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#  SVG maze output
#  Performs transformation, cleanup, and printing of output of Games::Maze

package Games::Maze::SVG;

use Carp;
use Games::Maze;
use Games::Maze::SVG::Rect;
use Games::Maze::SVG::RectHex;
use Games::Maze::SVG::Hex;

use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

Games::Maze::SVG - Build mazes in SVG.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.78


our $VERSION = 0.78;


Games::Maze::SVG uses the Games::Maze module to create mazes in SVG.

    use Games::Maze::SVG;

    my $foo = Games::Maze::SVG->new();

See Games::Maze::SVG::Manual for more information on using the module.


use constant SIGN_HEIGHT => 20;
use constant SIDE_MARGIN => 10;
use constant PANEL_WIDTH => 250;
use constant PANEL_MIN_HEIGHT => 365;

my %crumbstyles = (
                   dash => "stroke-width:1px; stroke-dasharray:5px,3px;",
                   dot  => "stroke-width:2px; stroke-dasharray:2px,6px;",
                   line => "stroke-width:1px;",
                   none => "visibility:hidden;",

my $license = <<'EOL';
        Copyright 2004-2013, G. Wade Johnson
        Some rights reserved.
    <rdf:RDF xmlns=""
    <Work rdf:about="">
       <dc:title>SVG Maze</dc:title>
       <dc:description>An SVG-based Game</dc:description>
          <dc:title>G. Wade Johnson</dc:title>
          <dc:title>G. Wade Johnson</dc:title>
       <dc:type rdf:resource="" />
       <license rdf:resource="" />

    <License rdf:about="">
       <permits rdf:resource="" />
       <permits rdf:resource="" />
       <requires rdf:resource="" />
       <requires rdf:resource="" />
       <permits rdf:resource="" />
       <requires rdf:resource="" />




# ----------------------------------------------
#  Subroutines

=head2 new( $type, %parms )

Create a new Games::Maze::SVG object. Supports the following named parameters:

Takes one positional parameter that is the maze type: Rect, RectHex, or Hex

=over 4

=item wallform

String naming the wall format. Legal values are bevel, round, roundcorners,
and straight. Not all formats work with all maze shapes.

=item crumb

String describing the breadcrumb design. Legal values are dash,
dot, line, and none

=item dir

Directory in which to find the ecmascript for the maze interactivity. Should
either be relative, or in URL form.

=item interactive

This parameter determines if the maze will be interactive. If the value of the
parameter is true (1), the appropriate scripting and support is written into
the SVG. If the parameter is omitted or false, no interactive support is

=item cols

The number of columns used in creating the maze. Default value is 12.

=item rows

The number of rows used in creating the maze. Default value is 12.

=item startcol

The column where the entry is found. Default value is random.

=item endcol

The column where the exit is found. Default value is random.



sub  new
    my $class = shift;

    my $shape = shift || 'Rect';

    my %params = @_;

    if(exists $params{crumb} && !exists $crumbstyles{$params{crumb}})
        croak "Unrecognized breadcrumb style '$params{crumb}'.\n"

    return Games::Maze::SVG::Rect->new( @_ )    if 'Rect' eq $shape;
    return Games::Maze::SVG::RectHex->new( @_ ) if 'RectHex' eq $shape;
    return Games::Maze::SVG::Hex->new( @_ )     if 'Hex' eq $shape;

    croak "Unrecognized maze shape '$shape'.\n";

=head2 $m->init_object( %parms )

Initializes the maze object with the default values for all mazes. The derived
classes should call this method in their constructors.

Returns the initial data members as a list.


sub init_object
    my %parms = @_;

    my %obj =
        mazeparms => {},
        wallform  => 'straight',
        crumb     => 'dash',
        dir       => 'scripts/',
    $obj{mazeparms}->{dimensions} = [ $parms{cols}||12, $parms{rows}||12, 1 ];
    $obj{mazeparms}->{entry} = [ $parms{startcol}, 1, 1 ] if $parms{startcol};

        $obj{mazeparms}->{exit} = [
            $parms{endcol}, $obj{mazeparms}->{dimensions}->[1], 1

    return %obj;

=head2 $m->set_interactive()

Method makes the maze interactive.

Returns a reference to self for chaining.


sub  set_interactive
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{interactive} = 1;
    return $self;

=head2 $m->set_breadcrumb( $bcs )

=over 4

=item $bcs

String specifying the breadcrumb style. Generates an exception if the
breadcrumb style is not recognized.


