The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package App::Pm2Port;

#         FILE:
#        USAGE:  ./
#  DESCRIPTION:  upload
#      OPTIONS:  ---
#         BUGS:  ---
#        NOTES:  ---
#       AUTHOR:  Andrey Kostenko (), <>
#      COMPANY:  Rambler Internet Holding
#      VERSION:  1.0
#      CREATED:  26.06.2009 02:13:30 MSD
#     REVISION:  ---

$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
our $VERSION=0.29;
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker();
use Net::FTP;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use YAML qw(Dump LoadFile DumpFile);
use JSON::XS;
use version;
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use CPAN;
use CPANPLUS::Backend;
use Config;
use FreeBSD::Ports::INDEXhash qw/INDEXhash/;

=head2 new


sub new {
    my $class  = shift;
    my %params = @_;
    $params{INDEX} = { INDEXhash() };
    $params{cpan} = CPANPLUS::Backend->new;
    bless {%params}, $class;

=head2 prompt

Asks something


sub prompt {
    my ( $text, $default ) = @_;
    require Term::ReadLine;
    state $term = Term::ReadLine->new('perl2port');
    $term->readline( $text, $default );

=head2 perl_version_parse

Args: $version

Converts perl version number to something understandable by FreeBSD


sub perl_version_parse {
    my ( $self, $version ) = @_;
    my $b = 0;
    return join '.', map { int $_ }
      grep { defined }
      ( $version =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d{1,3})(?:\.(\d{1,3})|(\d{3}))?$/ );

=head2 get_dependencies

Returns FreeBSD-style list of dependencies.


sub get_dependencies {
    my $self = shift;
    my $requires = shift;
    my $ports    = shift;
    return '' unless $requires;
    my @deps;
    my %deps;
    foreach ( keys %$requires ) {
        my $module = $_;
        next if $module eq 'perl';
        my $distribution;
        unless ($ports) {
            my $cpan_module = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", $module );
            if ($cpan_module) {
                $distribution = $cpan_module->distribution()->base_id;
            else {
                ( $distribution = $module ) =~ s/::/-/g;
            next if $distribution =~ /^perl-/;
            $distribution = "p5-$distribution";
            $distribution =~ s/-v?[\d\.]+$//;
            $distribution =~ s/^p5-(ANSIColor)$/p5-Term-$1/;
            $distribution =~ s/libwww-perl/libwww/;
        else {
            $distribution = $module;
        next if $deps{$distribution};
        $deps{$distribution} = 1;
        my ($package_name) = grep /^\Q$distribution-\E[\d.]+/, keys %{ $self->{INDEX} };
        my $location = $self->{INDEX}{$package_name}{path};
        unless ($location) {
            print "Creating dependency for $distribution";

            #die "Missing dependency for $distribution";
            unless (fork) {
                my $a = App::Pm2Port->new( module => $module );
            $location =
              . LoadFile( glob "~/.portupload/$module.yml" )->{category}
              . "/$distribution";
        $location =~ s!/usr/ports!\${PORTSDIR}!;
        push @deps, "$distribution>=$requires->{$module}:$location";
    unshift @deps, '' if $ports;
    @deps = sort @deps;
    join " \\\n\t\t", @deps;

