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package HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple;
# ABSTRACT: simple rendering role

use Moose::Role;

requires( 'sorted_fields', 'field' );

use HTML::FormHandler::Render::Util ('process_attrs', 'ucc_widget');

our $VERSION = 0.01;

sub render {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $output = $self->render_start;

    $output .= $self->render_form_errors;

    foreach my $field ( $self->sorted_fields ) {
        $output .= $self->render_field($field);

    $output .= $self->render_end;
    return $output;

sub render_form_errors {
    my $self = shift;

    return '' unless $self->has_form_errors;
    my $output = "\n<div class=\"form_errors\">";
    $output .= qq{\n<span class="error_message">$_</span>}
        for $self->all_form_errors;
    $output .= "\n</div>";
    return $output;

sub render_field {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    if ( ref( \$field ) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
        $field = $self->field($field);
    die "must pass field to render_field"
        unless ( defined $field && $field->isa('HTML::FormHandler::Field') );
    # widgets should be in camel case, since they are Perl package names
    my $widget = ucc_widget($field->widget);
    return '' if $widget eq 'no_render';
    my $rendered_field;
    my $form_render = 'render_' . $widget;
    if ( $self->can($form_render) ) {
        $rendered_field = $self->$form_render($field);
    elsif ( $field->can('render') ) {
        $rendered_field = $field->render;
    else {
        die "No widget method found for '$widget' in H::F::Render::Simple";
    return $self->wrap_field( $field, $rendered_field );

sub wrap_field {
    my ( $self, $field, $rendered_field ) = @_;

    return "\n$rendered_field" if $field->uwrapper eq 'none';
    return "\n$rendered_field" if ! $field->do_wrapper;

    my $output = "\n";

    my $wrapper_tag = $field->get_tag('wrapper_tag');
    $wrapper_tag ||= $field->has_flag('is_repeatable') ? 'fieldset' : 'div';
    my $attrs = process_attrs($field->wrapper_attributes);

    $output .= qq{<$wrapper_tag$attrs>};
    if( $wrapper_tag eq 'fieldset' ) {
        $output .= '<legend>' . $field->loc_label . '</legend>';
    elsif ( ! $field->get_tag('label_none') && $field->do_label && length( $field->label ) > 0 ) {
        $output .= "\n" . $self->render_label($field);

    $output .= "\n$rendered_field";
    $output .= qq{\n<span class="error_message">$_</span>}
        for $field->all_errors;

    $output .= "\n</$wrapper_tag>";

    return "$output";

sub render_text {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;
    my $output = '<input type="' . $field->input_type . '" name="';
    $output .= $field->html_name . '"';
    $output .= ' id="' . $field->id . '"';
    $output .= ' size="' . $field->size . '"' if $field->size;
    $output .= ' maxlength="' . $field->maxlength . '"' if $field->maxlength;
    $output .= ' value="' . $field->html_filter($field->fif) . '"';
    $output .= process_attrs($field->element_attributes);
    $output .= ' />';
    return $output;

sub render_password {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;
    my $output = '<input type="password" name="';
    $output .= $field->html_name . '"';
    $output .= ' id="' . $field->id . '"';
    $output .= ' size="' . $field->size . '"' if $field->size;
    $output .= ' maxlength="' . $field->maxlength . '"' if $field->maxlength;
    $output .= ' value="' . $field->html_filter($field->fif) . '"';
    $output .= process_attrs($field->element_attributes);
    $output .= ' />';
    return $output;

sub render_hidden {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;
    my $output = '<input type="hidden" name="';
    $output .= $field->html_name . '"';
    $output .= ' id="' . $field->id . '"';
    $output .= ' value="' . $field->html_filter($field->fif) . '"';
    $output .= process_attrs($field->element_attributes);
    $output .= ' />';
    return $output;

sub render_select {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    my $multiple = $field->multiple;
    my $id = $field->id;
    my $output = '<select name="' . $field->html_name . '"';
    $output .= qq{ id="$id"};
    $output .= ' multiple="multiple"' if $multiple == 1;
    $output .= ' size="' . $field->size . '"' if $field->size;
    my $html_attributes = process_attrs($field->element_attributes);
    $output .= $html_attributes;
    $output .= '>';
    my $index = 0;
    if( defined $field->empty_select ) {
        $output .= '<option value="">' . $field->_localize($field->empty_select) . '</option>';
    my $fif = $field->fif;
    my %fif_lookup;
    @fif_lookup{@$fif} = () if $multiple;
    foreach my $option ( @{ $field->{options} } ) {
        my $value = $option->{value};
        $output .= '<option value="'
            . $field->html_filter($value)
            . qq{" id="$id.$index"};
        if( defined $option->{disabled} && $option->{disabled} ) {
            $output .= ' disabled="disabled"';
        if ( defined $fif ) {
            if ( $multiple && exists $fif_lookup{$value} ) {
                $output .= ' selected="selected"';
            elsif ( $fif eq $value ) {
                $output .= ' selected="selected"';
        $output .= $html_attributes;
        my $label = $option->{label};
        $label = $field->_localize($label) if $field->localize_labels;
        $output .= '>' . ( $field->html_filter($label) ) . '</option>';
    $output .= '</select>';
    return $output;

sub render_checkbox {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    my $output = '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $field->html_name . '"';
    $output .= ' id="' . $field->id . '"';
    $output .= ' value="' . $field->html_filter($field->checkbox_value) . '"';
    $output .= ' checked="checked"' if $field->fif eq $field->checkbox_value;
    $output .= process_attrs($field->element_attributes);
    $output .= ' />';
    return $output;