Returns a reference to self for chaining.


sub  set_breadcrumb
    my $self = shift;
    my $bcs  = shift;

    return unless defined $bcs;

    croak "Unrecognized breadcrumb style '$bcs'.\n"
      unless exists $crumbstyles{$bcs};
    $self->{crumb} = $bcs;
    $self->{crumbstyle} = $crumbstyles{$bcs};

    return $self;

=head2 $m->get_crumbstyle()

Returns the CSS style for the breadcrumb.


sub  get_crumbstyle
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{crumbstyle} ||= $crumbstyles{$self->{crumb}};

=head2 $m->get_script()

Method that returns the path to the interactivity script.


sub get_script
    my $self = shift;

    return "$self->{dir}$self->{scriptname}";

=head2 $m->to_string()

Method that converts the current maze into an SVG string.


sub  to_string
    my $self = shift;
    my $maze = Games::Maze->new( %{$self->{mazeparms}} );

    my @rows = map { [ split q{}, $_ ] }
                   split( "\n", $maze->to_ascii() );

    my $crumb  = q{};
    my $color  = {
                  mazebg => '#ffc',
                  panel  => '#ccc',
                  crumb  => '#f3f',
                  sprite => 'orange',
        	  button => '#ccf',

    my $crumbstyle = $self->get_crumbstyle();

    $self->transform_grid( \@rows, $self->{wallform} );
    $self->_just_maze( \@rows );

    my ($xp, $yp) = $self->convert_start_position( @{$maze->{entry}} );
    my ($xe, $ye) = $self->convert_end_position( @{$maze->{exit}} );
    my ($xenter, $yenter) = $self->convert_sign_position( $xp, $yp );
    my ($xexit, $yexit) = $self->convert_sign_position( $xe, $ye );

    my $width = $self->{width} + 2 * SIDE_MARGIN;
    my $height = $self->{height} + 2 * SIGN_HEIGHT;
    my $sprite_def = $self->create_sprite();

    my $output = qq{<?xml version="1.0"?>\n} ;
    my $offsety = - SIGN_HEIGHT;
    my $offsetx = - SIDE_MARGIN;
    my ($xme, $yme) = ($xp*$self->dx(), $yp*$self->dy());
    my ($xcrumb, $ycrumb) = ($xme+$self->dx()/2, $yme+$self->dy()/2);

    my $panelheight = $height > PANEL_MIN_HEIGHT ? $height : PANEL_MIN_HEIGHT;
        my $script = $self->build_all_script();
        my $boardelem = $self->build_board_element(
            \@rows, $xp, $yp, $xe, $ye

        my $totalwidth = $width + PANEL_WIDTH;
        $output .= <<"EOH";
<svg width="$totalwidth" height="$panelheight"
  <title>A Playable SVG Maze</title>
  <desc>This maze was generated using the Games::Maze::SVG Perl
     <style type="text/css">
        text { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10px; }
        .panel  { fill:$color->{panel}; stroke:none; }
        .button {
                   cursor: pointer;
        .button rect { fill: #33f; stroke: none; filter: url(#bevel);
        .button text { text-anchor:middle; fill:#fff; font-weight:bold; }
        .button polygon { fill:white; stroke:none; }
        .ctrllabel { text-anchor:middle; font-weight:bold; }
        #solvedmsg { text-anchor:middle; pointer-events:none; font-size:80px; fill:red;
     <filter id="bevel">
       <feFlood flood-color="#ccf" result="lite-flood"/>
       <feFlood flood-color="#006" result="dark-flood"/>
       <feComposite operator="in" in="lite-flood" in2="SourceAlpha"
       <feOffset in="lighter" result="lightedge" dx="-1" dy="-1"/>
       <feComposite operator="in" in="dark-flood" in2="SourceAlpha"
       <feOffset in="darker" result="darkedge" dx="1" dy="1"/>
         <feMergeNode in="lightedge"/>
         <feMergeNode in="darkedge"/>
         <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/>
  <svg x="@{[ PANEL_WIDTH ]}" y="0" width="$width" height="$height"
       viewBox="$offsetx $offsety $width $height" id="maze">
        $color->{mazebg} = '#fff';

        $output .= <<"EOH";
<svg width="$width" height="$height"
  <title>An SVG Maze</title>
  <desc>This maze was generated using the Games::Maze::SVG Perl
  <svg x="0" y="0" width="$width" height="$height"
       viewBox="$offsetx $offsety $width $height" id="maze">

    $output .= <<"EOH";
      <style type="text/css">
        path    { stroke: black; fill: none; }
        polygon { stroke: black; fill: grey; }
        #sprite { stroke: grey; stroke-width:0.2px; fill: $color->{sprite}; }
        .crumbs { fill:none; $crumbstyle }
        .mazebg { fill:$color->{mazebg}; stroke:none; }
        text { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10px; }
        .sign text {  fill:#fff;text-anchor:middle; font-weight:bold; }
        .exit rect {  fill:red; stroke:none; }
        .entry rect {  fill:green; stroke:none; }
      <circle id="savemark" r="3" fill="#6f6" stroke="none"/>
    <rect id="mazebg" class="mazebg" x="$offsetx" y="$offsety" width="100%" height="100%"/>