=head2 create_makefile

Args: $metafile, $portupload_file, $man1, $man3


sub create_makefile {
    my $self            = shift;
    my $file            = shift;
    my $portupload_file = shift;
    my $man1            = shift;
    my $man3            = shift;
    my $module  = shift;
    open +( my $makefile ), '>', 'Makefile';
    ( my $comment = $file->{abstract} ) =~ s/\.$//;
    $comment = ucfirst $comment;
    print $makefile "# New ports collection makefile for:  $file->{name}\n";
    print $makefile "# Date created: " . `date "+\%d \%B \%Y"`;
    print $makefile "# Whom: $portupload_file->{maintainer}\n";
    print $makefile "#\n"; 
    print $makefile "# \$FreeBSD\$\n\n";
    print $makefile "PORTNAME=	$file->{name}\n";
    print $makefile "PORTVERSION=	$file->{version}\n";
    print $makefile "CATEGORIES=	$portupload_file->{category} perl5\n";
    print $makefile "MASTER_SITES=	"
      . ( $portupload_file->{master_sites} || 'CPAN' ) . "\n";
    print $makefile "PKGNAMEPREFIX=	p5-\n";
    print $makefile "\n";
    print $makefile "MAINTAINER=	$portupload_file->{maintainer}\n";
    print $makefile "COMMENT=	$comment\n";
    print $makefile "\n";
    print $makefile "BUILD_DEPENDS=	"
      . $self->get_dependencies( $file->{requires} )
      . $self->get_dependencies( $portupload_file->{requires}, 1 ) . "\n";
    print $makefile "RUN_DEPENDS=\t\${BUILD_DEPENDS}\n";
    print $makefile "\n";
    print $makefile "USE_APACHE=" . $portupload_file->{apache} . "\n"
      if $portupload_file->{apache};
    print $makefile "PERL_MODBUILD=	YES\n" if $module->get_installer_type =~ /build/i;
    print $makefile "PERL_CONFIGURE=	"
      . (
        ? $self->perl_version_parse( $file->{requires}{perl} ) . "+"
        : 'YES'
      ) . "\n";
    print $makefile "MAN1=	" . $man1 . "\n" if $man1;
    print $makefile "MAN3=	" . $man3 . "\n" if $man3;
    print $makefile "\n";

    if ( $portupload_file->{additional} ) {
        print $makefile ".include <>\n";
        $portupload_file->{additional} =~ s/ {4}/\t/g;
        print $makefile $portupload_file->{additional};
        print $makefile ".include <>\n";
    else {
        print $makefile ".include <>\n";
    close $makefile;

=head2 create_config

Creates config file for module


sub create_config {
    my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
    mkdir glob "~/.portupload";
    my ($package_name) = grep /^\Qp5-$name-\E[\d.]+/, keys %{ $self->{INDEX} };
    my $pkg_info       = $self->{INDEX}{$package_name};
    my $config         = {};
    my $suggested_category;
    ( $config->{category}, $suggested_category ) =
      $self->suggest_category( $name, $pkg_info->{categories} );
    $config->{category} ||= prompt( "Port category:", $suggested_category );
    my $maintainer_email = $pkg_info->{maintainer};

    if ( -e glob '~/.porttools' ) {
        $maintainer_email ||= `. ~/.porttools;echo \$EMAIL`;
        chomp $maintainer_email;
    $config->{maintainer} = $maintainer_email
      || prompt( "Maintainer email:", "$ENV{USER}\" );
    DumpFile( glob("~/.portupload/$self->{module}.yml"), $config );

=head2 run

Makes actually all work


sub run {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my ( $post_on_cpan, $submit_to_freebsd );

        'h|help' => sub {
qq{Usage: $0 [ --info ] [ --no-tests ] [ --no-upload ] [ --no-commit ] [ --cpan ]\n};
            exit 0;
        'info' => sub {
            $ENV{INFO_ONLY} = 1;
        'no-tests' => sub {
            $ENV{NOTEST} = 1;
        'no-upload' => sub {
            $ENV{NO_UPLOAD} = 1;
        'no-commit' => sub {
            $ENV{NO_COMMIT} = 1;
        'freebsd' => sub {
            $submit_to_freebsd = 1;

    my $module = $self->{cpan}->parse_module( module => $self->{module} );
    chdir $module->extract;

    #$module->test or die unless $ENV{NOTEST};
    my $file    = $self->load_meta;
    my $version = $file->{version};
    $self->create_config( $file->{name} )
      unless -f glob "~/.portupload/$self->{module}.yml";
    my $portupload_file = LoadFile( glob "~/.portupload/$self->{module}.yml" );
    my $ftp;
    printf qq{
    Tests:  %s
      $ENV{NOTEST}    ? 'no' : 'yes',
      $ENV{NO_UPLOAD} ? 'no' : $portupload_file->{master_sites},
    exit if $ENV{INFO_ONLY};
    print ">>> PList\n";
    my ( $man1, $man3, @pkg_plist ) = $self->generate_plist( $module->packlist );
    system("make -s clean");
    chdir tempdir();

    if (
"cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs\ co ports/$portupload_file->{category}/p5-$file->{name}"
        ) == 0
        chdir "ports/$portupload_file->{category}/p5-$file->{name}" or do {
            mkdir "ports";
            mkdir "ports/p5-$file->{name}" or die;
            chdir "ports/p5-$file->{name}" or die;

