require 5.005;                          # to compile BibTeX.xs (I think)
use strict;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use File::Basename;

# $Id: Makefile.PL,v 1.17 2000/12/23 03:55:10 greg Exp $

# NB. btparse 0.33 hasn't actually been released as I write this
# (ie. as Text::BibTeX 0.33 is going out the door), but I anticipate
# that it will be -- so this list is ready for it!
my @btparse_versions = qw(0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33);

# Searches the specified @$search_dirs for either release directories or
# archive files of any of the btparse versions listed in @$versions;
# returns the name of whatever it finds (a single string, might be either a
# directory or file name).
sub find_btparse
   my ($versions, $search_dirs) = @_;

   # We'll look for things in reverse order by version, so be sure
   # we have a version list sorted that way.
   my @versions = sort { $b <=> $a } @$versions;

   sub latest_file
      my @files = @_;
      my %mtime = map (($_ => (stat $_)[9]), @files);
      return (sort { $mtime{$a} <=> $mtime{$b} } @files)[-1];

   my ($dir, @archive_files, @release_dirs);
   local *DIR;
   for my $dir (@$search_dirs)
      opendir (DIR, $dir) || die "Couldn't open $dir: $!\n";
      my @all_files = map ("$dir/$_", readdir (DIR));
      closedir (DIR);

      for my $version (@versions)
         my $release = "btparse-$version";
         @release_dirs = grep (-d && m+/$release$+, @all_files);
         @archive_files = grep (-f && m+/$release\.(tar(\.(g?z|Z))|tgz|zip)$+,
         last DIR if @release_dirs || @archive_files;

   my $extra_versions = join (", ", @versions[1..$#versions]);
   my $wanted_dirs = "btparse-$versions[0]";
   $wanted_dirs .= " or $extra_versions" if $extra_versions;

   $search_dirs = join (" ", @$search_dirs);

   # If no release directories were found, try looking for archive files.

   if (@release_dirs == 0)
      # If no archive files were found, we failed -- crash 
      if (@archive_files == 0)                  # found nothing applicable
         warn <<MSG;
I couldn't find an acceptable version of btparse nearby, either
as a release directory ($wanted_dirs)
or archive file.  I'll try to download it from CPAN now.


         return download_btparse (\@versions);

      # Multiple archive files found -- warn and pick the latest one
      # (according to file mtime)
      elsif (@archive_files > 1)
         my $file = latest_file (@archive_files);
         warn <<WARN;
Found multiple archive files in @$search_dirs
-- using $file because it\'s the latest
         return $file;

      # Good, exactly one archive file found -- return it
         return $archive_files[0];

   # Multiple directories found -- warn and pick the latest one
   elsif (@release_dirs > 1)
      my $dir = latest_file (@release_dirs);
      warn <<WARN;
Found multiple release directories
-- using $dir because it\'s the latest
      return $dir;

   # Exactly one directory found -- return it
      return $release_dirs[0];
}  # find_btparse()

sub download_http
   my ($trials) = @_;

   eval { require LWP::Simple; require HTTP::Status; };
   if ($@)
      die <<MSG . "  " . join ("  \n", map ($_->[1], @$trials)) . "\n";
I couldn't load the LWP::Simple and HTTP::Status modules, so I can't
download btparse.  I would have tried to download it from:

   my ($trial, $last_error, @urls_tried);
   foreach $trial (@$trials)
      my ($filename, $url, $save_to) = @$trial;

      print "Trying to download btparse from $url...\n";
      my $response = LWP::Simple::getstore ($url, $save_to);
      if (LWP::Simple::is_success ($response))
         return $save_to;
         $last_error = sprintf ("%d: %s",
                                HTTP::Status::status_message ($response));
         print "warning: download failed ($last_error), trying another one\n";
         push (@urls_tried, $url);
   # only get here if all failed
   my $msg = "I tried to download btparse from the following URLs:\n  ";
   $msg .= join ("  \n", @urls_tried);
   $msg .= <<MSG;
but they all failed.  The last HTTP response was:
   die $msg;

sub download_ftp
   my ($trials) = @_;

   my ($trial, $last_error, @urls_tried);
   foreach $trial (@$trials)
      my ($filename, $url, $save_to) = @$trial;
      my ($host, $dir, $check_filename) =
         ($url =~ m|^ftp://([^/]+)(/.*)/([^/]+)|);
      die "this should not happen: '$filename' ne '$check_filename'\n"
         if $filename ne $check_filename;

      eval { require Net::FTP; };
      if ($@)
         die <<MSG . "  " . join ("  \n", map ($_->[1], @$trials)) . "\n";
I couldn't load the Net::FTP module, so I can't download
btparse.  I would have tried to download it from:

         print "Connecting to $host...\n";
         my $ftp = Net::FTP->new ($host) or die "$@\n";
         $ftp->login or die "login failed\n";
         $ftp->binary or die "couldn't set binary mode\n";
         $ftp->cwd ($dir) or die "couldn't chdir to $dir\n";
         #$ftp->cwd ($cpan_dir) or die "couldn't chdir to $cpan_dir\n";

         print "Downloading $dir/$filename...\n";
         $ftp->get ($filename, $save_to)
            or die "download failed (file not there?)\n";

      if ($@)                           # oh dear, we blew up
         $last_error = $@;
         chop $last_error;
         print "warning: download failed ($last_error), trying another one\n";
         push (@urls_tried, $url);
      else                              # success!
         return $save_to;