    <polyline id="crumb" class="crumbs" stroke="$color->{crumb}" points="$xcrumb,$ycrumb"/>
    <use id="me" x="$xme" y="$yme" xlink:href="#sprite" visibility="hidden"/>

    <g transform="translate($xenter,$yenter)" class="entry sign">
      <rect x="-16" y="-8" width="35" height="16" rx="3" ry="3"/>
      <text x="2" y="4">Entry</text>
    <g transform="translate($xexit,$yexit)" class="exit sign">
      <rect x="-16" y="-8" width="32" height="16" rx="3" ry="3"/>
      <text x="0" y="4">Exit</text>

        my ($cx,$cy) = (($self->{width}+PANEL_WIDTH)/2, (35+$panelheight/2));
        $output .= $self->build_control_panel( 0, $panelheight );
        $output .= <<"EOM";
  <text id="solvedmsg" x="$cx" y="$cy" visibility="hidden">Solved!</text>
    return $output . "</svg>\n";

=head2 $m->toString()

Alias for C<to_string> to deal with inconsistent name from earlier versions.


sub toString { return $_[0]->to_string(); }

=head2 $m->make_board_array( $rows )

Build a two-dimensional array of integers that maps the board from
the two dimensional matrix of wall descriptions.


sub make_board_array
    my $self = shift;
    my $rows = shift;
    my @board = ();

    foreach my $row (@{$rows})
        push @board, [ map { $_ ? 1 : 0 } @{$row} ];

    return \@board;

=head2 $m->get_script_list()

Returns a list of script URLs that will be needed by the interactive


sub get_script_list
    my $self = shift;
    my @scripts = (

    return @scripts;

=head2 $m->build_all_script()

Generate the full set of script sections for the maze.


sub build_all_script
    my $self = shift;

    my $script = q{};

    foreach my $url ($self->get_script_list())
        $script .= qq{    <script type="text/ecmascript" xlink:href="$url"/>\n};

    $script .= <<"EOS";
    <script type="text/ecmascript">
      function push( evt )
          var btn = evt.currentTarget;
          btn.setAttributeNS( null, "opacity", "0.5" );
      function release( evt )
          var btn = evt.currentTarget;
          var opval = btn.getAttributeNS( null, "opacity" );
          if("" != opval &amp;&amp; 1.0 != opval)
              btn.setAttributeNS( null, "opacity", '1.0' );

   return $script;

=head2 $m->build_board_element( $rows, $xp, $yp, $xe, $ye )

Create the element that describes the board.

=over 4

=item $rows

reference to an array of rows.

=item $xp, $yp

Starting position

=item $xe, $ye

Ending position



sub build_board_element
    my $self = shift;
    my $rows = shift;
    my ($xp, $yp, $xe, $ye) = @_;

    my $tilex = $self->dx();
    my $tiley = $self->dy();

    my $board = $self->make_board_array( $rows );

    my $elem .= qq{    <maze:board start="$xp,$yp" end="$xe,$ye" tile="$tilex,$tiley">\n};
    foreach my $row (@{$board})
        $elem .= qq{      } . join( q{}, @{$row} ) ."\n";
    $elem .= <<'EOS';

   return $elem;

=head2 $m->build_control_panel( $startx, $height )

Create the displayable control panel

=over 4

=item $startx

the starting x coordinate for the panel

=item $height

the height of the maze



sub build_control_panel
    my $self = shift;
    my $startx = shift;
    my $height = shift;
    my $panelwidth = PANEL_WIDTH;

    my $offset = 20;
    my $output .= <<"EOB";
  <g id="control_panel" transform="translate($startx,0)">
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="$panelwidth" height="$height"
    $output .= _create_text_button( 'restart', $offset, 20, 50, 20, 'Begin' );
    $output .= _create_text_button(
        'save_position', $offset+60, 20, 50, 20, 'Save'
    $output .= _create_text_button(
        'restore_position', $offset+120, 20, 50, 20, 'Back'
    $output .= <<"EOB";

    <g transform="translate(20,65)">
      <rect x="-2" y="-2" rx="25" ry="25" width="68" height="68"
          fill="none" stroke-width="0.5" stroke="black"/>
      <text x="34" y="-5" class="ctrllabel">Move View</text>
    $output .= _create_view_button( 'maze_up',    22,  0, '10,5 5,15 15,15' );
    $output .= _create_view_button( 'maze_left',   0, 22, '5,10 15,5 15,15' );
    $output .= _create_view_button( 'maze_right', 44, 22, '15,10 5,5 5,15' );
    $output .= _create_view_button( 'maze_down',  22, 44, '10,15 5,5 15,5' );
    $output .= _create_view_button( 'maze_reset', 22, 22, '7,7 7,13 13,13 13,7' );

