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package Astro::Catalog::Query::MPC;

=head1 NAME

Astro::Catalog::Query::MPC - A query request to the Minor Planet Center's
Minor Planet Checker.


  $mpc = new Astro::Catalog::Query::MPC( RA => $ra,
                                         Dec => $dec,
                                         Year => $year,
                                         Month => $month,
                                         Day => $day,
                                         Radmax => $radius,
                                         Limit => $limit,
                                         ObsCode => $obscode,

  my $catalog = $mpc->querydb();


This module provides an object-oriented interface to the Minor Planet
Center's Minor Planet Checker webform available at It stores information about
asteroids found in a search radius at a specific epoch in an
C<Astro::Catalog> object.

The object will by default pick up the proxy information from the HTTP_PROXY
and NO_PROXY environment variables. See the LWP::UserAgent documentation
for details.

See L<Astro::Catalog::BaseQuery> for the catalog-independent methods.


use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/ Astro::Catalog::Transport::REST /;
use vars qw/ $VERSION /;

use File::Spec;
use Time::Piece ':override';
use Carp;

use Astro::Catalog;
use Astro::Catalog::Star;

use Astro::Flux;
use Astro::Fluxes;
use Number::Uncertainty;

$VERSION = "4.33";


=head2 Private Methods

These methods are for internal use only.

=over 4

=item B<_default_remote_host>

Defines the default remote host to be


sub _default_remote_host {
  return "";

=item B<_default_url_path>

Defines the default URL path to be ~cgi/MPCheck.COM?.


sub _default_url_path {
  return "~cgi/MPCheck.COM?";

=item B<_get_allowed_options>

Returns a hash with key being the internal options supported
by this subclass, and values being the key name actually requred
by the remote system (and to be included in the query).


sub _get_allowed_options {
  my $self = shift;
  return (
          ra => 'ra',
          dec => 'decl',
          year => 'year',
          month => 'month',
          day => 'day',
          limit => 'limit',
          obscode => 'oc',
          which => 'which',
          mpcsort => 'sort',
          mot => 'mot',
          tmot => 'tmot',
          needed => 'needed',
          ps => 'ps',
          type => 'type',
          radmax => 'radius',
          textarea => 'TextArea',

=item B<_get_default_options>

Get the default query state.


sub _get_default_options {
  my $time = gmtime;

  my $day = sprintf( "%.2f",$time->mday + ( $time->hour / 24 ) + ( $time->min / 1440 ) + ( $time->sec / 86400 ) );

  return (
          # Hidden and constant options
          which => 'pos',
          mpcsort => 'd',
          mot => 'h',
          tmot => 's',
          needed => 'f',
          ps => 'n',
          type => 'p',
          textarea => '',

          # Target information
          ra => undef,
          dec => undef,
          year => $time->year,
          month => $time->mon,
          day => $day,
          obscode => 500,

          # Limits
          radmax => 15,
          limit => 20.0,


=item B<_parse_query>

Private function used to parse the results returned in an MPC query.
Should not be called directly. Instead, use the querydb() accessor
method to make and parse the results.


sub _parse_query {
  my $self = shift;

  # Get a local copy of the current BUFFER.
  my @buffer = split( /\n/, $self->{BUFFER} );
  chomp @buffer;

  # Create an Astro::Catalog object to hold the search results.
  my $catalog = new Astro::Catalog();

  # Create a temporary object to hold stars.
  my $star;

  my ( $line, $counter );
  my ( $epoch );

  # Loop around the returned buffer and stuff the contents into
  # star objects.
  foreach $line ( 0 ... $#buffer ) {

    # Get the limiting magnitude, field center, radius, and epoch.
    if( $buffer[$line] =~ /^The following objects/ ) {
      $buffer[$line] =~ /\<i\>V\<\/i\> = ([0-9\.]+), were found in the ([0-9\.]+)-arcminute region around R.A. = ([0-9\. ]+), Decl. = ([\-+0-9\. ]+) \(J2000.0\) on (\d{4}) (\d{2}) ([0-9\.]+)/;
      my $limit = $1;
      my $radius = $2;
      my $ra = $3;
      my $dec = $4;
      my $year = $5;
      my $month = $6;
      my $day = $7;

      my $hour = int ( ( $day - int( $day ) ) * 24 );
      my $minute = int( ( ( ( $day - int( $day ) ) * 24 ) - $hour ) * 60 );
      my $second = int( ( ( ( ( ( $day - int( $day ) ) * 24 ) - $hour ) * 60 ) - $minute ) * 60 );
      $day = int($day);

      my $t = Time::Piece->strptime( "$year $month $day $hour $minute $second",
                                     "%Y %m %d %H %M %S" );
      $epoch = $t->year + ( $t->yday / 365.24 );

    if( $buffer[$line] =~ "<pre>" ) {

      # We're now in the list of asteroids. Loop through until we
      # hit </pre>.
      $counter = $line + 4;
      until( $buffer[$counter] =~ "</pre>" ) {

        my( $name, $ra, $dec, $vmag, $raoff, $decoff, $pm_ra, $pm_dec, $orbit, $comment ) = unpack("A24A11A10A6A7A7A7A7A6A*", $buffer[$counter]);

        if( defined( $ra ) ) {

          $star = new Astro::Catalog::Star();

          $name =~ s/^\s+//;
          $star->id( $name );

          $vmag =~ s/^\s+//;
          #my %vmag = ( V => $vmag );
          #$star->magnitudes( \%vmag );

          $star->fluxes( new Astro::Fluxes( new Astro::Flux(
                         new Number::Uncertainty( Value => $vmag ),
                         'mag', "V" )));

          $comment =~ s/^\s+//;
          $star->comment( $comment );

          # Deal with the coordinates. RA and Dec are almost in the
          # right format (need to replace separating spaces with colons).
          $ra =~ s/^\s+//;
          $ra =~ s/ /:/g;
          $dec =~ s/^\s+//;
          $dec =~ s/ /:/g;

          my $coords = new Astro::Coords( name => $name,
                                          ra => $ra,
                                          dec => $dec,
                                          type => 'J2000',
                                          epoch => $epoch,

          $star->coords( $coords );

          # Push the star onto the catalog.
          $catalog->pushstar( $star );

      $line = $counter

  return $catalog;


=head2 Translation Methods

The query options stored internally in the object are not necessarily
the form required for a query to a remote server. Methods for converting
from the internal representation to the external query format are
provided in the form of _from_$opt. ie:

  ($outkey, $outvalue) = $q->_from_ra();
  ($outkey, $outvalue) = $q->_from_object();

The base class only includes one to one mappings.

=over 4

=item B<_translate_one_to_one>

Return a list of internal options (as defined in C<_get_allowed_options>)
that are known to support a one-to-one mapping of the internal value
to the external value.

  %one = $q->_translate_one_to_one();

Returns a hash with keys and no values (this makes it easy to
check for the option).

This method also returns the values from the parent class.


sub _translate_one_to_one {
  my $self = shift;
  # convert to a hash-list
  return ($self->SUPER::_translate_one_to_one,
          map { $_, undef }(qw/ year month day obscode
                                ra dec radius limit
                                which mot tmot mpcsort
                                needed ps type textarea




Copyright (C) 2004 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research
Council. All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License.

=head1 AUTHORS

Brad Cavanagh E<lt>b.cavanagh@jach.hawaii.eduE<gt>