sub render_radio_group {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    my $output = " <br />";
    my $index  = 0;
    foreach my $option ( @{ $field->options } ) {
        my $id = $field->id . ".$index";
        $output .= qq{<label for="$id"><input type="radio" value="} . $field->html_filter($option->{value}) . '"';
        $output .= ' name="' . $field->html_name . '" id="' . "$id\"";
        $output .= ' checked="checked"' if $option->{value} eq $field->fif;
        $output .= ' />';
        $output .= $field->html_filter($option->{label}) . '</label><br />';
    return $output;

sub render_textarea {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;
    my $fif  = $field->fif || '';
    my $id   = $field->id;
    my $cols = $field->cols || 10;
    my $rows = $field->rows || 5;
    my $name = $field->html_name;

    my $output =
        qq(<textarea name="$name" id="$id" )
        . process_attrs($field->element_attributes)
        . qq(rows="$rows" cols="$cols">)
        . $field->html_filter($fif)
        . q(</textarea>);

    return $output;

sub render_upload {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    my $output;
    $output = '<input type="file" name="';
    $output .= $field->html_name . '"';
    $output .= ' id="' . $field->id . '"';
    $output .= process_attrs($field->element_attributes);
    $output .= ' />';
    return $output;

sub render_label {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    my $attrs = process_attrs( $field->label_attributes );
    my $label = $field->html_filter($field->loc_label);
    $label .= $field->get_tag('label_after')
        if( $field->tag_exists('label_after') );
    my $label_tag = $field->tag_exists('label_tag') ? $field->get_tag('label_tag') : 'label';
    return qq{<$label_tag$attrs for="} . $field->id . qq{">$label</$label_tag>};

sub render_compound {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    my $output = '';
    foreach my $subfield ( $field->sorted_fields ) {
        $output .= $self->render_field($subfield);
    return $output;

sub render_submit {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    my $output = '<input type="submit" name="';
    $output .= $field->html_name . '"';
    $output .= ' id="' . $field->id . '"';
    $output .= process_attrs($field->element_attributes);
    $output .= ' value="' . $field->html_filter($field->_localize($field->value)) . '" />';
    return $output;

sub render_reset {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    my $output = '<input type="reset" name="';
    $output .= $field->html_name . '"';
    $output .= ' id="' . $field->id . '"';
    $output .= process_attrs($field->element_attributes);
    $output .= ' value="' . $field->html_filter($field->value) . '" />';
    return $output;

sub render_captcha {
    my ( $self, $field ) = @_;

    my $output .= '<img src="' . $self->captcha_image_url . '"/>';
    $output .= '<input id="' . $field->id . '" name="';
    $output .= $field->html_name . '"/>';
    return $output;

use namespace::autoclean;



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple - simple rendering role

=head1 VERSION

version 0.40059


This is a Moose role that is an example of a simple rendering
routine for L<HTML::FormHandler>. It's here as an example of
how to write a custom renderer in one package, if you prefer
that to using the widgets. It won't always be updated with
improvements by default, because it was becoming a lot of work to update
the rendering in multiple places.

For a 'MyApp::Form::Renderer' which you've created and modified,
in your Form class:

   package MyApp::Form::Silly;
   use Moose;
   extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC';
   with 'MyApp::Form::Renderers';

In a template:

   [% form.render %]

The widgets are rendered with C<< $field->render >>; rendering
routines from a class like this use C<< $form->render_field('field_name') >>
to render individual fields:

   [% form.render_field( 'title' ) %]


This role provides HTML output routines for the 'widget' types
defined in the provided FormHandler fields. Each 'widget' name
has a 'widget_$name' method here.

These widget routines output strings with HTML suitable for displaying
form fields.

The widget for a particular field can be defined in the form. You can
create additional widget routines in your form for custom widgets.

The fill-in-form values ('fif') are cleaned with the 'render_filter'
method of the base field class. You can change the filter to suit
your own needs: see L<HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Rendering>

=head2 render

To render all the fields in a form in sorted order (using
'sorted_fields' method).

=head2 render_start, render_end

These use the methods in L<HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Form::Simple> now. If
you want to customize them, copy them to your own package.

Will render the beginning and ending <form> tags and fieldsets. Allows for easy
splitting up of the form if you want to hand-render some of the fields.

   [% form.render_start %]
   [% form.render_field('title') %]
   <insert specially rendered field>
   [% form.render_field('some_field') %]
   [% form.render_end %]

=head2 render_field

Render a field passing in a field object or a field name

   $form->render_field( $field )
   $form->render_field( 'title' )

=head2 render_text

Output an HTML string for a text widget

=head2 render_password

Output an HTML string for a password widget

=head2 render_hidden

Output an HTML string for a hidden input widget

=head2 render_select

Output an HTML string for a 'select' widget, single or multiple

=head2 render_checkbox

Output an HTML string for a 'checkbox' widget

=head2 render_radio_group

Output an HTML string for a 'radio_group' selection widget.
This widget should be for a field that inherits from 'Select',
since it requires the existence of an 'options' array.

=head2 render_textarea

Output an HTML string for a textarea widget

=head2 render_compound

Renders field with 'compound' widget

=head2 render_submit

Renders field with 'submit' widget

=head1 AUTHOR

FormHandler Contributors - see HTML::FormHandler


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Gerda Shank.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