=begin COMMENT

    $output .= <<"EOB";
    <g transform="translate(110, 50)">
      <rect width="82" height="82" x="-1" y="-1" fill="gray" stroke-width="1" stroke="black"/>
    $output .= $self->_create_thumbnail();


    $output .= <<"EOB";

    <g class="instruct" transform="translate($offset,165)">
      <text x="0" y="0">Click Begin button to start</text>
      <text x="0" y="30">Use the arrow keys to move the sprite</text>
      <text x="0" y="50">Hold the shift to move quickly.</text>
      <text x="0" y="70">The mouse must remain over the</text>
      <text x="0" y="90">maze for the keys to work.</text>
      <text x="0" y="120">Use arrow buttons to shift the maze</text>
      <text x="0" y="140">Center button centers view on sprite</text>
      <text x="0" y="160">Save button saves current position</text>
      <text x="0" y="180">Back button restores last position</text>

    return $output;

=begin COMMENT

# _create_thumbnail
# Create the thumbnail image used to show the player where they are on the
# larger field.
sub _create_thumbnail
    my $self = shift;
    my ($x, $y, $wid, $ht) = (0,0,80,80);

    if($self->{width} > $self->{height})
        $ht = int(80 * $self->{height} / $self->{width});
        $y = (80 - $ht) / 2;
        $wid = int(80 * $self->{width} / $self->{height});
        $x = (80 - $wid) / 2;
    qq{      <rect x="$x" y="$y" width="$wid" height="$ht" class="mazebg"/>\n};


# _create_text_button
#  $function - function name to call
#  $x - x-coordinate of the button
#  $y - y-coordinate of the button
#  $width - width of the button
#  $height - height of the button
#  $text - text to be displayed on the button

sub _create_text_button
    my $fn = shift;
    my $x = shift;
    my $y = shift;
    my $width = shift;
    my $height = shift;
    my $text = shift;

    my $tx = $width/2;
    my $ty = $height/2 + 5;

    my $output = <<"EOF";

    <g onclick="$fn()" transform="translate($x,$y)" class="button"
       onmousedown="push(evt)" onmouseup="release(evt)" onmouseout="release(evt)">
      <rect x="0" y="0" width="$width" height="$height" rx="5" ry="5"/>
      <text x="$tx" y="$ty">$text</text>

    return $output;

# _create_view_button
#  $function - function name to call
#  $x - x-coordinate of the button
#  $y - y-coordinate of the button
#  $icon - list of points for the icon

sub _create_view_button
    my $fn = shift;
    my $x = shift;
    my $y = shift;
    my $icon = shift;

    my $output = <<"EOF";

      <g onclick="$fn()" transform="translate($x,$y)" class="button"
         onmousedown="push(evt)" onmouseup="release(evt)" onmouseout="release(evt)">
        <rect x="0" y="0" width="20" height="20" rx="5" ry="5"/>
        <polygon points="$icon"/>

    return $output;

=head2 $m->create_sprite()

Create the sprite definition for inclusion in the SVG.


sub  create_sprite
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dx2, $dy2) = ($self->dx()/2, $self->dy()/2);

    return qq|      | .
    qq|<path id="sprite" d="M0,0 Q$dx2,$dy2 0,@{[$self->dy()]} Q$dx2,$dy2 @{[$self->dx()]},@{[$self->dy()]} Q$dx2,$dy2 @{[$self->dx()]},0 Q$dx2,$dy2 0,0"/>|;

# Generates just the maze portion of the SVG.
# $dx - The size of the tiles in the X direction.
# $dy - The size of the tiles in the Y direction.
# $rows - Reference to an array of row data.
# returns a string containing the SVG for the maze description.
sub  _just_maze
    my $self = shift;
    my $dx   = $self->dx();
    my $dy   = $self->dy();
    my $rows = shift;

    my $output = q{};
    my ($maxx,$y) = (0,0);

    foreach my $r (@{$rows})
        my $x = 0;
        foreach my $c (@{$r})
            $output .= qq{    <use x="$x" y="$y" xlink:href="#$c"/>\n}
                if $c and $c ne q{$};
            $x += $dx;
        $y += $dy;
        $maxx = $x if $maxx < $x;

    $self->{width} = $maxx;
    $self->{height} = $y;
    $self->{mazeout} = $output;

    return $self;

=head2 $m->dx()

Returns the delta X value for building this maze.


sub dx
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{dx};

=head2 $m->dy()

Returns the delta Y value for building this maze.


sub dy
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{dy};

=head1 AUTHOR

G. Wade Johnson, C<< <> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.


Thanks go to Valen Johnson and Jason Wood for extensive test play of the


Copyright 2004-2013 G. Wade Johnson, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