   # if we get here, all attempts failed

   my $msg = "I tried to download btparse from the following URLs:\n  ";
   $msg .= join ("  \n", @urls_tried);
   $msg .= <<MSG;
but they all failed.  The last error message was:
   die $msg;
}  # download_ftp ()

sub download_btparse
   my ($versions) = @_;

   # Try to find a preferred CPAN mirror from the config.
   my $cpan_url;
   eval { require CPAN::Config; $cpan_url = $CPAN::Config->{'urllist'}[0]; };
   if ($@ || !$cpan_url)
      $cpan_url = '';
      print "CPAN module not fully configured -- " .
            "using default CPAN site at $cpan_url\n";
      $cpan_url .= '/' unless substr($cpan_url,-1,1) eq '/';
      print "Using your preferred CPAN mirror at $cpan_url\n";

   # build list of [base-filename, whole-url, where-to-save-it] lists
   my $cpan_dir = 'modules/by-authors/id/GWARD/';
   my @download_trials = ();
   my ($ver, $archive_file);
   foreach $ver (@$versions)
      $archive_file = "btparse-${ver}.tar.gz";
      push (@download_trials, [$archive_file,
                            $cpan_url . $cpan_dir . $archive_file,

   my $saved_archive;
      if ($cpan_url =~ /^http:/)
         $saved_archive = download_http (\@download_trials);
      elsif ($cpan_url =~ m|^ftp://|)
         $saved_archive = download_ftp (\@download_trials);
         die <<MSG;
I can't download btparse, because I don't know how to deal with the URL

   if ($@)
      die $@ . <<MSG if $@;

You\'ll have to download it yourself and put it in the current
directory or its parent.

   if ($saved_archive)
      print "Successfully downloaded btparse to $saved_archive\n";
      return $saved_archive;

   die "this should not happen: can't get here!\n";

}  # download_btparse()

# Takes the directory or filename returned by 'find_btparse()' and
# ensures that it is unpacked and ready to build.
sub unpack_btparse
   my ($versions, $search_dirs) = @_;

   if (-d "btparse")
      print "btparse already unpacked to 'btparse' -- " .
            "no further detective work needed\n";

   my $btparse_release = find_btparse ($versions, $search_dirs);
   print "Found btparse release in $btparse_release\n";

   if (-f $btparse_release)
      $| = 1;
      my $cmd;
      if ($btparse_release =~ /\.tar\.(g?z|Z)$/)
         { $cmd = "gzip -dc $btparse_release | tar xf -"; }
      elsif ($btparse_release =~ /\.tar$/)
         { $cmd = "tar xf $btparse_release"; }
      elsif ($btparse_release =~ /\.zip$/)
         { $cmd = "unzip -d $btparse_release"; }
      print "Unpacking $btparse_release: $cmd\n";
      system $cmd;
      die "unpacking failed\n" if $?;

      # strip off directory and extension(s) -- this should just give
      # us the name of the directory we just unpacked to
      $btparse_release = fileparse ($btparse_release, '\.tar.*', '\.zip');
      if (! -d $btparse_release)
         die <<ERR
Directory "$btparse_release" doesn't exist, but it should have
been created when we unpacked the archive file.

   print "Creating symlink: btparse -> $btparse_release\n";
   symlink ($btparse_release, "btparse")
      || die "symlink failed: $!\n";

}  # unpack_btparse ()

sub configure_btparse
   my ($dir) = @_;

   chdir $dir or die "couldn't chdir to $dir: $!\n";
   unless (-f "config.status" && -f "config.cache" &&
           -M "config.status" < -M "configure" &&
           -M "config.cache" < -M "configure")
      print "btparse distribution in '$dir' is not configured; doing so now:\n";
      my @cmd = ('sh', './configure');
      print "@cmd\n";
      system @cmd;
      die "configure failed\n" unless $? == 0;


   chdir ".." or die "couldn't chdir to ..: $!\n";
   print "btparse distribution in '$dir' is configured and ready to build\n";

# -- BEGIN main --------------------------------------------------------

# This stuff is arranged so that I do not need to keep a complete copy of
# the btparse distribution around for the development copy of Text::BibTeX,
# but can still have Makefile.PL take care of unpacking btparse for
# building anywhere else.

unpack_btparse (\@btparse_versions, ['.', '..']);

my @support_files = ('btxs_support$(OBJ_EXT)');

# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
WriteMakefile (
    'NAME'	=> 'Text::BibTeX',
    'VERSION'   => '0.34',
    'XSPROTOARG' => '-prototypes',
    'LIBS'	=> [''],   # e.g., '-lm' 
    'DEFINE'	=> '',     # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING' 
    'INC'	=> '-Ibtparse/src',
    'MYEXTLIB'  => 'btparse/libbtparse$(LIB_EXT)',
    'OBJECT'    => 'BibTeX$(OBJ_EXT) ' . join (' ', @support_files),
    'dynamic_lib' => { INST_DYNAMIC_DEP => join (' ', @support_files) },
    'dist'      => { COMPRESS => "gzip", SUFFIX => "gz" }

configure_btparse ('btparse');

# -- END main ----------------------------------------------------------

# -- Overrides ---------------------------------------------------------
package MY;

sub dist
   local $_ = shift->SUPER::dist;
   s/CI \s* = \s* .*/CI = true/mx;
   s/-Nv/-sRel -N\$(NAME_SYM)_v/m;
   return $_;

sub postamble
	cd btparse && $(MAKE)

sub manifypods
   local $_ = shift->SUPER::manifypods (@_);
   return $_;