    $self->create_makefile( $file, $portupload_file, $man1, $man3, $module );
    open PLIST, '>', 'pkg-plist';
    if ( !$portupload_file->{distfiles} ) {
        print PLIST @pkg_plist;
    else {
        print PLIST "\n";
    close PLIST;
    open PDESCR, '>', 'pkg-descr';
    print PDESCR $file->{abstract};
    print PDESCR "\n\nWWW:$file->{name}\n";
    if ( !system("$ENV{EDITOR} Makefile") ) {
        print ">>> Enter your root password:\n";
        system("sudo port fetch");
        if ( system("port test") ) {
            warn "test failed\n";
            unless ( $ENV{NOTEST} ) {
        if ( -d 'CVS' ) {
            system("port submit -c -m update");
        else {
            system("port submit -m new");


=head2 generate_plist

created list of manpages and pg-plist


sub generate_plist {
    my ($self, $packlist, $module ) = @_;
    my @files = sort keys %$packlist;
    my (@man1, @man3, @plist, @dlist);
    foreach ( @files ) {
        if (m{^$Config{man1dir}/(.+)$}) {
            push @man1, $1;
        if (m{^$Config{man3dir}/(.+)$}) {
            push @man3, $1;
        if (m{^$Config{installsitelib}/(.+)}) {
            push @plist, '%%SITE_PERL%%/' . $1 . "\n";
            push @dlist, $self->_get_dlist( $plist[-1] , '%%SITE_PERL%%' );
        if (m{^$Config{installsitebin}/(.+)}) {
            push @plist, 'bin/' . $1 . "\n";
        die $_;
    unless ($module->get_installer_type =~ /build/i) {
        my $packlist_file = $packlist->packlist_file();
        $packlist_file =~ s/$Config{installsitelib}/\%\%SITE_PERL\%\%\/\%\%PERL_ARCH\%\%/;
        push @dlist, $self->_get_dlist( $packlist_file , '%%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto' );
        push @plist, $packlist_file . "\n";
    my $man1 = join "\\\n\t\t", @man1;
    my $man3 = join "\\\n\t\t", @man3;
    my %dlist = map { $_ => 1 } @dlist;
    return $man1, $man3, @plist, reverse sort keys %dlist;

sub _get_dlist {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = shift;
    my $root = shift;
    my @dlist;
    do {
        $file = dirname($file);
        die "Can't get directory list for $file from $root" if $file eq '.';
        push @dlist, '@dirrmtry ' . $file . "\n";
    } while ( $file ne $root );
    pop @dlist;
    return @dlist;

=head2 suggest_category

Tries to find category for module name.


sub suggest_category {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $module = shift;
    my ($root) = split /-/, $module;
    my $categories = shift;
    if ($categories) {
        return grep !/^perl$/, @$categories;
    given ($root) {
        when (/^DBI(x)?|DBD$/) {
            return 'databases';
        when (/^Catalyst|HTML|WWW$/) {
            return 'www';
        when (/^Net$/) {
            return 'net';
        when (/^CSS$/) {
            return 'textproc';
    return undef, 'devel';

=head2 load_meta

Loads META.yml or META.json


sub load_meta {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( -e 'META.json' ) {
        open +( my $f ), '<', 'META.json' or die $!;
        local $/ = undef;
        local $\ = undef;
        return JSON::XS::decode_json(<$f>);
    else {
        return LoadFile('META.yml');


=head1 NAME

App::Pm2Port - Creates FreeBSD port from Perl module


    cd port-directory
    pm2port Variable::Eject

=head1 LICENSE

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Andrey Kostenko E<lt>andrey@kostenko.nameE<gt>
