] : '');

  # Replace multiple spaces in comment with single space
  $cat_comm =~ s/\s+/ /g;

  # velocity
  $coords{vdefn} = "RADIO";
  $coords{vframe} = "LSR";
  if (defined $match[8] && $match[8] !~ /n/) {
    $match[8] =~ s/\s//g; # remove spaces
    $coords{rv} = $match[8];
    $coords{vdefn} = $match[12];
    $coords{vframe} = $match[11];

  # create the source object
  my $source = new Astro::Coords( %coords );

  unless (defined $source ) {
    if ($DEBUG) {
      print "failed to create source for '$target' and $ra and $dec and $epoc\n";
    } else {
      croak "Error parsing line. Unable to create source date for target '$target' at RA '$ra' Dec '$dec' and Epoch '$epoc'\n";

  $source->telescope( $tel ) if $tel;

  # Field name should simply be linked to the telescope
  my $field = (defined $tel ? $tel->name : '<UNKNOWN>' );

  my %misc;
  # Grab the line's velocity range, if it isn't "n/a".
  if( defined $match[10] && $match[10] !~ /n\/a/ ) {
    $misc{'velocity_range'} = $match[10];

  # Grab the 850-micron flux, if it isn't "n/a".
  if( defined $match[9] && $match[9] !~ /n\/a/ ) {
    $misc{'flux850'} = $match[9];

  print "Created a new source in _parse_line: $target in field $field\n" if $DEBUG;

  # Now create the star object
  return new Astro::Catalog::Star( id => $target,
                                   coords => $source,
                                   field => $field,
                                   comment => $cat_comm,
                                   misc => \%misc,



=head1 NOTES

Coordinates are stored as C<Astro::Coords> objects inside
C<Astro::Catalog::Star> objects.


The following global variables can be modified to control the state of the

=over 4

=item $DEBUG

Controls debugging messages. Default state is false.



The following constants are available for querying:

=over 4


The maximum length of sourcenames writable to a JCMT source catalogue.



Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council.
All Rights Reserved.

=head1 AUTHORS

Tim Jenness E<lt>tjenness@cpan.orgE<gt>

