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use strict;
use Carp ();

package Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity;
use fields (
    'identity',  # the verified identity URL
    'id_uri',  # the verified identity's URI object

    'claimed_identity', # The ClaimedIdentity object that we've verified
    'semantic_info',    # The "semantic info" (RSS URLs, etc) at the verified identity URL

    'consumer',  # The Net::OpenID::Consumer module which created us

    'signed_fields' ,  # hashref of key->value of things that were signed.  without "openid." prefix
    'signed_message',  # the signed fields as an IndirectMessage object. Created when needed.
use URI;

sub new {
    my Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity $self = shift;
    $self = fields::new( $self ) unless ref $self;
    my %opts = @_;

    $self->{'consumer'} = delete $opts{'consumer'};

    if ($self->{'claimed_identity'} = delete $opts{'claimed_identity'}) {
        $self->{identity} = $self->{claimed_identity}->claimed_url;
        unless ($self->{'id_uri'} = URI->new($self->{identity})) {
            return $self->{'consumer'}->_fail("invalid_uri");

    for my $par (qw(signed_fields)) {
        $self->$par(delete $opts{$par});

    Carp::croak("Unknown options: " . join(", ", keys %opts)) if %opts;
    return $self;

sub url {
    my Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity $self = shift;
    return $self->{'identity'};

sub display {
    my Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity $self = shift;
    return DisplayOfURL($self->{'identity'});

sub _semantic_info_hash {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return $self->{semantic_info} if $self->{semantic_info};
    my $sem_info = $self->{claimed_identity}->semantic_info;
    $self->{semantic_info} = {
        'foaf' => $self->_identity_relative_uri($sem_info->{"foaf"}),
        'foafmaker' => $sem_info->{"foaf.maker"},
        'rss' => $self->_identity_relative_uri($sem_info->{"rss"}),
        'atom' => $self->_identity_relative_uri($sem_info->{"atom"}),
    return $self->{semantic_info};

sub _identity_relative_uri {
    my $self = shift;
    my $url = shift;

    return $url if ref $url;
    return undef unless $url;
    return URI->new_abs($url, $self->{'id_uri'});

sub signed_fields { &_getset;        }

sub foaf      { &_getset_semurl; }
sub rss       { &_getset_semurl; }
sub atom      { &_getset_semurl; }
sub foafmaker     { &_getset_sem; }

sub declared_foaf   { &_dec_semurl; }
sub declared_rss    { &_dec_semurl; }
sub declared_atom   { &_dec_semurl; }

sub extension_fields {
    my ($self, $ns_uri) = @_;
    return $self->_extension_fields($ns_uri, $self->{consumer}->message);

sub signed_extension_fields {
    my ($self, $ns_uri) = @_;

    return $self->_extension_fields($ns_uri, $self->signed_message);

sub _extension_fields {
    my ($self, $ns_uri, $args) = @_;

    return $args->get_ext($ns_uri);

sub signed_message {
    my ($self) = @_;

    return $self->{signed_message} if $self->{signed_message};

    # This is maybe a bit hacky.
    # We need to synthesize an IndirectMessage object
    # representing the signed fields, which means
    # that we need to fake up the mandatory message
    # arguments that probably weren't signed.

    my %args = map { 'openid.'.$_ => $self->{signed_fields}{$_} } keys %{$self->{signed_fields}};

    my $real_message = $self->{consumer}->message;
    if ($real_message->protocol_version == 1) {
        # OpenID 1.1 just needs a mode.
        $args{'openid.mode'} = 'id_res';
    else {
        # OpenID 2.2 needs the namespace URI as well
        $args{'openid.ns'} = '';
        $args{'openid.mode'} = 'id_res';

    my $message = Net::OpenID::IndirectMessage->new(\%args);

    return $self->{signed_message} = $message;

sub _getset {
    my $self = shift;
    my $param = (caller(1))[3];
    $param =~ s/.+:://;

    if (@_) {
        my $val = shift;
        Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
        $self->{$param} = $val;
    return $self->{$param};

sub _getset_sem {
    my $self = shift;
    my $param = (caller(1))[3];
    $param =~ s/.+:://;

    my $info = $self->_semantic_info_hash;

    if (my $value = shift) {
        Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;
        $info->{$param} = $value;
    return $info->{$param};

sub _getset_semurl {
    my $self = shift;
    my $param = (caller(1))[3];
    $param =~ s/.+:://;

    my $info = $self->_semantic_info_hash;

    if (my $surl = shift) {
        Carp::croak("Too many parameters") if @_;

        # TODO: make absolute URL from possibly relative one
        my $abs = URI->new_abs($surl, $self->{'id_uri'});
        $info->{$param} = $abs;

    my $uri = $info->{$param};
    return $uri && _url_is_under($self->{'id_uri'}, $uri) ? $uri->as_string : undef;

sub _dec_semurl {
    my $self = shift;
    my $param = (caller(1))[3];
    $param =~ s/.+::declared_//;

    my $info = $self->_semantic_info_hash;

    my $uri = $info->{$param};
    return $uri ? $uri->as_string : undef;

sub DisplayOfURL {
    my $url = shift;
    my $dev_mode = shift;

    return $url unless
        $url =~ m!^https?://([^/]+)(/.*)?$!;

    my ($host, $path) = ($1, $2);
    $host = lc($host);

    if ($dev_mode) {
        $host =~ s!^dev\.!!;
        $host =~ s!:\d+!!;

