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use strict;
use warnings;
use TAP::Parser;
use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
use TAP::Formatter::JUnit;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use IO::File;
use File::Slurp qw(slurp);

# Read in our command line options.
my ($help, $man);
my $name;
my $verbose;
my $suffix = '.xml';
    'suffix=s'          => \$suffix,
    'verbose'           => \$verbose,
    'name|junit_name=s' => \$name,
    'help|?'            => \$help,
    'man'               => \$man,
) || pod2usage(1);
pod2usage(1) if ($help);
pod2usage( -exitstatus=>0, -verbose=>2 ) if ($man);

# Get the names of all of the TAP files we're supposed to convert.
my @tap_files = @ARGV;
pod2usage(1) unless (@tap_files);

# Convert all of the TAP files to JUnit.
foreach my $file (@tap_files) {
    verbose( "converting TAP to JUnit: $file" );

    # Slurp in the TAP.
    my $tap = ($file eq '-')
        ? do { local $/; <STDIN>; }
        : slurp($file);

    # Open up a FH for where we're going to dump the JUnit
    my $fout;
    if ($file eq '-') {
        open $fout, '>&STDOUT'
            || die "can't dup STDOUT; $!\n";
    else {
        my $junit_file = "${file}${suffix}";
        $fout = IO::File->new( $junit_file, '>' )
             || die "can't open '$junit_file' for writing; $!";

    # Name the test; if one wasn't provided, name it after the file itself.
    my $test_name = $name || $file;

    # Convert the TAP to JUnit
    eval {
        # Create the TAP formatter, aggregator, and parser that we're going to
        # use to convert the TAP to JUnit.
        my $formatter  = TAP::Formatter::JUnit->new( { stdout => $fout } );
        my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new();
        my $parser     = TAP::Parser->new( { tap => $tap } );

        # Parse all of the TAP in this file.

        my $session = $formatter->open_test($test_name, $parser);
        while (my $result = $parser->next()) {
        $aggregator->add($file, $parser);


        # Summarize the results (in JUnit)
    if ($@) {
        warn $@;


# All done; exit peacefully.

sub verbose {
    print "$_[0]\n" if ($verbose);

=head1 NAME

tap2junit - Converts TAP output to JUnit


  tap2junit [options] <filename> <filename> ...

    --suffix <suffix>   Suffix for JUnit output files (default ".xml")
    --verbose           Display verbose status during conversion
    --name <name>       Provide explicit name for the JUnit test
    --help/-?           Display brief help message
    --man               Display full documentation


C<tap2junit> converts TAP output to JUnit.

Give it a list of files containing TAP results and it will create a series of
F<????.junit.xml> output files containing the JUnit representations of that TAP
contained in the files.

If you specify F<-> as the filename, C<tap2junit> will read from STDIN and write
to STDOUT.  You may also want to use the C<--name> option to name the test
explicitly (as the default name of "-" isn't going to make much sense).

=head1 OPTIONS


=item B<--suffix E<lt>suffixE<gt>>

Specifies the suffix which is appended to all of the input files, in order to
generate the filename for the JUnit XML file that is being output.

If you want to live dangerously and over-write your original TAP files, you can
set this to "" and your original TAP files will be over-written.

Defaults to F<.xml>

=item B<--verbose>

Display verbose status information during the conversion (telling you which TAP
file its working on).

=item B<--name E<lt>nameE<gt>>

Specifies an explicit name for the JUnit test.  If no name is provided, a
default name will be constructed based on the full path of the TAP file being

This option has also been aliased as C<--junit_name> to provide compatibility
with a patch from Joe McMahon.

=item B<--help/-?>

Display brief help message.

=item B<--man>

Displays the full documentation.


=head1 AUTHOR

Graham TerMarsch <>


Copyright 2008-2010, Graham TerMarsch.  All Rights Reserved.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