    $host =~ s/:.+//;
    $host =~ s/^www\.//i;

    if (length($path) <= 1) {
        return $host;

    # obvious username
    if ($path =~ m!^/~([^/]+)/?$! ||
        $path =~ m!^/(?:users?|members?)/([^/]+)/?$!) {
        return "$1 [$host]";

    if ($host =~ m!^profile\.(.+)!i) {
        my $site = $1;
        if ($path =~ m!^/([^/]+)/?$!) {
            return "$1 [$site]";

    return $url;

# FIXME: duplicated in Net::OpenID::Server
sub _url_is_under {
    my ($root, $test, $err_ref) = @_;

    my $err = sub {
        $$err_ref = shift if $err_ref;
        return undef;

    my $ru = ref $root ? $root : URI->new($root);
    return $err->("invalid root scheme") unless $ru->scheme =~ /^https?$/;
    my $tu = ref $test ? $test : URI->new($test);
    return $err->("invalid test scheme") unless $tu->scheme =~ /^https?$/;
    return $err->("schemes don't match") unless $ru->scheme eq $tu->scheme;
    return $err->("ports don't match") unless $ru->port == $tu->port;

    # check hostnames
    my $ru_host = $ru->host;
    my $tu_host = $tu->host;
    my $wildcard_host = 0;
    if ($ru_host =~ s!^\*\.!!) {
        $wildcard_host = 1;
    unless ($ru_host eq $tu_host) {
        if ($wildcard_host) {
            return $err->("host names don't match") unless
                $tu_host =~ /\.\Q$ru_host\E$/;
        } else {
            return $err->("host names don't match");

    # check paths
    my $ru_path = $ru->path || "/";
    my $tu_path = $tu->path || "/";
    $ru_path .= "/" unless $ru_path =~ m!/$!;
    $tu_path .= "/" unless $tu_path =~ m!/$!;
    return $err->("path not a subpath") unless $tu_path =~ m!^\Q$ru_path\E!;

    return 1;



=head1 NAME

Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity - object representing a verified OpenID identity


  use Net::OpenID::Consumer;
  my $csr = Net::OpenID::Consumer->new;
  my $vident = $csr->verified_identity
    or die $csr->err;

  my $url = $vident->url;


After L<Net::OpenID::Consumer> verifies a user's identity and does the
signature checks, it gives you this Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity
object, from which you can learn more about the user.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item $vident->B<url>

Returns the URL (as a scalar) that was verified.  (Remember, an OpenID
is just a URL.)

=item $vident->B<display>

Returns the a short "display form" of the verified URL using a couple
brain-dead patterns.  For instance, the identity
"" will map to "bob []" The www. prefix
is removed, as well as http, and a username is looked for, in either
the tilde form, or "/users/USERNAME" or "/members/USERNAME".  If the
path component is empty or just "/", then the display form is just the
hostname, so "" is just "".

Suggestions for improving this function are welcome, but you'll probably
get more satisfying results if you make use of the data returned by
the Simple Registration (SREG) extension, which allows the user to
choose a preferred nickname to use on your site.

=item $vident->B<extension_fields>($ns_uri)

Return the fields from the given extension namespace, if any, that
were included in the assertion request. The fields are returned in
a hashref.

In most cases you'll probably want to use B<signed_extension_fields> instead,
to avoid attacks where a man-in-the-middle alters the extension fields in transit.

Note that for OpenID 1.1 transactions only Simple Registration (SREG) 1.1
is supported.

=item $vident->B<signed_extension_fields>($ns_uri)

The same as B<extension_fields> except that only fields that were signed
as part of the assertion are included in the returned hashref. For example,
if you included a Simple Registration request in your initial message,
you might fetch the results (if any) like this:

    $sreg = $vident->signed_extension_fields(

An important gotcha to bear in mind is that for OpenID 2.0 responses
no extension fields can be considered signed unless the corresponding
extension namespace declaration is also signed. If that is not the case,
this method will behave as if no extension fields for that URI were signed.

=item $vident->B<rss>

=item $vident->B<atom>

=item $vident->B<foaf>

=item $vident->B<declared_rss>

=item $vident->B<declared_atom>

=item $vident->B<declared_foaf>

Returns the absolute URLs (as scalars) of the user's RSS, Atom, and
FOAF XML documents that were also found in their HTML's E<lt>headE<gt>
section.  The short versions will only return a URL if they're below
the root URL that was verified.  If you want to get at the user's
declared rss/atom/foaf, even if it's on a different host or parent
directory, use the delcared_* versions, which don't have the additional

2005-05-24:  A future module will take a Net::OpenID::VerifiedIdentity
object and create an OpenID profile object so you don't have to
manually parse all those documents to get profile information.

=item $vident->B<foafmaker>

Returns the value of the C<foaf:maker> meta tag, if declared.



See L<Net::OpenID::Consumer> for author, copyrignt and licensing information.

=head1 SEE ALSO




Website:  L<>